Chris Masters Back

I don't know. I have no problem with Masters being in a potential feud with MVP. One of the popular arguments is to pair him up with Jericho, but then I would be reminded of the whole deal with Jericho and Cade. Nobody cared about Cade at all, just Jericho. In the end, I feel that Masters would get way overshadowed by Jericho.

On the other hand, Raw has essentially no heels at the moment. Orton, Legacy, Swagger, and Big Show. Now Big Show is out because he is in the tag team program with Jericho on SD. We could see Swagger vs MVP, but I think Swagger would be better at this point to chase the US title. Why not have MVP feud with Masters going into Summerslam. It gives MVP a big PPV to go over, gives Masters a big face to go up against, and gives us a good match. I don't see the problem.
Masters is shit and pointless. I'd leave it there, but it's not very constructive. In Master's you have a guy who is boring, unremarkable in the ring, and who has never been seen as championship material. The only thing he ever had going was his steroid physique, which has gone. This means that the visual impact of the masterlock has also gone, leading to a pointless wrestler, essentially. Masters no longer has the look, never had the mic skills and was never very good in the ring, so why bring him back? He's never going to main event, and he is certainly no better than The Miz, Jack Swagger or even Carlito as midcard heels.

He probably should have gone to Smackdown, but there isn't much use for him there either. It is a real backwards step for the WWE to rehire someone who was fired less than two years ago for wellness violations, and it is a backwards step for the product, they don't even really have the likes of Lashley to complemement his style any more either.
I respect and appreciate your analysis.
Let's continue to dissect:

Ok cool.

1) I can agree with a decent fued between MVP and Masters. I just think that something other than a Masterlock that caused a double c/o would have been better to give MVP any type of Main Event credibility.

MVP isn't getting over right now, period. Whatever they're doing with him is not making him a credible ME contender, and I think we have all noticed that. Just because he can make the audience repeat the word "Ballin" during a pseudo-People's Elbow doesn't mean that he's a credible contender. He needs to be tested. Aside from the IWC, pro-wrestling fans have a short attention span and an even shorter memory span. The average fan doesn't read on sites like WZ and they remember Masters, but they are unaware of his past violations or don't care about them anymore. They just see a musclebound opponent with a lavish entrance and they assume he's a player. So, when he faces MVP and gets defeated, MVP comes out looking like a hero and is one more step closer to the ME.

2) Yoshi Tastu (whom I am a fan of), Abraham Washington, Tyler Reks and Sheamus are the new superstars of ECW; are any of them going to have even a hint of a decent fued for the championship in the near future? If Masters was in ECW, as least he would be one of the main players. There is a olympic-size swimming pool of mid-carders on Raw (hence the six pack challenge), and Masters definitely won't be the one that would elevate out of all of them.

Any credible superstar can walk into ECW and dominate. This isn't the point of ECW. The show exists to create new talent. Right now, ECW has plenty of credible superstars that newcomers can defeat to move up the food chain of the WWE. They have Christian, Dreamer, Goldust, Shelton Benjamin, and William Regal. Now, on a wrestling show with a total roster of 13 superstars and an average of 3 matches per weekly show, ECW has plenty of veterans that can get new talent over. Masters does not need to be there. ECW is fine on its own.

Masters is established to your garden-variety fans out there. They want to see him in feuds with wrestlers like MVP. However, the WWE obviously has plans to get Masters over and give him a push, otherwise they wouldn't have paired him with MVP in his return match and made him look so strong in the finish.

The biggest issue here is that we all need to realize that ECW doesn't need Masters, but Masters needs Raw. This is the biggest reason why he was placed there and booked in his current role.

3) Simply put: he shares the cockiness, and Jericho's mic work could have made Masters seem like he's had many World Championships before. Jericho has what it takes (in the ring and on the mic) to made Masters look good.

I think Midnight covered my views on a pairing with Jericho and gave a perfect example when mentioning Lance Cade. Masters will be overshadowed and is completely out of his league standing with Chris Jericho. I mean, just imagine those two cutting a promo... it would be like a blonde bombshell standing next to a normally attractive woman. Even though the attractive woman is... well... attractive, the blonde bombshell makes her look ugly. That's what would happen is Jericho and Masters worked together.
So Chris Masters made his return tonight against very good competition in MVP. IMO masters looked great in his first match back, and the fact that he actually kept MVP from beating the clock by holding him in the Masters Lock on the outside of the ring causing a double countout made his REdebut impressive. But where does WWE go from there? do u think they try to push masters into the main event? Do u think he deserves to be there? Or will he just be stuck in midcard or tag team like last time? thoughts?

I only saw his return today as we get Raw late in the UK if we do not see it live. He still looks great but he does not know how lucky he is to be getting a WWE run. I feel he could do very well once again even better but in time. I think he will need to prove himself but can see him being a big heel if all goes well.
Hmmm, Chris is looking tasty. Someone said he's a little bigger than when we saw him last, Well at least he doesn't look freakish now.

Chris is very unspectacular in the ring, But he has a great style. Masters reminds me of JBL in the ring, And thats not a bad thing. He has a body that allows him to be dominating, And look good doing it. He has shown shreds of talent when it comes to talking in front of a crowd, So that's something.

People are right saying he needs a secondary finisher. Master Slam(full nelson slam) anyone?
Not only has Chris Masters proved to be a meathead (failed 3drug tests), but he hasnt proven to me or anybody else that he can wrestle. The MasterLock may be the worst finisher since "the heart punch". Who hasnt seen a full nelson? Come up with something better than that for crying out loud. He is nothing but a Master peice of :shit:
This is a situation in which I was huge on the guy to become something, based on looks alone. That was when he originally debuted. Now that I know what to expect out of the guy, including his finisher, I know how big of a mistake it was to bring him back.

Unless he's changed his finisher, which by the looks of Raw, it doesn't look like it. And unless he's reformed and trying to follow the Jeff Hardy path to Championship glory, I doubt this time around is going to be anything more than what his initial run was.

Fact is, Masters doesn't have anything going for him. Little skill, lackluster fan support, no true charisma, and very little mic skills. His look was going for him, but upon his return it looks like he's lost muscle, gained hair, yet seems to be going bald. If thats possible at all. In the end, if they're going to use him I hope its worth something that I can get into. But I just doubt they're going to take a chance on a guy who's (what, 1 strike?) away from being canned for good this time.
and looking ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS if I do say so myself. Possibly the most obvious "I used to take like 11 different kinds of steroids, but now I dont anymore" physiques ive ever seen. Everything was just kinna...hanging...there. and he has lost a SHIT TON of mass. At least 50 pounds. He looked ridiculous :lmao:

It might be good though. The slimmer look and bodyweight may make him more agile, and flexible of a worker, which will be good for him. I was excited to see him back, and I feel like he should make a decent addition to the mid card, as he always he decent skill and charisma.
Not only has Chris Masters proved to be a meathead (failed 3drug tests), but he hasnt proven to me or anybody else that he can wrestle. The MasterLock may be the worst finisher since "the heart punch". Who hasnt seen a full nelson? Come up with something better than that for crying out loud. He is nothing but a Master peice of :shit:

Give him time. Yes he failed a drug test three times but maybe he has changed? People change and I am glad he has been given another shot.
i also am not a huge master's fan but i will give him some props from coming back from all the steriod use and gettting of it all kudos for him.

As for wat he is going to do in the wwe. Im not 100% sure im gunna go with he'll stick around the mid card mayb fued with MVP and win a couple mid card titles that all i really see in his future
Ok cool.

MVP isn't getting over right now, period. Whatever they're doing with him is not making him a credible ME contender, and I think we have all noticed that. Just because he can make the audience repeat the word "Ballin" during a pseudo-People's Elbow doesn't mean that he's a credible contender. He needs to be tested. Aside from the IWC, pro-wrestling fans have a short attention span and an even shorter memory span. The average fan doesn't read on sites like WZ and they remember Masters, but they are unaware of his past violations or don't care about them anymore. They just see a musclebound opponent with a lavish entrance and they assume he's a player. So, when he faces MVP and gets defeated, MVP comes out looking like a hero and is one more step closer to the ME.

Any credible superstar can walk into ECW and dominate. This isn't the point of ECW. The show exists to create new talent. Right now, ECW has plenty of credible superstars that newcomers can defeat to move up the food chain of the WWE. They have Christian, Dreamer, Goldust, Shelton Benjamin, and William Regal. Now, on a wrestling show with a total roster of 13 superstars and an average of 3 matches per weekly show, ECW has plenty of veterans that can get new talent over. Masters does not need to be there. ECW is fine on its own.

Masters is established to your garden-variety fans out there. They want to see him in feuds with wrestlers like MVP. However, the WWE obviously has plans to get Masters over and give him a push, otherwise they wouldn't have paired him with MVP in his return match and made him look so strong in the finish.

The biggest issue here is that we all need to realize that ECW doesn't need Masters, but Masters needs Raw. This is the biggest reason why he was placed there and booked in his current role.

I think Midnight covered my views on a pairing with Jericho and gave a perfect example when mentioning Lance Cade. Masters will be overshadowed and is completely out of his league standing with Chris Jericho. I mean, just imagine those two cutting a promo... it would be like a blonde bombshell standing next to a normally attractive woman. Even though the attractive woman is... well... attractive, the blonde bombshell makes her look ugly. That's what would happen is Jericho and Masters worked together.

1) I think we both agree that Masters/MVP would be decent. MVP isn't over because of creative. He had something going when he first came, then he loses the US Title, fueds w/Matt Hardy (again) and Regal (both aren't even on Raw anymore), and has a segment w/Swagger only to cleanly job to him the following week.

2) I'll say this; time will tell how Masters is booked in the future with the sea of Raw mid-carders. Many thought Swagger was on route to get pushed to the moon (same with the Miz), and that has far from happened.

3) Cade and Masters aren't a fair comparison: Cade never really established himself as a singles wrestler. He is known mainly for teaming with Mark Jindrak and Trevor Murdoch. Masters is over enough not to be a Jericho shadow.

As a synopsis: we'll see where Masters goes around this potential MVP fued. We'll reconvene when the dust clears.
I think that the WWE will keep him in the mid card for a while to build his character up and possibly give him a US title run or a tag title run in the near future. I do think that he will eventually end up in the main event as long as he stays clean. He has the the look of a champion and he's pretty good on the mic so yeah I say he'll be in the main event within 2 years.
I think he kinda deserves to be in the main event, I really think his mic skills need work. Masters is great talent but I think he'll stay in the mid-card I see a future US title run and a feud with MVP, since the whole Swagger vs. MVP thing sadly cleared out before it had a chance to start :(.
I marked out when Masters returned to Raw. I always liked his character and was saddened when he was released. He will probably be in the mid-card for his stay. He might get a U.S. Title shot and will probably have a feud with MVP. For some reason I would like to see him have a match with Evan Bourne. I wish he would get a main event push, something to break the HHH cycle. But it won't happen, so he will end up a mid-carder again.
i personally disagree with the belief that MVP is a better performer than Chris Masters and i believe that within 2 years that Masters will be world champion. When the masterlock challenge was introduced it created alot of publicity and hype as it seemed it was near impossible to break and i think he will be able to go from strength to strength as long as the WWE don't use him as a okish midcard which would be disappointing to see because at one time Masters was challenging for the world's title why would he have such a major fall from grace now? i think he should get a decent push for the U.S title to gain momentum and hopefully he can go on from there
Chris Masters is a beast and i think if he just worked promos a little better he can be a top bad guy in the buissness but he probably wont and will just remain mid-card in fueds with people like evan bourne (another crappy david vs goliath) and some others. for now i could see him joining jack swagger and being against mvp and evan bourne cuz we saw swagger beat up evan and mvp come for the save last monday

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