Championship Wrestling Federation

Finally got around to reading and reviewing your Book This!

I'll be reviewing the second show, but I also read the first show in order to have complete knowledge in everything that is going on. My review will be in random order, and in bullet points so if there is anything you are unsure of, let me know.

- The debut show of Elite was a very good introduction to the workings in your federation. Episode 2 built on the foundation you stared in episode 1, but dug deeper and added more, which is very important.

- I'm not a fan of the constant blue font. Switch it up for matches, promos & wrestler's actions, or use black.

- Your opening video for episode two was written in the same sense as if it was something we would actually see. CM Punk starting it talking about leaving his impact, all the way to John Cena on the hood was an impactful way to end and hints to if Punk is to blame.

- I really enjoyed the signs in the audience at the beginning of the show. It's fun and something that I hope will be at the start of each show.

- Very nice roster.

- How long are your shows? I'm assuming two hours for Elite? Three hours for a PPV? It's hard to tell by just reading your shows.

- Chris Jericho as the owner of CWF is an odd choice, but very interesting and exciting too. Will he be forced to step in the ring from time to time to maintain order? I look forward to finding out.

- When I read the promo's and matches, it's clear that you have an indepth knowledge about the wrestler's personalities and it is like you can get inside the head of the wrestlers. You make it easy to imagine that they would be saying what they are saying during a promo, how they are acting backstage and in a match.

- I have a hard time picturing your commentators. HBK doesn't seem like HBK, JBL doesn't seem like JBL etc.

- John Cena sprinted to the ring a week after being run down by a car. I know he's Superman, but a walk would have had the same effect.

- Kofi Kingston vs Cody Rhodes was an exciting match that was fun to read.

- Cody Rhodes comments regarding Kingston and Sin Cara: WHOOAAA!!! Hope something comes out of this!

- Love the idea of a dashing face vs the faceless man. Lots of ammo for Rhodes to use during both promos and matches.

- It felt like a commercial break should have been added after Ziggler slapped Christian. The pacing didn't feel right going from backstage interview directly to match.

- All of your matches are different from each other which is a positive as they don't get boring.

- Sometimes you use words and phrases that don't flow with what is happening such as "He drags Christian up, dazed and confused like Led Zeppelin."

- I'm not sure how Christian got "screwed" out of his match. I understand the foot was on the ropes and he was upset, but that's not illegal.

- I'm not 100% sold on the idea of Petey Williams and Austin Aries tag-team. I like both wrestlers, but I'm not sure I can see the combination yet. Only time will tell.

- I LOVED Areies promo.

- LITA!!!!!!

Enjoyable show. I'll be following along for shows in the future as you have my interested in many angles.
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(Writer's Note: I enjoy doing this show, but just as real companies recieve feedback in form of their fans reactions, I need it as well, to know how I am doing. So give me reviews/feedback in posts, and rep or PM with feedback that could be considered as spam. Rep me if the show is good, and you will receive rep for any feedback or reviews you give me. Also, check out our website for all important news/updates and further information regarding the company and it's roster/staff and schedule. is at this link:


"Remember The Name" hits the speakers, welcoming all the fans back to Championship Wrestling Federation Elite for another week. The camera pan all throughout the Civic Center in Charleston, West Virginia. We see creative signs such as "Mizz-y Janetty", "I Love Cody Rhodes", and "C.M. Punk saved me." The camera shows all the fans for a few seconds before switching to the announcer's table where Josh Matthews, Shawn Michaels, and JBL are sitting, ready to welcome the fans to CWF.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Championship Wrestling Federation Elite! I am Josh Matthews, welcoming you to the most exciting show in professional wrestling!

That's right Josh, and the main event scene is really heating up here on Elite. A tournament has been set up between eight of the best competitors here in CWF, and two of those matches take place tonight!

Plus, C.M. Punk, Randy Orton, and Daniel Bryan all have issues with each other, and tonight they will be settled in a triple threat grudge match. With these three men top possibilities to be booked for the tourney as well, which one will come out on top and gain momentum?

Not to mention, Sin Cara and Cody Rhodes are now officially set to battle at Guerilla Warfare to crown the first No Limits Champion. Will we see further interaction between these two tonight?

And C.M. Punk attacked John Cena in the main event last week, will Cena address Punk on his actions? We'll find out tonight!

The camera pans back towards the entrance ramp as the show's theme song fades away into silence before...


"This Fire Burns" hits the speakers as the Straight-Edge Savior enters the arena to a major chorus of boos. He drops to one knee and points at his wrist. He screams "It's clobbering time" as he makes his way back to his feet and walks towards the ring. He slides in the ring and grabs a mic from a ringside producer before sitting down in the middle of the ring, indian-style. He waits for the crowd to quiet before he begins to speak.

The question on everyone's mind is, why did I attack John Cena again? I already made my impact. How could I do such a despicable thing. You see, I'm doing nothing different with John Cena than any good leader of an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting does with their patients, or any good pastor of a church does with a sinner. John Cena is a liar. I cannot let him and his lies take over this company like he did in the WWE, while I never got a chance. I have a question: have you people ever played Duck, Duck, Goose?

Some of the crowd laugh, some cheer, and some don't know quite how to react to the question.

Trying to get ahead in WWE with me was kind of like playing Duck, Duck, Goose. They would come around, tapping people on the head. I worked hard, I deserved to be the face of that company, so the people would have an honest champion. And they would keep getting close to me. Zack Ryder, duck. Kofi Kingston, duck.

Punk exits the ring and acts like he is playing duck, duck, goose with the crowd members.

Dolph Ziggler, duck, then they get to me, C.M. Punk,

Half the crowd is laughing and cheering, the other is booing. Someone audibly yells out "you suck" from the first few rows, as Punk is getting some heat.

That's what she said, buddy.

The crowd laughs at Punk's comeback as he rolls back in the ring, now standing.

Then Ken Kennedy, or Bobby Lashley, or Randy Orton, or Triple H, or Shawn Michaels, all the un-derserving losers playing political games would get to go ahead of me. They got to be the goose, and run, and chase the title. But poor little C.M. Punk never got his fair shot. Well, that's all over now. It's time for me to run this company, and I will not let John Cena take back over, running wild with his, CeNation, his Hustle and Respect, his loyalty. John Cena is a liar, he is deceitful, and he is playing all of you fans. I will be the champion, I will be the face of this company, and John Cena will not. And I will not let it happen again, because it makes me sick. John Cena does not deserve it! And I for one think-


John Cena's music hits as the crowd goes nuts. The roof blows off the small arena as Cena runs on stage. He looks into the camera and talks to the home crowd through the camera before sprinting to the ring. He slides under the ropes and asks for a mic. He soaks in the crowd reaction before speaking.

C.M. Punk. The ugly little duckling. Out here whining, oh I didn't get a shot, I didn't get a shot. Dude - get over yourself. No one here really cares if you didn't get a shot. The fact is, maybe you didn't deserve a shot. I mean, you're okay, but let's be honest here, I would've beaten you anyway.

The crowd pops like crazy, and Punk doesn't look the slightest bit impressed.

But besides that point, I do have an issue with you. Last week, you attacked me. And even though you might not realize it, you let it slip out earlier you are the one who attacked me two weeks ago. So now, we have a problem.

The crowd pops, as Cena is getting serious and is up in Punk's face.

Oh, do we now? Oh gee wilikers, big bad John Cena has a problem with me. Whatever will I do.

Half the crowd laughs at Punk's sarcastic tone, the other half boos.

Well, first thing I suggest, is to take me seriously.

Cena is now nose to nose with Punk, but the straight edge one will not back down.

John, I don't need to take you seriously. And do you know why? Because I am straight edge, and I am better than you. Do you even know what straught edge means?

Cena starts to answer, but Punk cuts him off.

Don't answer that. It's a rhetorical question, you idiot.

The crowd boos like crazy at Punk's comments, as Cena is clearly getting fed up.

I'll tell you what it means. It means I don't drink, like you do. It means I don't put things in my body that could cause me harm, like you do. And most importantly, it means I am not an unhonest and lying man like you are.

The crowd boos as Punk goes back to his usual shtick on the mic, and Cena clearly disagrees.

Do you really believe in that messed up Jim Jones wannabe little head of yours that you are better than me?

John, I know that I'm better than you.

The crowd is giving Punk Lebron James in Cleveland levels of heat at this point, and Cena gets a smile on his face, seemingly getting an idea.

Then why don't you put your money where your mouth is, Punk. You and me, one on one, at the first ever CWF pay-per-view, Guerilla Warfare!
The crowd pops wildly for this suggestion, as Punk gets a thoughtful look on his face. He looks like he is thinking it over. Punk is taking a good time to answer, and the crowd starts a "he's a coward" chant. Punk seems unaffected, and starts to answer when...

The instantly recognizable theme music of the owner of CWF, Chris Jericho, hits the speakers as he walks out in the arena. He stops on the ramp and signals for his music to be cut.

Now, as much as I, and I'm sure all of these fans, would like to see that match, you two will have to fight to earn it. As of now, you are two of the top stars I have on my roster, and you two are both in the tournament to decide the first champion. So consider that an extra incentive while competing the next few weeks. Not only are you fighting for a chance to win the title, it's also a chance to get your hands on each other. Now, John Cena, I would appreciate it if you left the ring, as you have your first-round tournament match later tonight. Punk, you can stay, because that match you're scheduled to have with Orton and Bryan - well, it's up next!

And with that, Jericho turns and leaves as his music hits once again. Cena gives Punk one last stare down and leaves the ring as Punk backs into a corner opposite the entrance ramp to stretch, preparing for his upcoming match.

You heard it straight from Chris Jericho, ladies and gentlemen. Up next, the blockbuster triple threat match that you fans have been waiting for all week, is coming up next.

And later tonight, John Cena will compete against one of CWF's top stars in a first round tournament match to decide the first ever CWF Elite Championship!

Who will it be? Stay tuned to find out.


As we return to Elite, "This Fire Burns" is playing once again, as Punk is now sitting cross-legged, leaning up against the same corner he was in when the show went to comercial. Punk looks relaxed and ready to compete. Suddenly, the lights dim somewhat and...

"Voices" hits as Randy Orton enters the arena. He walks slowly through a red mist slowly gathering on the stage with a cold, menacing look on his face. He is about to get his hands on Punk in a match situation, and despite his usual demeanor, is probably looking forward to something for once. He slowly makes is way to the ring as black and red lights flash rapisly through the arena as white lights flash during emphasized points in the song. He walks into the ring and climbs a turnbuckle, hitting his tradmark pose as another star's music hits.

Thousand Foot Krutch hits the speakers as The American Dragon, Daniel Bryan, enters the arena wearing his trademark red trunks and red robe with white trim. The fans pop loud for the Master of the Small Package as he walks the length of the ramp and hops in the ring with no flash or pomp. He hops on a turnbuckle and lifts a fist to the sky, before shedding his robe and getting ready to compete. The referee backs all three men up, and we're ready to go.

Match 1: C.M. Punk vs. Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan:
The referee rings the bell as the three men stare each other down to start. Each looks hesitant to make a first move, but Bryan mans up and goes after Punk. Orton follows behind and the double team up on Punk, backing him into the corner. Bryan backs away as Orton has a vicious look in his eyes. He start stomping away Stone Cold style on Punk in the corner, and gets his fill before turning away with cold look in his eyes. Bryan looks for more of Punk as well, but Orton isn't letting up on either man and grabs him from behind. He whips Bryan into the ropes and catches him on the rebound, connecting with his pattened snap scoop powerslam. He goes for a cover, but there is a quick kick out by Bryan. Orton gets back to his feet, and looks to go back to Punk. Punk has rolled to the apron though, and flies back into the ring with a springboard clothesline. He gets to his knees and pulls himself up, looking to do more damage. He circles around, but decides to hit the ropes for a move. He rebounds right into a recovered Daniel Bryan, though, who hits a picture perfect dropkick on Punk.

Punk rolls to the floor in front of the announcer's table, as Bryan raises a fist to the sky. He stands looking over the ropes at Punk, before turning to see a charging Randy Orton. Orton is looking for a clothesline but Bryan pulls down the ropes, letting Orton fall to the ground beside Punk. The two men try to gather themselve as Bryan, not wasting anytime gloating, climbs to the top turnbuckle. Orton and Punk stand, and they turn around to meet a cross body from Bryan! All three men are now down as the crowd claps for the quick paced action so far. As the three men slowly make their way to their feet, fatigue is already showing. Punk and Orton are up beside each other, and go at it. Punk takes the advantage and whips Orton hard into the side of the ring. He winds up his wrist, taunting, as he turns around to get Bryan. But Bryan is waiting and back body drops him onto the announce table, and he lands with a thud.

And Bryan sends Punk flying into us, and boy did he land with an impact!

And now Bryan is going after Orton, as he rolls him into the ring. And we get to see these two again.

Don't forget Orton RKO'd Bryan as well as Punk last week, don't think Bryan will forget that.

He'll want to avenge his loss to Orton two weeks ago too.

And meanwhile, Punk is laying at our feet, here, with a possible back injury. I've landed on my back like that before, and it cost me four years of my career.

Back in the ring, Bryan remembers the same things JBL and Josh Matthews do, and is going after Orton hard. He locks in an abdominal stretch, working on the midsection of Orton. Bryan realizes he can take away the whole core of Orton, and is relentless on the pressure. He holds on for a good time before finally letting go. Orton is free, but is feeling the damage. He rolls to a corner, to pick himself up, and Bryan stalks him. Orton picks himself up facing Bryan, and is met with knife edge chops from Bryan. He hits one after another, turning Orton's chest red. Orton staggers forward, bent-over, as Bryan hooks both of Orton's arms behind his back. He lifts him up and hits the double underhook suplex, and bridges into a cover. One....two...and Punk is back in to break the fall. Punk is hurt, but makes his way up, dragging Bryan with him. He delivers an arm drag to Bryan, and follows with a complete shot, jarring Bryan hard into the mat. He rolls over into a cover. One....two....and Orton breaks up the fall at the last second.

Orton and Punk get to their feet and start to duke it out. They trade fists back and forth as Orton gets an advantage. He ducks under Punk and lifts him up, before dropping him back with an olympic slam. He lets Punk roll to his feet before hitting the ropes. He rebounds back with a clothesline, and another when Punk gets up again. He stalks Punk, with a heartless look on his face. He drags Punk to his knees, and rolls Punk through the ropes to the apron. The fans cheer as they know what is coming. Orton leans through the ropes and hangs Punk through the second rope. He holds him suspended and looks around before dropping him with the DDT. Punk lies motionless on the mat as Orton goes to that place where he hears voices. He drops to the mat, pounding it, writhing and twisting. He convulses and hops to his feet, in full psycho mode, waiting to deliver an RKO. The suddenly Bryan comes from behind! He hops on Orton and locks in the LaBelle Lock on Orton from nowhere! Orton is locked in and struggling, as Bryan as applying more and more pressure to the hold. Orton reaches out and grabs the ropes, and Bryan relinquishes the hold.

What a match so far! These three men are tearing into each other.

Yes they are, Josh, but this could be a turning point in the match-up. All three men are down, and whoever makes it to their feet first and gets an advantage could grab the win.

All three men are down, Punk trying to pick himself up in the corner, Bryan laying down on the mat beside Orton, who is laying face-down under the ropes. All three men are struggling to regain themselves, worn out from the action so far. Punk and Bryan are the first two up and look to go at each other. The two exchange hip tosses, and Bryan follows with a stiff kick to the head. It dazes Punk, causing him to stumble backwards. He ducks under Punk and uses a small package to roll him up. One....two...and Punk kicks out. Punk rolls into a corner and Bryan gets up. He turns around and...Orton from nowhere with a shoulder block. Orton follows with a clothesline. Bryan struggles to his feet and walks into an olympic slam. Orton goes back to his place where he hears voices again, and starts pounding the mat. He pounds his fists hard and hops to his feet as Bryan turns around. Punk is still laying down and...RKO connects! RKO to Bryan. One....two....and Punk breaks it up! Punk was playing opossum. He picks Orton up and tosses him shoulder first into the ring post and scampers into a cover. One....two....and three! Punk steals the victory!
Justin Roberts:
The winner of this match, C.M. PUNK!

"This Fire Burns" hits as Punk slides out of the ring quickly and scuttles for the ramp. He raises his hand to the sky in victory, proud of his sneaky win. Orton recovers as Bryan is still down, and Punk has a smirk on his face as the crowd boos him. As he walks backstage, the crowd gives him a less-than-grateful reaction. Josh Matthews sends it backstage to Matt Striker, who is standing by with A.J. Styles.

Matt Striker:
Thank you Josh, and as you mentioned, I am standing by with the "Phenominal One" A.J. Styles. Now AJ, as seen two weeks ago, you and Samoa Joe seemingly have issues, stemming from your days together in TNA, and the attitude you have adpoted as of late. It seems since partnering with Ric Flair way back in TNA, you have changed. Care to give us some more insight on that?

Well, Striker. It's quite simple, really. Ric Flair showed me who I truly am. He introduced me to a new lifestyle and showed me my full potential. And once you see these things, it is hard to go back. I used to savor these fans, their love. And I used to think my purpose was to give these people what they wanted. But i realized that I'm so much better than what these people want. I have ore potential than that. And the money, the power, the glory, the girls - it's what I was born for. Not only that, but it is what I deserve, Matt. After toiling away to build TNA into what it became, and giving these fans what they wanted, I deserve this all Matt.

The fans audibly disagree with Styles words. They let him know what he thinks, but he doesn't seem to care.

Now onto Samoa Joe. He interrupted you two weeks ago, but it just seemed he was reminding you. Of everything that you helped build, of who you really are. One would think that he is just trying to be a loyal friend, but you don't seem to see it like that?

Of course not, Matt. I see it for what it really is. He is just jealous of me. He always has been, because he realizes how much better I am. Yeah, we were friends, and sure, he is good enough. He was good enough for TNA and Ring of Honor, at least. But I have always been superior, and that little green monster took a hold on him. And then he had the nerve to attack me two weeks ago. Now, I want you to know, my main goal here is to be champion, as is everyone's. But I'll make sure that you pay for your attack on me, Joe. And you know what they say, Joe - a bitch!

A.J. is getting tremendous heat now, and walks away as the crowd continues to boo.

Thank you for your time, A.J.

Back from commercial, "Welcome 2 Detroit" is playing as the Murder City Machine Guns are in the ring. They are standing on opposite turnbuckles making guns with their hands. Robert Roode, Austin Aries, Petey Williams, and Lita are waiting outside the ring, talking. The Guns play to the crowd as their music switches off and a new one hits.

Bullet For My Valentine hits as Trent Baretta runs out on stage. He tosses his fist in the air at each side of the stage. He plays to the crowd a little more before hitting the ring, ready to compete in this six-man tag team match. The men debate who will start for each team before they decide on Shelley and Aries. The two men are ready to compete as the match gets underway.

Match 2: The Murder City Machine Guns and Trent Baretta vs. Austin Aries, Petey Williams, and Robert Roode:

The referee rings the bell as the two men circle each other. They lock up and Aries gets an advantage, getting a headlock in and dropping to one knee. He wrenches the hold, but Shelley uses a burst of strength to shove him off. He pushes Aries into the ropes and leapfrogs him on the rebound. Aries runs back into a jumping forearm smash. Aries goes down and Shelley wastes no time running the ropes. He comes back and jumps over Aries. Aries hops up, and comes back with a kick to the gut, followed by a twisting suplex. One....two..and Shelley kicks out. Aries is up and drags Shelley with him. The two men exchange holds and throws, with Shelley getting the advantage. He puts Aries down to the mat and tags Sabin in. Sabin drags Aries up and the Guns hit enzuigiris in unison on Aries. Shelley leaves the ring as Sabin makes the cover. One....two...and Aries gets a shoulder up. Aries shoves Sabin away and crawls to Roode, who is reaching for a tag. Sabin comes back to grab the legs but Aries kicks him away and makes the tag to Robert Roode.

Roode is in and goes for a clothesline, but it is ducked. Sabin grabs Roode as he turns back and whips him into the corner. Baretta reaches for the tag and Sabin allows him to come into the match. Trent comes in with a fury, unleashing a barrage of high-flying body blocks and tosses to take Roode of his game. He drags the former Beer Money competitor to the turnbuckle, setting up for some high flying move. He runs onto the turnbuckle and connects with a tornado DDT. Baretta goes for a pinfall. One....two...and Petey Williams breaks it up. The referee has to intervene, and he forces Williams back out of the ring. Baretta, meanwhile, is up, and goes back on the attack. He throws a few punches and kicks at a grounded Roode before heading back to his corner. He tags Shelley back into the match. Roode is still down in the ring, and Shelley goes on the offensive. He drags Roode up, and whips him into a neutral corner. He charges at Roode, but Roode dodges out of the way. At the last second Shelley leaps on the turnbuckle, and lurches back with a crossbody and...misses!

And that was a huge miss! Shelley is down, and this could change the momentum of the match for Roode, Williams, and Aries!

Roode tags Williams into the match and lets him go on the attack. He works away at the body of Shelley before dragging him to his feet. He whips him into the ropes and connects with an elbow to the face on the rebound. Shelley staggers back, stunned, and the oppurtunity is open for a dropkick, and Williams connects. Shelley falls back into the ropes and stagger back to a kick in the gut. Williams sets up for the Canadien Destroyer and...Baretta interferes. He saves his teammate but is met with a hard fist from Williams. Williams locks him into position for the Destroyer and...connects! Canadien Destroyer to Baretta! But Shelley is the legal man, and sneaks up behind Williams. He locks in a waist-lock from behind and...german suplex. He bridges it into a three! Aries and Roode can't break it up in time, and this match is over!
Justin Roberts:
The winners of this bout, Trent Baretta and The Murder City Machine Guns!

Baretta is still out from the Canadien Destroyer as The Guns check on him. Aries, Roode, and Williams exit ringside, angry. They have down looks on their face as they leave. We see one more shot of the Guns before we go backstage, where Sin Cara is heading towards his locker room. He stops as he walks by John Morrison, as Morrison pauses to shake hands with him.

Big fan of your work man, big fan.

Cara just nods his head, appreciating the praise. Suddenly, Cody Rhodes walks into earshot. He walks up to the two men.

John, I don't get it. Really, I don't. Praising this, this ugly, faceless coward, who is ashamed of himself and has to hide it behind his mask. You and I have a lot in common. We are both young superstars with bright futures, two of the most dashing, handsome men to ever grace God's green earth. Yet you praise someone like Sin Cara.

Sin Cara is visibly upset, and gets into the face of Rhodes. The crowd is booing Rhodes comments, but lets out a cheer when Cara steps up against Rhodes. Morrison holds Cara back and is prepared to do the speaking himself.

Cody, we are nothing alike, man. I am a shaman, a guru. An enigma, an artist. Not only will you ever be half of what I am, but you will never know half of what I am. You will never know the ways of the Palace of Wisdom, about the heartache, the loss of God. You never have and you never will. And for you to undermine another brilliant enigmatic persona like Sin Cara, is sad. It just proves why you will never be great.

I don't know what you just said, but it sounded disgusting. Just like Sin Cara here, and just like all of these ugly, mountain people here in West Virginia.

Cody gets some loud heat for the comments about the home state, and Morrison disagrees.

That is exactly what I mean, Cody. You are ignorant to what life really is, the ways of the ancient shamans and gurus, and rely on your looks. And that is what is truly disgusting. And another thing that is truly disgusting, is your ego, and your big mouth. So how about next week, you and I, one on one? Maybe I can give the massive egocheck you really need.

The crowd cheers for Morrison's comments and challenge, and Cody looks thoughtful.

You know what, I accept. I'll show you all once again just why I am so dashing.

Cody stares Morrison down and gives a little shove to Sin Cara before turning and walking away. The camera transitions to Scott Stanford, standing by with the Murder City Machine Guns, fresh off of their victory teaming with Trent Baretta.

I'm hear with Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. Guys, you just picked up a solid victory over division rivals Austin Aries and Petey Williams as apart of a six-man tag team contest. Could you consider that a bit of revenge for their costing you guys your match two weeks ago?

You could say that, Scott. But it's only a small piece of the pie. You see, we have been touted as one of the best tag teams in the world, and all of our wonderful fans know that's true. And all of the teams in CWF know it's true.

Sabin also has something to say, and begins to speak in the microphone next.

Now, we get that Ryder and Hawkins, and Williams and Aries are jealous of our success and fans, but we are going to prove why we are the best. We will be the tag champions when the time comes for them to be decided. Now, you might have cost us our first match, and yeah, we got a little revenge tonight, but the ultimate revenge will come later.

Shelley takes back over to speak again.

They say that he who laughs last, laughs best. And I just want to put Ryder and Hawkins, and Williams and Aries on notice. The Guns, will laugh last.
With that, the Guns walk away, and the camera fades to commercial.


Back from commercial, Justin Roberts is in the middle of the ring with a mic. The bell rings as the crowd quiets down.

Justin Roberts:
The following contest is a first round match in the eight-man tournament to determine the innagural Championhip Wrestling Federation Elite Champion. Introducing first...

The ominous music entering into "The Champ is Here" begins as a "Joe's Gonna Kill You" chant begins through the arena. Red and black lights start flashing wildly as Samoa Joe bursts onstage, ready to compete. He begins the walk to the rin, ready to compete.

And let's see how Joe fares here tonight. He is a tough, veteran competitor, a submission expert from Samoa. How do you guys think he will fare tonight?

Joe is one of the toughest men in the business today, but he has no clue who he is facing, and that could be tough to prepare for.

But his opponent is in the same boat as well, John. Let's see who he is facing.

"End of Days" hits the speakers as the ruthless former leader of The Nexus and The Corre, Wade Barrett, steps out from behind the curtain. He gives a sly smirk to the fans and raises his fist to the sky before walking to the ring.

Well, this should be a great match. Barrett is ruthless and will do whatever it takes to get to the top.

Wade is a bare-knuckle fighter from the mean streets of Manchester, England. I hope for Joe's sake he doesn't take him lightly.

So now that we know who is competing, as Barrett steps into the ring, final thoughts: who do you guys think will win here?

It's hard to say, Josh. It could go either way depending on how the match starts out.

I got my money on Barrett, Matthews. Like I said, he is one tough and wily S.O.B. and I think he'll catch Joe off guard and pull this one off. And these two men ar ready, let's see this one get underway!

Match 3: Samoa Joe vs. Wade Barrett - First round match in the CWF Elite Tournament:

The referee rings the bell as these two are ready to fight. They circle around as each rear back, ready to strike. Joe goes for the first strike. Barrett ducks, and starts throwing fists at Joe. He connects with left and right hands, staggering the Samoan Submission Machine backwards. He stalks Joe, staying on the attack. He grabs Joe and whips him into the ropes, and connects with a huge big boot on the rebound. Barrett goes for the cover. One....two..kick out by Joe. Barrett stands, and drags Joe with him. He throws a kick to the gut, doubling Joe over. He grabs Joe in a necklock and twists him around, before connecting with an impactful neckbreaker. He goes for another cover. One....two...and Joe kicks out again. Barrett seems eager to put Joe away early, but has now got the match at his own pace. Standing once again, he leaves Joe grounded and bounces off the ropes. He comes back and drops an elbow to the chest of Joe. He stands and drops another, and another, hitting a trifecta. He is punishing the upper body in full, possibly wearing Joe down for the Wastelands.

He contines to target the upper body, and drags Joe back to his feet. He looks towards the turnbuckle, before whipping Joe hard into it. He backs up into the opposite corner to gain momentum, before he charges Joe. He goes for a splash, but Joe dodges. Barrett hits the turnbuckle full force, and stumbles back towards Joe. Joe locks in a belly-to-belly hold, and hits a modified arm hook suplex on Barrett. He releases as they hit the mat, allowing Barrett to land with a thud. Barrett picks himself using the ropes, in clear pain. Joe hits the ropes and comes flying back, hitting a flying clothesline on Barrett. Joe lands in a seated position, and pushes himself to his feet. He goes right back on the attack, running the ropes once again and flying back with a seated senton. He rolls over into a cover. One....two...and Barrett gets a shoulder up. Joe climbs to his knees, and locks in a headlock on Barrett, trying to wear him down. He wrenches the hold, putting tension and pressure on the neck area of Barrett.

And Barrett is captured in a headlock here, and that has got to be stretching his neck. That could do tremendous damage to the neck area, which would be ideal for Joe to set up the Coquina Clutch.

Joe is really applying pressure here, and this match, albeit short, has been high impact so far.

Yeah, and Barrett has taken a good brunt of it from Joe. He is going to have to fight back into this, but he needs to get to a stable base here.

Barrett does in fact manage to power his way to a stable base, and powers himself out of the hold. He grabs Joe's arm, and twists it around. Joe is under Barrett's control at this point, and Barrett hits a short-arm lariat to take Joe down. Joe lands with a thud to the mat, and Barrett goes for a cover. One....two...and Joe kicks out again. Barrett seems frustrated, and slides out of the ring for a moment to regain his composure. This allows Joe to stir, however, and he goes after Barrett. Barrett stands on the outside, but Joe comes right after him and rolls him back into the ring. Joe follows back in on the attack. He knees Barrett in the gut, and connects with a hard kick to the head. Barrett falls to his knees, as Joe prepares for more high impact offense. He bounces off the ropes and comes back with a shining wizard to Barrett. He rolls into the cover. One....two....and Barrett kicks out! Joe is throwing offense at Barrett left and right and isn't putting Barrett down. He stands up, and starts stomping away at Barrett. He backs away, in a fury, to regain himself. He them steps forward and drags Barrett to his feet. He uses his force to whip Barrett into the turnbuckle.

Joe rears back and charges at Barrett, but he didges out of the way. Joe catches himself and leaps onto the turnbuckle. Barrett composes himself and charges back at Joe, but Joe leaps off the turnbuckle and let's Barrett miss, plowing back into the turnbuckle again. Joe backs up and hits a splash onto the back of Barrett, causing him to stumble backwards. Joe, turns around, possibly looking to end the match. Suddenly the crowd starts booing massively as they see A.J. Styles walking towards the ring. He walks to ringside, and draws the attention of Samoa Joe, causing Joe to look confused. He tries to shrug it off, and goes back on the attack.

What is A.J. Styles doing out here? This isn't his match, he isn't scheduled to be out here at all.

Well, whatever he is doing, I'm sure it can't be good, after hearing his words earlier.

Don't be ridiculous, guys. A.J. is simply out here to watch his friend compete here tonight.

Wow, John. I can't really believe that you can say that with a straight face.

Barrett goes for a clothesline, but Joe dodges under and...Coquina Clutch is locked in! Joe has jumps on the apron to distract the referee, as Barrett begins to tap! Barrett is tapping out, but the referee is distracted by Styles. Joe is yelling at the ref, but the ref doesn't hear him. Joe jumps up to get the referee's attention, but focuses it on AJ. He forces Styles of the apron, and follows him outside of the ring. He chases Styles around the ring, before A.J. slides in the ring to escape. Joe follows, but runs right into a recovered Barrett! Barrett ducks and lifts Joe onto his shoulders, before slamming him backdown with the Wastelands! A.J. is walking up back up the ramp with a smirk on his face. The referee starts the count for the pin. One....two....three! Barrett gets the win, with a little aid from Styles.
Justin Roberts:
The winner, and advancing in the CWF Elite Championship tournament, Wade Barrett!

A.J. Styles is now at the top of the ramp, still smirking. "End of Days" plays as Barrett walks to the back, a grin on his face as well. He offers a handshake to Styles before leaving, which Styles accepts. Joe, dazed but recovering, glares from the ring up to Styles. There is anger and hatred in Joe's eyes, as he stares at Styles. A.J. just smirks even wider, even laughing at Joe.

Well, albeit with a little help, Wade Barrett gains the victory and advances in the torunament here tonight.

And that is all that matters in the end, Josh, he won, and he's advancing.

Well that may be so, but I'm sure Joe won't be as happy with it, and A.J. is sure to be seeing more of Samoa Joe soon.

But up next, Christian Cage addresses Dolph Ziggler after their match next week. And later tonight, John Cena will compete against a currently unknown opponent in another first-round tournament match. Stay tuned!


Christian's music hits as he step onstage. He does a quick search over for his peeps before walking to the ring. He has a microphone in hand and doesn't seem to be playing games tonight. Halfway down the ramp, he signals for his mic to be cut off, and he begins talking.

You know, I could come out here all happy-do-da dandy tonight, but I'm not going to do that. Because, to get straight to the point, I'm pissed off. Last week, I got screwed. I know it, and you fans all know it. Dolph Ziggler used the ropes for leverage to cheat me out of a win last week, and although the camera didn't show it, he grabbed my tights. And to further prove my point, look at the tron...

Now in the ring, Christian points at the titantron. We see a different camera view of the finish in his match last week, where it not only shows Dolph Ziggler using the ropes for leverage, but pulling Christian's tights, a second illegal maneuver. Christian is getting angrier by the second, as he starts on the mic again.

Now usually, I am not the one to whine and complain, but Ziggler wanted to prove who is the better man. And we were having a great match, he was giving me all he had. But I dished it right back, and he had to screw me, and all of you fans, by cheating to gain a cheap victory. So Dolph, I want you to come out here right now, and confront me like a man!

The camera pans to the stage, as both Christian and the fans waiting for Dolph Ziggler to come out. But nothing comes, and Christian starts again.

What, Dolph? Are you afraid to come out here? Maybe you have finally realized that I am still better than you, and that you screwed me last week. Maybe you have realized...

Suddenly boos start pouring from the crowd. Dolph Ziggler, steel chair in hand, has sneaked his way through the crowd and is sliding into the ring. Christian notices the boos and starts to turn around, but Ziggler nails him in the back with the steel chair. Christian collpases to the mat, and meets another steel chair shot. Ziggler tosses the steel chair to the mat and drags Christian up. He locks in the sleeper hold, wearing Cage down. He wrenches and twists at the head of Christian, bringing him to his knees. He drags Cage back to his feet and.....Zig Zags him hard onto the steel chair! Christian Cage is out in the center of the ring, and Dolph Ziggler is standing tall. He stands proud over the fallen star, and has an evil looking smile on his face. The crowd is booing heavily while some are in shock of the brutal attack by Ziggler. The shot of Ziggler standing tall remains for a minute before fading out to commercial.


As we come back from commercial, JTG is in the ring, playing to the crowd. He is preparing for a match, as we see replays of the attack before the commercial break, and we see Christian Cage being carried out the ring during the commercial. We come back to the ring to see JTG again before his music dies off. The crowd is silent and...

"In the Middle of It" hits as Curt Hawkins comes out to his solo theme, with his partner Zack Ryder following close behind. Hawkins is wearing his custom shades and red jacket with gold trim. He tosses it to the side as he steps in the ring ready to compete.

You know, I see alot of myself when I was younger in Curt Hawkins. He is young, cocky and brash, but he can back it up in the ring. He prides himself on being the party-starter, and is a ladies man and a fun-loving guy.

Yeah, and he backs it up with some fire power in that ring. He'll come full force in that ring, and his opponents need to be prepared for it. Him and Zack are my NYC boys, and when we were talking earlier, Hawkins said he doesn't like these people that come to watch him, and he doesn't care about them. He says he and Zack are here to win gold, get girls, and party, and they don't care who they hurt on the way.

Not the best attitude to gain friends, but it will gain gold, and the pair are undefeated so far. He and Ryder have issues with JTG from last week, as he... uhm, borrowed their wallets last week, and we'll see how he deals with it.

JTG is a theif, and I can't wait to see him get what he deserves. It won't be pretty, that's for sure!

Match 4: JTG vs. Curt Hawkins:

Hawkins goes on the attack before the referee even rings the bell, and when the ref finally does ring it, JTG is already grounded. Hawkins is stomping and kicking away at the Brooklyn gangsta, and is relentless. He picks him up and hits some offense to the body, before locking him in a hold. He grabs him belly-to-belly before exploding with a modified leg-hook release suplex. JTG lands hard and roll to the floor in fron of the announcer's table. Hawkins gloat and taunts in the ring, flipping his long hair back. He sets up as JTG stands, and bounces of the ropes. He comes back and flies through the ropes with a suicide dive, taking JTG to the floor again. Hawkins stands with a little limp, but rolls JTG back into the ring. He high fives his broski, before following JTG back in. He stalks JTG, kicking him, toying with him. He grabs JTG and picks him up, before power slamming him in prime position in front of the turnbuckle. He walks with a swagger toward the turnbuckle, climbing high to the top. He thuds his chest and points out to the crowd, specifically a hot blonde in the front row, before focusing on his target. He flies off the top, connecting with a Heat-Seeking elbow drop. He rolls into the cover leisurely as the referee counts. One....two....three! An easy win for Hawkins.
Justin Roberts:
The winner of this contest, Curt Hawkins!

A reletively easy victory for Hawkins here tonight, as JTG got no offense in. It was all but over after Hawkins attacked him before the bell, and there was no hope really. Still, Hawkins looks good, and picks up the win.

Hawkins and Ryder walk backstage up the ramp, with a grin on their face. They are celebrating, Hawkins with a cocky swagger going, taunting the crowd, and Ryder flashes the L.I. with his hands, repping his hometown. The camera switches backstage to Chris Jericho's office, where Jericho is sorting through papers. Suddenly the door bursts open, and Samoa Joe breaks in, looking furious. He walks straight up to Jericho's desk, pissed off big time.

What the hell do you want, Joe?

I think you know damn well what I want, Chris.

.J. Styles cost me my match earlier tonight, which means I don't get my fair shot for the title. I could have one that match, and went onto Guerilla Warfare. I want A.J. one on one next week. I want payback.

The crowd is cheering watching this transpire on the titantron, but Jericho isn't impressed.

Joe, I know that you want it, and trust me, I do too. But A.J. is in the tourney also, and his match is next week. So here is what we'll do. Next week, come back to my office calmly. Knock on my door, do not come barging in like this, and when A.J. has had his match, we will discuss this. Until then. I have business to take care of, so please, leave.

Joe does not look pleased and has a killer's look in his eyes, but backs away and relents.


Joe walks out, still un-happy as when he walked in, as the show goes to it's final scheduled commercial break of the evening with the announcers hyping John Cena's tournament match coming up next.


Jam's Review

TSG, awesome thread you got going on here. As soon as I saw that Jericho was in charge, I knew I was going to love this BT, and I did. It's good to see Jericho in some sort of role, but I'd rather have him wrestling. Him being a GM could be easily as great though.

The whole promo with Miz, Cena, and Jericho was awesome. Three of the best on the mic today, that is surely a sight to see. Miz/Cena rivalry is common but that's good because they work well with each other and they can do great things together.

You have an unorthodox group on commentary. Idk about HBK being on commentary but I love JBL on the mic. Matthews is there to just balance it all out.

Dolph/Christian angle is good. They had a great match. Also, awesome job getting Dolph some heat with the slap.

The Broskis are on your show. They completely annihilated their opponents and its good to see some new people on the scene.

Dudeee, Roode is epic. Good match. I hope he gets a push very soon. Also, you gotta give him some mic time man. He can be very good if you book him well.

My favorite promo has got to be from Randy Orton. We see that he definitely works better as a heel than a face. But it seems like he's a bit of a tweener. Great promo from him. I gotta learn to do some great promos. Lol.

The rest of the angles are good. You got Cara/Rhodes and Joe/Styles. All are sure to be good rivalries as both feuds foundation has been written well.

Overall, good show. I give you an A. I like the promos, the matches, and the new stars that are on the rise. But we can always learn something new everyday. Keep it up.
The Best review:

One thing before I start is that I feel like it would add more realism to the matches to write the time for the matches when someone get's the win. For example instead of putting
The winner of this match: Wrestler A
, you should put the
The winner of this match: Wrestler A (8:48)
, I feel that it gives us (the readers) more of an idea of the pace, and time of the match. Alright, now onto the show.

We start out with Punk and Cena. For the second episode in a row, Cena starts the show with a mic in his hand, and eventually Jericho coming out, and for the second episode in a row, you nailed it. I really like Cena's mic work, and we'll se how he does in his first tournament match later on.

Now, we have Punk vs. Orton vs. Danielson, a typical IWC wet dream match(for the most part), Orton and Punk see to have huge tension, so I expect to see one pinning the other. Well it didn't happen, but that was better, I like how Punk, the only heel in this match "steals" a victory, and let's see how far he goes in this tournament.

Another match here (and you tell me to write more promos:wtf: haha just kidding), alright, now let's get to it. It's a 6 man tag match, and the guns and Baretta seem to be the favorite heading in. It seems like a short 6 man tag match, but I wouldn't know that because I didn't see the time:shrug:. Again, I like the finish to the match, and how Baretta might have gotten rally injured by that Canadien Destroyer, yet Shelley comes out of nowhere and gets the win.

I like the J-Mo, Sin Cara, and Cody Rhodes promo, I like our Cody is trying to make Sin Cara mad before their pay-per-view match. Morrison lays out a challenge, and Cody accepts. Overall, great promo.

Joe vs. Barret, Joe's ticked off as usual, and I expect him to win this. Some back and fort action throughout, with Wade picking his spots and Joe trying to kill him, until AJ comes out, good call as he causes Joe the match, I enjoy were this classic TNA feud is going.

Christian promo is good, and he expresses his anger towards Dolph Ziggler, until Ziggler slides in the ring with a chair, and nails Christian, do I see a PPV match coming up with these two against each other? I think so, but we'll see.

JTG vs. Curt Hawkins, alright, all JTG has done so far has jobbed, and Hawkins, (and his partner Ryder) look like they're in line for the tag-team titles. Hawkins wins in a squash as normal, and then the normal post match cockiness by the two, I like how you're really putting these two over as a tag team, and as singles competitors, good job, and keep it up.

Joe goes into Jericho's office, this will be ugly. Joe is mad, but Jericho somehow finds a way to cool him down, that's a change. Joe will meet Styles sometime soon probably, we'll see how these two hot-heads do against each other.

Cena vs. Miz: Miz seems to be in control so far, and that seems to be the theme of the match, but when the smoke clears, Cena wins and is moving on. I like how you put Cena over, he is my favorite to win this tournament so far, him or CM Punk is my projection.

We conclude the show with Joe and Styles brawling, and I also like how you sign out without one man unconscious, and the other one standing over him, it's good, and this is definitely my favorite feud so far. Let's see how Syles does in his first round match of the tournament next show.

Overall Grade: B
, good show, but not as good as the last one, as I felt that the promos were just a bit weaker than the last episode, but the match writing is about the same, if not better. Again, I suggest you put the time of the match next to the winner when you announce who won. Other than those two elements, I really liked it, and trust me when I tell you, I'll keep reading.
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Really enjoyed this episode Sign Guy. Everything just flowed well and the matches were well done. I'll touch on the main point from the show and things that caught my eye. Having Punk and Cena open the show was a smart idea. I'm enjoying the way Cena and Punk have been going as of late. You have been able to use the characters well. I'm waiting to see them face off somewhere down the line. And how many shows until the PPV?

Onto the next thing which is Samoa Joe and Styles. I have always liked this feud in TNA and can't wait to see what you bring to it. Styles is great to write for and can be used to put on a great match. Joe can be used as a tweener type guy who kicks everyone in the ass. Having them end the show was something different, so I think you have plans for them in the future.

Good to see people like Ziggler getting some air time during the show. I like the fact we get to see mid card guys shine in this project. Just like I'm going to do with my thread. They have a place and a program between Cage and Ziggler would be great to see. Things are coming along very well for you Sign Guy, keep it up. Having Ziggler stand tall is also a positive.

JTG is a jobber!

And to end this little review I'm going to say well done. The shows are going well and the matches are really good. The use of Jericho is great and I expect him to make a return to the ring at some stage during the thread. Not anytime soon but I think he will be back. Good show, something around a B if I were to grade it.
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A very small, but nice touch with the mention of the signs and Fort Minor blasting through the loudspeakers. It gives the show an authentic and "big league" feel.

Fantastic opening promo by CM Punk. His explanation for his attack on Cena was logical, yet over the top, thus he's a good heel. The analogy of the duck duck duck goose game was one I could easily see Punk sliding into his character, and it was quite clever. Interesting hook with Cena immediately laying down the challenge to Punk in a one on one match at the GW PPV. Im not sure how I feel about Jericho having to remind Cena that he's in the tournament to crown the first champion, as the championship would be first and foremost the priority of the Cena character, not just a grudge match with CM Punk. But it's a nice hook to see if Cena and Punk will advance to the finals and not only fight for the title, but in a grudge match as well.

Fanfreakintastic action in the first match between Bryan, Punk, and Orton. Punk was the right choice to win the match because of the strength of the opening segment, and he would have lost some heat in my eyes had he lost, even if he wasn't the one who had been pinned. All three men come out of it looking strong, and nice heelish action by Punkj in stealing the victory. You're doing a fantastic job of giving his character steam right off the bat. He seems undeniably positioned as the top heel on the show. A nice job as well having the announcers playing up the issues between the three from the beginning, a novel yet effective concept.

Ill start out by saying Im not a fan of AJ Styles the heel character. He's got the signature crowd pleasing offense that makes him a natural face, and he doesn't come across well as a party boy, Ric Flair wannabe. Maybe that's why I didnt care much for his promo. It was very cookie-cutter, paint by numbers heel 101, which is sometimes a good thing. But when you're trying to establish a character as sometime radical or different from what they used to be, take it over the top and to a new level. I don't feel the Styles promo did that, so it fell a little flat on me. Still , it established the basis for the feud with Joe, so it did what it needed to do in the end.

Forgettable six man tag match. I liked the action in the time it was given, as it was well written, but it seems all 6 men are just running in place for the time being. The lack of commentary hurt this match slightly as well. Good action, but Id define more where each of these men are going and who is feuding with who. Perhaps we'll get more on this later.

Your work with Cody Rhodes is awesome. Tremendous backstage stuff between him and Morrison, although Morrison's stuff was a little over the top, even for him. And if the idea is Sin Cara doesn't speak English, how did he understand what Cody was saying? Anyway, instant incentive to tune in to next weeks show at the idea of a Morrison/Rhodes match.

And here's the followup for the Guns I was talking about. Good job. This seems to establish who the top 3 tag teams will be going forward with this one promo, and establishes the issues once again between them that weren't talked up in the six man tag match. Good follow up.

Good match between Joe and Barrett. You've really established that match writing is your strength, as evidenced by the opening match and now this one. Good job of having the announcers talk up moves in advance that set up finishers for each man. The Styles run-in was predictable, but it worked, as it furthered the Joe/Styles feud. I really liked this match, and Joe looks strong in defeat by getting the submission that the ref didn't see.

I have mixed feelings about the Ziggler/Christian angle. Obviously, Christian is the face, but he sounded very heelish in saying that he was screwed, and panning to a video of how he was screwed. There are ways of getting the point across without making Christian sound like a whiner, which is what his heel character does, and this promo did. That being said, hot damn I liked Dolph jumping Christian, essentially getting the better of him two weeks in a row. Another feud that gets instant traction, and makes me want to see Dolph get his, and makes me forget(almost) that Christian is a whiner. Vicious, well written beatdown.

Good squash win for Hawkins, establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with. Nice rub by HBK in noting how Hawkins reminds him of a younger version of himself. Just as the Guns established themselves as standouts of the tag division earlier, this essentially does the same for Hawkins and Ryder via a decisive victory for Hawkins, showing he can be equally adept in single's competition. This served its purpose.

Joe backstage with Jericho was exactly as it should have been. It would have been a mistake not to follow up, and you didnt make it. Joe's demand for a match was the right call, but so was Jericho's in denying it. He established again that the tournament takes presedence over a grudge match. I really like Jericho's authority figure character, its a role easy to picture him in.

The main event worked for me in several ways. One, Punk being on commentary put over the importance of the tournament once again in scouting opponents. I liked that he was out there, and didnt get involved, as that would have been too much interference in one night. And another match that was extremely well written and easy to follow. Good focus on Miz working over Cena's leg, and the continued emphasis on it throughout the match, with Cena being able to pick up the win virtually because Miz cost himself the match arguing with the ref over the chair. Strong finish to the match, a very good main event. The interaction between Cena and Punk after was good as well, foreshadowing an inevitable matchup between the two. It just leaves the question of whether it will be for the title, or in a grudge match. Excellent stuff.

The backstage bit to close the show was a "take it or leave it" thing for me. It continued to set Joe/AJ up as another hot feud, but you could just as easily have ended the show with Cena standing tall after his win and Punk taunting him. Still, it showed to me that if Joe can't get his hands on AJ in a match next week, he'll get his hands on him right now backstage. That's perfectly logical and consistent booking, and a fine way to end the show.

This was an excellent show. The Punk promo and the verbal exchange with Cena were awesome, as was the opening match. The tag team division seems to be shaping up nicely, and a good hook for next week with Morrison vs Rhodes and Styles in action in a first round tournament match, and presumably Punk and Orton in some way as well. Alot more action this week as compared to last which was more promo heavy, and this came off overall as the better show. Im liking the direction with the tag team division, the Joe/Styles, Christian/Ziggler, and the Punk/Cena feuds, as well as the tournament. A- overall for the show.
#1Peep's Elite Review

Nice way to open the show, letting the viewers know what is on the card for tonight's show as well as confirming a match for the first pay per view. Good explanation from Punk here for why he attacked Cena, a little too smarky for me, but still well written. I hate any promo that runs off of 'backstage politics' but this was still well presented. Would of thought that Cena would be a bit more pissed off after being hit by a car? Jericho did well to stop the fireworks, and a great match is up next. Cool match here, Punk's momentum continues as he steals a victory and I do see him and Cena going all the way to the PPV for the title. Great promo from AJ. Would have thought that Aries and Williams would have taken the victory to back up their words last weel but the Guns steal one. Nice promo from Morrison, Rhodes lines didn't really click for me though, same for the Guns - a bit of an average promo from them. AJ screws Joe after a good match and it was the right choice to move this feud forward. I like the more aggressive side of Ziggler there, these two need a hardcore match at the PPV to settle things I believe...

I can see Jow screwing AJ out of the win. Great match and I see this setting up Punk and Cena for the finals of the tournament, should be a great match and storyline. Punk and AJ - a sign of things to come next week. Overall, nice show - would be better if the pay per view was after 5 shows instead of 8, your are going to have the keep readers attentions for a long time on the same storylines and that will be hard. Your promos are easily your strong point, great stuff.
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Bearded Review

-The Punk/Cena opening promo was freaking awesome. Love the interaction between the two and I cant wait for the inevitable battle between the top two stars of CWF. Punk had my panties in a bunch, you have his sarcastic humor to a tee. Excellence.

-Excellent triple threat match. Well written. Only issue is all the blue in the quote text. It isn't too distracting as blue is easy on the eyes. Figured Punk would win and in that fashion. Punk is making no friends here on CWF, he is a loner and a kickass one at that.

-Great promo from Styles. I never really could nail AJ and you showed a new attitude for the Phenomenal one and I like that. Though we've seen Joe/AJ I look forward to this as it has a new dynamic in there.

-Fun 6 man tag. Everyone looked good and I'm glad to see Guns and Trenty got the win. I'm a big fan of a majority of the participants there and it is good to see everyone look solid. Looking forward to seeing where things go with guys like Barreta and Roode.

-Solid promo work from Morrison and Rhodes. I'd love to see these two battle down the road. Morrison is a good looking cat (no homo) and Rhodes could easily be jealous of Morrison's looks and ladies throwing themselves at him. In the meantime looking forward to seeing Rhodes/Morrison next week and Rhodes/Cara though it is reminiscent of Rhodes/Mysterio.

-Excellent promo by the Guns. Shelley is far and away my favorite superstar in TNA and has always been a guy I loved writing for. Guns are a great team and your tag division is shaping up nicely and should be spectacular to watch.

-Barrett winning, good. It allows Styles/Joe to be focused on outside of the tournament. Barrett has potential to be huge and could be a sleeper type guy here in the CWF and shine aside guys like Cena, Punk, and Orton.

-Love the Christian/Ziggler stuff. Probably my favorite thing going on your show. Love that Ziggler is showing an intensity that we've never seen and I hope he shines here. Him and Christian should be great and this feud could be excellent for the midcard.

-Hawkins wins, easy choice. Nothing to really say here.

-Joe is angry, figured. I see him screwing AJ somehow. Not in the same ways, hopefully something unique. Punk on commentary, niiiice.

-Miz is a good pick. Him and Cena clearly have history and we know that either one can win. As for the match itself, solid like always. Miz looked good and Cena got the win. Definitely a win-win there. Good stuff. Interesting to see Joe/AJ end the show. The two brawling and beating the piss outta each other.

-Overall the show was good as always. Nothing really complain about and every match and promo has served there purposes. Looking forward to next week's show with Morrison/Rhodes and AJ's tournament match as well as Punk's (I think).
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I'm going to review each segment after reading it. I've never given feedback before on anything, so let's see how this goes.

The opening promo was very good. You have Punk down perfectly and I could imagine Cena saying everything he did in the promo. I liked the fact that Punk and Cena have an extra little something going with each other heading into the tournament. It makes me want to see them two be in the finals.

I like how the commentary not only describes what's going on in the match, but also provides some of the back story as well. Punk stealing the victory is a nice touch because he can warp it into him deserving another title shot.

I'm liking the cocky heel A.J. This seems like the Styles TNA tried to create but failed at. One thing, though, and I think others have mentioned it as well, I would change the color of the text depending on who's speaking. The blue is easy on the eyes, but it would be a little easier to follow if the font was changed based on who is speaking.

I kind of had a hard time following the six man tag, but that might only be me having that problem. I also think six man tags should be long, long matches, but that is also just personal taste. Nice touch with the Guns still checking on Barretta.

Rhodes vs Morrison? I approve. But did Cara just stand there the entire time they spoke to each other? I don't know why, but that is just a weird visual.

You got the MCMG looking good.

Nice match between Joe and Barrett. It's an interesting match-up styles wise to say the least. I like how A.J. played a significant role in the match and cost Joe the match and a chance at the gold.

Good, solid segment between Christian and Mr. Ziggles.

Squash! Good way to help Hawkins look like a legitimate threat.

A pissed off Joe is an entertaining Joe. I like how you are building up the eventual meeting between the two without there really being any specific time they are going to meet.

Punk on commentary is always worth listening to. Or, in this case, reading.

I like how Miz is focusing on the leg of Cena. If Cena doesn't have his legs, it will be nearly impossible for him to get Miz up for the AA. Good to see Cena get the win, and Miz looked like a million bucks by controlling the majority of the match.

Fight in the back! I kind of like Joe getting his revenge on A.J., but I would have rather had A.J. have the upper hand in the feud, but that's a minor thing.

Overall, a very good show and a really fun read. It did a good job of not only providing good promos and matches, but also built up the next edition of Elite and Guerrilla Warfare as well. I'm looking forward to the next installment.
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Championship Wrestling Federation Elite Preview:


With the fourth episode of Elite on the horizon, and Guerrilla Warfare rapidly approaching, things are heating up in the professional wrestling hotbox that is CWF. C.M. Punk and John Cena are getting even more personal with each other, as Punk has attacked the position of Cena with in the professional wrestling world, and has stated his desire to be in the position Cena is. Punk hungers to be in Cena's position to give the fans a "good" role model and to be the face of the pro wrestling world, as he views himself as the best in the world himself. But to get the title, and to get his hands on Cena to prove that he is better, he must advance in his first-round match in the CWF Elite Championship tournament.

A.J. Styles was attacked by Samoa Joe after he viciously insulted him, after Joe tried to dig deep and get his former friend back. But now that A.J. Styles has channeled his inner cockiness and swagger, he doesn't plan on turning back any time soon. But things took a turn for the more personal side as Styles cost Joe his match in the tournament. This resulted in the two men brawling as Elite went off air last week, and Styles is set to address the crowd and have a tournament match this coming week. What will the Phenomenal One have to say, and will he get one step close to title gold this week on Elite.

After a brutal attack, Christian has a concussion and will not be able to make the show this week. But his attacker, Dolph Ziggler, will be, and Chris Jericho is sure to have words for him. The final two first round tournament matches are lined up, and John Morrison set to do battle with Cody Rhodes this week on Elite. With war on the horizon in five short weeks, it seems that sometimes it is just never enough for some of the stars on CWF Elite. But it is certain a few will take one step closer to success in CWF, but which ones? Tune into the fourth episode of CWF Elite to find out!

As ever, excellent promos, well written and clear matches. Saying the same thing over and over would be boring so I won't say them again but it was excellent as ever. Quick points: are you using Word to write it? Couple of grammatical errors - not major but they would be better not in it! Also, Cena's YouTube video didn't work. If you are using them, make sure they work mate!

The show is forming now around 3/4 main storylines and we're getting close to seeing how the PPV should shape up. Punk will face Cena, it seems, but whether it is for the CWF Title I'm not sure. I have a feeling that Punk and Cena might get a shock in the Semi Finals where I expect Orton to join them and Barrett. The build up for Punk and Cena is so good so far, you don't need the title in that as well. Have Barrett vs. Orton or something for the title instead and let Punk and Cena have their feud before going for the title maybe? AJ Styles and Samoa Joe - who I do know from TNA - is shaping up nicely but I'm not sure I'd have had the altercation ending the show. I'd have stopped with Punk's threat to Cena and had the Joe/AJ thing happen before, or maybe even during, the main event! Barrett gets the win over Joe thanks to AJ which is a good idea. Punk looks uber strong after beating Orton and Bryan which is good.

I've said this to others, notably Prophet re: Justice (Abyss) in his WWE thread. TNA is not watched by anywhere near as many people as the WWE. I am a WWE fan and I very rarely watch TNA at all so the stuff with the Machine Guns etc ... isn't gripping me. You need to do more to introduce these guys, matches aren't enough for me at the moment. Images of them would help, to start, so I can picture it.

- Promos were excellent
- Solid, well thought out matches
- Punk and Cena feud - Punk's 'duck, duck, goose' lines were amazing!

- More build for the TNA wrestlers
- The Miz losing :(
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(Writer's Note: I enjoy doing this show, but just as real companies recieve feedback in form of their fans reactions, I need it as well, to know how I am doing. So give me reviews/feedback in posts, and rep or PM with feedback that could be considered as spam. Rep me if the show is good, and you will receive rep for any feedback or reviews you give me. Also, check out our website for all important news/updates and further information regarding the company and it's roster/staff and schedule. is at this link:

(2nd Note: I was told the all blue wasn't easy on the eyes, so I'm trying a different font and black text for speaking. I hope it's better, if not I can go back to the old!)

We see a recap of last weeks events. We see A.J. Styles cutting down Samoa Joe, and Styles costing Joe his championship tournament match. We see Joe and Styles brawling backstage to end last week's show. We follow up with seeing shots of the sun rising over the horizon, followed by a C.M. Punk attacking John Cena two weeks ago. We see Cena gaining the victory over The Miz, and Punk and Cena having an in-ring confrontation. We see shots of the four men: Joe, Styles, Cena, and Punk, intertwined with shots of the war-like footage mixed in. A voice-over comes in, telling us that "war is on the horizon" as we thunder rumbles ominously over the scene. We see more shots of the four stars, along with Christian Cage being attacked by Dolph Ziggler, along with Randy Orton hitting an RKO. We see more war shots as the thunder rumbles once more over a sky of dark crowds rolling, as the recap fades to black.

CWF Elite Episode 4: War of the Worlds


"Remember The Name" hits the speakers, welcoming all the fans back to Championship Wrestling Federation Elite for another week. The camera pan all throughout the Robins Center in Richmond, Virgina, home of the Richmond Spiders. We see creative signs such as "The Phenomenal One", "Joe's Gonna Kill You", and "You're Gonna Get Your Head Kicked In." The camera shows all the fans for a few seconds before switching to the announcer's table where Josh Matthews, Shawn Michaels, and JBL are sitting, ready to welcome the fans to CWF.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Championship Wrestling Federation Saturday Night Elite! I'm Josh Matthews, alongside Shawn Michaels and John Layfield, to present another exciting week of pro wrestling action!

That's right, and tonight, we will see the final two first-round matches in the CWF Elite Championship Tournament.

That's right. Last week, John Cena and Wade Barrett were able to emerge victorious and will face each other next week, but who will be the second semi-final match next week?

We know A.J. Styles and C.M. Punk will compete, but who will their oppenents be?

Plus, John Cena will address his opponent for next week Wade Barrett, and Dolph Ziggler will be addressed by Chris Jericho. What else will we see tonight? Let's find out.

"Get Ready To Fly" hits as The Phenominal One enters the arena. Dressed in ring gear, t-shirt, and trademark hood, he pauses on stage before flipping his hood back as a golden pyro showers down. The boos shower in with him, as Styles begins to make his way to the ring.

Last week A.J. Styles put sharp words out in the open, saying that Samoa Joe is jealous of him. And he followed up by getting payback from Joe's attack on our first show, by costing Joe a match in the CWF Elite Title Tournament.

But I can't say how well that turned out in the end, because Joe and Styles ended up brawling last week to end our show, and it's certain Joe will want more of AJ.

But I think A.J. can handle himself here, and personally I agree with him. I think Samoa Joe is a jealous little boy, because he could never achieve anything like A.J. did.

Well I can't say I agree, but A.J. certainly is a decorated star, a TNA legend, and let us hear what he has to say tonight.

Styles is now in the ring, microphone in hand. A.J. looks to speak, but is showered in "A.J. sucks" chants. He is being overshadowed by the crowd, and Styles is not one to be overshadowed.

So does your city!

More heat for A.J. insulting the hometown, as Styles begins to speak over the audience.

You know, it's just like you fans to boo me. All these damn years I spent, holding Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter's company up on my shoulders, and I finally want to have my time. It was AJ's time. I deserved my time! And the second I try to get my time, you people turn on me. You wanted me to turn back the clock. "AJ, go back to the X-Division, AJ, go back to fans, AJ, go back to Unbreakable 2005, to Ring of Honor, to the fans." You know, I'm going to go back, one more time for you people.

June 19th, 2002. The first ever show for NWA-TNA: Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling. The opening match, the first in TNA history - A.J. Styles, Low-Ki, and Jerry Lynn vs. Jorge Estrada, Sonny Siaki, and Jimmy Yang, The Flying Elvises. I was pinned, one...two...three in that match, by a Flying Elvis. Fast forward seven and a half years later - TNA is now separate from NWA, with our own titles. A national TV deal, larger crowds, we had ventured out onto the road at times. And A.J. Styles was the face, the poster boy of the company. A four-time triple crown champion, a two-time grand slam champion. And TNA had attracted the attention of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, wrestling geniuses.

The crowd gives major heat at the mention of Bischoff and Hogan, but Styles ignores it and keeps going.

And then walks in Ric Flair along side of those two. Ric Flair, the living legend, the greatest, biggest star in professional wrestling history. And he took an interest in me - he invested in me. And when I accepted, when I wanted my time - after years and years of carrying TNA - the fans just up and forgot who the hell I was, and why I deserved it. Maybe A.J. wanted a little something. maybe he wanted to wheel and deal, to kiss steal. Maybe he wanted to do a little jet flying and limo riding. But no, he wasn't allowed. The fans didn't want him to, he had to be a good A.J. and follow the fans. Well, screw the fans. It was A.J. Styles time then, and it's A.J. styles time now!

The fans are booing the hell out of A.J. at this point, it's like he had killed a man.

The truth is, it has always been A.J. Styles time, and I am going to be the face of this company as well. Even if it means I have to carry worthless loads of trash like Randy Orton, John Cena, C.M. Punk, and...Samoa Joe.

At the mention of Joe's name the crowd pops, but at the same time is booing Styles for downgrading their favorite.

As good as they are, none of them can hold a candle to me, A.J. Styles. And later tonight, in the main event, I have a torunament match. And I am going to show everyone just why I am so great, for those of you who never watched TNA, I'll show you what the hype is about, and everyone will finally realize, that it is A.J. Styles'....time.

"Get Ready To Fly" hits again as A.J. walks out of the ring, with a disgruntled yet determined look on his face. Styles is walking straight to the back here, clearly already getting in mind set for the main event. We hear the announcer's talking as Styles heads out.

Strong words from AJ, there. He is obviously disgruntled with the fans and the company at this point in his career, and let's see if he can back up his bold statements later, in tonight's main event!

But I've gotten word that, coming up next, the first tournament match of the evening is taking place, as C.M. Punk and his opponent are on their way to the ring. Who will he face? Find out, next?


Justin Roberts:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a first-round match-up in the Championship Wrestling Federation Elite Championship Tournament!

The now-recognized theme of Daniel Bryan hits as The American Dragon steps into the arena, as the fans now know another man who has a chance to compete for shot at the title. The fans realize he will be facing C.M. Punk, as many people's dream match has been realized. Bryan balls a fist and shoots it in the air on his way to the ring. Wearing a custom-made white jacket with golden trim, adorned with "Best in the World" on the back, and his trademark red trunks, he slides into the ring, ready to compete.

"This Fire Burns" hits the speakers as The Straight-Edge Savior hits the arena. He drops to one knee on stage. He poses before standing again and making his way to the ring, as the commentary team discusses the match that is coming up.

And this is like a dream match to many people out there. I'm sure many people are on the edge of their seats to see it occur.

I trained Bryan, so I can attest to his ability. He is an amazing wrestler.

He sure is, Shawn, but Punk is one of the smartest, and best stars in this business, and Bryan will have to fight his guts out here.

The two men are in the ring, and the referee rings the bell as the two are ready to square off.

Match 1: C.M. Punk vs. Daniel Bryan - First round match in the Championship Wrestling Federation Elite Championship tournament:

The bell has rung as the two men circle each other. Bryan offers a test of strength to the Straight Edge Savior. Punk accepts, and gets the advantage. He forces Bryan to his knees, and hits a double-handed chop to the chest, knocking Bryan to the mat. Punk still has a hold on the arm of Bryan, and, twists the arm in a submission hold. Bryan struggles, keeping his shoulders off the mat to aviod a pin fall. Bryan is in pain and his shoulders falls to the mat. One...and Bryan lifts his shoulder up. Bryan cries in pain before letting his shoulder down to rest again. The ref counts. One....and the shoulder is up again. Bryan is struggling but reaches up and rolls Punk through. Inside cradle hold and the pin. One....two..and Punk powers out. Both men roll up to their feet, and they run the ropes on opposite sides. Dropkick attempt from Bryan misses. Punk hits the ropes as Bryan makes it to his knees. Dropkick attempt from Punk to a kneeling Bryan, but Bryan rolls away to dodge. Both men make it to their feet again, and circle each other. Bryan charges forward and is met with an armdrag from Punk. Back to his feet almost immediately, he meets a charging Punk with a hip toss. Punk is back up and the two men stare each other down. The fans are cheering for the back and forth, even action so far.

Bryan charges at Punk, but Punk dodges. Bryan hits the ropes and as he rebounds back...spinning kick to the gut by Punk! Punk locks in a hold on the doubled-over Bryan and...DDT by Punk. He goes for a cover. One....two..kick out by Bryan. Punk runs his hands through his hair before stomping away at Bryan. He tosses Punk to the mat on the outside, and sets up to hit the ropes for a high-risk move. As he turns around, though, Bryan trips him. He drags Punk to the outside with him. Punk is standing, but stunned, and is met with a sharp chop to the chest. Bryan leaves Punk dizzy, and slides in the ring. Bryan charges at the ropes opposite, and rebounds hard. He dives through the ropes for a suicide dive and.....misses! Punk dodges, and Bryan hits the barrier hard. He rolls on the floor in agony, in serious pain. Punk picks him up and slams his head off the barrier to the fans hard, as the fans reach out, hoping to touch one of the stars. Punk rolls in the ring to break the count, and quickly rolls back out. He drags Bryan towards the steel ring steps, and slams his head hard on the steps as well. He continues to drag Bryan, this time in front of the announcers table. He picks Bryan up, suspending him in the air. He slams him down hard with a suplex, with extreme force.

And what a brutal and physical match this has been so far!

My protege has been giving Punk a tough time, but he has been extremely hit and miss, and has crashed and burned one too many times!

Punk has gained control here and now, though. And it could be all but over for Bryan here.

Punk rolls Bryan back into the ring and is looking for the kill. He is like the shark that smells blood in the water. He goes in hard, looking to break Bryan. Stiff kicks to the back and gut, wearing down the body of the American Dragon. He backs Bryan up in a corner, but lays off while he awaits Bryan to pick himself up. He slowly stalks Bryan, and once he has picked himself up, Punk goes for a running attack on Bryan in the corner, but Bryan dodges and slides out to the center of the ring. Bryan is still hurting, but goes after Punk anyway. He connects with stiff kicks to the chest and ribs of C.M. Punk, turning his upper body red. Punk is staggered, and backs into the corner himself. Bryan goes for a chokehold, but the referee forces to break the hold as they're in the ropes. He starts a count. One..two..three..four..and the ref has to pull Bryan off of Punk. Bryan screams at the referee "I have til' five," eliciting cheers from the fans. The referee points at his shirt, asserting his authority in this match-up. Punk backs away, but as soon as Punk stumbles forward, Bryan locks in a neck hold. He lifts Punk high in the air, and walks out of the corner. He keeps him elevated in the air for a few seconds, before dropping him hard face first to the mat. Cover. One....two....and Punk kicks out.

Punk rolls away to escape, and leaves the ring. The referee yell for him to get back in, but Punk goes straight for the time keeper's table. He picks up a steel chair and folds it up, before heading into the ring. He slides the chair in and follows right behind it, but the referee picks it up. The two men argue over the chair as Punk backs the referee to the center of the ring. Bryan is biding his time though, and charges at Punk. Punk realizes though, and dodges, allowing Bryan to take the referee down. The referee catches himself on the ropes, but is down for the moment. Bryan goes for a clothesline, but Punk dodges. Bryan returns with a dropkick though, and heads to climb the turnbuckle quickly. Punk isn't very worn down, and recovers quickly. He steps to his feet and turns around, and Bryan flies with a crossbody. Punk has this scouted though, and dodges out of the way. Bryan manages to land on his feet, cat-like, and turns into Punk. Punk rebounds with a chop to the chest to stun Bryan. He hits an enzuigiri, and Bryan falls back into the ropes. Punk quickly picks up the chair and slams it off the ground, before tossing it to Bryan and fallin down with a thud, just as the referee gets up and turns around. The referee looks at Bryan, then Punk, then back at Bryan, before calling for the bell. He walks over to Justin Roberts and whispers in his ear.

Justin Roberts:
Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed by the referee, that, the winner of this contest, via disqualification, and advancing to the semi-finals of the tournament, C.M. Punk!

"This Fire Burns" as Punk slithers out of the ring, still acting dazed. The referee and Bryan begin to argue with each other, and as the ref's attention is diverted, Punk gives a sly grin and points at his head, as to say, "I'm smarter than you." As Punk heads to the back, and Bryan fumes over what has transpired, the commentator's give their thoughts.

I'd like to remain un-biased here, but that was classless by C.M. Punk. In a tournament match like this, in a setting where fair competition should be shown, I cannot believe Punk would do that.

Aw, c'mon Shawn. Anyone would, presented the same oppurtunity, do the exact same. Punk kept himself fresh for his match next week, and got the win to advance, which is all that matters in the end. Punk is a true genius, and he should be applauded for being that smart.

Well John, you have your opinion, and I'm sure Daniel Bryan has his as well. Which I'm sure we will hear soon. But right now, Scott Stanford is standing by The Miz.

We switch backstage, where Scott Stanford has mic in hand, and is ready to ask the tough questions.

Thank you Josh, and yes, I am standing by here with The Miz. Now, Miz, last week, you lost your match to John Cena, which means you will not have an oppurtunity to compete for the CWF Elite Championship at Guerrilla Warfare. Now that you have lost your match in the tournament, what are your plans.

The Miz:
Scott, I would tell you what my plans are, but I really don't need to explain myself, do I? I was the most must see WWE champion, and the final champion before the WWE closed it's doors. I have rose from being a wannabe punk on a reality TV show, a nobody on Tough Enough, and hosting Smackdown while shouting Hoorah, to being a face of a company, the brightest and best star in professional wrestling today, and a must-see superstar and champion. So I really don't see the need to explain my plans. Do you, Scott?

Well, Mike, that really isn't my place. But it would be nice to know where you see yourself going.

The Miz:
Where I see myself going? The only place I am going is the top. It's the only place I belong. I will forge a legacy in this business the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. Let me put it this way, Scott - I may not be the first ever CWF Elite Champion, but in the end, I will be the greatest one, and the most must see. Because I'm The MIZ.....AND I'M.....AWESOME!

With that, The Miz turns and leaves, done with the talking for the evening.

Thank you for your time, Miz.

Back from commercial on Elite, Matt Striker is standing by with the recently defeated Daniel Bryan. He is holding is aching body after a brutal, physical match.

Firstly Daniel, I'd like to thank you for the interview, I know now isn't the best time, but I'd like to speak with you on your match with Punk.

Bryan has a clear fire in his eyes right now, and although his body is sore, and he is tired, his words roll off intensely.

Matt, there really isn't alot to speak about. I got SCREWED. That match was going back and forth, it was even between both of us, and then Punk had to pull of that under-handed, lowball move. Let me make this short and sweet. I may not get my title shot yet, but I will get it soon enough. And for now, I have business to take care of, since I, as of now, am in lack of a match for Guerrilla Warfare. But your time will come Punk. You have not seen the last of the American Dragon, and you will get your head kicked in.

Bryan has intensity in his eyes as the camera fades back into the arena. Some isolated cheers rise from the fans. Suddenly the lights in the arena dim before...

"Idiot Outlaw" hits as many of the fans don't recognize the music right off. The "Bosou Muscle" Naruki Doi and the "Speed Star" Masato Yoshino enter the arena. They make their way to the ring to a mixed reactions, as many fans don't quite know about this pair. A few puro fans in the building let up some cheers, as the pair slide in the ring and are ready to compete.

These two men seem widely unknown to our audience, and they are two puro, or Japanese wrestling, stars. They founded this team as a part of a stable in Dragon Gate wrestling, the Muscle Outlaw'z, back in 2006. Their name is a mixture of their nicknames, The Speed Star, Yoshino, and and the Bosou Muscle, Doi.

They are a talented pair, but we meet a tough match tonight in Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. The two have been on quite the roll here in CWF, and don't look like they will be slowing down anytime soon.

"Radio" hits as the pair of Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins enter the arena. They walk to opposite sides of the stage, Ryder flashing the L.I. with his hands and Hawkins walking with a swagger, holding his arms up to the crowd as if to say "I'm awesome." The two bump knuckles at the center of the stage before walking to the ring. Ryder sheds his trademark jacket before sliding into the ring. The two teams are ready to compete, and the referee rings the bell to signal the start.

Match 2: Speed Muscle vs. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins:

Yoshino and Hawkins start the match for their respective teams. Hawkins goes straight on the attack, blocking everything from Yoshino and wearing him down with kicks and punches. He takes him down to the mat and locks on a headlock, wrenching the head of Yoshino. He twists the head and neck some more, before relinquishing the hold. Hawkins, however, isn't done. He goes back on the attack, and whips Yoshino into the corner of Hawkins and Ryder. He follows up with a big corner splash to Yoshino, and tags his teammate in. Hawkins whips Yoshino into the ropes, and the tandem hit a double hip toss before Hawkins leaves the ring. Ryder is now the legal man, and goes on the attack. Ryder lifts Yoshino up, and drops him with a suplex. He begins to stomp away at Yoshino, working on wearing down the upper body. Ryder drags Yoshino to his feet, and whips him towards the ropes. Yoshino rebounds hard, and Ryder connects with a belly-to-belly suplex. Ryder goes for a cover. One....two...and Yoshino powers out. Ryder drags Yoshino to his feet, but takes his time and leaves an opening. Yoshino manages to hit a dropkick, sending Ryder to the mat. This allows Yoshino to crawl over and tag his partner into the match-up.

Narui Doi comes in with a fire, as the Bosou Muscle is ready to go. He hits multiple open-handed slaps, before lifting Ryder up and dropping him in a sitout spinebuster. He pushes Ryder's legs up and goes for a cover. One....two...and Ryder kicks out. Doi goes straight back to his feet and on the attack. He whips Ryder into the corner, and charges at him. He hits a spinning wheel kick, which drops Ryder to a seated position in the corner. Doi hops back up and hits the ropes, and flies back with a cannonball splash to Ryder in the corner. Doi hopes to his feet and lifts his arms in the air, letting out a scream of intensity. The fans are popping wild for the high impact, high intensity offense of Doi. He lifts Ryder up and...Doi rolls through with a Gannosuke clutch! One....two....and Hawkins breaks up the fall. Suddenly Yoshino is back in the ring. And takes care of Hawkins. He whips Hawkins into the ropes and Doi tosses him up with a flapjack, followed by a bulldog from Yoshino as he lands! The crowd pops for the high impact double-team move as Hawkins rolls to the floor outside of the ring. Yoshino wastes no time in following, and springboards over the top with a plancha. Doi watches the landing before turning around and Rough Ryder connects from a recovered Zack Ryder. Cover. One....two....three! Ryder and Hawkins pull out the win.

Justin Roberts:
The winners of this match, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder!

Ryder slides out of the ring as his music plays, satisfied with his victory for his team. Hawkins stumbles up from the floor and meets his partner heading up the ramp. They raise there arms in victory, as Ryder reminds people to take care and spike their hair with his signature gesture, and Hawkins struts back with his arms open wide.

These two have certainly been on a roll here in CWF, and remain undefeated in both singles and tag action.

They are certainly front runners in the budding tag team division here, and they are sure to be in line for a tag team title oppurtunity when the title situation for them is announced. But right now, Scott Stanford is standing by backstage with Robert Roode!

The camera transitions backstage to Scott Stanford, mic in hand.

Thanks Josh, and indeed Robert Roode is standing here with me. Robert, you have sort of floating around here on Elite, but you did pick up a solid victory over Trent Baretta two weeks ago. Do you have any definitive plans for the near future?

Scott, maybe a common man like you needs a plan, but I don't. You see, I am a natural at professional wrestling. As a matter of fact, you might as well call me, The Natural. I am the best damn wrestler in the world today, and there ain't no one who can tell me different. So, as you can tell, I don't need a plan, because I am a pure bred champion.

Well, that may be so, but as of now, you aren't in any championship picture. You are floating in the CWF world at this point, so where do you go from here?

I don't go anywhere, because I don't need to. You see, when you are as good as I am, you don't go chasing championship gold, because championship gold comes to you. I am fully confident that I will keep doing what I do, and that is being the best, and I will get some gold around my waist soon enough. Until then, I'll keep my mind on my money, and my money on my mind.

Roode walks away with a purpose, leaving Stanford alone as the show goes to commercial.


Back from commercial and we see a shot of the arena and hear some isolated cheers. Suddenly...

The iconic music of John Cena hits the speakers and he rushes on stage. He soaks in the deafening crowd reaction from the loya CeNation in Richmond. He looks into the camera and speaks to the fans at home, saying "No more Nexus. Just me and Barrett tonight." He runs to the ring as the commentary speaks on the situation.

And here comes John Cena, undoubtedly the biggest star in professional wrestling today. And after picking up a victory of The Miz last week, it will be interesting to see if that momentum carries over to next week against Wade Barrett.

John Cena is possibly the best pro wrestler on the planet today, but Wade Barrett is a tough S.O.B. and Cena cannot overlook him.

The two men have a long history with each other, dating back to last June and the debut of The Nexus. What followed was a six-month feud, which at one-point had John Cena join the Nexus. But Cena got the upper hand in the end. It will be interesting to hear what Cena has to say about the renewal of this rivalry.

John Cena is in the ring now, and has a microphone in hand, as the crowd showers him with "Cena" chants.

Thank you.

The crowd pops even louder for Cena, and he has to signal for them to quiet down so he can speak.

Now, I came out here to address my tournament run, and my opponent next week, "Woi Barrah," but first I want to address one other man. You know who you are, C.M. Punk.

Now Punk, you want to sit there and talk about making an impact, whining about politics backstage. Fine, that's your prerogative. And if you can't accept that you didn't get your shot because, well, you didn't deserve it, well, that's a you problem, not a me problem.

The crowd gives a chuckle at Cena's comment, but he turns serious quickly.

But, you decided to bring me into it, and attack me two times. One time, laying me out on the windshield of a car, and the second time, in the middle of the ring. Well, that's all good and fine. Glad you achieved your goal of getting under my skin. Because now, you're so far under my skin my blood itches. Unfortunately for you, that isn't something you want.

But don't get me wrong, I'm glad you won your match earlier. I hope you win next week too. Because I know I am going to win, and that means that I get you at Guerrilla Warfare. Which not only means I get my hands on the Elite Championship, which is my number one goal, but I also get to finally get my hands on you. Which would be the most satisfying thing in the world. So don't worry Punk, I'll be rooting for you. Hell, I'll give you help if you want me too, because if it means getting my hands on you, I'll do just about anything.

The crowd pops for Cena's comments, and are clearly foaming at the mouth at the possibility they might get to see C.M. Punk vs. John Cena.

But, I digress. Now, to address what I came out here for-

"End of Days" hits over the arena as Wade Barrett, the man Cena was about to address, enters into the arena. He is showered with boos for interrupting the crowd favorite John Cena, and strides to the ring with a purpose and a mean look on his face. He enters the ring, already with a mic from backstage, and seemingly has an issue.

Wade Barrett:
John, John. Did I hear you right. Did you just say that you were going to beat me next week? You see, the problem with that is, it sounds good and all, but there lie's the problem itself: it just sounds good. I mean, Christina Grimmie sounds good too, but I don't see her winning any Grammies. And to be honest, her YouTube channel is probably better than anything you have ever done.

The crowd is booing like crazy as the heat is coming down on Barrett like he was in a kitchen on Thanksgiving Day.

Wade, Wade. You talk a big game, but can you back it up. You see, the only reason you were ever a success in the WWE is because Chris Jericho, our owner, held your hand through season one of NXT. And then the only reason you ever had the chance to beat me was because you had The Nexus, which may I point out, the only reason you led so long is because Daniel Bryan had to go all psycho ward with a tie. And even with out the Nexus, your track record here isn't so great. Yeah you have two wins, but one was over JTG, and the other was because A.J. Styles got all pissy!

The crowd cheers for Cena, especially the Bryan comment.

John, I think there is something that you don't understand about me. I don't need a group of second rate lackeys, who rode my coatails for six months because they couldn't cut the mustard WWE superstars. I can beat you all on my own, and you are going to find that out next week. The winds of change are blowing, and there is a tornado on the horizon.

Barrett drops his mic and turns to leave, but just when Cena isn't expecting it, Barrett turns back to strike Cena. John dodges though, and grabs Barrett by the head. Cena tosses Barrett out of the ring. John takes his microphone back in his hand, and leans over the ropes to say one more thing to Barrett.

Wade, the only thing blowing, is your dreams, and their blowing right away with the dust. I want you to remember the rest of this week - I've beat you once, and I can beat you again.

Cena drops his mic as his music hits, and climbs a turnbuckle to celebrate, as Barrett holds his head, walking to the back. Suddenly, Cena's music cuts off as...

"Woahhh, you're only smoke and mirrors." The lyrics to Cody Rhodes theme are easily recognizeable to the fans as The Dashing One enters the arena. He begins to walk to the ring, but notices his reflection on the mirror mini tron.

And...Cody Rhodes? What the hell is he doing?

Well, his match is scheduled to be next, he is probably coming out to compete. Logic, it's fun to use, isn't it Matthews?

I'm just saying, he might have wanted to wait until Cena left the ring. I doubt Cena will like Rhodes interrupting him.

Rhodes enters the ring and picks up Cena's microphone off the mat. Cena is now down to the mat, and is face to face with Cody.

John, I'm glad you tossed Wade Barrett over the ropes, I really am, but I have a match up next, so quite frankly, I'd love to see you and your unfashionable "jorts" exit the ring right now.

Cena gets an angry expression on his face, but decides to leave. Before he goes, he asks to see his mic one more time. Rhodes hands it to him, as Cena has one final comment.

No problem Cody, I'm eager to get backstage so I can watch John Morrison beat you anyway. Later.

Cena tosses his mic back at Rhodes, who doesn't catch it, but lets it thud to the mat and kicks it out of the ring. He is ready to compete, and as Cena walks to the back John Morrison's music hits.

"Coming Home" blares through the arena, as John Morrison walks on stage. Bright and dark lights flash wildly through the arena as Morrison hits his pose as a golden pyro flies from each side of the stage, forming a shower in front of his face. He poses in "slow motion" before walking to the ring. He is dressed in a real fur jacket, bedazzled is jewels and glitter, and equally stunning tights, dressed to compete in style tonight.

And John Morrison has a style not seen before. He is a charismatic enigma, and lives in the spirit of ancient shamans and gurus.

He dresses like a rock star or celebrity, lives like a shaman, and wrestles like the entire match is a highlight reel. He is a treat to see compete and even just listen to, and this should be a great match. And it's coming up next!

Match 4: Cody Rhodes vs. John Morrison:

The two men lock up and exchange holds. Rhodes gets a head lock in and drops to a knee. He throws some sharp elbows to the ribs, causing Rhodes to scream out in pain. He shoves Morrison to the mat, and stomps away. He is trying to take control of the match early, and has Morrison down. He walks to the ropes and sets up for a springboard. Morrison makes his way back to his feet and turns around...Beautiful Disaster by Cody but it misses. Cody manages to land on his feet, but is stunned. He shakes it off before turning and meets and spinning wheel kick from Morrison. Cover, one....two..and Cody kicks out. Morrison leaps to his feet, and hits the ropes. Cody sits up from the pinning position and meets a running knee smash. Cody is sprawled on the mat in the center of the ring, and is in prime position for the brunt of Morrison's offense. He head's towards the ropes and springboards up, and flies back with a moonsault...and Cody gets his knees up! Morrison hit Rhodes and rolls on the mat in agony, as Rhodes attempts a cover. One....two...and Morrison gets a shoulder up.

Rhodes stands to his feet and bounces off the ropes, coming back with a diving knee drop to the gut of Morrison. The core of John's body is suffering at this point, taking away part of his parkour base, and Rhodes decides to extend the ork on the mid-section with an abdominal stretch. He locks his legs around the gut of Morrison and stretches it out, causing Morrison to cry out in pain. He has Morrison in a bad way, but he manages to reach out and grab the ropes. Morrison rolls to the apron as Rhodes breaks the hold, and Rhode taunts the crowd. He walks to the corner and lies on the ropes like it's a hammock, taking his time. Morrison is fighting through the pain on the apron, though, and climbs the opposite turnbuckle. Rhodes saunters back towards Morrison, but is met with Morrison jumping off the top rope. He goes for a hurricanrana, but Rhodes catches him and hits a spinning Alabama Slam! Rhodes drops to a cover and makes an attempt to end the match-up. One....two....and Morrison manages to kick out again!

And an Alabama Slam by Cody Rhodes, shades of his former mentor and tag team partner, Bob "Hardcore" Holly.

From Holly to Randy Orton, Rhodes has learned from some greats over the years, and is able to tap into a deep repertoire because of that. Expect him to have plenty of surprises to pull out if neccessary.

Rhodes goes on the attack again, stomping away at Morrison, shades of Legacy mentor Randy Orton, focusing on each body part as he goes around. He taunts the crowd, flashing a smile of his dashing looks, before heading to the turnbuckle. He climbs high, and stalks Morrison as he make his way to his feet. As Morrison is up and turns around, Rhodes flies from the top with a crossbody. Morrison goes down, but manages to roll through the crossbody, turning Rhodes momentum against him into a pin! One....two...and Rhodes powers out. Both men roll to their feet. Rhodes goes for a clothesline, but Morrison dodges in a Matrix maneuver. He bounces back to his feet and goes for a clothesline of his own. Rhodes dodges himself, and turns to nail Morrison with a picture perfect dropkick. He drags Morrison in front of the ropes. He takes his time, before using the ropes to propel himself up, crashing back with a stomp to Morrison. But Morrison manages to roll out of the way, leaving Rhodes to hit nothing but mat. Morrison rolls to his feet, and connects with a Capoeira kick, taking Rhodes to the mat.

Morrison rolls to the apron, as Rhodes is down on the mat, and out to boot. He uses oen hand to propel himself over the rope sideways, like propelling over a wall, and lands with an impactful leg drop. The fans pop like crazy for the innovative move, as Morrison goes for a pin. One....two....and Rhodes somehow kicks out! Morrison stands, and drags Rhodes to his feet with him. He goes for a kick to the gut, but Rhodes catches the leg, and shoves him backwards. He walks forward, still dazed, but manages to grab Morrison and hit a snap suplex. He stands to his feet, catching his breath for a moment, before going back on the attack. He drags The Shaman of Sexy up and whips him into the ropes. Morrison flies back, and is caught in a titl-a-whirl slam, dropping him to the mat hard. Rhodes goes for a cover. One....two....and...thr - no, Morrison kicks out! Rhodes almost sneaks away with a win, but not quite.

And a sick-looking tilt-a-whirl slam by Rhodes there, and these two men are throwing everything they have at each other.

Rhodes has thrown a good amount of his high-flying move-set at him, but hasn't tapped into his power game much yet. It's the double threat ability of Rhodes that makes him a unique yet perfect fit for the No Limits division, and such a dangerous competitor.

Rhodes has a deep knowledge of wrestling, and will pull it all out to put away Morrison here tonight.

Morrison pulls himself up to his feet using the ring ropes, and turns to face a charging Rhodes. Cody goes for the big boot, but Morrison dodges! Cody gets tangled in the ropes, and turns into a Nitro Blast! It's a superkick that makes HBK proud sitting ring side and Morrison goes for the cover. One....two....and Rhodes gets a shoulder up! The fans and Morrison are both in disbelief, as Rhodes is showing his toughness here tonight. Morrison whips Rhodes into the ropes and leaps on top of him as he comes back, and landing a hurricanrana on Rhodes! Cody goes down to the mat and is sprawled out in the ring. Morrison sets up for the springboard again, but this time waiting for Rhodes to make his way up. Cody manages to pull himself up, as Morrison junps on the ropes and comes back with a Flyin Chuck kick that misses! Morrison lands on his feet, but is facing opposite Rhodes, who sneaks up behind and hits a lightning quick Cross Roads! Morrison is laid out in the center of the ring, but Rhodes doesn't go fpr the cover. He regains his composure, before climbing to the top ropes. He points to the crowd, before flying off with a beautiful moonsault. He lands smack-dab on Morrison, in a cover. One....two....three!

Justin Roberts:
Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, Cody Rhodes!

Cody Rhodes gains the victory and slides out of the ring as "Smoke and Mirrors" plays. He walks to the back as the announcers comment on how Rhodes took great advantage of Morrison's miss on the flying Chuck kick. Morrison sits up, holding his head in pain as he realizes what happened. Rhodes smirks back at the ring as Morrison has a scowl on his face, as the show fades to commercial.


Back from commercial, we see Dolph Ziggler walk into Chris Jericho's office. He is wearing a pair of denim jeans and a t-shirt reading "perfect." He calls out for Jericho, who is apparently in the back of his office doing something. Jericho finally walks into eyeshot, with a grin on his face.

Ah, yes, Dolph. I am glad to see you, man.

I figured, seeing as how you called me here.

Yes, about that. It's about Christian Cage, and your attack on him last week. You see, not only did you steal a victory out from under him two weeks ago, but when he called you out on it, you attacked him from behind, brutally might I add. Now, Christian isn't here tonight, due to your attack on him, but I did talk to him on the phone this week.

Oh really, and did you two chums have a good chat?

Dolph says the last line sarcastically, drawing heat from the crowd watching on the titantron. Jericho gives a little sarcastic smile of his own, before continuing.

As a matter of fact, we did, assclown.

The crowd pops for Jericho's joke, as Ziggler is irate, but Jericho continues on.

And one of the most interesting things we talked about, was you, Dolph. We both agreed that your attack was not only vicious, but un-called for. And we also came to an agreement that he deserved anoter match with you. So, at Guerrilla Warfare, it's going to be you, vs. Christian cage, in a No Holds Barred match!

The crowd goes crazy as Jericho announces a huge match for Guerrilla Warfare. Dolph starts to respond, but Jericho cuts him off.

Now before you give me a little smart comment, get out off my office, now.

Dolph is upset but leaves the office, before he makes Jericho too mad. The show fades to it's final commercial of the evening as Dolph slams the door to Jericho's office.


Back to Elite as the bell rings to signal the main event.

Justin Roberts:
Richmond, Virginia! The following bout is the main event of the evening, and is the final first-round match in the Championship Wrestling Federation Elite Championship tournament! Introducing first.....

Blood red lights flood the arena and red fog fills the stage. "Voices" blares as the shadow-y figure of Randy Orton slithers through the fog. He pauses at the top of the stage, looking over the arena with a cold glare, before slowly walking to the ring.

Oh, boy, it looks like we know who A.J. Styles opponent is, and he has a handful tonight.

I have wrestled against Orton before, and he is one of the best in the world. This should be an amazing match, and it's a shame one of these men will lose their oppurtunity at a title this early.

Orton finally makes it to the ring, and climbs the turnbuckle and stare across the crowd, with an ice cold stare.

"Get Ready to Fly" hits the speakers as the crowd showers boos upon the "Phenomenal One." A.J. steps on stage and flips his hood back, as golden pyro showers on top of him. He saunters to the ring, taking in the crowds boos as if they were energy. He slides into the ring and sheds his hooded vest, ready to go. Justin Roberts announces each competitor and the referee calls for the bell, as the main event is ready to go.

And before this match starts, I would like to take the time to remind everyone to visit the official CWF website at http://

There, you will find the entire CWF roster with pictures and descriptions, the staff listing, PPV information, website exclusives on the unique features of the company, exclusive news updates, and soon there will be exclusive web matches and segments!

Match 4: Randy Orton vs. A.J. Styles - CWF Elite Tournament first-round match:

The two men square off in the ring, and Orton goes for a kick to start the match off. AJ dodges out of the way, and comes back with a flying shoulder block to take Orton down. He stands and begins to stomp away at Randy. He drops an elbow on Orton, and transitions it into a cover. One....and Orton gets his shoulder up. AJ drags Orton up, and whips him into the ropes. He hits a spinning back elbow to stagger Orton, and follows with a stiff enzuigiri kick. Orton falls hard to the mat as AJ locks in a headlock. He wrenches at the head of Orton, trying to wear him down to get a quick victory. Orton struggles but manages to grab the ropes, causing the referee to break the hold. AJ lets go, but is ready to go back on the attack as soon as the ref allows. AJ is backed up by the official, but charges back at Orton. Orton starts to pull himself up, but AJ goes back on the attack. He throws kicks and fists at Orton, but Randy manages to respond and back AJ away with wild kicks of his own. Randy pulls himself up and hits an uppercut to AJ, stunning him. He charges at Styles and takes him down with a shoulder block, and goes for a cover. One....two..and AJ gets a shoulder up.

Orton shoves AJ back down to the mat and gains a mount position. He begins to throw fists at Styles, assaulting the Phenomenal One. He stands to his feet, and begins to stomp away at Styles. He targets each major body part of Styles, walking around his entire body. He hits a hard stomp to the head to put an emphasis on the assault and turns away with a wild, cold look on his face. He stalks AJ as he gets up to his feet, and catches AJ with a rear waist lock. He lifts Styles up for a belly-to-back suplex, but AJ slips out behind Orton. Styles hits a drop kick to Orton's back, knocking him into the ring ropes. Orton gets tangled up before falling hard to the outside of the ring. AJ hops up and down, waiting for Orton to stand. He waits until Orton begins to pick himself up, and goes for a crossbody to the outside. He falls hard on Orton, taking both men out. The referee leans over the rope, checking both men. He makes sure both are okay before beginning a count. One.....two.....three.....four.....and AJ is starting to stir on the outside. He is on his knees as the count continues.

What a crossbody by AJ. Not only did he take Orton out, he took himself out as well.

At least we see AJ stirring. The official did a good job by checking before starting the count, assuring these two wrestler's saftey comes first.

Aw boy, this is the type of wrestling that gets my blood pressure up. This shows why we have the greatest wrestling in the world today.

The referees count is up to 7 as AJ makes his way to his feet, and he rolls Randy into the ring and follows himself. He goes into the cover. One....two...and Orton kicks out. AJ pulls Orton's head up from the mat, and stuns him with a chop to the chest. He has Orton in a sitting position as he stands, and hits the ropes. He rebounds back with a Shining Wizard, taking Orton down hard. He does his signature pose in the center of the ring, taunting the fans as they boo. You can here Styles yell "It's AJ's time!" as he drops to his knees to make a cover. One....two....and Orton gets a shoulder up. Styles looks frustrated, but goes back on the attack. He hits the ropes again, looking to rebound with a leg drop. He goes for the move but Orton rolls out of the way! AJ smacks the mat hard, as Orton pushes himself up from the mat. He stands over AJ before hitting the ropes. He comes back a fist drop to the chest of Styles. Cover. One....two...and AJ kicks out. Orton stands to his feet, and hovers over Styles. AJ reaches for a way to pull himself up, but Orton drags him up himself. He lifts AJ up into the air, and holds him. The crowd pops as Ortons drops Styles to the mat hard.

Orton pops up, with an icy stare in his eyes. He drops to his knees and goes for another pin. One....two....and Style kicks out again! Orton is becoming more frustrated with every kickout. He drags Styles up, and whips him hard into the ropes. AJ comes back with a leapfrog over Orton, and hits the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. AJ comes back but Orton falls to the mat to dodge AJ. Orton is back up, and Styles back with a dropkick, but Orton dodges! Styles rolls back up, and Orton with a dropkick! But AJ dodges! Orton pushes back to his feet as the men stare down in the ring. AJ taunts to the crowd, with his signature pose, getting boos. Orton doesn't seem impressed though, and responds with his signature taunt. But as he turns his back, AJ attacks from behind! The crowd showers heat onto Styles as we works away at Orton. He drops a axe handle across the back of Orton, bringing the Viper to his knees. AJ sends a stiff kick to the mid-section of Orton, doubling him over. Orton is now on hands and knees as AJ hits the ropes and hits a dropkick to Orton, sending him tumbling under the ropes to the floor.

A.J. taking control of the match now, and Orton is looking in a bad way.

Orton is a tough competitor, but AJ is taking control here. It could be, as Styles said himself, AJ's time.

Styles follows to the outside, stalking the Viper. He hits a swift kick to the gut, and it connects with a thud. AJ kneels over a prone Orton and locks in an armbar. Orton screams out in pain, and the referee yell at AJ to break the hold. He threatens to disqualify Styles, and starts a five count. One, two, three, four, and AJ relents. He stomps away at Orton. The referee shouts to bring the match back in the ring as AJ drags Orton up and whips him into the steel steps. The referee starts a count as AJ is going to town. One.....and AJ is stomping away at Orton.Two.... Styles drags Orton to his knees, and slams his head of the ring steps. Three.....four.....Styles is still working on Orton, but rolls him into the ring. He follows close behind, and pulls Orton to his feet. He whips him into the ropes and nails Orton with a spinning wheel kick. He goes for a cover on the Viper. One....two....but Orton gets a shoulder up! AJ has a disgruntled look on his face, as he wonders what it will take to put Randy away. He rolls to the ring apron, setting up for an impact. He springboards onto the ropes and hits a springboard frog splash. Cover by AJ. One....two....and....thre- no! Orton with the shoulder up!

The commentators note that the match was inches away from being over, as the referee's hand even hit the mat for the count, but Orton got his shoulder up first. AJ cannot believe it as he is kneeling in disbelief in front of Orton. He drags Orton to his feet and stuns him with a chop. He hits the rope and charges back, but Randy catches him! He does a gutwrench to turn him around and grabs him in a wheelbarrow hold. He launches Styles with a german suplex from the wheelbarrow position, but Styles lands on his feet! Orton turns around into a kick to the gut, and AJ locks in a double-underhook. He lifts Orton up and restrains him arms with his legs. Styles Clash is set up and AJ hits -

"AJ. Hey, AJ, up here."

Styles is distracted and drops Orton, and looks to the titantron where the voice is coming from. We see Samoa Joe on the tron, and is distracting AJ. Styles tries to shake it off and turn around, but Orton is up and RKO! Orton hits the RKO! Cover One....two....and....three! Randy Orton grabs the win!

Justin Roberts:
The winner of your main event, and advancing to the semi-finals of the CWF Elite Championship tournament, Randy Orton!

"Voices" plays over the arena's loudspeakers as Orton climbs a turnbuckle and poses. A.J. Styles glares at the titantron as he walks back up the ramp, where Samoa Joe appeared just moments ago.

And Joe just cost Styles his shot at the title! But Styles did it last week, payback is fair play I guess. Styles will learn not to cross Samoa Joe again!

What a travesty! When AJ did it, Joe deserved it! AJ doesn't deserve this, he is a world class athlete!

Well no matter what, this certainly won't be the last we hear of it. But tonight, Orton stands tall and victorious. Next week, he battles C.M. Punk, and John Cena battles Wade Barrett, and the winners go to Guerrilla Warfare! War is on the horizon here in the Championship Wrestling Federation, and who will be the victor? We will find out, in four short weeks!

I'm Josh Matthews, and for my colleagues JBL and Shawn Michaels, good night, from Richmond, Virginia!

The show ends as the lights in the arena are dimmed red, and "Voices blaring over the arena. Orton is standing tall, posing for the camera and the fans on the turnbuckle.

----------END SHOW----------

IN four short weeks:


Confirmed matches:

Sin Cara vs Cody Rhodes: No Limits Championship

Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian Cage: No Holds Barred match
Jam's Review

*Hey Sign Guy, looks like I'll be the first one to give you a review. One point I'd like to address first is the formatting. Formatting is pretty okay, but you're killing me with the new font dude. The way I see it, you should just make the speaking comments in black. Just bold the speaker's name with blue since it looks like that's the color of CWF. So bold the speaker's name, leave his words in black. Matches are also in black font with the quotes, then the other segments be in blue as well. You'll see the format I'm talking about when you see my new BT. Or here I'll show you. CENTERING IT MAY HELP.

Matthews: Oh, boy, it looks like we know who A.J. Styles opponent is, and he has a handful tonight.

The two men lock up and exchange holds. Rhodes gets a head lock in and drops to a knee. He throws some sharp elbows to the ribs, causing Rhodes to scream out in pain. He shoves Morrison to the mat, and stomps away. He is trying to take control of the match early, and has Morrison down. He walks to the ropes and sets up for a springboard. Morrison makes his way back to his feet and turns around...Beautiful Disaster by Cody but it misses. Cody manages to land on his feet, but is stunned. He shakes it off before turning and meets and spinning wheel kick from Morrison. Cover, one....two..and Cody kicks out. Morrison leaps to his feet, and hits the ropes.

*Looks like Episode 4 of CWF is pure wrestling aye? But that's not bad. Having entertaining matches are good. I like the Rhodes/Morrison match as it gave us a match for the future. I like these two guys very much and hope you have something in store for them. Also, with the Punk/Bryan match, it was going good until the ending. Hmm, don't know how believable it is for that to happen but I guess it could happen.

*Having Joe interfere in Styles's match is common sense. I was expecting that. As I was reading, you didn't put it on until the very end. Good to see that feud going places.

*Damn Sign Guy, I actually wish there was a divas division in CWF. Lol. Maybe give it a twist in the storyline as you are with your other storylines. I know you were considering it before, so I hope to see that soon.

*Overall, good show. Very wrestling oriented with a couple of promos. Not too good, not too bad either. Looking forward to Guerilla Warfare. Oooooh Weee, that poster is looking mighty fine ; )
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Here's a review Sign Guy, but before I start, I'll get to formatting. Dude I'm sorry but reading that font for a while really does hurt the eyes; I suggest that you just keep the words in black, but bold them or even italicize them, or something like that; It's a lot easier to read. Now, onto the show.

- AJ cuts a great promo. I really liked this one, and I like how he says that he single-handedly held TNA on his face (which isn't totally false), and then he talks about how it's "his time," and he names other great main-eventers, which I enjoyed.

- Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk, man you're good at booking IWC wet dream matches. Great match, and it ends with Punk pulling an Eddie, and "lies, cheats, and steals" for the DQ victory. Good match, and solid writing.

- A couple short, yet necessary promos from Miz and Bryan, which is a very good, even great addition to the show.

- Hawkins and Ryder continue their run of dominance through the tag team division, and I really wasn't sure how this match was going to go, but you did book it well, and I love were Ryder and Hawkins are going.

- Cena promo time, and I really liked this one, and it just got better when Barrett came in; nothing really to review here, other than saying that it was a very segment. Good job.

- John Morrison vs. Cody Rhodes, alright good buildup here, and I think this will be a very good match. I like the Bob Holly reference there with the Alabama Slam. Overall, great match; I would have booked Morrison to win, but that's just me, and it's your show, but what matters is that it was a great match.

- Great promo by Dolph and Jericho there, I love how Dolph tries to be funny, but Jericho just fired back, it was great! 2nd Guerilla Warfare match announced, and it's going to be a good one I can tell. I wonder what Christian will have to say next show (I think) about this match, and how it builds up. This could be a great feud.

- Alright, main event time, Randy vs. AJ. I wonder were Joe has been, as you did say last week that him and Jericho would have a talk, well there's still time. Overall, good main event match between the two, and ah, there's Joe. Joe returns the favor from last episode, as Orton hits the RKO for the win.

Overall Grade: B+: Really close to an A-, but didn't quite make it. Great show, and I like how long the Guerilla Warfare build is actually; a good pay-per-view plus a decent build makes a good pay-per-view, but a good-pay-per-view plus a good build makes a better pay-per-view IMO. Good job, as you know, I'll keep reading.
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First off I love the new layout Sign Guy. Black and blue work well together and everything looks good and is easy (at least for me) to keep focused on the show and makes it more enjoyable. I'll just go into little points here.

Love the AJ/Joe thing. It really has that real life feel and that makes things much better due to that. If you can bring reality into fantasy it really makes things flow.

Morrison and Rhodes was solid. Both looked good and Cody continues to look strong in the CWF. I'm a huge Rhodes mark, same with Morrison so I hope to see both go places.

The match writing as a whole was solid this episode and really enjoyable. Nothing wrong with going all out and showing us wrestling truly does matter (take notes TNA). Though the promos didn't suffer any as there were top quality as well.

A little disappointed in the end of DB/CM. It isn't really something Punk would do. I understand he wants to get ahead in the CWF as that has been his shtick thus far, but I'm not sure about this move.

Overall it was a good show and I can't wait for Guerrilla Warfare and the continuing build up to it. You are doing a fantastic job Sign Guy and it shows in your work. You definitely have one of my favorite shows on the site.
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You are doing a great job at building up Guerrilla Warfare and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to review what I can remember.

Styles' opening promo was very well-done. It gave us the reason to why he is all cocky and arrogant instead of him just being that way.

I didn't care for the ending to the Bryan/Punk match. Sure, Punk had to cheat to go over, but I would have rather him use the chair to get the job done.

Decent promos by Miz and Bryan.

Good promo by Cena. He covered everything he needed to and did it effectively. Barrett's promo was pretty decent and accomplished what it needed to to set their match up next show.

Rhodes going over is good to help establish him as a threat for the No Limits Championship. I wish Sin Cara would have somehow found a way to get onto the show.

Orton going over Styles due to interference by Joe was obvious, but obvious isn't bad. I liked this match and it really furthered their feud.

The one thing I would change would have been introducing the mystery opponents to Punk and Styles after they were introduced. That way we would have known it was a tournament match and we could have gotten the wrestler's reaction to who they were facing.

Overall, a good show that is really setting up Guerrilla Warfare nicely.
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