I was watching smackdown and i was just got frustrated, I mean Swagger faced Masters in a one on one match but then after the match they had to have Swagger put master in a ankle lock which is whatever i can see theyre trying to repush Swagger but then after that they have Michael Cole put Masters in the Ankle Lock which is ridiculous, i mean think about about 5 or 4 years ago Masters was main eventing matches with John Cena and HBK he was basically the next superstar to take WWE into the future but because of his issues WWE has put him down worst than any other superstar possible. I mean MVP didnt get it as worse than Masters is getting right now, I dont even think M.Hardy got it that bad. So what the hell is WWE doing because id rather see Master as atop heel than Swagger because for certain Masters is better than Swagger on the mic and masters can sell better. I dont know what do you guys think because this is a shame. He may be making money in WWE but he's not making the same money he did in 05 06.