CM Punk finally breaks his silence.

I haven't checked out the podcast quite yet, hopefully I'll get a chance to do so later today after work (it's not Turkey Day up here in Canada, we had our Thanksgiving last month). But based upon the excerpts I have read and the comments here on the forums, nothing has really changed my opinion on the whole scenario.

If we take everything at face value (bearing in mind there are two sides to every story), he probably does have some justification to be pissed off and burned out mentally and physically. A lot of what he says would piss me off too if I were standing in his shoes. However, at the end of the day, I don't think it was appropriate and correct for him to walk away from his contract, which was going to be expiring in six months or so anyway. He should have informed the brass that he was unsatisfied and if things didn't change between then and the end of his contract, had would be leaving the company and not renewing a new deal. A contract is a commitment between both parties, yet he failed to honour his part of the deal. I'm sure he was well paid for his services while in WWE. Sure, money isn't everything, but that doesn't change the fact that he's been loving a comfortable lifestyle, financially speaking, thanks to WWE. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it damn well helps. All of these interviews, and supposed endorsements, and celebrity appearances (such as at Wrigley Field) all came his way because he was a contracted and famous WWE superstar. Regardless of his skill level, if he were toiling in obscurity in the Joe Blow Wrestling Federation, safe to say these opportunities would have been far scarcer. He reaped the benefits of being a top guy in the biggest worldwide professional wrestling company, the least he could have done was honoured his obligations back to them. Until his contract expires, and then he's free to do whatever he pleases.

He's been in the business a while. The pros and cons should have come as no surprise to him. When you sign on that dotted line, you agree to take all the pluses that come with it: the money, the fame, etc., But you have to be prepared to accept the minuses as well. Once you reach a point that you no longer want to do so, you can leave and do something else. Once your contract is up.

Athletes in pro sports do it all the time, and it pisses me off then too. They sign a 5 year 25M year contract, 5M per year. Then they have an awesome year and all of a sudden, they want more money. If you want the ability to renew your deal after 1 year, then don't sign a 5 year deal. If you have an off season, the team can't all of a sudden decide to pay him less, because there's a contract in place which has to be honoured. It should be a two way street. And same goes for Punk. If you weren't prepared to fulfill the obligations if the entire term of the contract, you shouldn't have signed it and reaped all of the benefits that came with it.

I understand Punk's frustration on many of the matters he discusses. But you shouldn't be able to bail out in your employer just because you're frustrated and unhappy. None of the rest of us regular Joes can do it, so why can he? Unless he has a feeling of entitlement and arrogance.

He covers this though... he's not an employee... but an independent contractor. This is Vince's problem, he wants to treat them AS employees for his purposes but not in the legal sense... Someone WILL challenge and win and by the sounds of it Punk very nearly was "that guy" but he is right... any WWE talent CAN walk at any time, they just can't then "walk back in" and it will cost them some dough in the short term. Look at Davey Boy Smith back in the post Montreal days, he ended up paying... not to quit, but to get rid of the no-compete. Guys who can afford to can walk any time, and if they're not planning on returning then it's not too much of an issue.

With 6 months on his deal, he was at that "now or never stage" where he had a lot less to lose money wise and would be covered by his injury had they tried to be clever and sue him... so he made the stand...just as Rey is doing.

If you're an employee of a company that is looking after it's people well and it's just you who has a beef, then you're more likely to do "the right thing". If they're fucking everyone over then you're not gonna even worry about fucking them if your health, sanity, marriage or life is at stake. He did the "decent thing" in that he didn't sue them, it's really the best Vince could hope for...if even half the stuff healthwise was true then they would be in serious breach of health and safety/duty of care allowing him to perform or pressuring him to do so.
I don't think Punk is a dishonest guy and what he had to say confirmed that belief. What he had to say also confirmed another belief I have - Punk's a huge mark for himself.

He has a lot of legitimate complaints, but overall, he was really angry that he was never going to be the #1 guy. This isn't a situation where anyone is really to blame, he just got tired of it. Apparently WWE feels the same.
Forget everything petty about this issue that Punk just revealed in this interview for a moment, and go back and listen to his comments about how creative works in WWE.

The biggest thing CM Punk revealed here is that the IWC's assumptions about WWE Creative and Vince being so stubborn and out of touch that he literally only prioritizes one to two 15 minute segments on Raw are actually the truth.

No. It's worse than that actually. Because the truth is Vince is so much worse than out of touch, he is "indifferent," to everything that isn't his established Stars. Be it age, or his well documented "non-battle" with ADHD issues, he no longer has the scope to properly run an entire show. Much less two or three.

We have all heard the rumors that Vince doesn't get it. We have all heard when Raw gets rewritten at the last minute, and at times so drastically to the point that segments get aired with no conclusion or outcome at all (don't argue this, we have seen it happen multiple times), for no other reason than Vince refuses to delegate and ask for help.

We put the Attitude era on a pedastal (sometimes way more than it deserves), but this interview with Punk confirms, that the reason WWE ever reached the heights it did, was likely in spite of Vince than because of him. Brutal competition with WCW forced him to step back, listen to input from everyone, and put importance on "every" segment. Most importantly though, he "delegated." He let the talent dictate the path while he provided the endpoint.

Punk's interview confirming what we have suspected for years, that he never learned from this and never will.

I'm sorry to say, but I truly believe now that the longer Vince persists in running things, the more likely this company will not make it in it's current form. We all know Vince will die before he ever delegates again (I'm convinced this Vinny Mac, faced with a WCW situation, would never be able to fend them off this time), and that is very, very, sad. It's sad not because he's out of touch, but because we now know he's lost the ability to admit to himself he is (despite what we may think, he obviously had it once), and as such take input from others to correct it.

I'm sorry, I know people are totally distracted by Punk, his revelations, and what happened with him, so I don't expect people to care. I just think that the big revelation here that we will be talking about long after, is the 100% confirmation of just how bad it is backstage. Just how toxic it is back there. Just how insanely out of touch they all are.

I assure you, this will be the story. Even if we don't see it yet.
From the interview

Trained medical professional - You don't have a concussion and scans suggest your body is fine.

CM Punk - But I have a concussion, trust me guys, I've got no medical background whatsoever but just admit I'm right. :confused:

Jokes aside I really don't know how to feel about this. Sounds like bad judgment from both sides, I'm glad Punk is finally speaking out at least the marks will stop chanting his name.

On the other hand, it is understandable why he wanted to quit, his matches toward the end were kinda bad. He had been on a road nonstop and has a legit reason as to why he can quit.

But then, he's kinda being an asshat, if Vince actually hugged him in tears. Saying "Goodbye and you're family" and you reply with "Fuck Off" later... What the Fuck? Of course I'd love to hear WWE's version of the story, but that will never happen, because all we know, CM Punk could be lying about the Vince part just so he can say things like that about Vince outside of WWE.

Then about him and his career? He has no fucking right to complain. He's the longest WWE Champion in fucking 25 years, he got to face The Undertaker, who rare people only get to face, he got to face Triple H, who also wrestlers in special occasions. No fucking rights to complain, when there's guys like Drew McIntyre, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Tyson Kidd (who is getting now somewhat of a push), Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison and etc and etc, the list goes on and on who actually were treated unfairly. Being a WWE main eventer and facing The Undertaker at fucking WrestleMania in a big time storyline is not treating unfairly, I don't care what the fuck you say. His legacy is better than most I can see SOME of his frustration

I think a lot of the marks will continue to chant his name once they read the transcript or watch the podcast. After all, Punk's only confirming, from his perspective at least, what some fans have thought since the very moment they heard about Punk leaving: it's ALL WWE's fault. As far as his career goes, personally, I also see nothing for the guy to complain about. I believe he's most upset because he was never booked as THE guy because he believed he was the best wrestler on the roster. I can understand that and he definitely had a genuine claim to being the best on the roster. At the same time, however, it's pretty obvious from that podcast that Punk's a pretty big mark for himself, in which case it's also not surprising that he felt he should be the top buy. Like I've said though, IF reports are accurate that all Punk did was constantly bitch about everything, nothing ever being good enough, was difficult to work with, didn't have the work ethic and wasn't particularly loyal, then it's no surprise he didn't get a Cena level push. If all that's true, I mean, why the hell would they ultimately let him have Cena's spot?

Punk's interview was interesting but in the grand scheme of things, it follows the same formula as every other shoot interview I've seen or read about. He paints himself in a heroic or positive light while painting wrestlers he has animosity towards or the company itself as being in the wrong. As I said, standard shoot promo formula. Even if WWE gave its side, there's ultimately no way to know who's being truthful, or at least which side is being the most truthful, because both sides are gonna try to make themselves look like the "good guy" in the whole thing.

With Vince being on Stone Cold's podcast this Monday, I'd LOVE for him to give his side of things on this issue. However, there's no way of knowing whether or not he will unless we tune in, which I intend to do.
I think cm punks problem was is he didnt know his role. Hes a performer, he needs to do as hes told. Hes getting paid to wrestle. Not give ideas to creative and be pissed hes not the main event at wrestlemania. Hes just an employee. Hes not hulk hogan.
I think a lot of the marks will continue to chant his name once they read the transcript or watch the podcast. After all, Punk's only confirming, from his perspective at least, what some fans have thought since the very moment they heard about Punk leaving: it's ALL WWE's fault. As far as his career goes, personally, I also see nothing for the guy to complain about. I believe he's most upset because he was never booked as THE guy because he believed he was the best wrestler on the roster. I can understand that and he definitely had a genuine claim to being the best on the roster. At the same time, however, it's pretty obvious from that podcast that Punk's a pretty big mark for himself, in which case it's also not surprising that he felt he should be the top buy. Like I've said though, IF reports are accurate that all Punk did was constantly bitch about everything, nothing ever being good enough, was difficult to work with, didn't have the work ethic and wasn't particularly loyal, then it's no surprise he didn't get a Cena level push. If all that's true, I mean, why the hell would they ultimately let him have Cena's spot?

Punk's interview was interesting but in the grand scheme of things, it follows the same formula as every other shoot interview I've seen or read about. He paints himself in a heroic or positive light while painting wrestlers he has animosity towards or the company itself as being in the wrong. As I said, standard shoot promo formula. Even if WWE gave its side, there's ultimately no way to know who's being truthful, or at least which side is being the most truthful, because both sides are gonna try to make themselves look like the "good guy" in the whole thing.

With Vince being on Stone Cold's podcast this Monday, I'd LOVE for him to give his side of things on this issue. However, there's no way of knowing whether or not he will unless we tune in, which I intend to do.

You're an idiot and you bring absolute no value to these forums. Don't you think Vince is going to paint himself as the hero regardless of the facts. You think Vince is going to be honest on the freaking WWE network of all places? Man you're stupid, no wonder girls won't have anything to do with you. Career issues aside WWE did not treat punk's stalph infection. End of story. Multiple people should be fired for that issue alone and I really don't think Punk's making it up considering the horror stories we've already heard about WWE. As far as creative goes Punk's merchandising was outselling Cena 2 to 1 so why shouldn't he be treated as the top guy? Punk was also right about Wrestlemaina 29 which sucked BIG time outside of Taker's and Punk's match.
By the way did you see the monster rating the first hour of Raw got this past Monday? Aren't you the one who said Sting wouldn't draw? You have no credibility regarding pro wrestling.
I think cm punks problem was is he didnt know his role. Hes a performer, he needs to do as hes told. Hes getting paid to wrestle. Not give ideas to creative and be pissed hes not the main event at wrestlemania. Hes just an employee. Hes not hulk hogan.

No he's not, he's paid to get over. That's the thing, and if creative is causing him not to get over/ get over less, then he has every right to complain. And since there is little to NO guaranteed money given out, the truth is that he had every right to walk out.

He's an independent entity as are all WWE wrestlers. Thus, they can walk when they want and that's a risk that Vince takes whenever he pushes someone to the moon. It's cost him in the past with Warrior, Jarrett, and others. So in truth he's not an employee, and pretty much is paid by when he shows up. This enables the WWE to cut talent without having to worry about the contract status of said wrestler.

So if you think the WWE has the right to fire a guy like Khali, then a guy like CM Punk has the right to walk away.
Towards his final days on WWE TV, you could definitely tell CM Punk wasn't all there. He was going through the motions and he was physically and mentally exhausted.

That's something I noticed also. During the stretch from Survivor Series to TLC to the home stretch for the Rumble, Punk looked like he was out of it. He didn't have the fire, or that spark anymore, and during the Rumble, you could tell something was wrong with him.

I didn't listen to the entire podcast, but I had no idea Punk was so banged up. If he was out of it and burnt out physically and mentally, he should've taken time to rest and heal up, and WWE should've allowed it. Although, and this sounds strange, but if Punk needed time off, why didn't WWE give it to him? He's one of their top performers, so of course they want him healthy and ready to go for Wrestlemania season, right? That's a part, where I need to hear WWE's side of the story on things, because something doesn't sound right.

But if we're talking about pushes, and Punk's status in WWE, there's not too much to complain about. He had the longest WWE Championship reign of the modern era, and Punk was a part of high profiled feuds and matches with Lesnar, Rock, Cena, Undertaker, and Jericho.

As far as Punk wanting the John Cena push goes, well if the reports about Punk constantly complaining and Punk being unhappy with everything are true, then it's no surprise he didn't receive the Cena push as the face of the company.

I'm still a fan of Punk, but at the same time, when you look at everything after the pipebomb on Raw, can you really sit back and honestly say WWE screwed Punk over from 2011 to 2014?

As far as WWE sending the termination papers on his wedding day goes, well that's just a bush league and petty move on their part. Whether you believe he was right or wrong, there's no real excuse for WWE NEEDING to send the termination papers on his wedding day. The only reason I can think of is, they wanted to send one final "fuck you" to him, and they wanted to make sure he remembered it for a long time.

Still, with all that said, I need to hear WWE's side of the story on this, and there's a good chance that'll never happen, because I have to believe WWE doesn't want to take the chance of drawing more unwanted attention to the CM Punk situation.

Without WWE's side, we're still in the he said/she said stages for this situation. I'm not calling Punk a liar, and I'm not trying to say he's 100% full of shit, because Punk comes off as an honest guy, who's not afraid to speak his mind on anything. But the fact of the matter is, he's telling the story from his point of view. There's a chance Vince might open up about it with Austin, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
It's amazing people still care about why he left... I haven't listened to Cabana's podcast and don't plan on to, mainly because i hate listening to podcasts.. I haven't heard anything from Punk since January, have no idea what's going on with him.
Definitely worth a listen, very interesting interview and it really was one of the best podcasts i've heard. Hopefully we hear Vince's side on Monday but I highly doubt that will happen.

On a side note, if the WWE really didn't treat his staph infection, then they really need to start firing people and start now. However, I'm not buying this whole "Punk was so banged up" story. Didn't he take a couple months off to recover after he lost to taker at Mania? I feel that his lacklusture performances toward the end of his run have more to do with him not being interested rather than him being unable to complete. Almost a slap in the face to the rest of the roster.

To me, he does raise a lot of valid points and he's probably right with a lot of the things that he said but he still comes across as being a little self serving and that is not cool.
Punk's Owen Hart comment was disgusting. Overall, he comes off as a moaning faced asshole and a hypocrit. He says it's not about money and complains about money. Dude's a FUCKING MILLIONAIRE! He's up his own ass and I'm now nothing but glad he left.
I enjoyed the interview and appreciated the honesty. I still am and always have been on Punk's side on this. The people that hate him always will and I'd love to see them deal with the endless bullshit Punk did and not complain about it. I'm glad I was in attendance for his last ever wrestling show at the Rumble and was wearing one of his shirts.

Oh and one more thing: A big fuck you to all the Punk haters, keep talking shit and proving that you are the assholes you all are. If that line gets me in trouble, red rep or people not liking me, so be it.
You're an idiot and you bring absolute no value to these forums. Don't you think Vince is going to paint himself as the hero regardless of the facts. You think Vince is going to be honest on the freaking WWE network of all places? Man you're stupid, no wonder girls won't have anything to do with you. Career issues aside WWE did not treat punk's stalph infection. End of story. Multiple people should be fired for that issue alone and I really don't think Punk's making it up considering the horror stories we've already heard about WWE. As far as creative goes Punk's merchandising was outselling Cena 2 to 1 so why shouldn't he be treated as the top guy? Punk was also right about Wrestlemaina 29 which sucked BIG time outside of Taker's and Punk's match.
By the way did you see the monster rating the first hour of Raw got this past Monday? Aren't you the one who said Sting wouldn't draw? You have no credibility regarding pro wrestling.

Actually, I think Jack Hammer is one of the better posters on this site. He always has a lot of thought behind his opinions. While I don't necessarily agree with him 100% on this issue, I understand what he's conveying and it's valid.

I think Punk was pretty royally screwed in this situation and I think he's more in the right. Especially since WWE has been pretty shady by painting Punk as a quitter, when in fact, they fired him.

Granted, I'm sure there's positions that Punk holds which are tainted by being an interested and affected party. Fresh hurts usually don't give you an unbiased perspective and I think that's all Jack is trying to convey.

Either way, this is a messy, messy situation.
With everything that CM Punk sacrificed for the WWE and all the hard work and excellent wrestling performances he delivered to the WWE Universe day in and day out , I say he deserves to be in the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame. Clearly his health was a problem and I am thankful that he took a break because if he didn't then Ultimate Warrior wouldn't be the only wrestler who had a tribute show this year. It sucks that he was fired on the day of his wedding, so Stephanie McMahon and Triple H should be ashamed of themselves for calling him a "quitter". Not cool, bro! He never got to main even WrestleMania after all the dedication and commitment he gave to his wrestling career, but being in the WWE Hall of Fame will heal all wounds. CM Punk DESERVES and has EARNED his way to be in the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame!!! Spread the movement everybody: #CMPunk4WWEHallOfFame2015
Actually, I think Jack Hammer is one of the better posters on this site. He always has a lot of thought behind his opinions. While I don't necessarily agree with him 100% on this issue, I understand what he's conveying and it's valid.

I think Punk was pretty royally screwed in this situation and I think he's more in the right. Especially since WWE has been pretty shady by painting Punk as a quitter, when in fact, they fired him.

Granted, I'm sure there's positions that Punk holds which are tainted by being an interested and affected party. Fresh hurts usually don't give you an unbiased perspective and I think that's all Jack is trying to convey.

Either way, this is a messy, messy situation.

To be fair, they fired him because he essentially quit.

This whole situation is sad. We'll never know the full story, because God knows HHH or Vince will never tell it. Punk's story is sad, and there's probably a lot of truth there, but I wouldnt be shocked if there was a lot of embelishment either.
still he is a quitter. He and bryan are best wrestlers now but both are not able to handled the top spot. Punk now gone and wait for his settlement and now he open his mouth. Bryan injured and out for past 6 months. All efforts you forced to do at wm is now waste. Bcoz of that wwe lost batista.

Wow lol. Was waiting for a Cena fan to defend superman. So, you're treated like shit, stand up for yourself and decide you don't want to take it anymore ... and you're the bad guy? As Punk said, they can't even form a fucking union, and when you hear about all the reports of wrestlers being unhappy with their pay, and the whole ordeal with WM30 paychecks, Punk did the right thing. Will I miss him? Fuck yeah I will. The guy was the best, and should be the face of the company right now. Backstage politics derailed a Hall of Fame career and we'll never see another CM Punk unfortunately. You can't be modest in the business, because that gets you nowhere. Punk fought because he had nothing to lose. Never judged the guy since I never heard his side of the story. Now I know WWE was in the wrong.

To all of you saying he walked out on his contract, you would do the same thing under those circumstances, and don't try to say you wouldn't have done so.
You're an idiot and you bring absolute no value to these forums. Don't you think Vince is going to paint himself as the hero regardless of the facts. You think Vince is going to be honest on the freaking WWE network of all places? Man you're stupid, no wonder girls won't have anything to do with you. Career issues aside WWE did not treat punk's stalph infection. End of story. Multiple people should be fired for that issue alone and I really don't think Punk's making it up considering the horror stories we've already heard about WWE. As far as creative goes Punk's merchandising was outselling Cena 2 to 1 so why shouldn't he be treated as the top guy? Punk was also right about Wrestlemaina 29 which sucked BIG time outside of Taker's and Punk's match.
By the way did you see the monster rating the first hour of Raw got this past Monday? Aren't you the one who said Sting wouldn't draw? You have no credibility regarding pro wrestling.

I think Jack has more credibility than a guy with 38 posts... Mug...

Other than that your asking the right question... "Why not Punk?" Sadly we all know the answer... Vince didn't "make him"...
Here's my view having listened to the entire podcast. I think CM Punk should've been allowed the time off to heel from his numerous injuries but as he said the talent pool was thin at the time so WWE needed him.

The part I found most interesting, and happen to agree with the most, is his point about putting over the part timers in 2013. He put The Rock over (twice), then The Undertaker and finally Brock Lesnar. What was his reward? A feud with Ryback! Anyone can see that Ryback is a terrible and dangerous wrestler. Sure, he has the look and the size but he's horrid in the ring.

I don't think Punk's beef is with Vince McMahon so much; in fact I got impression he respects McMahon despite him being 'out of touch'. His main beef is with Triple H. Now I'm a Triple H fan; I think he's done brilliantly to turn the developmental system into what it is at the moment and it's only getting better. My issue with Triple H is his ego when it comes to being a performer. Sure, all wrestlers, especially successful ones, have massive egos. But, as Punk said, it was pointless Triple H going over CM Punk when Punk was white hot at the time. Triple H was already a 'made man' so didn't need the rub.

It will be interesting if Vince McMahon addresses this on the Steve Austin Podcast, I doubt he will though.
It's a weird interview. He contradicts himself a lot. For example, he wanted to be treated like a top guy but then complains he was specifically chosen to cut promos despite the fact he couldn't wrestle. That makes no sense. He even did LIVE commentary on PPV's and Raw. That is a clear sign they respected and rated him.

He wanted a break? Well, no shit. Surely everyone does. He compares himself to Cena but I'm not sure he gets too many breaks.

I love Punk. He was a phenomenal wrestler but this was a smartly constructed interview. I just don't accept that there was nothing from his time in WWE that he didn't enjoy or he is grateful for. Look at his 2013 (on the back of a 434 day title run): Rock, Cena, Taker at Mania, Jericho, Heyman, Lesnar, The Wyatt Family, The Shield and teaming with Bryan. That is an amazing year, arguably the best any wrestler has had since the Attitude Era.

I admire his ambition. I admire his clear love for wrestling but this entire podcast has to be taken with an ocean full of salt. It wasn't a complete interview and it really made WWE and Vince look bad. His general sense of entitlement is just a little irritating and hopefully part two gives a complete picture. The WWE demanded a lot from Punk; who's to say that's not the same with everyone. Oh, and the cheap shots to Jericho and Ryback are just completely unnecessary.
That was a really good podcast interview. I don't believe CM Punk 100%, because there have been times where I only believed one person's side of a story only to fully realize the entire picture later on when I heard the other person's side of the story. Same thing applies here. However, I do understand that his walk-out was reasonable and justified. He had a staph infection that wasn't being treated and he was banged up. That can destroy a person's mental well-being as well and knowing full well myself from my own experience of having to be in a work environment where I had absolutely no passion and wasn't in a good place mentally, I sympathize. Health is top priority over all else. I can definitely see how Vince McMahon can come across as being rather too stubborn and temperamental from all the reports, but I'd still like to hear what he has to say.
I've listened to the podcast. Probably one of the best podcast I've ever heard.
I always supported punk, no matter.
I'm 100% agreed with everything with punk said. He has no reason to lie. He doesn't wanna wrestle no more. He is finally happy. He has money, he is doing different things and he is happy. He has nothing to lose or gain from this podcast.
Punk came off as professional and truthfully.
It just shows how bad and unprofessional wwe is. And how bad their work environment is. And how they treat their wrestlers like shit.
Vince and hhh are fucking scumbags.
I always knew that wwe doesn't care about the wrestlers. They only care about their own image to the public. Thats corporate for you.
CM punk got fired and suspended. He didnt quit. Didn't know that. So people can shut up now about him quiting.
It amazes me how unprofessional wwe is. They take shots at him at every change they get about quitting. But punk hasn't badmouthed them at all or talked to anyone while they are doing that.
Yet people try to justify everything wwe does including fucked up things (Bunch of mindless wwe marks.). There seems to be alot of them on this forum.

I can see why people don't wanna work for wwe.
I can see why people say don't work for the wrestling business.
Its dangerous and unsafe.

I'm glad punk is happy with is his life. He seems to be doing better.

I can't believe he wrestled hurt and on near death bed.
Goes to show you wwe doesnt give a shit about their talent. only themselves
Punk should of mainevented wrestlemania at least once. IJS

Punk did make a great point about the main eventing.
Your not in the main event, if your not the final match.
The main event is usually the final match on the show.
The story of the 2 doctors really just sums up the WWE. It's utterly ridiculous that he had to walk around with a serious infection for 3 months, that the WWE would do nothing about, that AJ's doctor sorted in an afternoon. Ultimately that comes down to the WWE not taking care of their employees, because it's not in their interests to throw a cog into the machine. Common sense be damned, the show goes on, even if it kills one of your biggest stars.
He really does talk a lot of sense and yeah he's got an ego, but he's also got a point. Repeatedly he essentially says "If I'm the best guy, and you're telling me I'm the best guy, why are you not giving me the one thing I want" (the WM main event) and he's right, they never delivered. Keep in mind that this is a guy who willingly took a pay cut when the WWE stupidly turned him heel, who knowingly worked with people who he knew would hurt him right after his surgery, who repeatedly got overlooked & pushed aside when it mattered most.
Nothing I heard in that interview really surprised me, I think he was actually kinder about the people in WWE than I expected, even HHH really gets away pretty lightly and is portrayed as someone who's just a bit of a coward who doesn't like confrontation or straight talking. My opinion has always been fair play to Punk, he wasn't happy so he left, which is very much my kind of philosophy.
I always supported punk, no matter.
I'm 100% agreed with everything with punk said. He has no reason to lie. He doesn't wanna wrestle no more. He is finally happy. He has money, he is doing different things and he is happy. He has nothing to lose or gain from this podcast.

Fair enough supporting Punk but he has an image to protect. He referenced Twitter a lot. He is clearly pissed off at the abuse he gets and an anti-Punk narrative has slowly become more clear. He knew saying the right things would change that. To be honest, saying anything would stop a lot of the abuse and crap from twitter.

Punk came off as professional and truthfully.

Seriously? This was a biased, one sided interview. He had no intention of saying anything positive about the WWE. He also took loads of cheap shots at the company and people who worked there.

It just shows how bad and unprofessional wwe is. And how bad their work environment is. And how they treat their wrestlers like shit.
I always knew that wwe doesn't care about the wrestlers. They only care about their own image to the public. Thats corporate for you.

Maybe that's true but, again, there are plenty of stories about the things the WWE do right. You have to take this interview with a pinch of salt.

CM punk got fired and suspended. He didnt quit. Didn't know that. So people can shut up now about him quiting.

He literally walked out of an arena.

It amazes me how unprofessional wwe is. They take shots at him at every change they get about quitting. But punk hasn't badmouthed them at all or talked to anyone while they are doing that.
Yet people try to justify everything wwe does including fucked up things (Bunch of mindless wwe marks.).

All I can think of is Steph calling him a quitter to keep control of an excited crowd. It seems a little rich for Punk to complain about stretching the truth in PRO FUCKING WRESTLING. The same guy who was making fun of a dead Paul Bearer. It's an illusion.

I'm a huge Punk fan but I'm not having people blindly accepting this interview as the complete truth. The WWE have done things wrong, clearly. Punk has a massive chip on his shoulder and a sense of entitlement. The reality is we will never know the whole truth because the WWE won't talk.
Fair enough supporting Punk but he has an image to protect. He referenced Twitter a lot. He is clearly pissed off at the abuse he gets and an anti-Punk narrative has slowly become more clear. He knew saying the right things would change that. To be honest, saying anything would stop a lot of the abuse and crap from twitter.

:lol: So blind

Seriously? This was a biased, one sided interview. He had no intention of saying anything positive about the WWE. He also took loads of cheap shots at the company and people who worked there.

Wasn't biased at alll. Stop being a sheep. So wwe can take cheap shots at him while punk remained silent. But when punk does it, its a problem. Gtfo mark :lmao:

Maybe that's true but, again, there are plenty of stories about the things the WWE do right. You have to take this interview with a pinch of salt.

WWE barely does anything right, its rare. WWE fucked over soo many wrestlers. Again, stop being blinded.
Alll wwe cares about is themselves.

He literally walked out of an arena.

All I can think of is Steph calling him a quitter to keep control of an excited crowd. It seems a little rich for Punk to complain about stretching the truth in PRO FUCKING WRESTLING. The same guy who was making fun of a dead Paul Bearer. It's an illusion.

I'm a huge Punk fan but I'm not having people blindly accepting this interview as the complete truth. The WWE have done things wrong, clearly. Punk has a massive chip on his shoulder and a sense of entitlement. The reality is we will never know the whole truth because the WWE won't talk.

If you say so mark.
Not worth debating with you.

He got fired. Listen to the podcast

He wasn't unprofessionally at all.
Thats your opinion.

WWE can take shots at him while punk remain silent.
But when punk does it, its a problem. gtfo mark.

WWE is a bad company. Fucked punk over

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