Masters and MVP to midcard


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is my first time posting so I hope I did this right. With the recent injury to Christian and Matt Hardy on his way out from some reports do you think Masters and Mvp would be moved up to the mid card-upper mid card scene and if so how would you utilize them here's my plan.

MVP- Have Alberto Del Rio come out and screw him over in a title match against Ziggler. Then cut a promo saying MVP talks about being wealthy but doesnt show it. I think a program between MVP/Rio could be a lot of fun.

Chris Masters- Have Ziggler come out and say he is perfection during a masterlock challenge and if Masters beat him they can have a match then have Masters upset Ziggler in a non title match leading to a program. I think the sleeper hold VS master lock could be a fun submission match on a pay per view and make Masters relevant again. Masters doesnt need the title just a month long feud could help him.

Have both these feuds end at the same time and switch it around to MVP/Ziggler and Masters/Rio. So do you think this can work guys? Also what would you do with these to keeping them as faces?
I'll take a look at these two seperately:

MVP - Dear god no. MVP sucks ass. He was semi-entertaining as a heel in 2008 but what is he now? That guy who uses the lame half-assed version of Shelton Benjamins finisher. Compare his finisher to Shelton Benjamins:



In terms of in-ring work MVP is a poor mans Shelton Benjamin the only thing he has that is better than Benjamin is charisma which even still s sub-par. MVP should just stay as a jobber and be happy he has his job. He's 36 and over the hill at this point. He isn't in the main event because of his attitude which is his own fault.

Chris Masters - Yes. I enjoy his work overall. I feel with a bit of work Masters could be something good. I always enjoyed the masterlock challenge and during his run in 2005 he was something else. He had a great feud with Shawn Michaels(Could anyone have sold that move better) which i feel when he lost that match he lost all forward momentum to be a main eventer. He is 27 and could be something great in the midcard if he really worked but all in all i believe he is just happy to be back in WWE.
No thanks. MVP is, and pretty much have been shit for years. I'm not gonna want to watch shit as a regular thing, which MVP and Chris Masters would become if they're bumped upwards.

However, Chris Masters could work. He's at least slightly decent, he does manage to put on some slightly decent matches, and he could make it work in the mid-card. However, he shouldn't really be utilized for much more than what he's already being, which is a mid-card enhancement talent.

Both of them are hardly worth much more than that. They're both at a point where if they would've made it, they should have done it by now.

So, really there's no need to utilize either of them in the mid-card any more than they already are. There's plenty of other good choices to showcase already, Christian and Matt Hardy were hardly the only two talents available. We still have Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Kaval and quite a bunch of others who could easily get more air-time as well as some promo time to fill the space.
MVP is horrible. He doesn't work as a face and he hardly works as a heel. What possibly is MVP going to achieve by being pushed? He's just a filler superstar now. He literally belongs on Superstars. I can't remember the last time I was actually interested in him, so giving him mid-card status is just a complete waste of time.

Chris Masters however, I can see mid-carding soon. I love his in-ring work. He can put on good matches with people, just look at his match with Kane this past Smackdown. I enjoyed that match thoroughly. I've seen him live in 2005 aswell, and he was just as good then. He belongs in upper-mid-card territory if you ask me. Maybe even Money in the Bank him next year either at Wrestlemania or at the Money in the Bank PPV itself.

While I can see Chris Masters being something valuable in the future, I can't see it happening soon. There isn't enough room. You've just got Kaval straight outta' NXT and he hasn't won a match to my knowledge. You have Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre that are being pushed with their Tag Team Championships and you have Chavo Guerrero that put on a decent match on Smackdown aswell.

I can't see MVP going anywhere besides TNA or being the resident superstar on Superstars. Chris Masters has potential, and it's only a matter of time now.

We'll see how things develop.
mvp could work but only as a heel. his gimmick now kinda sucks.
masters would workd and mabye with a good valet like dolph has vickie to do some intergender matches. ive always liked masters. especially when he use to do the masterlock challenge everyweek on raw. good stuff to me
I have never found MVP that interesting; even as a heel. All he had was the "big conract" gimmick and it was doomed to fail anyways. I mean really you want "Ballin!" to be the norm on Smackdown? Good God no...

As for Chris Masters, just like Kenny Dykstra of olde he could be used, hell if he was on my roster I would use him. But he hasn't been entertaining since his Masterlock Challenge days. There is still quite a good number of low-midcard talent that Smackdown can use and not resort to washed up talent.
I couldn't care less if WWE released both MVP and Masters, neither have shown me anything to make me care about them in a long while.

MVP needs to be a heel, that is the only time he has ever been relevant and as long as he remains a face, then he will accomplish nothing in the WWE. His in-ring ability is below average and although he has charisma, he is still just boring. His "highest paid athlete on Smackdown" gimmick sucks too, as its clearly obvious that WWE would not pay this joker the highest contract on the show.

Masters is better, but has been around for a few years now and contributed very little other than the masterlock challenge, which was several years ago now. If he did not have his epic physique, Masters would never even have made it to the WWE. However, maybe he is improving. I saw a match of his on Superstars lately, that was actually pretty decent...was it against Ziggler?? Not entirely sure on this, but perhaps he does have potential. We shall see

If I had to push one of the 2 to mid-card it would be Masters, but there are plenty of other talents I would give the push to ahead of Chris
Well in all seriousness MVP is being pushed and I have no idea why cause he fucking ssuuuccckkkss:banghead:

Masters on the other hand should totally be pushed and could do an incredible program with Ziggler. The only reason Masters is not a main eventer now is because of all the steriod stuff:disappointed:
A lot of MVP hate in this thread lol. Anyways, I think the only way MVP could be taken seriously again is if they turn him heel. He has done nothing since turning face and his character has become stale. He won't be doing anything really interesting in the mid-card as long as he is a heel.

Chris Masters on the other hand could be useful in the mid-card. A feud between him and Ziggler would be an interesting one if it was done right. We probably won't get to see this because Masters will most likely be a jobber for a long time because of his past steroid abuse.

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