CM Punk finally breaks his silence.

I haven't listened to this yet, but I will tonight. But first some thoughts pre-listen.

Good on Punk for leaving something he's no longer happy with. But, let's be honest here, he just walked out. If you worked at WalMart you couldn't just decide to not show up, continue to get paid, and then maybe come back later and have them apologize to you. You work for a company and have to abide by their policies and rules. Sure they may be shitty. But you can't expect just leaving is going to win them over. You do what they say. If you don't like it, you can quit. You can't be like "well yeah I was being very difficult to work with and then I decided I would just walk out" and expect them to not fire you. You also can't be under contract with a company and when one of the top execs calls you say "sorry I'm busy with other work. I'll call you later." The only reason they didn't fire him sooner if because he brought in money and they wanted to see if they could get him back. That's it.

Punk also talks about how happy he is now and all the stuff he's doing. But, if he didn't have millions in the bank or the exposure that WWE offered him, would he being doing any of this stuff? If he hadn't been a WWE superstar would be he writing a Thor comic for Marvel? Would be be in national media. Would he be doing stuff with Nerdist? Probably not.

Don't get me wrong. I applaud him for leaving a situation he didn't like. If I were in the same situation, maybe I would have done it the same way. But you have to take some of this with a grain of salt.

I get your point but at Walmart you aren't an independent Contractor. Wwe makes their wrestlers independent contractors to get out of a lot things. So, he's an independent contractor and if you listen to it the main reason he walked out at rumble was because of his health. Independent contractor. So then he said a few weeks later he got a letter from vince saying because he is breaching their Contract he is now suspended for I think it was 2 months. And then after they gave him the run around with a royalty cheque they owed him, they fire him on his wedding day.

It's really hard not to side with punk after hearing his side.he goes into a lot detail with all these issues. The podcast was gold.
To be fair, they fired him because he essentially quit.

I think the whole reason for making the point clear that they fired him is to answer critics who throw the term "quitter" around because it gives them a shot of dopamine for even feeling like they've one-upped a celebrity. I agree that Punk had essentially quit by the time he was given his walking papers by the WWE, but the simple fact is that Punk no longer works for the WWE because he was fired and not because he formally resigned from his job. It's like if some idiot is shouting "PAKI!" at an Inuit, their intent is to insult but it would be a little nicer if they at least knew what in the hell they were talking about.
I think a lot of the marks will continue to chant his name once they read the transcript or watch the podcast. After all, Punk's only confirming, from his perspective at least, what some fans have thought since the very moment they heard about Punk leaving: it's ALL WWE's fault. As far as his career goes, personally, I also see nothing for the guy to complain about. I believe he's most upset because he was never booked as THE guy because he believed he was the best wrestler on the roster. I can understand that and he definitely had a genuine claim to being the best on the roster. At the same time, however, it's pretty obvious from that podcast that Punk's a pretty big mark for himself, in which case it's also not surprising that he felt he should be the top buy. Like I've said though, IF reports are accurate that all Punk did was constantly bitch about everything, nothing ever being good enough, was difficult to work with, didn't have the work ethic and wasn't particularly loyal, then it's no surprise he didn't get a Cena level push. If all that's true, I mean, why the hell would they ultimately let him have Cena's spot?

I've read some of those "reports" too, and being a self proclaimed Punk mark I probably categorize them as something I don't give a fuck about if they lean too far into criticising his attitude in a negative way. Personally, I don't know if Punk deserved the top spot even though I sure as hell enjoyed seeing him there when he was. I don't know that being an asshole in that kind of profession should help or hinder your potential for the top spot. I think that Punk believed that he deserved Cena's spot because he was (from his perspective) famous enough to have that spot. Maybe he was an asshole and was too ignorant to recognize how that hurt his potential, but I think his reasoning for feeling that he deserved to be number one on tv was made clear.

Punk's interview was interesting but in the grand scheme of things, it follows the same formula as every other shoot interview I've seen or read about. He paints himself in a heroic or positive light while painting wrestlers he has animosity towards or the company itself as being in the wrong. As I said, standard shoot promo formula. Even if WWE gave its side, there's ultimately no way to know who's being truthful, or at least which side is being the most truthful, because both sides are gonna try to make themselves look like the "good guy" in the whole thing.

I don't think the cliche' nature of the interview was lost on Punk, if that's what you're trying to say. Obviously he ended up giving a one-sided perspective on his feelings toward HHH and the WWE. I'm pretty sure that early on in the interview he elaborated on the fact that he was doing the podcast only so that there wouldn't be so much confusion regarding what he had to say on the matter. I'm always reading crazy shit that, while everyone else knew of it for months, I have to regard as just more desperate internet hoopla. It's a fair criticism to say that Punk let it become the ego-trip that he might not have meant it to be, but I feel that going online and saying anything at all was a huge service to his fans and critics.

With Vince being on Stone Cold's podcast this Monday, I'd LOVE for him to give his side of things on this issue. However, there's no way of knowing whether or not he will unless we tune in, which I intend to do.

Personally, I have more trust for what's said during an interview that doesn't have the potential to effect the stock portfolio of those who are participating. I don't think Vince even knows who he is anymore, I'll only listen to possibly prove my own criticisms wrong. I fully expect Vince to give political double-talk and constantly harp on "business" this and "entertainment" that.

Just want to say, I think the internet would be a less annoying place if more people thought the same way as you.
You WILL hear Vince's side on Monday with Austin... that's WHY they've dropped this now to "steal the thunder" a little bit and ensure Punk's version gets out first... I'd put money that this was recorded a month or two ago and someone at WWE got wind Punk was preparing to talk, so they jobbed AJ out and set up the Vince/Austin thing to try to be first... they didn't know it was already recorded and could be dropped in a couple of days with the promise of a follow up "next week"... VERY smart business from Colt Cabana and Punk... you don't have to pay $9.99 to hear Punk's side and now inevitably his retort to Vince... but to hear Vince's side you have to pay... immediately Vince loses that battle.

Funny how this is all coming out with Wrestlemania season right around the corner.

It is pro wrestling afterall... Just sayin!

Could be the next big angle since nWo and Austin/ Vince....JUST SAYIN..
Am getting ready to watch it and maybe will say few words after but from highlights and all that is said here

We need to look circumstancess that followed his quiting. Eversince Summerslam and Brock, he had to play second feedle and face Ryback and Curtis Axel in his feud with Heyman. After that he got feud with Wyatt family and The Shield and then Rumble comed. There we saw Danyel Bryan lost to freakin Bray Wyatt and Batista out of all people winning Rumble match. In that time he was expected to face HHH at Wrestlemania, Orton- Batista to be title match and Bryan to probablly face Sheamus or someone like that. In circumstancess like that ofcourse he was unhappy with overall status and his own status in WWE.

Other thing is, he and every other WWE employees are not a slaves. If he was bumped, tired or anything(as many of people noticed he was pretty unhappy and it showed on quality of his in-ring worg) he could ask for a time off or just quit. We can discuss about how he did it but it was his right as employee. If he was unhappy it was his God given right to quit to find hapiness somewhere else. As I said, we can discuss way he did it but he isnt slave and has his free will.

Dont think no one here is suprised how WWE treats their employees that arent HHH, Cena, Orton and few others. We all could see it and hear it from varius reports and books from previous employees. Punk wasnt "mega star" there to demand "star treatment". Heck, dont think even Cena could just demand anything and just walk out of WWE if they dont request him that. Plus he was known as constant "nagger" so its not like he wouldnt be nagging even if they give him what he wants. Plus, as I said, he wasnt mega star there even if he thought he was. You can consider yourself best in your company and even maybe be best, but it doesnt mean squat if your bosses dont perceive you in that way. So can even understand WWE in some way and their reasoning, eventhough from this point of view seems very wrong and they lost good employee because of it.

Lastly, eventhough it seems he still is mad about mistreating, it shows that he is happy. He still has lots of money and doesnt need to work, has nice marridge and can do whatever he wants. So ultimatlly, in perspective of CM Punk, he has moved on and he is happy. And WWE didnt cease to exist after him and they moved on. So evethough both sides are pissed at eachother, in some way both sides are happier. Just like after though relationship break up, life always goes on. :)

And now if you excuse me, will go to watch that podcast to see what he said in his own words. :)
Finally heard the podcast. CM Punk does sound bitter but also content with where he is now in his life. I don't want to believe one way or the other about what should've happened and how he should've handled it. He does come across as a self-righteous prick at times.

Having said that, this interview does show a lot of what goes behind in WWE. The way he had to work through his injuries didn't sound all that good. I am very sure a lot of other wrestlers do that as well. As far as payments go, why shouldn't be it about money? Whether you want to admit it or not, Punk was part o the main event scene during that time. He had come off a 434 day WWE title reign, had wrestled Rock, Cena and Undertaker at that time, and put all of them over. When you go through all this, would you not want to get paid equal to them? If I am working on a project with someone in equal capacity, wouldn't I want the same amount of compensation? Money may not be everything but no one can deny its importance.

I also felt that his gripe about his booking was in its place. He put over Rock, put over Undertaker, put over Brock. His matches against Undertaker and Brock were one of the best if not the best matches of the night. After all that, he gets into a midcard feud with Ryback. It showed clear non-direction of his character at that time. While some might think that he has this massive ego, which I am pretty sure he has, he does make a very good point about the triple threat main event at Mania 29. What struck me is his comment about giving the darn ball. Unless you fight the main event star, how would you be taken seriously as a main event star?

As a fan, I'll always remain a fan of CM Punk, the wrestler. He makes a lot of valid points about the booking and direction of his character ('I am going to be there next day, they are not' regarding his losses to Rock, Taker and Brock). If he brings money into the equation, he has every right to, because eventually whatever you do for a living, if you're not getting compensated for it well enough, you'd not want to stick it out.
What more can be said that hasn't already?

The only things I would add to this discussion are my opinions as it pertains to his ego and money.

I've just read through this whole thread and I've seen it mentioned many times how he's a mark for himself, believes his own hype, thinks his value is higher than it is, etc. I don't know if the people who've made these comments are longtime wrestling fans or not, but look at ANY former main event level talent, Hogan, Austin, Rock, Hart, Michaels, Jericho, HHH, Nash, etc. etc. Read these guys books, listen to interviews with them, what do they all have in common besides being champion headliners? Their EGO is the size of a fucking planet! You have to be self-assured, confident, and to some degree even narcissistic to succeed in a business that is this cutthroat, you have to be looking out for #1 at all times, because if you don't someone will always be there waiting to stab you in the back and take your spot. You hear the part where he believed Joey Mercury may have stooged him out about visiting FCW to run the ropes? If that's true (not saying it is, just the possibility) in Punk's documentary it was reveled when Joey was on hard times Punk paid off his entire mortgage, so if Joey did that it's just an example of the kind of personalities you're dealing with in the business. The point is you really can't trust anyone, and you do have to believe you're the best, because it's been proven time and time again that if you want to succeed in this business that's how you do it.

I've also seen a bunch of people claim he contradicts himself about money, or that he shouldn't be complaining because he was a top star and a millionaire. My personal opinion is that the greatest thing about living in America is the opportunity of being able to work hard and succeed at a limitless level. Who is anyone to try and argue that he has enough money? If you even believe a fraction of what he said, then you would know he has likely done long term irreversible damage to his wellbeing. He also entertained millions of people the world over. He is not a second or third generation guy. He doesn't have a bodybuilder physique. He was a poor kid, from very humble beginnings, who worked his ass off, spoke his mind, and in one of the most difficult, political, businesses in the world, got himself to the top and felt he should be treated on the same level as anyone else there. That has nothing to do with money it has to do with principle. Same goes for the Network payoffs he kept inquiring about, these are valid questions that will shape his future, that's not money grubbing, selfish, or contradictory, it is valid. I can get by on my current salary, but if I found out a co-worker doing the exact same job was getting way more than me for the same (or less) work, I'd be mad as hell, because of the principle, not because I really need the money. But it is an added bonus, especially in a job like wrestling where you know your days days are limited? Of course. Read Jericho's second book about how he got wind that he was paid way less than HHH for their WM match and how mad he was.

There is not a doubt in my mind that Punk was not always easy to work with. I'm sure there were even times when his requests we're viewed as unreasonable (after all there is a whole roster that needs to be served, not just him), but that said, I think it is VERY easy to see, even if you only believe half of his comments, that the amount of frustration, the politics, the mental and physical exhaustion, the mounting injuries, etc. Would be enough to do in just about anybody. In fact, I'm sure with better treatment and care for wellbeing there are many wrestling deaths that could've been avoided, and if leaving WWE saved Punk from becoming one of them, or having a mental breakdown, then good for him. It is a loss to the fans for certain, but I'm happy his life is moving in a positive direction, and I hope this evokes some change in WWE.
A very interesting listen.

I've always been on the fence about Punk, don't know if I love him or hate him. But that sounded like a real honest account of what went on, apart from Vince crying, I really cannot see that happening.

It really sheds a lot of light on what Triple H is really like behind the scenes. He just couldn't let Punk get on with his hot streak in 2011. There are both pros and cons if this is the guy who is to run the company after Vince goes, but hopefully he can shed this massive ego of his and do things the right way.

Firstly, credit to Punk for calling out a programme with Taker for exactly what it is. It doesn't build you up in the slightest, even when you beat Taker he WWE have no clue how to kick on from there. Bottom line, in the space of a year, Punk lost to three different guys who had less than 10 matches that year between them. One of which wrestled only once. I can see exactly how Punk thinks that is lowering his stock in the eyes of a casual fan.

However, I did not like the apparent jab at Jericho he made at the end. Jericho said Punk doesn't speak to his friends from the WWE, which Punk confirmed to be the case. But to say that Jericho would only want him to get in touch is to record their conversation to play it on his podcast seems out of order. Well, that's how I took it anyway.

I suppose we will never know how much of what Punk said it truth or not. Personally I think most of it seemed legit.

Also, poor AJ. She is in for the burial of all burials before she leaves, if she is indeed leaving.
I just have a few questions if someone would be nice enough to answer for me...
1) did he quit or was he fired
2) why didn't he get paid the same amount of others at mania 29
3) why didn't doctor cut the thing off his back
I listened to the entire podcast and honestly, I don't blame him one bit for leaving the WWE.

1 - He was so injured, and was getting no medical support from the company. They only cared about clearing him to perform, even if they never saw him. This is way worse than the NFL, and there should be a wrestlers union that protects these guys against this. No wonder so many guys from the 80's are dead.

2 - Despite being as injured as he was, for the better part of three years on top, he still took Vince at his word and "put on a brave face" and went out and performed. He could still be counted on for every house show, European tour, TV taping or PPV, even if he just had knee, elbow or eye surgery weeks before and not being close to 100%. That's how bad he wanted to be the number one guy, and anyone who gives him shit for "quitting" should think about how much he sacrificed in order to be as burnt out as he eventually became in early 2014.

3 - He WAS that good. This is my opinion, but he WAS the best match at WM29. He WAS the best match as SS2013. He DID outsell Cena in merch in 2011 and he could have kept it going until he turned heel at VINCE's request in 2012. Think about that... the guy who doesn't allow Cena to turn heel, asked a guy outselling Cena to turn heel. Why? This is proof that if they ever wanted to walk away from "Cena's merch sales" they could, just push someone else as hard (or if they're hot, half as hard) and they will sell just as much. CM Punk 100% deserved the last match at either WM28 or 29. Probably even 30 as well if he stuck around.

If you go through everything that he did, got none of the recognition that he deserved (that others in similar spots were getting), you eventually lose passion for the job. He did. So what did he do? He stopped being miserable and became happy. I'd encourage anyone in any similar situation to do the exact same thing.
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. The WWE if Punk is to be believed are a bunch of douchebags, and while that is probably true, he knew it and worked for them for a long time before cutting out.

Vince and HHH have never struck me as being extremely sensitive to the needs of their employees but look at what their employees do for a living. In each and every situation here it's 6 of one, half dozen of the other.

I'll wait and see what Vince says on Austin's podcast on Monday. Most of it will probably be damage control, but it will be interesting to hear if he actually backs up Punk's claims.

It's like the old saying "There is one side of the story, the other side of the story. And somewhere in the middle in the truth". I think that's what we'll find out here. Not saying Punk is lying, cause he did admit he's a jerk, but he's not as fantastic as he makes himself out to be.
He went home and said fuck it...he caused the suspension and firing. What do u expect to happen when u walk off a job? U cant get mad and just leave and expect to come back. Hes delusional
I just have a few questions if someone would be nice enough to answer for me...
1) did he quit or was he fired
2) why didn't he get paid the same amount of others at mania 29
3) why didn't doctor cut the thing off his back

1. He basically quit but I guess he didn't do it formally enough because they fired him 5 months later...kind of stupid being as his contract ran out. Also didn't they say they'd call him when they wanted him back after his suspension and it just never happened. This was kind of confusing not going to lie. He made it out like he quit then said he got fired

2. This will never be truly answered but he makes it seem like they don't think he's as big a star as the other guys. Rock and Brock obviously made more because they're the part timers. Stupid but it's true. Triple H, Cena and Taker are all no doubt mega stars. Each spending time at the top longer than Punk did. But Trips has money no doubt and is married into the business so he'll be here for the rest of his life and Taker only wrestled like 3 times that year. Cena if he gets even a small fraction of merch sales makes bank.

Whether that's really why or it was something else, we'll never know. How do you explain something like that? Most people won't even mention how much money they make in WWE, yet they have to mention who made how much for one night? Good luck with that.

3. The way Punk made it out to be was that he was lazy. But there could be a huge slew of reasons why: incompetent, lazy, maybe even to get back at Punk. It could just be that the WWE didn't want Punk to take all that time off. But again, you would never get a straight answer on that question. If he says it was to be a dick, he'd get fired. If it was incompetence, he'd get fired. All roads lead to being fired in this situation.

Basically, your questions are really good and we'll never truly know the answers. But my guesses

1. He got fired
2. He wasn't paid as much because he wasn't the bigger star
3. The doctor didn't want to take Punk away for that long
Your opinion.

WWE treats wrestlers like slaves. More like circus animals.
Point of they don't give a shit about the wrestlers.
Not just wwe. But the wrestling business as a whole.
Wrestling, football and other sports are tough industry. Doesn't give them the right to treat their workers as slaves.

Newflash, he was hurt. thats why he walked out. On deaths bed

WWE always takes cheap shots at him. It wasn't plan or part of the act.
Punk didn't say nothing till now.

I agree with the fact that they are treated pretty shabbily at times, and the schedule must be hell. But they know what they are getting into, and have the choice to stay or leave, as Punk did. No one is making them stay.

And quite honestly the WWE hasn't said hardly a word about CM Punk since he left. They've been very quiet about the whole thing. Just as they are about most other wrestlers that leave. It's almost out of sight, out of mind.

One thing that does bother me though is if it's true, the overkill on the WWE's behalf after he left. Punk made it pretty clear in the interview that he was leaving and yet they suspended him until the day after Wrestlemania. Then they fired him on his wedding day. Now he had already said he wouldn't be back, so why the suspension and the firing, that was something that didn't need to happen, and just makes the whole organization look like a bunch of vindictive pricks.

Add that to the fact the didn't put him in the Alumi section until after the date his contract was up. Why not put him into the Alumi section after they fired him? They've put others in that section right away after releasing them, but they waited with Punk. So either it's not true, or they didn't want anyone to know they had done it. Either way the WWE looks like shit.
I come from the perspective of touring in signed bands dozens of times and playing sometimes for a cheeseburger/sleeping in a cramped van in a parking lot and several hundred dollars/a nice hotel. It's about enjoying your life and he wanted to get past wrestling, he was burnt out. His personality is that he wants to enjoy life and not be a corporate race horse... he earned his money and was honest. Respect to Punk.
I new this would be a hot topic, but damn, how could it not be so big?

Cm Punk really said everything there is to know. Why he left, how he personally was treated and how WWE handles business. It definitely seems like an awful workplace. If a guy like Cm Punk, who was the top guy for some time and made them so much money, is getting turned down so harshly so many times, imagine what peple like Ambrose, Wyatt, Rollins etc have to go through. It is all just about money now. Not entertaining the people, not showing support to pro wrestling, not caring about their employees, nothing. Pure money making by any means necessary.

Most people are afraid to stand up to Vince, because they are afraid of their jobs. They want more money. Punk saw right through. He was in a good place, financially-wise and he knew his worth in and out of the business. He did the best for him; he walked. And for damn good reasons. Health should prioritize over everything. Fans, fame, money, anything. Punk was turned down on medical procedures, that apparently could be turned fatal, for the sake of the job. Then again, WWE still only cared about money, money made through their golden boy.Every idea would be given to Cena, every main event to him, all charity would be having his name and no one else's in it and so on and on and on. It's all public relations, politics. Punk saw right through it and rightfully left. If anything, I applaude the guy for withstanding that shit for so long.

Having to lose to the Rock, then lose to Taker, then lose to Lesnar, while losing to Cena in the middle of all that, and for what? The guy asked for a main event spot at WM for god sake. And he proved he was worth it. He was the main event at Mania 29. Vince reportedly "owed" Punk 3 times. Lies. Punk should main event, yet the best they could offer him is HHH, so that HHH can get that spotlight, YET AGAIN. Stupid.

And of course, as he said, the great things happen after he left. This company just fell too low in my eyes. Firing the guy on his wedding day?! I didn't pull shit like this on my high-school years to get back to my ex cheating. Stay classy. But it might have hurt them a lot, with Punk walking. They only realized after Punk was gone of how bad they were getting, and it hurt them. They wanted to get back at him.

Punk is in a good place though, and that's all that matters for him. He found new venues in his life that make him happy. WWE managed to make him despise the thing he loved most in his life. Heyman was right, Punk had to endure shit ever since WM29.

But Punk has his wife, his millions, his hobbies and most importantly, he is healthy, seemingly. I wanna see him perform in that ring, cut a promo, anything, but after what he said and how hard it is, I really hope he just stays away and do what makes him happy. If anything, I don't want him to appear on WWE TV, that's for sure.
He is the last one laughing, he can more than comfortably enjoy his hobbies and business ventures for life. That isn't being a "quitter" or "quieter".
Actually if he worked at Walmart he'd have more protection, that's kind of his point.

If he showed up unfit to work with a potential staph infection, blown out knees, concussion etc... Walmart would be OBLIGED to send you home or face legal ramifications if your condition worsened, they may have health coverage they HAVE to refer you to or at the minimum allow you your vacation.

As an "independent contractor" the "talent" don't get the same protections as employees, look at the ridiculous ADR/Barbierri situation... one was covered by HR, one wasn't.... sure both got fired eventually, but the "staffer" got the better rub, the "talent" had to sue to get what was right...

This is WWE's biggest issue right now, it's an ugly one that more and more people they don't want looking at it are looking at... Vince is bricking it that SAG get involved as in reality his talent are actors and all their competition must be SAG registered for other shows like Gotham etc... only a matter of time till they say "Well if you're not sports, and really acting...sign up or we take you off the air..."

Yeah, the potential for the Screen Actor's Guild doing something drastic could be the big bombshell hanging over the WWE's head right now (that and a potential SEC investigation). I suspect things could get a hell of a lot more interesting here soon in the WWE in real life than anything going on on the shows.
Worked as a manager at a Walmart a couple years and people hid injuries like cuts, falling down etc. to avoid getting drug tested normally.
I find it hilarious that about most of us at least for the most part feel bad for punk and then I go on Twitter notice people like the crew of chair shot reality bashing punk more calling him a liar, someone who will never be remembered, never a top guy or top draw because he didn't deserve it, making up the injuries.... What I desperately want to know is aj's opinion about all this... How did she feel when they fired him on their wedding day..
I find it hilarious that about most of us at least for the most part feel bad for punk and then I go on Twitter notice people like the crew of chair shot reality bashing punk more calling him a liar, someone who will never be remembered, never a top guy or top draw because he didn't deserve it, making up the injuries.... What I desperately want to know is aj's opinion about all this... How did she feel when they fired him on their wedding day..

Punks contract was up mid June and this was common knowledge. Triple H text him on June 11th asking to talk and was blown off by Punk. There is nothing to say Triple H called him up to fire him, he may have called up to try and negotiate a new deal, build bridges, talk about the future but he was blown off so probably took it as an insult and decided to cut all ties. If Punk had of spoken to him then, he could have gotten fired before his wedding day but just so happens his marching papers arrived on his wedding day.

Punk has grievances, I can understand them but WWE were within their right to fire/not renew his contract given he had not shown up to work for 5 months. Punk moaned he was an independent contractor and could quit at any time he wanted (he walked out) so WWE can fire his skinny fat ass whenever they wanted!!!
He called ryback a steroid guy...ryback hasn't failed a test.

Ive called wrestlers out for steroids on these boards and got called this that and the other for saying the wellness policy is in place and blah blah blah. But punk says ryback is on juice and no mention of the wellness policy. Of course cm punk is right about the steroids for ryback.
Punk not taking his test is shady. Just piss and stfu. If he had all those injuries like he said he mustve been on pain meds and relaxers.
Punks contract was up mid June and this was common knowledge. Triple H text him on June 11th asking to talk and was blown off by Punk. There is nothing to say Triple H called him up to fire him, he may have called up to try and negotiate a new deal, build bridges, talk about the future but he was blown off so probably took it as an insult and decided to cut all ties. If Punk had of spoken to him then, he could have gotten fired before his wedding day but just so happens his marching papers arrived on his wedding day.

They don't call him up after months to 'talk' with intentions of fixing things and bringing him back... only to do a 180 and fire him just because he didn't answer a single phone call.

At least I would seriously hope their not that irrational. Hearing some of what Punk had to say about how things operate, maybe they are?
I find it hilarious that about most of us at least for the most part feel bad for punk and then I go on Twitter notice people like the crew of chair shot reality bashing punk more calling him a liar, someone who will never be remembered, never a top guy or top draw because he didn't deserve it, making up the injuries.... What I desperately want to know is aj's opinion about all this... How did she feel when they fired him on their wedding day..

From what he said, and that is all we can really go on until the time comes that AJ isn't working for the WWE and can speak about it... is that she was very upset that he got fired on their wedding day.

And those chairshots guys? As a rule, I try not to pay too much attention to them on the main site because... well why would I? But I read some of what they've been tweeting after you mentioned that, and holy shit those guys are idiots. They're coming across as guys that are desperately hoping that one day the WWE will throw them all a bone.
Another thing from the podcast that struck me was the make-a-wish thing. I know Cena does a lot of those, but others must be doing them as well. How would you know how many wishes does an Orton or Bryan grant? Punk talked about being promoted and that comes down to perspective. An Orton or Ambrose or Rollins would never make those charity headlines because their WWE characters are different. That's another thing to it.

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