Chris Masters back in the WWE


Too Sweet To Be Sour
From wikpedia.

The latest on Masters is that he has signed his WWE deal and is just waiting for a start date. Masters is set to go straight to WWE's main roster once the creative team has a new role for him.

I'm not sure if this has been reported on the main site yet, I just found out today from Wikipedia. I like the possibilities here. I also read that he may be Chris Jericho's mystery tag team partner, and it is a very high possibility. If he has resigned, he would make perfect since as Jericho's partner, and that tandem could work very well. I think that creative could also put him in a fued with Jack Swagger, maybe have The Masterpiece as a tweener, though I couldn't see him as a face. Maybe a tag team with Swagger? I could also see him in a decent fued with MVP. Either way, there are a few different possibilities with this here, I like them all myself. masters would be a very nice little addition to the midcard and I could see him fueding for the U.S. Title. I always thought Masters was pretty decent, so we'll have to see what happens. Anyway, that's my opinion, let's hear what everyone else thinks?
I'm interested to see what his body looks like from his time away from the ring. We all know he wasn't clean during his time. As long as they don't bring back the MasterLock challenge, he might fit in well, maybe even be involved in the main event scene.
He wasn't bad at all. Yes, he was definitely roiding at first, but he's been clean lately. However, you shouldn't believe everything wikipedia says lol. I do think i remember seeing something like that posted at wrestlezone though...
My appeal for Chris Masters was killed when DX made fun of him. I do not understand why HHH who is so powerful would allow such poor taste burying of a wrestler who is NOT even at his level. Chris Masters was getting a very strong push with the full nelson challenge and was gaining credible as a new talent to challenge the establish stars. Then he got busted for steroids or whatever it was and in order to depush him or whatever they want to refer to it as, they started making fun of him and then that DX embarassment happened. I believe the start of his downfall was when Vince had that court session and he lied to Vince about his real name or something pathetic like that.

Anyways, Chris Masters NEEDS to hit the gym and NATURALLY build up his body to previous preportions if he wants to be considered a serious threat. And study wrestling tapes. If I was in wrestling id watch tonnes of matches involving narcisistic wrestlers and develop a persona based on that. Look at how successful Billy Graham was based on having the million dollar body.
If I'm not mistaken, wrestlezone did report that Chris Masters signed a new WWE contract. I'm not too sure when it was exactly (maybe last month), but if it's true, then I'm all for it. I would love to see him back in the WWE, as I thought he had a lot of potential, but then the drugs screwed him up. I'm guessing that his drug problem is under control now, since WWE is apparently bringing him back. If I does return, I think he should debut on Smackdown... he'd be a major threat to the Intercontinental Championship, in my opinion.
Yeah this has been a rumor for a while now, but hopefully it is true. Masters stayed loyal in the sense he didnt jump to TNA. So Vince will have no problems bringing him back. He is still young (something like 26?), so this past time off he could have learned from the mistakes he made his first go round with the E. I would love to see him return at NOC as Jericho's partner.
Masters had a great look about him, though I'm hoping they have a little something different planned for him. For all intents and purposes, "The Masterpiece" was extremely similar to "The Narcissist" character Lex Luger had when he came to the WWF. Seeing DX make fun of the guy really just took all the starch out of that character for me.
Yup, the guy is talented. Although I'd rather see him on Smackdown. RAW has a healthy mid-card at the moment. And Smackdown is losing some big time players and the mid carders like Morrison and Ziggler are stepping to the main event so it seems and some needs to fill in there shoes, who better than the 'master piece'. Thats his nick name right? Or was it some thing else? o.O
This was reported probably about 2 months ago on Wrestlezone, actually. Although, now I am losing faith in this actually being true given the amount of time that has passed.

I was personally never a fan of Chris Masters, so I could take him or leave him. He just did absolutely nothing for me whatsoever. Just a very boring individual with very little charisma.

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