Regardless of win, lose,or quit (UFC), how amazing would Punk be if back in the WWE?

To be honest I just couldn't watch WWE if Punk came back, I was never a CM Punk fan and always considered him way overrated and featured way too much anyway but his constant whinyness about not being in the Wrestlemania main event and many others just left a bad taste in my mouth, Wrestlemania 29 for example I would have prefered to see anyone else on the roster against Taker than Punk then the year he was in the World title match with Jericho and following year he was meant to face Triple H and thats still not good enough?
A position most of the guys on the roster who were 100 times more talented anyway would give their right arm for at Wrestlemania.
I know wrestlers have got egos but he's in a league of his own and one of only 2 wrestlers along with Benoit that I just dont want to watch anymore.
I could of put up with the guy before but its the comments he made that made me think what an ungrateful piece of s.
A CM Punk return would generate a lot of buzz, and I'm sure his return pop would rival or surpass Shane McMahon's return pop, when the static and Cult Of Personality hits.

There's still a lot of promising feuds for Punk, if he returns. A feud built on Punk's animosity towards Triple H, a rematch with Brock Lesnar, a feud with Kevin Owens, and enough time has passed to reignite the Punk/Cena rivalry with more mileage and a fresh set of matches. And if enough time has passed, and Roma Reigns is a heel and if he continues to work through the growing pains, Reigns VS Punk is more than enough to pique my interest, with Punk playing the outspoken rebel, who's not afraid to cross the line, while Reigns plays the role of the corporate hand picked face of the company. Punk tearing into Roman during promos about having to bust his ass to earn everything, while two main event Wrestlemania spots and the spot as the face of the company was handed to Roman on a sliver platter? Sign me up.

The fans would openly embrace a CM Punk return in a heartbeat, and there's no denying that. Although, realistically, I can't see a Punk return happening. Too much bad blood on both sides, and Punk is/was genuinely disgusted with all things WWE. I just can't picture Punk making the effort to bury the hatchet with WWE, because you have to believe a conversation about what happened and what needs to happen going forward with Triple H and Vince McMahon behind closed doors is unavoidable.

Also, it's hard to ignore Punk's aging and beat up body. It's been said already, but I can't imagine Punk taking a lighter, part-time schedule as a special attraction, because he'll look like a massive hypocrite.

It wouldn't surprise me if Punk's first UFC fight never happens. Looking at the big picture, and I don't know the man personally, but a part of me believes Punk made his decision to go to UFC out of anger, frustration, and wanting to prove something. He believed he was devalued and underappreciated in WWE, so he wanted to stick it to Vince and others and show them he has what it takes to be "The Man" and a real box office draw.

But the fight hasn't happened yet, and people are just going to lose interest one way or the other (the crowd that wants to see if Punk can do it, the people, who want to see him succeeded, and the naysayers, who are waiting to watch him take an embarrassing loss or a beating) as more time passes. I'm sure you'll have the crowd or crowds that want to see what happens, when Punk finally steps in the octagon, but not striking while the iron was hot will surely put a damper on Punk's UFC debut.
Wrestlemania 29 for example I would have prefered to see anyone else on the roster against Taker than Punk then the year he was in the World title match with Jericho and following year he was meant to face Triple H and thats still not good enough?

Why should it be good enough to constantly be fed into short-term programs w/ part-time talent that are typically made to put over the part-time worker?

Of the three programs, Jericho is the only one he was booked to go over. Unfortunately, Jericho hasn't had the name value to work a WWE Title program since 2008. Not only did this program occur a full four years later, but it occurred right at the start of Jericho's third 'debut' and - from a fan's perspective - seemed to just be the WWE trying to put a guy with name recognition into the title program because the big names were already booked.

As pertains to The Undertaker, it does seem like an honor to wrestle the guy at 'Mania since he basically handpicks his opponents for the event. So him choosing Punk showed a pretty good level of respect. But when you're a wrestler, constantly fighting for your spot, you're always wondering what your next program will be. It's the foresight to think about your own long-term booking that keeps these guys on top for so long. But if you're wrestling The Undertaker, you know you're going to lose a high-profile match. And then what? It typically doesn't lead into anything. This same nothingness was averted with Shawn Michaels a few years back because he retired. It was averted with Triple H because he was a part-timer himself. And it was averted with Punk only because he decided to go on vacation following WrestleMania. But a guy like Bray Wyatt? It kind of stalled him, didn't it? I think that's why some guys might see it as an honor to work the match while also feeling like it's a bit of a burden.

As pertains to Triple H, Punk flat out disliked the guy. Can you really blame him? What Triple H did to the guy in 2011 might be the worst booking in recent WWE history - and that's saying a lot. Whether you like the guy or not, it's hard to argue that he was the hottest wrestler in the world in the later summer months. And if you really look at how the WWE took advantage of this situation, you'll realize that they simply used it to build up to Triple H vs Kevin Nash...

It was Triple H who took control of Monday Night Raw as a result of Punk winning the belt. It was Triple H who defeated CM Punk upon his return. And when Kevin Nash cost CM Punk the WWE Title at SummerSlam? It was Triple H who took out Nash...

What got Punk over? A promo where he bashed the McMahon family, bashed John Laurinaitis, and called Triple H a 'doofus son in law.' That was in July 2011. By September 2011, Punk was referring to Triple H as his friend. Later that month, he was wrestling as Triple H's tag-team partner against Awesome Truth - a match where Nash, again, took out Punk. And by October, Punk was standing next to Triple H in solidarity as the rest of the WWE roster walked out.

Do you see how Punk was booked to be completely overshadowed by Triple H at a time when he was the most talked about wrestler on the planet? And you think Punk should've been honored to work with that guy at WrestleMania, years later when his star wasn't shining nearly as bright?

I know wrestlers have got egos but he's in a league of his own and one of only 2 wrestlers along with Benoit that I just dont want to watch anymore.

You might want to rethink putting a guy you simply don't like with a guy who murdered his wife and child. I'm not suggesting you should sit back and throw on some CM Punk matches if you don't want to see them, but when you place people in the same category as Benoit, it badly distracts from your argument.


Now as for the entirety of this thread, I just don't see it happening. CM Punk might be the most stubborn wrestler of the past 25 years. Forget simply giving up on the UFC before fighting a match, Punk would likely see it as a huge defeat if he ever found himself wrestling a match in the WWE again period. As big as the reaction would likely be, it's fine if he never works another match. So much of what CM Punk - and Daniel Bryan - represented during their short runs at the top has been carried on by other indy talents like Kevin Owens, Dean Ambrose, Sami Zayn and AJ Styles.
No, I'm not enthusiastic about a Punk's return. To put it simply, how excited I'm with his return does depend on his performance in UFC. If his career at UFC is only just talk, it just proved to me that the CM Punk brand is really only about just talk, and literally, that's the only thing he was good at in WWE. He wasn't great in the ring to begin with, so what more is there to expect from Punk? From his previous runs, and his interviews, I doubt (if he ever were to return) that he is going to put over the newer guys, and he probably is not too inclined to improve his in-ring work either.

If that's the case, then there is nothing to be excited about.
Regardless of whether or not he ever steps in the octagon to fight, he'd get a pop the moment he stepped back in WWE. With the way he left the company and how critical he has been of pro-wrestling in general since then, it'll be a cold day in hell. The McMahons have been known to hold a grudge and they can hold one for a loooooong time. Never say never in this business though.
Personally I would love for CM Punk to come back. It's highly unlikely, but the current roster begs for Punk's presence. CM Punk as a "cool heel" vs Roman Reigns WWE Champ would bring out that nWo/WCW split crowd. Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, AJ Styles, there are so many great matches I want to see Punk have with the new roster.
Punk was baby bout the whole situation. You can say he was the the hottest thing at the time, but in the grand scheme of it all he is no where near the level of a HHH,Taker,Nash etc..WWE knew it when he was there and nothing about that has changed
Oh no!!! Yet ANOTHER CM Punk thread. Please die.

Well, it's been quite a while since I saw anything remotely resembling a CM Punk thread here. Most of the discussions have centered around Roman Reigns and stuff.

Nonetheless, I realize some of the WZ members(Messiah in particular) are going to bash Punk fans for "Not moving on, obsessing over that (insert adjective/noun) Punk, etc."

The main page is reporting this regarding Punk's seemingly uncertain UFC career, before it even begins:-

WON is reporting that CM Punk is not progressing well as a fighter. Punk’s original fight date was pushed back because of back and shoulder injuries. His first scheduled opponent is Mickey Gall.

It is, reportedly, expected that Gall will “run through” Punk whenever they do fight. So far in his short career, Gall is 2-0. The rumors WON is hearing is that Punk has not fared well live sparring.

The concerns with Punk’s progression have grown because it has taken him so long. Cain Velazquez had the same surgery as Punk a few weeks earlier and is on the UFC 200 card.


I know it's all speculation at this point and speculation is what it has been since 2014 and until the very day he returns(which seems likelier than ever). But I love CM Punk. I'm a huge fan. I don't really care if he quit, if he's an asshole or whatever. None of us here have ever really met Punk or have personally known him for an extended duration. Depending on your perception, Punk is either a sore loser, overrated, whiner, etc. to you, or a hard working, devoted, unconventional, unique pro wrestler who entertained you for 8 years in the WWE, especially during the bleak John Cena years.

With that being said, I think Punk is a decent wrestler(NOTHING as special or great as Kurt Angle or Bret Hart, IMO) but I think he's very entertaining overall and a legitimate maineventer(Regardless of what HHH has to say about that).

His return in the distant future, lets say 2017 or early 2018...provided if his UFC career never blossoms or begins(Not that I want it to)..would result in a huge star/draw in the WWE. Dream matches like Punk vs KO, Rollins, Joe, Roman Reigns, Shinsuke Nakamura, and even Kurt Angle(sigh, this SHOULD HAVE happened).

The IWC/fans cheer Brock Lesnar who, even though a draw/star, has really done NOTHING for wrestling or the WWE except make them money. Brock Lesnar vs Seth Rollins was a joke of a match. Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose was even worse. The only thing Brock seems to want to do is use the German Suplex 15 times in a match. There's nothing remotely entertaining about him anymore, and I really doubt there will, for a very long time.
But these same fans denigrate Punk in the comments section for doing the same thing Brock did in 2004, "quit", or "not give a shit".

At least Punk, even if he left(for his own grievances, valid or not, justified or not), would wrestle 30-minute matches which would be a million times more entertaining to watch than Lesnar matches. Notwithstanding his vicious, vitriolic promos even. What can I say, CM Punk is a huge star and like Nakamura, Shawn Michaels, and Kurt Angle, there's just something magnetic and once-in-a-lifetime about him.

Your thoughts?

Your entire post is the reason that while I respect Punk and what he has done, I absolutely hate his fans. Can you write one post about CM Punk without bashing other wrestlers and sounding like a whiny little dork? But perhaps your most asinine comment has to be about Brock Lesnar: "Brock Lesnar who, even though a draw/star, has really done NOTHING for wrestling or the WWE except make them money." Duh! That's the whole point of a professional wrestler. To make the company money. Please tell me you aren't planning on running your own business soon. If I was running a wrestling promotion and I had to choose between a guy who could wrestle 30 minute matches but couldn't make me money or a guy who duplexes everybody non-stop and makes me a crap load of money, guess what guy I'm going to pick? Basic business 101. Brock did/does make the WWE money. Now what has Punk done for the WWE other then cry like a little SOB and not make them money? :banghead:
Your entire post is the reason that while I respect Punk and what he has done, I absolutely hate his fans. Can you write one post about CM Punk without bashing other wrestlers and sounding like a whiny little dork? But perhaps your most asinine comment has to be about Brock Lesnar: "Brock Lesnar who, even though a draw/star, has really done NOTHING for wrestling or the WWE except make them money." Duh! That's the whole point of a professional wrestler. To make the company money. Please tell me you aren't planning on running your own business soon. If I was running a wrestling promotion and I had to choose between a guy who could wrestle 30 minute matches but couldn't make me money or a guy who duplexes everybody non-stop and makes me a crap load of money, guess what guy I'm going to pick? Basic business 101. Brock did/does make the WWE money. Now what has Punk done for the WWE other then cry like a little SOB and not make them money? :banghead:

In fairness to Punk, he made them plenty of money. Perhaps he didn't make them as much money as Lesnar did/has, but he was certainly a top draw in the WWE from 2011-2014. He was outselling Cena for much of that period... And the truth is that I'd argue one of the reasons Punk didn't make as much money for them as Lesnar is because they didn't give him the opportunity. The guy showed he had great crossover appeal in 2011, and if the WWE had simply capitalized on his popularity instead of having him lose all his heat to Triple H and Kevin Nash, then he likely would've made even more money for them than he did.
Whatever happens, when Punk DOES return 0 U mean that moment when "Cult Of Personality" hits will be the biggest single pop in wrestling history.

Why because it's genuinely one fans in the arena will not be expecting. If for any reason Punk returns, it won't be won't know it, it'll just hit.

So much is made that he MUST win his first match, NO...he doesn't need to... Brock didn't... a career is not one match and for a guy like Punk that is a selling point rather than a fail if he loses a couple. All Mickey Gall brings is a "can't lose" for Dana White...either way instant star.

Where Punk is at odds with WWE isn't even the lawsuit, it's that he's showing a relatively positive image of guys leaving the company under their own steam, where more guys than ever (Cody most recently) are doing so... people are starting to say "Get The F Out" to WWE and that is an issue.

There WILL come a point where getting Punk back becomes a priority... but probably not until he's crossed paths with Connor McGregor at least once... IF he ever headlines Mania/returns, that is the match... he won't face the champ of the day but it'll be an MMA style bout or MMA v Wrestling vs McGregor... imagine that build up... Connor shows up, mouths off... "LOOOK IN MY EYES..." the music hits, crowd erupts and Punk drops a pipebomb that sells a Mania...

Anything else? Forget about it...
Punk is money. He's going to pull alot of numbers for the ufc on his first fight. Why hype the guy up if he hasnt fought? Its silly. Instead I see them doing the opposite and maybe just MAYBE Gall will underestimate him.

Win lose or draw...Punk has the balls to do it. Huge respect right there.
Punk was baby bout the whole situation. You can say he was the the hottest thing at the time, but in the grand scheme of it all he is no where near the level of a HHH,Taker,Nash etc..WWE knew it when he was there and nothing about that has changed

wait.. kevin (takes 3 steps and blows a quad, Big Poochie) Nash is a higher level talent than CM punk?

were you even alive when he was the lowest drawing champion in 1994/95?
Your entire post is the reason that while I respect Punk and what he has done, I absolutely hate his fans. Can you write one post about CM Punk without bashing other wrestlers and sounding like a whiny little dork? But perhaps your most asinine comment has to be about Brock Lesnar: "Brock Lesnar who, even though a draw/star, has really done NOTHING for wrestling or the WWE except make them money." Duh! That's the whole point of a professional wrestler. To make the company money. Please tell me you aren't planning on running your own business soon. If I was running a wrestling promotion and I had to choose between a guy who could wrestle 30 minute matches but couldn't make me money or a guy who duplexes everybody non-stop and makes me a crap load of money, guess what guy I'm going to pick? Basic business 101. Brock did/does make the WWE money. Now what has Punk done for the WWE other then cry like a little SOB and not make them money? :banghead:

Listen DUDE.

I understand that the point of a Wrestling Organization is to make money. Period. But what I was trying to say was, Brock Lesnar isn't doing much in terms of entertaining ME, the fan, the loyal devoted fan who wants to see a 20-25 minute match with plenty of athleticism and story like the one he had with Angle at Wrestlemania. Not a ****** who German Suplexes opponents 15 times in a row, as if some kid is playing WWE on XBOX 360.

Brock Lesnar after 2014 has become this MORON who does nothing but German Suplex his opponent 15 times in a match, and that has been happening for over a YEAR. He ruined the match with Seth Rollins. The Wrestlemania match with Dean Ambrose sucked balls. You can blame the Creative partially, and blame Brock. That's it.

Unlike Brock Lesnar, there are people who actually WERE passionate about wrestling(Punk), and ARE passionate, such as Angle. You know what?

Kurt Angle vs Drew Galloway from TNA Impact 2 months ago was a FAR BETTER match than the past 5 Brock Lesnar matches combined. That was the point I was trying to make. Does he make the WWE money? Yes. Has he done anything to give ME- a fan- any reason to care, or be entertained? NOPE. The End.

AND YOU HATE PUNK'S FANS? NOBODY CARES. Do you think Punk fans or ANYBODY here for that matter wants LOVE from you- a damn stranger on the internet? Get real. You're the one whiny little dork here. And don't come here and post like you're going to be the owner of a wrestling company soon. Nobody cares about how much money the WWE makes or what guys make them loads of money. As a fan, I seek entertainment, and Brock Lesnar doesn't entertain me because of the whole "suplex city" idiocy.

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