Chris Masters Back

Masters is (I think) only 26 years old. That means he has another twenty-ish years in him. I was never a big Masters fan the first time around, but he is quite impressive (at least his look is, I haven't seen much of his ring work recently). He's already somewhat over from his first run, and the history and the footage already exists for the highlight packages that newer fans will likely be shown.

Look at the guys tLight compared Masters to in the 260+ weight category. A young HHH wasn't great in the ring, and Batista isn't too hard to surpass in terms of in ring skill. Masters will probably never be a Big Show, or a Khali (not that that's paticularly bad news in Khali's case), but Masters could adequately replace Kane. As much as I like Kane, he's coming towards the end, and Masters with good push could occupy that upper-mid card jobber role well.
I think someone here mentioned that Masters should have been given a Tag belt with Jericho.

Though I dont like the choice of the Big Slow, Masters may have not been the worst option. But I dont think its a good idea to crown Masters a Tag Champion on his first night, or week, back with the company.

I remember Masters from 2005, why was it that they let him go? I think they found something in his system that WWE wasnt cool with. I may be wrong.

Anyway, I think Masters will simply have to prove himself again, and show he's worthy, so WWE will have to test the waters with him and see how he performs and behaves before they consider to put any kind of belt on him.

I believe in second chances and a fair shot. He has a great opportunity and I hope he doesnt screw it up.
I like other people jumped for joy when his music played for the BTC challenge. Outside of his out of ring adventures I fill he brings the presence in Raw that is need. Shame for MVP that his popularity stood short to Chris Masters.
I think the WWE should make him into the old Lex Luger have him for now be the Kill Joy and ruin everyone chance at greatness. later he can start a feud with MVP, Kofi Kingston.
maybe needs a new finisher to go along with the Master Lock tho, like jericho has in the code breaker

yeah i totally agree that masters needs a wrestling finisher alongside the master lock eg chris jericho john cena big show if he does he could really push himself inito high mid card and low main event but kofi 2 be us champ 4 long time and possibly wwe champ soon:lmao::)
Just my opinion, but his return makes a mockery of the whole wellness program.

It's like hey... we've just had to fire this guy for wellness violations, but who cares, we'll just wait for a couple of years and then bring him back, and hope that nobody remembers what happened last time around.
I think it's alright that he's back. I personally don't care for him but I do believe in second chances. If he screws up again though, I'm all for getting rid of him for good.
Chris Masters returning is not a mockery of the wellness program. Yes, he failed the tests twice. But him being let go by the wwe for two years was not so everybody would forget he was juicing - it was basically for him to mature and all that crap before he got the third strike. He's no more of a mockery than Jeff Hardy still being employed is. Same amount of strikes, different substances.

One thing Ive always admired from the WWE is the ability to give someone a second, or even a third chance.

This is smart, by leaving the door open for anyone for a future return, its keeps the roster more active and not lacking stars too badly.
wasnt impressed in first first run but used right could have huge potential eg.
kofi mvp and borne needs a fued
more tag teams needed
possibility of main eventer
masters could be a real player this run and im looking forward to seeing it.
then again they could just put him in a match blindfolded against hornswoggle.
Quite frankly, I'm a bit disappointed that Chris Masters had to make his re-debut on Raw. I do not think he will be utilized well on Raw, and I don't think he will find much success, except for a few wins here and there. I would put him on Smackdown, where he could fued with Rey Mysterio, R-Truth, Great Khali, or even The Undertaker.

But, since he's on Raw, I don't see why he can't fued with M.V.P. I think they can have a pretty good fued with each other, with a few ppv matches between the two. I hope that Masters becomes a major threat to the United States Championship. He never held a title in his first stint in the company, so I hope he does this time.
I really hope that the WWE doesn't fuck with the MVP/Swagger feud that was brewing to give Masters a upper-mid card welcome feud. If anything, Masters can feud with Kofi and leave MVP alone. Or hell, have Masters come in and beat the shit out of Hornswoggle when The Swoggle is in a match with Guerrero. New tag team, folks. Latino Lock, Master Heat, the names for that team write themselves.

Like Unholy Profit said on the first page; as long as the WWE doesn't fuck up the current, great feuds that are going right now I don't mind that Masters is back. I never really liked him when he was first going and doing the Masterlock Challenge...but I suppose he wasn't so not over that he doesn't deserve a second chance.
I was never a huge Masters fan. He was alright but nothing special. I'm not exactly sure why they put him on RAW either. The mid card right now is stacked. You've already got Kofi, Swagger, MVP, Carlito, Evan Bourne, Mark Henry, and the Miz. There's not enough time on RAW to utilize all of these guys so if Masters gets any type of push then some of the other guys will probably be seeing less TV time.
He'll do fine on Raw. He can play a descent heel on a show where the only major heels are Swagger, Legacy, and Big Show. He can be a second major midcard heel, along with Swagger, so one can feud with Kofi and the other can feud with MVP or Bourne. His character does need some more depth, and a secondary finisher wouldn't hurt, but I'm excited to see what becomes of Chris Masters, take two.
I am very happy he is back. I thought he had a chance to have a great career before but it did not happen. He is a big man but not a bad wrestler so it works out very well. I hope he does well and would like him to work a big time feud with HHH?

Always a feud I have wanted.
I think in Masters' first run, he was just so arrogant and full of himself. And I dont mean that storyline wise. I think he was really like that. Perhaps he felt like he was some young buck who got the greatest break of his life, and hey, "maybe I can get away a little substance here and there" his naivety got the best of him.

I hope he has matured now and takes his job more seriously.
I think in Masters' first run, he was just so arrogant and full of himself. And I dont mean that storyline wise. I think he was really like that. Perhaps he felt like he was some young buck who got the greatest break of his life, and hey, "maybe I can get away a little substance here and there" his naivety got the best of him.

I hope he has matured now and takes his job more seriously.

Chris is really lucky to get his job back but the only way he will remain in a job if he becomes a big heel or face. He needs to really get those fans going if he wants to become a stronger heel. In time I feel he will.
I was pretty surprised by the return of Chris Masters myself and pretty happy to have him back. I always think it is good to introduce new faces or in this case a new old face. I have read and considered everybody's thoughts and comments on Chris Masters and I largely agree and disagree with some of it.

The first thing I noticed was that he looked a bit trimmer than before which is obviously a result of being without steroids. He has obviously lost a little mass but was still very big, very ripped, and overall looked very impressive. I actually liked this look better, he wasn't as bulky and unnatural looking to my eyes. I don't like it when a guy looks overly big. For instance Triple H was pretty huge for a while back around 2001-2003. After returning from his second quad tear he was much leaner, more cut, and as a result more natural looking. I like that. It is important to look good but there is a point where it is just like "Dude ok, just calm it down a bit, your starting to look freakishly large". I did like the posing since that was apart of his original gimmick, and I thought that even though many of you were right that he could have had a better comeback, they still did ok by utilizing the element of surprise. Think about it. None of us would have been shocked or impressed if we were expecting him or knew he was coming. So although there wasn't any build up, the initial shock was still worth it, and I believe he and WWE staff knew that would suffice.

The next thing here that most of you made a point of was his ability, mic skills, and finisher which I will address. Now, last time he was around I think it is fair to say that he was pretty stiff and robotic looking, and that it is all too kind to say that his mic skills were sub-par. He seemed pretty timid and intimidated by the crowds on the mic, and really gave you the feel almost like he was being prompted or something. I am going to guess that, that is still an area of development for him since he really didn't have a chance to speak last night and they weren't exactly trying to give him one. Now this was only his first night so I might be jumping the gun on that assumption but based on his past I am going to have to lean in that direction based on just that one appearance. The WWE has never been too bashful with giving good talkers the stick, it is a great strength for any wrestler to have, ask Jeff Hardy.

As far as his in-ring ability goes I touched on that by saying he looked stiff and robotic in his last run. Last night however I thought he looked to have drastically improved. He looked much smoother to me, and well timed. Did anyone catch that sunset flip either? That's a pretty big aerial move for a guy his size and he did it seemingly with ease. If he can continue to improve, preferably by expanding his repertoire, I think you could look forward to seeing him work with some of the main eventer's at some point. I was rather pleased with his debut performance and to my recollection I don't recall seeing him mess anything up or really look as stiff as before.

The Finisher. I love the Masterlock. It is simple, believable, and most importantly a submission. There aren't many guys who use submissions at all, let alone for finishers. Even for it being a simple modified full-nelson I think it is a pretty devastating move. Have you ever been in a full nelson and had someone crank it tight on you? It hurts, you could make someone tap from it. By therein locking the hands to make the most more or less unbreakable, you put the opponent in a very vulnerable state, and have the option to put them in a lot of pain as well. I like the Masterlock, I am glad it has stayed with him, and I look forward to seeing many more people submit to it's power.

The thing I really like that some of you mentioned was the idea of giving him another finisher. I myself am a big sucker for a Power Bomb of some kind. I know Batista does the "Batista Bomb" but I don't like the way his Power Bomb is executed, it looks too out of control like he can barely pull it off most of the time if done to anyone of size. Chris Masters has the build, size, and strength to pull off a convincing and devastating Power Bomb. Nothing fancy, just a good old standing high impact slam leaving him standing and the opponent demolished. It is always impressive, and it's not a difficult move to perform. I think since he has a submission move he should then have a big power move to round him out if he was to add a finisher to his repertoire. Either than or give him a ground submission since he has a standing submission. He could easily do the "Camel Clutch" sell the hell out of it, and it would make sense since he is at the moment a submission guy. No one else uses it either which also makes that move a nice fit if you want to keep him a submission guy.

I have heard some of you say that he simply doesn't intrigue you, and I understand that. Often times if someone doesn't get you from "Hello" they never will. Once people think of you as a jobber or boring or whatever negative thing they think of you, it is very hard to convince them otherwise if at all possible. For me, I just love the gimmick "The Masterpiece" I think it's brilliant. You could have used that for Lex Luger years ago instead of "The Narcissist" and it would have probably been gold, but that's because Lex already had plenty of charisma and the right look for that. I love the gimmick but for me in a lot of ways it is the wrong guy who has it. Now, I don't know who else per say to suggest for that role, but I do know that for some reason he just doesn't quite fit the role for me in some ways. I can't explain it, I have no real explanation for it, there is just something missing.

Maybe it is just that pesky mic problem, maybe it is the lasting impression that his shotty ring work from the past left, who knows? I know that I could have bought Curt Hennig as "The Masterpiece" rather than "Mr. Perfect", but that is because he was so great in the ring as still had an impressive physique. Maybe that is it? A guy with the name "Masterpiece" shouldn't just look good physically, he should be dynamic in the ring as well. That is after all most of the reason the majority of people don't exactly buy into him isn't it? Maybe after we see some improvement technically from Chris Masters, he will earn the name, rather than have it bestowed upon him.

As for his future, who is to predict? To my way of thinking being the physical specimen he is, he should be working with guys equally as impressive. Unfortunately those guys are all main eventer's and we all know he isn't there yet. Only time can tell, and maybe with time we will see him there. As for now and the near future, I would be looking forward to seeing him as most of you said in that mid-card. I think however that if the WWE has any intentions of pushing him any higher they had better be careful not to keep him there too long. If he is just kept around the mid card for a long long time, that is all he will be viewed as, a mid carder for life. I think he has the potential to be a main event guy based on his look and gimmick alone. Brock Lesnar should serve as a great reminder to us all that those two things alone are merits worthy of main event status, Lesnar was a better technician, but his look and gimmick gave him quite an advantage. I don't think it is unfeasible at all to say that he could one day be facing Batista or Triple H in main event matches. He has the size and strength to believably rival them in the ring, he just has to improve his in-ring skills a bit before he gets there. The future for Chris Masters in my opinion could be as bright or bleak as he chooses it to be. If he puts in the work to improve and has the drive and determination to get there he could very well be one of the next guys in line for powerhouse prosperity. If he simply gets comfortable with the mid card and decides not to strive for further greatness he will be just another hard body that could have made it. You decide which outcome will be his.
I was surprised to see Masters Debut, but I wasn’t shocked but that has to do with the fact that it had been reported he had re-signed with the WWE. I was actually expecting for them to show some vignettes announcing he was returning or hype his return in some way or another. That’s why I was surprised, because it hadn’t been hyped at all. Anyways, I wasn’t too much of a fan of him during his first run with the company. I didn’t find him to be entertaining and he bored me. He really didn’t do anything new other than the master lock challenge with his submission move, and that’s probably the only thing I liked about him as a wrestler. Maybe this time around he can completely change my mind. He’s been doing the indies for how long now? 2 years or more if I am correct, he must have gotten better during his time in the indies. But like I said, maybe this time around he can get me to change my mind of him as a wrestler. I’ll just wait and see what he does before I make a judgment on this run with the WWE.
Not for nothing, but I marked out a bit when Masters came out to face MVP on Monday night. Granted, we all saw a Masterpiece comeback in the works, but I doubt that anyone thought it would come so quickly. And even if you did, I'm sure none of you expected the outcome of Monday Night's match against MVP.

Let's rewind a bit... Masters was resigned to a deal with the WWE back in the beginning of June after being released due to multiple failures of their wellness policy, combined with his extreme loss of body mass that contradicted his "Masterpiece" gimmick.

In less than two months, he appears on Raw this past Monday to face MVP; a superstar that is being prepped for a main event push. His entrance was cut shorter than during his previous time with the WWE (which seemed more effective to me), he looked phenomenal (in my opinion), was very charismatic, and he put on a very solid match, even though MVP screwed up a few spots.

At first glance, when his music hit and he came out to face MVP, I was a little disappointed. I figured that Masters was another second-chance wrestler that was going to be punished and squashed by a superstar that was in the middle of being pushed to the moon. However, I was happily mistaken. Masters was booked to look VERY strong against MVP, forcing a double-count-out finish that ended with Masters getting the upper hand and locking MVP into his patented Masterlock.

I don't know about you guys, but that match made me excited to see Masters in a ring again and I'm curious as to if his mic skills have improved as much as his in-ring skills.

Does anyone else feel the same or different? Like I always say, the floor is yours...
I think you hit the nail right on the head tbh
Apart from a few mess ups (none of which were master's fault) he had a very impressive re-debut in the WWE.

This surley most prove VKM thinks big of the guy because how manyy superstars have had re-debuts with their future still looking bright ? The answer not many.

I also did prefer the shorter entrarance and the ending of the match i think was a great ending to show masters impresiveness not sure if thats a word but oh well

So yea welcoem back chris i see him in the main event by the end of next year if he getst he right bookings etc :)
I'm not opposed to Masters coming back. He is definitely someone that could embark in some decent fueds. But there are three things that I did disagree with.

1) Bringing him back to spoil MVP: Ok, MVP didn't have a shot to go to SS, but at least he could have looked better than he did on Raw. If he is one of the ppl who is in line for a push, a clean job to Swagger (who then cleanly jobs to Bourne) and a double c/o to a returning Chris Masters doesn't look good at all.

2) The last time I remembered Masters, he was losing consecutively to Super Crazy. But he is over enough to potentially have a decent push...on ECW. An ECW return to fued with Christian would have been more beneficial to his career.

3) (The other option rather than ECW) - Jericho's partner. This would have definitely been a "mystery" partner, and would have also done wonders to his career.
I'm not opposed to Masters coming back. He is definitely someone that could embark in some decent fueds. But there are three things that I did disagree with.

1) Bringing him back to spoil MVP: Ok, MVP didn't have a shot to go to SS, but at least he could have looked better than he did on Raw. If he is one of the ppl who is in line for a push, a clean job to Swagger (who then cleanly jobs to Bourne) and a double c/o to a returning Chris Masters doesn't look good at all.

2) The last time I remembered Masters, he was losing consecutively to Super Crazy. But he is over enough to potentially have a decent push...on ECW. An ECW return to fued with Christian would have been more beneficial to his career.

3) (The other option rather than ECW) - Jericho's partner. This would have definitely been a "mystery" partner, and would have also done wonders to his career.

Option number two most likely would have been better than what they did. I am a fan of Masters and I think he has an opportunity to become a major force in the WWE. (Heck, he was in a Elimination Chamber match)

But Raw is already so crowded and I think there is a good chance that he may be lost in the shuffle.
I'm not opposed to Masters coming back. He is definitely someone that could embark in some decent fueds. But there are three things that I did disagree with.

1) Bringing him back to spoil MVP: Ok, MVP didn't have a shot to go to SS, but at least he could have looked better than he did on Raw. If he is one of the ppl who is in line for a push, a clean job to Swagger (who then cleanly jobs to Bourne) and a double c/o to a returning Chris Masters doesn't look good at all.

I respectfully disagree. MVP took his loss like a man and made himself (as well as Masters) looks extremely strong. They easily set up a short-term feud that should elevate both wrestlers in the near future if they keep having matches of that caliber. As of late, MVP has been floundering in his rise to the ME picture. He needs more elevation to get over with the fans, besides making them repeat "BALLIN" before he does a crapy version of the People's Elbow. Masters did a tremedous job, and if he keeps doing his part, the outcome will see MVP looking like a monster and Masters being a formidable contender to anyone else he faces in the future. Great booking.

2) The last time I remembered Masters, he was losing consecutively to Super Crazy. But he is over enough to potentially have a decent push...on ECW. An ECW return to fued with Christian would have been more beneficial to his career.

Very true, but they just recently stacked the ECW roster with brand new talent. Masters wasn't brought back to elevate others... he needs to get himself over and build momentum so he doesn't look like a glorified jobber again. I think that with all the great feuds happening on Smackdown and the stale midcard on Raw, he is the perfect remedy. Plus, live television did wonders for his return to television.

3) (The other option rather than ECW) - Jericho's partner. This would have definitely been a "mystery" partner, and would have also done wonders to his career.

Another intriguing idea, but I don't think it would've worked. Masters was never over enough with the audience to make an impact as Jericho's partner. I think that would've disappointed a lot of fans, especially because of all the buildup and emphasis that was dedicated towards the storyline. Not to mention that Jericho is WAYYYY beyond Masters on all levels. Using him as a tag partner would've brought Jericho's stock down and would've been another way of downplaying and falsely utilizing the tag division.
I personally could care less about Masters. When he was in WWE the first time he was unimpressive. The Master Lock is such a boring move and he was boring to watch and never really got over with the crowd. He may of been released because of his drug issues but he would of been released eventually anyways. I doubt he will last unless he figures out how to have a more entertaining move set. Like for instance, a Powerbomb for a finisher will be better.
I respectfully disagree. MVP took his loss like a man and made himself (as well as Masters) looks extremely strong. They easily set up a short-term feud that should elevate both wrestlers in the near future if they keep having matches of that caliber. As of late, MVP has been floundering in his rise to the ME picture. He needs more elevation to get over with the fans, besides making them repeat "BALLIN" before he does a crapy version of the People's Elbow. Masters did a tremedous job, and if he keeps doing his part, the outcome will see MVP looking like a monster and Masters being a formidable contender to anyone else he faces in the future. Great booking.

Very true, but they just recently stacked the ECW roster with brand new talent. Masters wasn't brought back to elevate others... he needs to get himself over and build momentum so he doesn't look like a glorified jobber again. I think that with all the great feuds happening on Smackdown and the stale midcard on Raw, he is the perfect remedy. Plus, live television did wonders for his return to television.

Another intriguing idea, but I don't think it would've worked. Masters was never over enough with the audience to make an impact as Jericho's partner. I think that would've disappointed a lot of fans, especially because of all the buildup and emphasis that was dedicated towards the storyline. Not to mention that Jericho is WAYYYY beyond Masters on all levels. Using him as a tag partner would've brought Jericho's stock down and would've been another way of downplaying and falsely utilizing the tag division.

I respect and appreciate your analysis.
Let's continue to dissect:
1) I can agree with a decent fued between MVP and Masters. I just think that something other than a Masterlock that caused a double c/o would have been better to give MVP any type of Main Event credibility.
2) Yoshi Tastu (whom I am a fan of), Abraham Washington, Tyler Reks and Sheamus are the new superstars of ECW; are any of them going to have even a hint of a decent fued for the championship in the near future? If Masters was in ECW, as least he would be one of the main players. There is a olympic-size swimming pool of mid-carders on Raw (hence the six pack challenge), and Masters definitely won't be the one that would elevate out of all of them.
3) Simply put: he shares the cockiness, and Jericho's mic work could have made Masters seem like he's had many World Championships before. Jericho has what it takes (in the ring and on the mic) to made Masters look good.

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