CM Punk Gets Slaughtered At UFC 203

Yeah it makes you wonder - was he just a UFC mark? Sure it was a big pay day but if he wanted to take fighting seriously... who would enter the octagon that quickly (which wound up being delayed constantly) instead of trying some local promotions or grappling tournaments against similar guys? After the fight he was also talking about thinking he would win - is this delusion, insanity, ego? It was a mauling. The same fight could have been carried out a year ago when he was a hotter draw and a little younger with likely the same or possibly better results. His entire two years of training went out the door and devolved to a guy with 6 months at a local MMA gym in seconds. I am not being mean but I have seen naturally strong guys hold onto brown belts for two minutes or so as white belts. Punk was the anti-WWE star - no body or athletic experience - just all a very strange ordeal.

He was signed because he was a draw, Dana had a GREAT business with Lesnar, so he might thought Punk would be the same deal...and kind of was, because last night was one of the highest sold ppvs in recent years for UFC.

But thats business, from a sport point of much as i enojyed punk on wrestling, last night i saw a complete amateur taking the spot of someone else who deserve it way more than him.

I know punk is driven by desire and determination, but we all have limits, MMA career is his limit....its not for him.
He was signed because he was a draw, Dana had a GREAT business with Lesnar, so he might thought Punk would be the same deal...and kind of was, because last night was one of the highest sold ppvs in recent years for UFC.

But thats business, from a sport point of much as i enojyed punk on wrestling, last night i saw a complete amateur taking the spot of someone else who deserve it way more than him.

I know punk is driven by desire and determination, but we all have limits, MMA career is his limit....its not for him.

It's just kind of a shame that out of all the representatives of pro wrestlers who might have been swayed by UFC contracts and had legitimate wrestling or combat sports backgrounds... even freakishly strong guys or reputed locker room tough guys for that matter... it was CM Punk. I know it was something he wanted to do - but man. he looked strange there, small, grey in his hair in his beard... tired. I think part of him did this to stick it to Triple H and Vince - along with being a big follower of MMA who maybe dabbled in a few BJJ classes rolling with guys taking it easy on him. I don't think he expected to win but thought he would get a punch in at least.
The thing is he blames WWE doctor's for not diagnosing it. Doctors are not perfect. They will get things wrong. It happens. It sucks but it happens. Does not mean they are a bad doctor.

I had 2 great doctors miss an injury I had for 2 years. A third doctor diagnosed it and fixed it. I'm not mad at the previous 2. I don't think they suck. They simply missed it because not everything is black and white.

He claimed a doctor was so incompetent that he nearly died. There are two sides to every story.

What game? Colt being at Raw was incredibly dumb.

He was given an opportunity he did not deserve and took it. Made a lot of money (this is the important part). In his shoes, I would do the same thing. Does not mean I agree with it. It would be stupid for him to say no. Punk is a hypocrite in that part timers help sell PPVs. They don't deserve the spot anymore but it helps make more money for everyone. Same thing here. It does take a spot away from someone who does deserve it however. He is doing the exact same thing he complained about.

What dues did Punk pay?

Lesnar did have fight experience. Lesnar also had an amateur background. Punk had nothing. Lesnar is different from an average person. Sure he did steroids but before that it made sense he was given a shot. I agree, this was purely a business move. A smart one.

They both are probably equal in terms of work ethic. Though Cena has him beat on public appearances and promoting the WWE brand. Nearly every wrestler has probably come close to killing themselves so it isn't unique to Punk.

Cena has the most wishes granted. They (WWE and Make-A-Wish) have stated this. So no idea what makes you think Punk has more. Doesn't make Cena a better person than Punk. Both are respectable for their involvement in the program.

I also agree that it is great when a guy admits he is a dick. I really respect people who are not only assholes, but also state they are assholes. There is a way to be honest and not a dick.

Which is?


Good lord.

Oh and what does this have to do with him in the UFC?

:lol: I can tell your a blind wwe mark, There is no used debating against yo.
Stop being in denial and wake up. WWE is a shady company that fucks wrestlers over.
Its been documented that wwe has made wrestlers wrestle injured. They don't care. All they care about is a dollar.
THere is a reason why there is a concussion lawsuit against them. WWE has made wrestlers wrestle with a concussion. :banghead:

I'm not even gonna address the rest of your points. Bc they are so wrong and stupid. You need to do research.
You need to stop drinking that wwe kool aid. :banghead:

Good day lil boy

You have been stalking my posts all day. Kinda of creepy kid
:lol: I can tell your a blind wwe mark, There is no used debating against yo.
Stop being in denial and wake up. WWE is a shady company that fucks wrestlers over.
Its been documented that wwe has made wrestlers wrestle injured. They don't care. All they care about is a dollar.
THere is a reason why there is a concussion lawsuit against them. WWE has made wrestlers wrestle with a concussion. :banghead:

I'm not even gonna address the rest of your points. Bc they are so wrong and stupid. You need to do research.
You need to stop drinking that wwe kool aid. :banghead:

Good day lil boy

You have been stalking my posts all day. Kinda of creepy kid

I'm not going to go into the rest of your guys' argument, because most of its laughably stupid, but the reason concussion lawsuits are a thing these days is because it's all so new due to people just now realizing how bad they truly are. To blame WWE for that would just be ignorant.

The NFL is still dealing with the issue. And I guarantee you wrestlers have wrestled with concussions hundreds of times under their own will even if WWE said it was a bad idea because they the wrestler wanted to. I also guarantee you they would still do it today if WWE didn't enact their own health protocols.
:lol: I can tell your a blind wwe mark, There is no used debating against yo.
Stop being in denial and wake up. WWE is a shady company that fucks wrestlers over.
Its been documented that wwe has made wrestlers wrestle injured. They don't care. All they care about is a dollar.
THere is a reason why there is a concussion lawsuit against them. WWE has made wrestlers wrestle with a concussion. :banghead:

I'm not even gonna address the rest of your points. Bc they are so wrong and stupid. You need to do research.
You need to stop drinking that wwe kool aid. :banghead:

Good day lil boy

You have been stalking my posts all day. Kinda of creepy kid

I've stalked your posts all day? I think I've responded to two posts of yours. I'm the kid yet I use actual words and you use abbreviations. But sure I've stalked you all day, I've written novels about you, dreamt about you. That's all I do. I don't see what is so creepy about that.

CM Punk admitted he wrestled with concussions under his own volition without telling anyone. Athletes tend to do stupid shit like this. WWE isn't forcing them out there at gun point. If they did, they would have been shutdown a long time ago.

There is a reason the past lawsuits have been dismissed. Oh but hey big corporations must be evil. Everything wrestlers say must be true. All stories only have one side.

I'm not saying WWE is innocent but blindly believing they are an evil entity is dumb. Not everyone arrested for murder is guilty. That's why we have a court system. The wrestlers could have a point and they may not. We'll have to see.

And I'll stop responding to you here because this still has nothing to do with Punk and the UFC.
The irony is his trainer Duke Roufus had stirred some controversy not too long ago from having a fighter die in a kickboxing match... citing head trauma and dehydration. Along with many injuries in that camp - though it is a good one. Who knows. If that is what he learned in two years - he isn't meant for it. In 2 minutes he looked worse than some people who go into several round slug fests.
And to the gentleman who said gall went for a 'flying tackle', it's called a double leg takedown sir.

I thought he "speared" him. :lmao:

I didn't see it live, and I'm glad I didn't. By the time I saw it, I was prepared for what i was going to see. Total Decimation. I expected as much, but it was still hard to see.

The "longest reigning WWE Champion in modern history" getting destroyed like that can't make any wrestling fan feel good. Even if you never liked Punk, I would think you'd hope that he made a better account of himself in his fight.
Did I read correctly that Punk had to cut 15lbs to make weight? Just looking at him compared to Gall. Punk had no muscle mass, and looked skin and bones. While Gall looked to have quite the build to him. Of course he easily took him down, and was able to control the entire match. I wonder if Punk would have been better served being in a more heavier weight class?
Did I read correctly that Punk had to cut 15lbs to make weight? Just looking at him compared to Gall. Punk had no muscle mass, and looked skin and bones. While Gall looked to have quite the build to him. Of course he easily took him down, and was able to control the entire match. I wonder if Punk would have been better served being in a more heavier weight class?

Yes, he did have to cut 15lbs at least. Punk has always been 15-25lbs heavier than this, (the heavier was when he debuted on ECW). Punk's natural weight its 15-18lbs more than 170 (said by him).
What a humiliation for Phil Brooks in his UFC debut! If you keep getting slaughtered by UFC fighters just give up and head to TNA! Don't bother with wwe even they fall to your feet and apologize to you and want to take you back shrugg it off cause they will do what they can to punish you. Make a return to TNA after and you will see the difference.
Did they at least let Cult of Personality finish before he tapped out? :)

I didn't watch. My interest in MMA came and went pretty quick. Not that this was MMA, or at least not UFC. It was Celebrity MMA without Dustin Diamond or Danny Bonaduce. It was just another way to make money for Dana White and it sounds like it worked. But it also sounds like Punk has no further value in the Octagon. Hopefully for UFC, Punk endeared himself enough to the audience that he can go in to an on camera role. He would probably excel there.

But as a legit fighter, despite his inspirational speech, it sounds like no one should waste another penny on fights.
I just watched the fight and his post match speech. He looked totally out of his depth in there. He was pretty beat up - thankfully he's okay. I respect him for trying something new and seeing if he can do it, and it's not like he did anything by half measures. The man was in amazing shape, but there is something slightly damaging here for pro-wrestling as a whole. Pro-wrestlers are supposed to sell the illusion of being strong, durable, superhuman, whatever - this just blows it all out of the water. People know wrestling isn't real, they don't need sobering proof like this that they can't 'really fight'.

I dunno, maybe I'm way off the mark here but that's my initial reaction/feeling. I'm not sure it was Punk's intention when he took the fight - Is still respect the man enormously.
Did I read correctly that Punk had to cut 15lbs to make weight? Just looking at him compared to Gall. Punk had no muscle mass, and looked skin and bones. While Gall looked to have quite the build to him. Of course he easily took him down, and was able to control the entire match. I wonder if Punk would have been better served being in a more heavier weight class?

No, because if he did he would have been fighting guys that are naturally BIGGER than the next weight class, but cut down to have a natural weight advantage. CM Punk's mistake was approaching this like a fan would. He thought pressuring a guy that had never been pressured was a good idea, but look how he went across the octagon. There's a reason you don't go in like that against a guy with a good ground game, lol.

His other mistake was not taking PEDs. Most athletes at this level use PEDs (probably all of them). Punk looked frail because he was legitimately his weight. What you saw was a guy that actually fought natural and that's why he physically looked so bad. And if anyone thinks Gall wasn't on anything because he didn't look jacked at his weight, just look at Lance Armstrong and you'll see that PEDs don't guarantee that you'll always look like a bodybuilder.
His other mistake was not taking PEDs. Most athletes at this level use PEDs (probably all of them). Punk looked frail because he was legitimately his weight. What you saw was a guy that actually fought natural and that's why he physically looked so bad. And if anyone thinks Gall wasn't on anything because he didn't look jacked at his weight, just look at Lance Armstrong and you'll see that PEDs don't guarantee that you'll always look like a bodybuilder.

Um, what?

It's true that competitive sports suffer from a constant race of dopers versus testers, but Brooks could have been injecting testosterone straight into his eyeballs and he would have gotten slaughtered. That was not a case of someone with unusual strength for his division overwhelming a smaller man; that fight was an example of someone who was outclassed in every single way. Not only did Phil Brooks exhibit no offense, he exhibited no meaningful defense.

The only way this fight could have gone worse for him was if the referee pulled out a pistol and shot him in the head afterwards.

Mickey Gall- who, for what it's worth, is completely outclassed himself by just about everyone else in the UFC- has been training since he's been allowed to train to be a fighter. Phil Brooks took this up as a hobby (and a pretty decent payday.) There is literally nothing he could have done outside of invent a time machine to make a difference in how that fight went.
Yes, he did have to cut 15lbs at least. Punk has always been 15-25lbs heavier than this, (the heavier was when he debuted on ECW). Punk's natural weight its 15-18lbs more than 170 (said by him).

Punk went into this around 220 pounds and 12% body fat. He lost close to 50 pounds. He has said a lot of varying things about weight going into this, even his WWE stats were padded to 6'2" at some point. He's like 5'11 1/2 or 6".
Um, what?

It's true that competitive sports suffer from a constant race of dopers versus testers, but Brooks could have been injecting testosterone straight into his eyeballs and he would have gotten slaughtered. That was not a case of someone with unusual strength for his division overwhelming a smaller man; that fight was an example of someone who was outclassed in every single way. Not only did Phil Brooks exhibit no offense, he exhibited no meaningful defense.

The only way this fight could have gone worse for him was if the referee pulled out a pistol and shot him in the head afterwards.

Mickey Gall- who, for what it's worth, is completely outclassed himself by just about everyone else in the UFC- has been training since he's been allowed to train to be a fighter. Phil Brooks took this up as a hobby (and a pretty decent payday.) There is literally nothing he could have done outside of invent a time machine to make a difference in how that fight went.

At the degree MMA has evolved in the past years... he would need a time machine to have a background in amateur wrestling, youth BJJ, boxing or even football. As far as Mickey Gall - he is now at high risk against other fighters... he is now on a high stage and has only fought 0-0 and 0-1 fighters. He got a serious meal ticket for this - even though he made like 30k$ as opposed to likely a million+ after pay-per-view buys.

He trained for two years... rushed in, threw a weak punch... got double legged, didn't sprawl... got taken down - threw some weak rabbit punches... started getting rained on. He has a white belt in BJJ once it goes to the ground against a brown belt - dead in the water. Props for the fight not being stopped sooner from strikes and for him to take the beating he did. But taking a beating doesn't make you a professional fighter. You can go a local MMA promotion as a celebrity and get a pay day as pro wrestler for a lot of people or promotions like Bellator.

It isn't Bobby Lashley or Brock Lesnar. Even Kurt Angle in his youth would have smashed a brown belt - like Lesnar is a blue or purple belt to know basic BJJ defense, armbars and chokes. Very, very strange scenario considering the time they put into building this fight with a webseries. Dana looked pissed and embarassed afterwards - I think he at least expected him to put up some fight.

He is now the least effective fight in UFC history - 0 takedowns, no takedown defense, no significant strikes - loss submission in first round - 0,1.

You also can't tell me that Dolph wouldn't at least defend a fucking double leg takedown in round one. Especially with two years to professionally train. He has like a record setting amateur wrestling record on a collegiate level. Not that Dolph would draw - just saying. Punk wasn't really naturally athletic and he must have had a lot of people filling him with hopes and dreams on the coaching staff and team because he was a humble, cool celebrity who always showed up. He also didn't train for free. He had one of the top three striking coaches in the world.

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