Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

I think WWE is trying to revive the Attitude Era but not completly like DX reunting (personally I'm getting tierd of Triple H trying to be a 1 man DX) the Bastard child angle and jericho returning is just another thing WWE has decided to do to revive the greatest Era in any pro wrestling brand

But on the issue Jericho could fued with Kennedy or Ortan or even the champion at that time giving Jericho the hype he needs
i don't think this is a case of Jericho needing the hype, i think it's more that WWE needs star power. Jericho would be dumb if he didn't negotiate a huge contract to return, which should include a title reign of some kind. You can bet, that he will make Vince eat his own words, when Vince said his reign as undisputed champ was the worse ever. The fans don't see it that way, Jericho is one of the most respected people in the industry.
An Attitude Era...that would be so awesome, but they'd have to bring certain people back to RAW, like Austin, Rock, draft Kane & 'Taker, and wait for Jericho to come back...there would be some violent matches, and perhaps, Jericho vs. Orton...another legend for Orton to kill

Also, hopefully another Jericho vs. Kane feud, because Jericho used to say Kane needed to smile, remember when he "photoshopped" Kane on that 'zine cover with 2 chicks? Not that Kane's mask if off, Jericho would say something about burning his face for real, saying how ugly he is, and maybe by Armageddon we will see another Last Man Standing match between these two, but with Kane as the victor....
It is now believed that Chris Jericho has signed a new contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. The news leaked through TNA sources who said that they were negotiating with the former Undisputed Champion before they learned that Jericho decided to return to WWE.

With the recent injury to who is now the former WWE Champion John Cena, Chris Jericho’s return could not come at a better time. Despite his absence from the wrestling business, Jericho will return as a top-tier main event caliber talent that can immediately help the RAW brand.

The “Save_US.222” viral marketing campaign videos began airing about two weeks ago, the same time at which Jericho backed away from negotiations with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling.

It's official, Jericho is back, and it looks like he's going to RAW. :D This means I can watch him. Great.

Now the question is when he's going to be back. With Cena's injury, one would have to think they're going to rush him and try not to miss a step. Will we have a surprise guest at No Mercy? God do I hope so.
Chris Jericho to save the WWE is confirmed well, nearly. Many sources indicating the rumor and many assumptions.

It looks as if Chris Jericho is to get the biggest push of his life. It really seems as if he will be the top face on Monday Night RAW as a maineventer instead of chasing the IC title and being in the mid-carder area like he was prior to when he left (even though he was in mainevents here and there).

So many changes to be made and what better man to take over for Cena than Y2J?

Our "savior" is near.
So i think Y2J and HBK will feud with each other as soon as they return with HBK being the heel. See in the Chris Jericho Save_us.222 video it says save us. In HBK's 8.2.11 Savior_Self video it says HBK Save you self. So to me it looks like it will be Y2J trying to save the WWE, and HBK will be a heel and say that no one respects him or something along those lines. What do you guys think about that?
I personally cannot wait for Sunday when I think that Jericho will finally make his long awaited return as the saviour of raw. Lets hope he will finally be given a chance as the top guy.
Hooray,I love the news.
But I think that Jericho will debut on Cyber Sunday (there will be such PPV this month,right after No Mercy),since they want to push this a little longer.But Jericho is back,95% sure...
I have also been thinking that there could be a double return with the Save Us video being Y2J and the Savoir video being HBK. Yeah maybe it is a longshot but if HBK is finally ready to come back it could have just coincided with Jericho's return. I think we see Jericho at No mercy but then the videos keep going leading to an HBK comeback.
I have also been thinking that there could be a double return with the Save Us video being Y2J and the Savoir video being HBK. Yeah maybe it is a longshot but if HBK is finally ready to come back it could have just coincided with Jericho's return. I think we see Jericho at No mercy but then the videos keep going leading to an HBK comeback.

I heard that HBK is thinking about not returning and actually retiring instead. Not sure if there is truth to this, but just a rumor that I heard.
Chris Jericho's return is now confirmed and that is great news for WWE. Their RAW main event scene has gotten dull and predictable. Now there could be some pretty good feud between Orton, HHH, and Jericho. He literally saved WWE.
FINALLY!!!!! finally we are going to see other main eventer on the top spot instead of cena! NEW feud without cena!! Orton as Champ vs jericho would just be awesome!
can anyone say scott steiner or kevin nash or tatanka or any other returning wwe superstar. YOU CANNOT THROW THESE GUYS INTO TOP TIER MATCHES!!!!!! this has been a proven way to ruin good superstars. i really hope that y2j is alot like HBK and can take alot of time off and still be able to pick up where they left off. But i mean hey that's why TNA is around to pick up the garbage that wwe doesn't want anymore. so at least he can go there if it doesn't work out.
if he returns and is in good ring shape that he should be a face, but only for a month or so, then have him do a typical Y2J turn at a crucial moment! it's pure gold!!!!!

and as for savior 222 i'm sure it means nothing, it just means a wicked return is comming, i just wish doink and dink would come back!!!!!
this is great news with Jerichos return coming up WWE might not suck as much as it has been these past years

I had a thought what if WWE went back to the Attitude Era completly Undertaker Changed back to the American Bad Ass kane was masked again King Booker was booker T again DX remains the same and everybody gets a complete makeover charecter wise

HAHA that will never happen I can only dream
I think it would surely be very interesting to see Y2J return and start up a rivalry with Randy Orton or Triple H. That would be crazy. Ive been hearing rumors about a possible return tonite at No Mercy. If nopt tonite, then he will return at Cyber Sunday

Hello all,

I just read the page on the Punjabi Prison match and a secret link was in the text.

With the outside cage towering at 20-feet above the ground and the inside cage standing at 16-feet above the ring, more than 1,500 feet of twine was required to bound the bamboo together tight enough so the rods could withstand Khali’s 410-pound frame and Batista’s 290 pounds. With a total of 700 pounds of pressure, everything had to be “triple checked” to ensure the sturdiness.

If you click on the "2" in the text it brings up the video of the SAVE US 222.

You guys probably know this but at the bottom of it has links to the 2 videos relating to Jericho return. :)

I don't know if anyone noticed this, but in ye olde save_us.222 thingy during No Mercy not onyl did the words "2nd coming" show up, but so did the line "rev_22:12", which looks like a bible verse. If you look at Revelations Chapter 22, verse 12 it reads(NIV version): "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everone according to what he as done." aahhnnd as it's well known Jericho comes from a religous background...yeah, it's gotta be Jericho for the save_us.222 campaign.

come on, babaaaay!
As expected Vince didn't bring us Jericho last night. Even though he claimed loads of times last night "I always give the fans what they want" only to be bombarded with Y2J chants lol

Last night I did notice that the PPV was in the exact same building that Chris Jericho debuted in 1999. Would have been cool to have "the second coming" in the exact same location. Ah well, Cyber Sunday I guess it is for Jericho. :)
To be honest everybody is hyped up over this chris jericho apparant return but tbh im not really that convinced still tbh. im not really bothered that hes meant to be returning sure he will help WWE shape up things again but at the end of the day im a long time wwe fan but i dont think hes needed back there.
I'm not convinced either. And I definately think a title match right away would be a good way to bury his character and make him lose all credibility. And the idea of having him get a title match the night of his return is ridiculous. He wasnt even a main eventer before he left, he was messing around with the IC belt in the upper mid-card. If he does return, he wont get a title match for a couple months at least.
I'm not convinced either. And I definately think a title match right away would be a good way to bury his character and make him lose all credibility. And the idea of having him get a title match the night of his return is ridiculous. He wasnt even a main eventer before he left, he was messing around with the IC belt in the upper mid-card. If he does return, he wont get a title match for a couple months at least.

So what is a better way to get credibility, be handed the title on a silver platter and lose it 15 minutes later, and then regain it after HHH wrestles 3 times in one night and misses standing by the 10-count by a fraction?

Last night's gave no one any credibility whatsoever. Not Orton, not HHH, not Umaga, not CM Punk or Big Daddy V, not Mr. Kennedy, no one. I don't see how a returning Y2J could have been any less credible than the crap that went on during No Mercy last night, one of the worst PPV's I have ever seen.
I'm not convinced either. And I definately think a title match right away would be a good way to bury his character and make him lose all credibility. And the idea of having him get a title match the night of his return is ridiculous. He wasnt even a main eventer before he left, he was messing around with the IC belt in the upper mid-card. If he does return, he wont get a title match for a couple months at least.

If you remember, at the end of Jericho's last run with WWE he was a main eventer, headlining Vengeance in Cena vs Jericho vs Christian for the WWE Championship, and Summerslam against Cena in which he took a still quite green Cena to a match of the year canditate and repeated this the following night on RAW when he was storyline fired.
Anyway, when you talk about credibility, I'm sure that Jericho is a much more credible champion than Orton, who last night was awarded the WWE Championship, lost it in his first title defense and then only regained it when he barely managed to keep Triple H down after the game had taken part in three matches in one night.
And mcmahon was clearly chatting out of his ass last night when he claimed that he gives the people what they want but then refused to give them Jericho. In case he's forgotten, RAW is averaging at about 3.4, if he'd have brought Jericho back as champion last night he need only look at what happened the last time they made a shock decision over the WWE title when Edge gave them their highest rating in years. Instead they gave us the same old predictable stuff that served only to put over Vince and HHH (and i am by no means a HHH hater) as HHH was made to look heroic despite losing the title to Orton, who, after months of build up was made to look pathetic and weak and left us fans feeling like we had been shat on.
After last night, I am almost sure now that:

1.) Chris Jericho IS coming back

2.) When he comes back, he will be a heel.

3.) Triple H is going to feud with RKO.

4.) Once again it will be face vs heel and heel owner. Someone say Stone Cold?

5.) Sometime in the next month or two Kennedy will make a face turn....y'know in response to his "suspension" for claiming to be a McMahon.

6.) We're probably looking at a new Vince angle where he twists ideas that the fans want. So when they bring Y2J back, he will come out and be heel and feud with Kennedy. Much to Vince's liking.

7.) Leads up to maybe a Fatal Four Way for the WWE title.

Quick couple of things I know shouldn't be here. Isn't it funny how the WWE announced there were more seats avaiable for No Mercy just after showing the "Y2J promos"? Vince can smell the money and he knows he got a big thing now. Especially with all the Y2J chants last night. I think before Y2J might have looked at getting buried and the WWE pulled the stunt last night to see how much money Y2J could draw...especially after declining or lackluster attendances lately and a champ that everyone couldn't get behind. Jericho is going to get in the title pic immediately now for sure. When he does...and it should be soon...after a year, WWE will finally have a champ everyone can get behind.
DARKCROSS28, what makes you believe a returning Chris Jericho will be a heel? I will be shocked if that is actually the case. I expect him to be a face who will feud with either a heel champion Orton, a cocky heel Mr. Kennedy, or a tweener HHH who fans will be sick of by then, especially if crap like went on last night at No Mercy continues.

Why a heel Y2J?
Y2j wont be able to come back as a heel. he hasnt been in the ring in over 2 years. He was always a fan favorite.

And Mr kennedy as a face? That would be a complete joke. Mr kennedy makes a fine heel and i dont understand why he isnt in the title picture by now. It should have been Orton vs Kennedy in a last man standing for the title. NOT HHH. He has only been back for a month.

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