Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

Unrated Superstar

Thufferin' Thuccatash!
Edit Jake: This thread is to discuss Jericho's actually return. What feuds you think he'll be involved in etc. Not the save us promos. Keep that in the spam zone.​

I've looked up and down through the forums and I was surprised that I couldn't find a Chris Jericho return thread. Now maybe I missed something, but there's a specific point I wanted to make about it.

The alleged promos for a Chris Jericho return say "save us". Am I the only one who's surprised that WWE may actually be admitting that they're lacking star power and need help? That they're building him up so much at their own expense?

From what I've seen, WWE doesn't like to admit when they're producing crap. They've kept up plenty of programs and built up plenty of superstars that we don't want to see. But now they're blatantly admitting that they need to be "saved". Anybody else find that weird?

And since I haven't seen any other Chris Jericho threads, I might as well ask what everybody thinks of his impending return. I'm guessing most people are for it in general, I know I certainly am...Jericho always had lots of charisma, great mic skills, and could pull off a face or heel role both very well, not to mention having above average in-ring skills. The only thing is, I don't know if I'd consider him the "savior" of WWE. Would you?

So what's on everybody else's mind about Jericho and WWE seemingly admitting they need saving? And is Jericho really gonna be WWE's savior?
Maybe a bit off subject, but Is JR dropping a hint to Jericho's return in his blog?

Rob- HHH vs. The Rock had great chemistry and the two had some exceptional bouts over the years. Both were up and coming, both were students of the game, and both were hungry to establish themselves as main event players in the WWE, so the timing of their rivalry was on the money. These two men were two of my finest signees while I was the head of talent relations for the WWE. A few more fortunate hires like this would “cure what ails us” in today’s marketplace.

Maybe I am reading too much into it, but it may be possible.
I do indeed see where you're coming from with this, but to be honest I think that's a bit of a stretch. I think he was actually talking about how WWE could use more new up-and-coming stars with well-timed and meaningful feuds with each other. But you never know.
If we're talking about his actual return, first off I'd like to mention my take on the decision of heel or face. I personally believe he'd have to come in as a face. After a long absence like that everyone would be so happy to see him...kind of like Triple H leaving as a heel and returning as a face a couple times.

I think a good feud for Jericho would be with Randy Orton. Obviously Orton could very well become WWE champion around the time Jericho returns, and that would most likely have to catapult Jericho into the title picture immediately, but hey, he's Chris freakin' Jericho! Why not? And personally, I'd love to see him as WWE champion again. I believe he deserved more than just that one reign.
I dont think WWE have much choice as to weather he's a face or not. Jericho appears and he's going to be cheered. They can have him demolish Cena but it still might not work. Certain fans still hate him so it could go eather way.

I've never liked how WWE portrayed him as a heel anyway. Up until he left two years ago I thought WWE were wasting him. If they can get him to perform as he did in his feud with Cena then fine. If not have him as a face.
I feel Jericho's return to the WWE, will be a breath of fresh air, in a product that is otherwise becoming stangnent. No matter how they bring him in, the fans are going to blow the roof off of the arena, even if he destroys Cena, they'll still cheer. He just will not be able to be a heel upon his immediate return to the ring, no way. The fans have been wanting a Jericho return since he left. I would agree a fued with Orton might be a good return angle for him, but I'm all for him coming right back into a championship angle as well. The question remains though, that while I think his return will be at No Mercy, which show will he be on? Well he play both shows for a while, showing up on both of them? Will they have the GM's throw money at him until he chooses a show? I'm not sure, but what I am sure of is that his return is going to be awesome and I can not wait for it.
I have to agree with the statement that Jericho was an above average wrestler, with excellent mic skills and loads of charisma. He was a well-rounded star, and the last time he was in the WWE, he wasn't used to the best of his abilities. I am looking forward to seeing him back in the ring. He would fit into any of the three shows on the WWE, and have excellent feuds with any superstar he is put up against. He has the talent and skills that many superstars in the WWE are lacking, and while I wouldn't say he would be the savior WWE may be looking for, but if they were to find more stars like him, they might be able to pull themselves out of the gutter they have stumbled into, making each show more exciting than the last.
If jericho was to return at no mercy i could see him interfeering in the orton cena match as the referee is counting down with both men down, jerichos countdown would begin on the screen at about 8 seconds say (hoo cares but im just sayin :p) and the match would stop and just as the same when he debuted thr would b a long blackout etc and jericho would apper at the entrance area. would b interesting to see what will happen from there as it was cena hoo got him fired but jericho will come back as a face most likly so im not going to pretict what rivalries he will b in until '7oct'. sorry if this is spamming but i seem 2 get warning for no reason.
I Think Jericho will come back at no mercy during the orton/cena match up and help randy orton beat cena for the title as his revenge for losing his job. Jericho is Saving Us from john cena as champion which he has mostly been since jericho left.
I would first off like to call my ex girlfriend an idiot for hating Chris Jericho because he usually plays a heel, amongst many others.

You have faces, you have heels, you have Tweeners, then you have Chris Jericho. He has his own category.

Jericho should be champ. End of story. Cena should turn heel cuz the fans are booing him anyway. They just play a "live Studio Audience" over the fans jeering to make him seem like he's still a babyface, when fans want him OUT of that ring. Except the little kids. LITTLE KIDS!

Jericho owns all, ESPECIALLY John Cena.

So, John Cena and Orton should do what they're doing behind the scenes in the ring: Claim they're sabotaging the WWE (Which they are) and trying to push THE WORST wrestling (Which they do) to the forefront. Suddenly, Jericho is on to them and runs into the ring beating them senseless. And there is much celebration, as Jericho ALWAYS WAS and ALWAYS WILL BE the Savior of professional wrestling

chris jericho is an amazing wrestler..if u look back into his later WCW days when he had several feuds with Juvi and Dean Malenko he moved around very well. he might not do all the moves he did back then but he deserves to be WWE Champion quickly upon his arrival as early as Wrestlemania 24..he has great mic skills and i found the Highlight Reel to be the best since Piper's Pit. if not win the title at WM24, give him the MITB and let him use it up soon following mania

Y2J should come in as a face like many people have said before me, it doesn't matter if he beats up cena, batista or any other big babyfaces, he is a fan favorite and nothing can change there

IC title is not in his path..if Vince gives him IC title upon his return, i'll officially lose my RAW interest..vibce is already misusing hardcore holly, shelton benjamin, super crazy and even matt hardy..i know matt hardy is in a great feud with MVP but i'd just give him the US title already..but when jericho lost at WM21 in the first MITB, i was shocked seeing as it was his idea to have MITB in the first place..if you all haven't noticed, all money in the bank winners have lost the title one way or another soon after thety won it but w/e

all i can say is Jericho should return to RAW as a face and take RAW by storm
if you look at the no mercy page on, you see that it says last man standing match for the WWE championship, its come to my mind that most of the time that they do that without naming the wrestlers, there tends to be a last minute chang to the match..... I would not be surprised to see vince come out right before the match, add Jericho to the match, and make it a triple threat last man standing match. I know it is unlikely, but still a possibility. It would be interesting to see how it would work out if they did make it a triple threat match
If You Watch These (i suggest pausing it, and then using the little bar thingey, to move up seconds) You Should Read The Comments Too. PrinceOfPunk26 = me lol. but if you look it says in VERY small print it says 5.0.7OCT. NO MERCY DATE AND IT STARTS AT 5! 5.00 On The 7 of October Hence 5.0.7OCT. Could This Be The Date? And If You See His Last Match It's Against Cena, And Cenas Obviously At The PPV So... He Will Probably Just Come In With His Millenium Clock And Song And Then DOMINATE Cena. Could Be? I Think So.
i give this whole cj thing about 2 months tops b4 it starts to go down hill sure the ratings will be high for a bit but every big named start that returns always happens once it blows over he will leave a yet again and yet another cena era will begin
This return of Jericho to be a savior to WWE? Possibly. Jericho by himself will not be the savior, one man can only do so much. But we have returns, and mid carders are getting better and better as we go along.

I want to see Jericho on RAW. ECW is beneath him, and I can't watch Smackdown...and believe me, not being able to see 'Taker and Edge is enough, I don't need to miss out on Jericho too. So these possibilities will be for RAW only.

Anyways, if Jericho is indeed returning at No Mercy, I can see three things happening. Well, four, but the fourth option wouldn't be really all that different than what we have now, Cena overcomes the odds (again), Jericho goes after Cena for revenge, your basic feud. Anyways...

Option one, Cena gets punted in the face, loses the title, disappears. Jericho returns to face Orton as revenge for taking Cena out instead of Jericho. This makes Jericho face, and eventually a returning heel Cena over the belt.

Option two, and my personal wish, Cena gets punted in the face, vacates the title and we see a Battle Royal for the vacant WWE title with a surprise entrant (Jericho)....and wins.

Option three, Jericho interferes in the Last Man Standing and causes either a double countout or Cena to lose...either way, Jericho and Cena proceed to feud. We've had face vs face and heel vs heel and tweener vs tweener before, so it's not like it's out of the question without the WWE losing their prime babyface.

Then of course after Cena, the usual things, depending on how it went. Dominate the mid-card, or find himself in HHH's target again. I swear to god if I have to see HHH go over Jericho again I will be pissed enough to destroy whatever set I'm watching it on.

And above all, this is just if Jericho is like he used to be - if he's still technically sound, if he still has great charisma, if he still knows what he's doing, if he's not too old, and if his heart is still in the business. If he has all of those, then WWE is well on their way to being saved.

Apologies for the long post, I let my mind wander a little too much.
OK, lets breakdown this:

Scenario no 1: Chris Jericho INDEED return at No Mercy this Sunday.

WHERE IN THE HELL do you put Jericho? I mean, you cannot simply interrupt Cena vs Orton to re-introduce Jericho, no matter if the guy is going to save the WWE, he need to be placed in his "own" spot, not Cena's or Orton's.

IF it is this Sunday, I see Jericho returning at the very end of course, otherwise the audience could slow a little.

Scenario no 2: The return occurs next day at RAW:

Dont let that one out, cause i wont put all my marbles on Jericho returning at no Mercy...had happen before.

The whole thing would depend on who will win the WWE championship. If it's Cena, well, count on Cena vs Jericho feud in a very near future. If it is Orton, I definitely see Jericho out of the Championship picture right the way, maybe saving him for a future big PPV match (WM24 Orton vs Jericho? sounds good to me...)
In the mean time, Chris Jericho will be a tweener, not a face not a heel, but a tweener.
also, we have to take in mind that he could be either go to SD! so, don't discard a feud vs: Rey Mysterio, MVP, Matt hardy or......
EDGE! :D (man, this one could be HUGE!)

All in all, WWE is doing a great job in all this buzz, regaining old fans who were tired of the same old shit.
When and where Jericho makes his return seems to still be up in the air. However, for obvious reasons, we all know he will be in a babyface role. With that being said, I would love to see Jericho's return result in a fued with Mr. Kennedy. Jericho making his long awaited return; Kennedy coming fresh off a 30 day suspension- it just makes sense. Could you imagine the promos these guys would cut? They would be absolutely helarious together.
ahh Jericho returning. Well lets see here who could Y2J possibly feud with when he returns? I'm going to venture to say that it will depend greatly wether or not he's a face or a heel.


I can see him feuding with Mr. Kennedy and possibly Vince if Kennedy does wind up being the son once he returns from suspension. I can also see him feuding with Randy Orton I doubt for the title right away, but when Y2J does make his return I can see WWE not misusing him again.


If Jericho returns as a heel I can see him targeting Cena right off the bat as he is the man who he needed to defeat or else he would have been "fired", so I cab see him trying to get revenge for that.
I personally think Chris Jericho's return would save the WWE. The WWE has been pretty bad for the last couple on months. Everyone is tired of Cena being champion...I mean COME ON!!! already, out with the old and in with the new!!. I dont have no idea what brand Jericho will be on...Most likely Raw, and if he is on raw a feud with Rady Orton would be nice. If Jericho's is on SD then a feud with Edge would be great. And no offense to the ECW fans,but i think there are no worthy oppnents to feud with Chris Jericho on ECW.
Are u serious have u ever been to a live event they boo and cheer john cena there is no fake audio...not sayin i like him but he's better on the mic then just about every one in the wwe right now and can actually wrestle if he needs to if u look back on his old stuff. What would happen if john cena would have gotten hurt in the same time frame as all the suspensions who is the champ gonna be??? the great khali as the undisputed...
Anything other than Jericho going straight into the title picture on RAW is a waste of time I think.
If Taker, Rey and Bastista who are not nearly as talented can return and almost immediately be in title contention than Jericho should be afforded the same.
The only reason Vince may not put him with Cena, is because Jericho will be cheered loudly and Vince doesn't want Cena booed out of the building AGAIN!!!
I think it would be hilarious to let him win the title and then break out his list of holds again and tell us all how many holds he knows ...


That was one of the greatest promos ever.
Are u serious have u ever been to a live event they boo and cheer john cena there is no fake audio...not sayin i like him but he's better on the mic then just about every one in the wwe right now and can actually wrestle if he needs to if u look back on his old stuff. What would happen if john cena would have gotten hurt in the same time frame as all the suspensions who is the champ gonna be??? the great khali as the undisputed...

I think Cena is horrible on the mic, just my opinion. I do know the WWE scripts almost all of it, so who knows maybe he is great, and it's creative that is hurting him.

As far as Cena wrestling, Shelton Benjamin and William Regal can wrestle - I don't think CENA is even close to those guys.
If Jericho does return at No Mercy, I think they should have Cena win the belt, as the last match on the card. Be celebrating in the ring, people think it's all over, then all of a sudden, the lights go out, and the countdown begins.
Jericho appears on the stage staring Cena down, and that's it.
Then it would cause mass excitement for RAW the next night.
If his intentions are not blatantly revealed at No Mercy, WWE will get the PPV buys they want, and then the ratings will be higher for RAW.
If he runs down to the ring and attacks Cena the element of shock and excitement won't be there as it's just a run-in.
If they make a specticle of it at the end of the PPV, drag it out, make the crowd wait, and then he appears this would be a more exciting way to bring him back.
If Jericho does return at No Mercy, I think they should have Cena win the belt, as the last match on the card. Be celebrating in the ring, people think it's all over, then all of a sudden, the lights go out, and the countdown begins.
Jericho appears on the stage staring Cena down, and that's it.
Then it would cause mass excitement for RAW the next night.
If his intentions are not blatantly revealed at No Mercy, WWE will get the PPV buys they want, and then the ratings will be higher for RAW.
If he runs down to the ring and attacks Cena the element of shock and excitement won't be there as it's just a run-in.
If they make a specticle of it at the end of the PPV, drag it out, make the crowd wait, and then he appears this would be a more exciting way to bring him back.

This is the best idea I have heard, why rush it?? Personally I don't think Jericho will be at No Mercy, but if he does having him appear and just stare down Cena would be great and then DON'T have him open Raw. Have him come out at the 10 p.m. hour and cut a promo.

I personally think first they should have Ralphus show up and find a way to extend it to the SS, with some promos here and there.
if its jericho that would be a good way to do it. I think though what could also happen is Orton wins and then the same thing happens only with hbk at the top of the ramp. Orton could loose though seeing as he got the advantage last. I guess it all depends on if cena is really injured.

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