Chit Chat Natter

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
There's not much activity in the chit chat section. And we dont have a shout box. BRAINWAVE. A thread where you can do all the shit you can with a shoutbox but it takes longer. Awesome. I am a freakin' awesome admin. Best ever. FACT. So just ramble shit in this thread and if you want to spam , then go for it. If you want to advertise, fuck you, your banned.
Random Jake Facts:

Jake is not fond of mushrooms.

Jake has broken his nose 8 times.

Jake was once in a coma.

Jake would rate his arse as an 8 out of 10 for hair quantity.

Jake is curious about many things. He's watched gay porn, and was ever so slightly disturbed by it.

Jake has dreams in black and white.

Jake is a fan of Elton John.

There's more where these are coming from kids.
Fine, then I'll do some PraxFaxts:

Prax will eat anything you put in front of him. Except for taco bell.

Prax has never broken a single bone in his body.

Prax would rate the hair quantity on his posterior a healthy 5.5 out of 10.

Prax is a fan of Phil Collins.

Prax worls 2 and a half jobs.

Prax has a brand new car he doesn't know how he can afford.

Prax has had 2 women lead him on in the exact same way within the same month or so this year. When will Prax learn?

Prax is contemplating going after his ex-best friend's ex-girlfriend but is unsure what he should do. What should Prax do?
Question: Is it a threesome if your in bed with 2 naked women. But you only sleep with one, and the other just strokes your arse? Please say yes.
Josh wears size 13 shoe

Josh has a hairy chest

Josh sprialed fractured his leg when he was three

Josh busted his head open playing football and had to get 27 stiches

Josh is 6'4

Josh unlike Prax thinks Taco Bell is good.

Josh hates South Africans.. He once had a South African girl break his heart..and before you ask she was white.

Josh thinks Prax should go after his ex-bestfriends ex-girlfriend... If he has a problem kick his ass
Prax also wears a size 13 shoe.

Prax is only 6'1" though.

Prax got stitches once. Right next to his eye when he was four. He was fucking around coming home from school and fell up the concrete stairs leading up to his house. He still has the scar.

Prax hates Taco Bell but he would still eat it if he was hungry and in that area.

Prax's ex-bestfriend is an egotistical, condescending ******* who's possibly a borderline alcoholic. Prax hopes he gets his someday.

Prax's ex-bestfriend's ex-girlfriend is fucking hot and has a lot in common with Prax, but Prax feels like she only sees him as a friend, which Prax is ok with. But Prax would love to get him some of that. A) Because of the aforementioned reasons. B) Cause it would make his ex-best friend incredibly jealous, possibly even angry, and that sumbitch deserves it.
When Josh was about 2 he was taking a bath. His mother told him sit still why she gets a towel. Josh being the idiot he is stand up, slips, busts his face on the tile wall and has to get 4 stiches on the side of his face, near his eye.

Josh thinks Prax should still try and date the girl to piss off his ex-buddy.. He is a pussy show him who's the boss and show her who does "it" better.
Hello all my friends, I am Colamania, your teacher (of CM Facts!)

CM Enjoys calling himself CM instead of Colamania as it is easier to type

CM does in fact not like Cola, but instead his name is a cheap rip-off of Hulkamania using his real name, Colin

CM shares a first name with one other member of this forum, but for his privacy I will leave him anonymous

CM is a spritely 5'4, and still growing well

CM's predicted height in adulthood is 5'7

CM wears a size 8 shoe

CM had his kneecap broken inwards whilst playing football (soccer to Americans) at the age of twelve, and as a result walks with a permanent limp

CM is a fan of Avril Lavigne and The Kaiser Cheifs

CM enjoys watching Futurama, Family Guy and My Name Is Earl

CM also thinks that Prax should go ahead with the whole ex-best-friends' ex-girlfriend thing

CM once swallowed a ten pence coin

CM already knows how to drive

And finally, CM has never eaten Taco Bell, but enjoys McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut. He is not a massive fan of Burger King, but will eat there if necessary.

Bonus: CM currently owns 62 wrestling figures, and is still expanding this collection as often as possible. His next purchase will be a TNA figure, likely Abyss
First, RVDgurl would like to tell Jake that it is not a threesome when you only sleep with one of the girls.

Second, RVDgurl agrees with Josh and CM that Prax should go after his ex-best friend's ex-girlfriend. Just make sure he finds out that you're nailing her.

Now onto some random facts about RVDgurl:

RVDgurl also wear a size 8 shoe

RVDgurl owns more than 30 pairs of sneakers (it's an addiction)

RVDgurl owns over 20 coats (another addiction)

RVDgurl changes hair color frequently

RVDgurl has a collection of stuffed hippos

RVDgurl broke her ankle in 7th grade playing football

RVDgurl thoroughly enjoys all fast food, including Taco Bell

RVDgurl is almost 5'8"
Prax thanks everyone for their input on the situation and will be sure to give them an update if there is one.

Should Prax make sure he finds Prax nailing her live in person? Wouldn't that add to the dramatic effect?

Prax owns 2 pairs of sneakers, one of which is about ready to fall apart, but is too lazy or careless to buy a new pair.

Both pairs smell. FACT.

Prax's chin hair changes color on its own in the fall, to a burgundy/redish-orange color.. FACT.

Prax finds the fact that RVDGurl's collects stuffed hippos incredibly cute.

Prax had a chicken sandwich for lunch.
Yes, yes, yes! If at all possible, Prax should make sure that the dreaded ex-best friend walks in during the nailing of his ex-girlfriend. RVDgurl suggests that maximum effect will be achieved if Prax is nailing her at the ex-best friend's house.

RVDgurl also suggests that Prax go to the mall immediately to purchase a new pair of sneakers and a stuffed hippo.
RVDgurl does not suggest buying hippo skinned shoes, unless they are super cute hippo slippers. Otherwise, Prax should be purchasing hippo and sneakers seperately.
Jake wears a size 12 shoe (English)

Jake is unconcerned with the man who's attempting to tax his buisness, although he hears he should be.

Jake shaves his chest.

Jake always get's dizzy when he has a tattoo.

Jake is convinced it's a threesome if you gat naked with two women in the same bed, and just have sex with one.

Jake fell through a glass table once and needed 60 stiches in his throat. He was drunk.

Jake collects DVD's and wrestling memorabilia.

Jake hates his new house.
Josh thinks Prax shoud forgo the hippo skin shoes.. One they will most likely be very expensive and two I would venture to say hard to find. Josh would reccomend sperry topsiders... he swears by them.

Josh thinkd Jake being drunk and falling througth a glass table is hailrous. One time Josh got drunk and literally ran througth a wall. Best thing was Josh didn't get hurt.

Josh works at a gym but isn't in shape. He frequently drinks soda in front of the patrons and eats taco bell.

One time Josh got angry and broke his tv remote in half eith his bare hands.

Josh collects sports memrobilla. He once sold a Tiger Woods autographed card for $150.00, six months later Tiger wins 3 majors and the card becomes worth about 400.00.
Josh thinkd Jake being drunk and falling througth a glass table is hailrous. One time Josh got drunk and literally ran througth a wall. Best thing was Josh didn't get hurt.

It was . When I slipped over in all of my blood that was just the best.
Yeah I survived. Got a cool scar as well. Great conversation maker. Make's me look like one of those guys you wouldn't mess with though.
RVDgurl stands by her decision that Jake did not have a threesome with the women thast were in his bed. Jake would've had to have sex with both women for it to qualify as a threesome.

RVDgurl hates yardwork and refuses to mow the lawn.

RVDgurl also thinks it's funny that Jake fell thru a glass and slipped on his own blood. Very ECW.

RVDgurl collects the Red M&M

RVDgurl thinks Josh is great for working at a gym and eating Taco Bell in front of the patrons.
Tex was officially a Canadian as of March 14, 2005

Tex does in fact eat the red Smarties last

Tex has stayed up for a week, at the end of which it became too painful for him to raise his arm

Tex agrees with RVDgurl that Jake did not have a threesome

Tex just spent $200 on a pair of shoes, he later found the same pair for $80

Tex wears a size 12 shoes

Tex is 6' tall

Tex's car is in the shop because of Tex's now ex-girlfriend

Tex things Prax should go for his ex-friends ex-girlfriend and bang her in his ex-friends house.

Tex had surgery when he was 2

Tex finds talking in the third person annoying yet intriguing at the same time

Tex is not Ticked Off .. FACT!

Tex is calling himself Tex because it is alot faster then typing his full user name

Tex thinks that if he were a cannibal that people would taste like their ethnic background.

Tex is a mark for both CM Punk and John Morrison and thinks their match at the GAB was great.

Tex has died his hair many colours including green, blue, black, and red
Fair enough. But when I'm on holiday I WILL have a threesome. And it wont be with two chubsters it will be with some model types.

So fuck you RVDgurl and fuck you Texas Canadian.
RVDgurl thinks Jake should go for the threesome while in Mexico, since he has clearly not had one yet. Team Jake is rooting for you!!

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