Why Chris Masters?


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I was watching smackdown and i was just got frustrated, I mean Swagger faced Masters in a one on one match but then after the match they had to have Swagger put master in a ankle lock which is whatever i can see theyre trying to repush Swagger but then after that they have Michael Cole put Masters in the Ankle Lock which is ridiculous, i mean think about about 5 or 4 years ago Masters was main eventing matches with John Cena and HBK he was basically the next superstar to take WWE into the future but because of his issues WWE has put him down worst than any other superstar possible. I mean MVP didnt get it as worse than Masters is getting right now, I dont even think M.Hardy got it that bad. So what the hell is WWE doing because id rather see Master as atop heel than Swagger because for certain Masters is better than Swagger on the mic and masters can sell better. I dont know what do you guys think because this is a shame. He may be making money in WWE but he's not making the same money he did in 05 06.
I don't get what point your trying to get across. other than you a big Chris Masters fan, his agent or spouse. Its how the sport and entertainment business works 1 day your hot & popular the next day your yesterday news. The main reason Masters may not be getting the push he had 05-06 is because of what happen in 2007, he violated the company substance abuse and drug policy twice. He should be happy VKM is giving him a second opportunity in the WWE making more money than if he went to TNA or still doing the independent scenes. Masters is only 28 yrs old and he may get another push to the main event once he pays his dues for 2007.
he has been paying his dues for 4 years plus when you look at guys like jeff hardy who is having major issues with drugs and alcohol, what happened with chris looks slightly better plus i think its safe to say that masters learned his lesson. but now, he is just wasting away. as for cole and swagger getting the better of him, i think that is garbage. masters should be getting a good push, he got one in 2010, he was looking good inring then he just sorta disappeared and was moved to wwe superstars. so he is getting ripped off now.
I mean MVP didnt get it as worse than Masters is getting right now...

Yes, he did. Masters still has a job in WWE while MVP (apparently) got out just ahead of the posse. If you're referring to the losing streak MVP was forced to endure, it went on far longer than Masters'. Even when the company started MVP on his winning ways again, he seemed dissatisfied with his role and I got the feeling the company was glad to be rid of him.

In essence, though, I agree with you about Chris Masters. We've been reading that he was in line for a push.....and I'd like to see it already. He's been a good soldier about his losing streak and remains an asset in the ring now that his body is mobile enough to do the things he couldn't do when he was substance-challenged.

In Chris Masters, we have a guy who was told what his problem was......told what he needed to do to fix it.......and did it. He didn't just stop ingesting whatever was making him into Iron Man; he also built himself up the "clean" way and earned his return to the company. I like the way he looks and moves much better now than his "Masterpiece" days.

Show me the push, Vince.
Umm what losing streak are any of you talking about? Im pretty sure this is his first loss in a while. Just cuz hes not on the main show doesnt mean hes not winning. He was the first person to beat tyler Reks. I cant remember the last time he lost before swagger. Hes been getting a solid push on Superstars. All WWe needs to do is not treat him like shit on the main show and make Superstars not look like the shit show. But thats a Whole other topic.
Chris masters has won several matches in the past couple of months and is in the power 25, apparently they plan to push him post Wrestlemania and it wasn't as if he didn't put any offence in the match.
Yeah, I had a bad feeling when I saw this the on Friday. Having no entrance is never a good sign, because this usually means a wrestler is going to lose, or he could be used as regular jobbing bait. I literally facepalmed when Cole slapped on the Ankle Lock. I just couldn't understand why it had to be Chris Masters.

Masters is a solid worker, and his matches can be worth watching. He has an awesome physique, and he's decent enough on the mic. Smackdown needs to build some main event worthy guys. Edge and Taker are getting up their in age, and both of these men can be very injury prone. Smackdown could use another main event worthy face, but as of right now, things don't look good for Masters at all.
I know what you mean pal. I kinda thought the same whing when I watched Smackdown. I was pretty much like "Why Chris?" Why does Chris Masters have to destroyed and not JTG or Yoshi Tatsu or someone? Chris Masters was at one time a great heel and a great wrestler. I know how the business works (one day your hot and one day your not) but Masters has all the potential in the world. MVP was treated like that as well. Some other person on here said that Masters is only 28 and that he still has time and I do agree. Therefore I am not going to worry too much and maybe one day the WWE will give Masters another push.
This is a problem when you don't run with enhancement talent. There always has to be a loser and a winner. Though one could argue that the superstars of today don't protect their characters like they should. Though I don't necessarily remember Masters being an indestructible force ala Goldberg. Here's a guy with a physique that's not necessarily as massive but he should be thrown back into that cocky/narcissus role that he was built for.

The problem is that fans don't necessarily remember the matches from week to week because they don't bring them up the following week unless it's a feud. Masters was a casualty and he'll slip under the radar through WM. Then maybe they'll find a character for him to feud with.

Maybe he could be used as the catalyst for turning Ted Dibiase face. Maybe Maryse goes on a scouting mission for a new boyfriend and thinks Masters has a great physique and brings him to RAW or helps persuade the general manager to trade for him. There's a lot of ways you can help out the talent and make things matter. I mean Dibiase has been in limbo since Goldust got injured.

I just think people exaggerate about people's losing streaks.
I agree with what you're saying that it's a shame to see Masters in this position, he is a talented guy, and he proved that in his short run near the top of the card a few years ago. Even though it might see like his position isn't very good at the minute, I honestly think that he's gonna be one of the most consistent and over mid card guys in a few months. Smackdown is in DIRE need of new mid card faces. There's a huge gap, with Mysterio, Edge, Christian and Big SHow in the Upper Midcard/Main Event, and then a lot of lower card enhancement guys like Barreta and JTG, with only Kofi Kingston in the middle. After WWE lost MVP and Matt Hardy there is just a massive gap, and I think Masters will be the one to fill it post-Mania. The issue is that WWE don't want to be pushing new stars at this time, they want to be building towards Mania, I'd definitely expect Masters to start rising after that.
I agree with many that Masters has paid his dues, improved substantially, and is deserving of a push.

As others have said, hopefully that push occurs after Wrestlemania is over.

But having Michael Cole put him in that ankle lock was a disgrace and a reason I'm glad I taped Smackdown (so I can forward through that complete nonsense!)

One point I would make is that I think Masters is a better 'Narcissist' type heel that the seemingly generic character he's got now.

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