Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

In regards to the HBK rumours, i think the 2nd video was made with some red herrings in to try and take some of the focus away from Y2J (to make his return as suprising as possible), and to try and keep people guessing, and to keep a buzz going for the angle.
Its almost deafinately going to be Y2J, unless it is a real shocker (i.e. something nobody seen), and i think his initial feud could be against Randy for the title (assuming he wins the belt), as he is going to have to go straight in at the top, although id love to see Kennedy/Y2J.
On a different note,im glad to see the WWE has improved its angles recently, bringing back a more attitude esque approach to booking the shows i.e. more cliffhangers, big explosive storylines. I just hope they use them to elevate the right talent in the mid card as they are desperately short of top stars at the moment.
Whoever it is, just realize that there's no way they're showing up at No Mercy. This is only two weeks of these videos, no chance it's ending already. This is something that's building up to Cyber Sunday, if not Survivor Series.

By the way, I've seen people mentioning the "Savior" part being a reference to HBK being ultra religious...say "Savior Self" out loud. Save Yourself. First video says Save Us, second video is a response saying Save Yourself. At least that's my interpretation, who knows. Let's see what next week's video brings...don't look for anybody at No Mercy though.
Could it be both men returning and the two videos set up a series between them? The first video being Jericho saying the WWE need him to save it. The second being HBK telling Jericho "save yourself."? Though the red herring idea may be right because Joshua 8:2 reads: And thou shalt do to the city of Hai, and to the king thereof, as thou hast done to Jericho, and to the king thereof: but the spoils, and all the cattle, you shall take for a prey to yourselves: lay an ambush for the city behind it.

Joshua 8:2 reads: And thou shalt do to the city of Hai, and to the king thereof, as thou hast done to Jericho, and to the king thereof: but the spoils, and all the cattle, you shall take for a prey to yourselves: lay an ambush for the city behind it.


96-07 Jericho started wrestling in ECW in 96. That is 11 years!
I absolutely Agree.WWe is going to milk this as much as they can.
No 1 will show up no mercy. HBK wont come back until SurviorSeries anyway
This is Jericho and only Jericho.

A verry slight possibility is Micheals might show up and play a role in the
WWE championship match because Cena is Injuried and might have to drop the title.
This thread is to discuss Jericho's actual return. What feuds you think he'll be involved in etc. Not the save us promos. Keep that in the spam zone.​

its jericho hopefully he comes down orton and cena take each other out. Jericho attacks cena costing him the match and orton becomes champ. Jericho feuds with cena then gets an oppitunity at the wwe title in the new year
There's a few things I've noticed. The one thing I seem to remember is that Jericho's stage name is NOT derived from biblical references. It's derived from the band Helloween's album "The Walls of Jericho". Looking into it. There are three albums from Helloween. "TWJ" is the second of the three. Also, in Joshua 2 verse 2 mentions King and Jericho. Jericho did call himself "King of the World" and it's even the move list name in Smackdown vs Raw 07. In Joshua 8 verse 2 it mentions Jericho again. I might be a little mixed up on my facts but I think I even seen Ancient_Bible in the newest video. Keith is his real middle name the 11th letter of the alphabet. I think Keith Hart may have trained him too.

If it's HBK, it would be to attack Orton in revenge for his "injury". But that's really the only thing. I don't think WWE would make it so easy and if HBK was coming back, they would just run a promo similar to the Undertaker and HHH. I think it's Jericho. Jim Ross said something about him being on Smackdown if he "did" come back. I think if that's the case, then maybe he would have something to do with the "new" Hart Foundation. I am at random mode here. But the promo doesn't seem to fit Michaels and that could be part of the suprise, but I just don't see it. I see one of those more dramatic promos...lots of footage of training and stuff. With Jericho, it just "fits" better.
Ok lets analyse this by the main event scene
Face side we have Cena, HHH, HBK whenever he returns, Lashley
Heel Orton, then Vince Then Kennedy
Booker if and when he does return is a joke now and you cant depend on him not to just up and retire
Vince is really only here because they dont have any quality heels right now
I mean what Umaga, Snitsky and Carlito you know with Carlitos new hair they could pass as the 3 stooges.

So jerciho needs to return as a heel. My ideal situation would be to have him come in interrupt one of the pointless matches on the card like Beth v Canace and decide to join the broadcast tables for the 3 main events acting like he is scouting. Then he decides to do personal scouting over the next few weeks giving us some great matches against guys like Burke, Morrison for ECW MVP and rEy Rey for Smackdown and Shelton and Jeff Hardy on Raw then have the champs out there and the GMs and have him take the ECW title from the champ acting like he is going there and then brain Cena with it.
And then say "Paybacks a bitch" as Raw goes off the air

I think the later is probaly right and creative has screwed him. It was always said that his heel promos when he debuted were his own stuff and they were great. his face stuff he evidently isnt as good at and let the (un)creative staff handle them and thus we have what we have.

I think Cena is horrible on the mic, just my opinion. I do know the WWE scripts almost all of it, so who knows maybe he is great, and it's creative that is hurting him.

Undoubtedly, Jericho is at his best as a heel. As a face, he just does the same stuff he does as a heel only to other heels. Oh, on a side note: 8.2.11 could be 8-22. As in August 22nd. The date of Jericho's last match. I also seen that someone said 8 to 11. Like eight minutes to 11. A countdown. So we're looking at the interupting of either the finish or the celebration.

Okay, anyway back to Jericho himself. John Cena is probably looking at a heel turn sometime in the next year. I foresee that a Jericho run in at the end, because remember that Last Man Standing matches are No DQ. IF Cena's injury is serious enough (Damn, Kennedy must be a stiff worker) then he will drop the belt. Randy Orton wins the belt, sets up a nice feud with Triple H. Why? Triple H hasn't had a strap in awhile and despite the fact I actually like Triple H, I just don't see him ending the year without the title. Now...this could lead into another Jericho-Triple H feud going into Wrestlemania. I think Kennedy more or less screwed himself over with the suspension thing and leaving Jericho to pick up the pieces. If Cena drops the belt and isn't hurt bad enough, it will be a continuation of the Cena-Jericho feud until the Orton-HHH feud has ran it's course. There is no sense in thrusting Jericho into the title scene all at once.

What I would like to see is another Jericho-Mysterio feud. Though in my opinion Mysterio is WAY too big nowadays. Y2J was the biggest reason I watched Nitro back in the day. By the way, the moves list promo was the best ever, and despite ARMBAR being hilarious " Moss Covered Three Handled Family CRADUNZLE" is the best. Supposed to be credenza.
Maybe they will give Jericho the Intercontinental Title to introduce him back into the WWE i mean 2 years is a long time to be away.
Maybe they want to throw him into the deep end and give him a high profile main event feud.

Whatever happens he will feud for the title next year almost certain as Triple H will be champ by WM 24 or win at WM 24 and he seems like a great choice for a WWE title feud for Jericho.

I can see Chris Jericho doing a Cena Feud when he drops the title and possibly a Mr Kennedy feud that somehow brings Kennedy to the main event. Imagine the mic battles and slagging matches between Jericho and Kennedy.

Infact they could make Jericho win the Intercontinental title and have Kennedy take the strap from him making Kennedy the top mid card guy and thus eventually leading Kennedy to main event.

The most obvious choice for WWE is for Cena to lose to Orton and set up a Jericho feud because Cena was his last opponent so Jericho wants Cena to lose his title, then HBK to help Triple H beat Orton and take the strap form Orton setting up a HBK Orton feud and this leaves Jericho free to become NO1 contender and feud with HHH.

Everything in WWE is so unpredictable these days they always pass up on big money and fan pulling opportunities for all we know they could just use Jericho as a jobber after making Khali champ and Batista champ AGAIN, anyway most likely they will give Jericho a good feud to start with as he draws and WWE arnt stupid to pass up on this they must've spent money in the hope Jericho can save the WWE just like his promo says.
After last night, I am seeing these videos as being perhaps a way for Jericho to come back and egg on HBK to coming back, as well. Perhaps starting up a feud.

I see Jericho maybe coming back and just calling out HBK, but getting no response. The "Save Yourself" could be Jericho telling HBK to save himself a beating and avoid returning to the WWE. Time goes on with Jericho coming out and egging on HBK until finally he comes out unexpectedly and beats down Jericho.

I highly doubt that two guys that are coming back would be given the same videos. This is something bigger than what any of us could think. Just look at the evidence: One week it's Jericho, and now its HBK? It makes no sense. This is a HUGE mystery.
Jericho will have the same effect as Triple H had. Triple H was forced to turn face because he will be cheered no matter what he does. Fans want Y2J to come back because he established himself so well that not only do the fans want to see him... but they also respect him. The lack of talent is all on Stepahnie and her managment of talent and creative. Matches and storylines are predictable as the days long. I read a lot of your responses on here and honestly I think I'd rather have some of you writing the story lines considering the fans understand the business a lot better than their staff.
Jericho could choose any brand, RAW, SmackDown!, or ECW. So it all depends....


- Chris Jericho will return on RAW, and not at a PPV, as some kind of mystery opponent against John Cena for the WWE Championship, because let's face it, not everyone can pay for a PPV, and if Jericho made his return at live television, where a lot of people are watching for free, and beat John Cena, that would make for a VERY good RAW.


- I can't see his return on SmackDown! because he'd be there during a taping, and I also couldn't see him interfering in the Punjabi Prison match at No Mercy, so I will just say I would like to see Jericho take on Batista in the furture, and then Khali and Kane.


- If he returned and went to ECW, the only person I see him feuding with would be John Morrison. They seem to be the kind that would feud over who is the "sexier" and more athletic, and one of them will take the ECW Championship from CM Punk (who I personally don't like as a champion, Morrison was better).
it is jericho because in the latest video there is one part where it says directory irvine that is jericho's real last name then it says Aug/05/22 on august 25, 2005 jericho lost to john cena in a wwe title match and then on the same page it says Dec/01/09 unify On december 9 2001 chris jericho became the undisputed champion and unified two belts then on another part it says liontamer walls and Bishoff/FU he got an FU before Bishoff fired him then it says Rockrollah chris jericho called himself the ayatolla of rocknrollah then it says zzy its a lie chris jericho's band fozzy had a song called its a lie
I can't comfortably say the videos are for Jericho at this point. So what if the next one is for Edge or Bobby Lashley.
I personally think that they are going to be having a new promo every week, and just have a flood of returns in the coming months....
I think at this point, no one knows what it is and people are reading into it because they really want it to be Jericho. Last night's promo had nothing to do with Jericho it seems and people still are searching for Jericho clues.

It could even be the return of GTV or something like that - who knows, even the new Hart Foundation
It could be Edge. The music in the video sounds vaguely familiar to Edge's old music. I don't know where the info that Jericho is NOT going to be there came from, but I would imagine that in itself is either a red herring or simple fact. Suppose we ARE reading too much into the 7Oct thing. It could be that the next BIG clue is then. Two weeks seems a bit of a rush to run a return promo.
Look as a wwe fan i love Chris Jericho hes the best come on i see him returning at no mercy when the ref starts counting and the arena will go black ad it will stat counting done just like he made his debut and bam! theres Chris that would be the best! And for survivor series of topic a bit i see undertaker, vs batista, vs rey rey ,vs henrey,Vs Khali and finally Egde in a elimanation chamber match for the world heavy weight title again Jericho owns all and kicks cena'
s ass any day and lets hope he comes back!
This thread is to discuss Jericho's actual return. What feuds you think he'll be involved in etc. Not the save us promos. Keep that in the spam zone.

Please read the rules of each thread & topic before posting.. Thank You!

If Jericho returns to RAW as a Face:

- Either a Number Contender angle with Ken Kennedy or Umaga. This would actually be pretty good, because your not throwing Jericho right into the title scene and it would benefit Kennedy having a high profile feud with Jericho. The promos would be outstanding, Jericho is a damn good wrestler, and they both have the charisma to bring in the ratings and the money.

- If Orton walks out of No Mercy with the strap and with Cena out of the picture, Triple H will most likely start a feud for the belt with him. The spill over from a Jericho-Kennedy feud would set up some awesome Fatal Four Ways.

- When Cena gets back, I see a heel run citing fan backlash and the fact that alot of fans hate him despite his year long title run and how he didn't lose the title, it was taken from him. Jericho would do his thing, calling him names, doing run ins, interrupting Cena rants ( "Would you please SHUT THE HELL UP!") It would be a big program and lead into the finish of an Orton/HHH feud.

If Jericho comes back to RAW as a Heel:

- Vince brings him in to make HHH's life miserable. Leading into a feud to face Orton or whoever will be holding the title then.

- Triple H and Orton feud into Survivor Series, probably for the gold. WWE is likely to want a heel champ for awhile so that means again Orton has the gold. Triple H takes the belt and Jericho makes his return. They feud for the strap. Leading into Cena's return. If Cena returns as a face, Jericho may have the title and feud with Cena again.

- Jericho comes in and isn't immediately thrust into any feuds. The thing is there isn't anyone on RAW aside from Kennedy in my opinion that has the charisma that The Rock had when Y2J came in the first time. Kennedy is the closest in that respect, so you could be looking at a heel feud.

If Jericho is coming back, then they had to offer him a chance at being the top guy and now that Cena's out and they want to push to Kennedy and Triple H will be itching to get a belt back on and with Shawn Michaels unsure of coming back and Lashley out, Jericho is going to HAVE to be top dog.
I really think that next week we will see a different promo hinting at somebody completely different, probably somebody not even on the roster or likely to come back. Im thinking Brock Lesnar/Eric Bischoff (I'm suprised there names havent been rumoured more tbh).
If It does turn out to be Y2J, then he will surely come back as a face. You cant expect the fans to boo one of the most popular superstars of his generation on there comebacks, no matter how good a heel they are. He wont allighn himself with any other faces, he wont posses typical face traits but he will deafo start as a face.
However, within 6 months, he will surely turn, and i could see it leading to a wrestlemania programme with maybe HBK, or Mysterio (id love to see a rey/y2j programme, would be kick ass)
I'm sorry about the rules, and Don't try to request for me to be banned. But one thought i have had about this entire thing... I don't think Jericho is being planned on for No Mercy, not that they might rush because of Cena's injury, but consider this. The promo's they keep showing have to deal with computer type information. That could be a point to Cyber Sunday since you have to be using computers to make decisions. Now what was the biggest thing to ever be a problem to computers. The "supposed Y2k.. or should i say Y2J Virus" I say look for him at cyber sunday.

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