World Wrestling Association


Championship Contender
For all the information and backstory on WWA, check out WWA.WZ. Everything related to WWA will be posted there as the shows will be posted in this thread. I apologize for the grammar issues because I kind of rushed this first show. So ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax, and enjoy!

The debut of Friday Night Fire

March 11, 2011

The show opens with Mean Gene Okerlund with a microphone in the middle of the ring.

Okerlund: Hello everybody and welcome to the hottest new wrestling company on the map. Now you have all aniticipated the arrival of World Wrestling Association and you don't have to wait any longer because we are here. It is time for the world of wrestling to be shaken up. WWE now has competition. We are taking pro wrestling by storm. Tonight is WWA's debut of Friday Night Fire and in two weeks WWA will make there debut on pay per view. We have three titles: the television title, the WWA World Tag titles, and the WWA World Heavyweight Championship. There will be four qualifying matches in the next two weeks and the winner of each match will advance to take part in the fatal four way for the WWA World Championship at the debut pay per view. Tonight, we will crown our first ever World Tag Team champions because Mr. Trump has chosen who he thinks are the two best teams in the world to compete for the tag titles. That will be the Motor City Machine Guns versus Beer Money. As far as the television title goes, it will be announced right here live next week. I will now send it to my colleages, Taz and Joey Styles.

Styles: We are live at the Mobile Civic Center in Mobile, Alabama and the atmosphere is estatic Taz.

Taz: You bet it is. Shew, this building is eletric. Ten thousand, die hard wrestling fans are packed in here to see a great show tonight.

Styles: Looks like it is time for WWA's first ever televised match and it will be for the tag team titles.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money for the WWA World Tag Team Titles

The Motor City Machine Guns' music hits and the crowd is buzzing in the Civic Center. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin make there way to the ring. "Beer Money!" Beer Money's music plays as they walk out to a mixed reaction. Scott Armstrong holds up the World Tag titles and the Guns offer a handshake to Beer Money out of respect before the match. Robert Roode and James Storm look at each other and grin before they attack the Guns rapidly as the bell rings.

Styles: It seems as if the Guns respect Beer Money but does Beer Money respect the Guns in return?

James Storm is trading blows with Shelley and Roode is trading blows with Sabin. Armstrong restores order and makes sure one member of each team gets out of the ring and make there way into there respective corner. Alex Shelley stays in and so does Robert Roode. They lock up and Sabin is getting the crowd involved on the outside. Roode applys a shoulder lock on Shelley and tries to wear down on his arm. Roode throws some strikes at the arm of Alex Shelley. Alex reverses it and hits Roode with a wicked clothesline as the match begins to speed up. Roode jumps back to his feet and Shelley goes for another clothesline, only this time Roode ducks and fires back with some chops to the chest. Robert Roode irish whips Shelley across the ring into the ropes and Roode bends over for a back body drop but Alex notices that and plants him with a kick to the face. Shelley then sends Roode into the corner and tags in his partner, Chris Sabin. Roode is set up in the corner and Shelley bends over in front of him. Chris Sabin runs and leaps off the back of Shelley, striking Roode in the face. Roode falls flat on his chest and Sabin rolls him over, going for the pin but Roode quickly kicks out at just a one count. Sabin picks him up and goes for a snap suplex but Roode reverses with a suplex of his own. Roode makes it to his feet and tags in his partner. James Storm runs in and picks up Sabin. Storm sends him across the ring and hits him with a scoop slam into a pin. Sabin kicks out at a near two. James whips him into the corner and sets him up on the top rope. James tries lifting him up for a superplex but Sabin reverses and throws Storm off the top turnbuckle and on to the outside, crashing down on the arena floor. Storm eventually gets to his feet but is knocked back down when Chris Sabin launches off the top rope and connects with a cross body of James Storm.

Taz: Sabin might of just taken himself out as well as Storm.

Roode hops off the ring apron and runs to check on Storm. Shelley comes running from the ring and dives through the ropes, hitting a suicide dive on Robert Roode. The ref begins to count, 1..... 2..... 3..... 4.... Chris Sabin is back to his feet and he picks up Storm and rolls him in the ring, looking for a pin. Storm kicks out at two and a half. Shelley and Roode have made there way back to the corners and Sabin tags in Shelley. Shelley hops to the top rope and goes for a cross body but James Storm spears him in mid-air.

Styles: Oh My God!!!!!

WWA chants are circulating across the Civic Center.

Storm crawls over to his partner Rober Roode and finally makes the tag. Shelley is up on his feet and is slammed to the mat when Roode hits a spine buster. Roode picks him up and goes for a suplex but Shelley reverses into a huge ddt. Shelley tags in Sabin and they pick Roode up and connect with a double superplex. Storm runs in and hits a super kick on both members of the guns. Roode crawls to Shelley and covers him for the pin. "1..... 2.... he lifts his shoulder at a near 3." "This is Awesome" chants are being made by the fans. Roode and Shelley are up on there feet and Roode lifts him up for a bodyslam. Roode tags in James Storm and he comes in with a running elbow drop. Storm sends him with am irish whip across the ring and Shelley comes back with a thesz press. Shelley hops up and tags in Chris Sabin. They go for there signature move: Made in Detroit and connect. Sabin covers Storm but Roode runs in and breaks up the count. Shelley runs back in and throws Roode to the outside. Alex Shelley gets to the outer part of the apron and springboards off the top rope into a moonsault landing on Robert Roode.

Taz: What a move. You can only see tag team wrestling at it's finest in WWA.

Sabin and Storm are up to there feet and are trading blows. Sabin plants a kick to the head of James Storm. Sabin then goes for another kick but Storm ducks and retaliates with another superkick of his own. Storm lifts Sabin up for a piledriver. As he lifts him up, Shelley is on the top rope and proceeds to connect with a diving drop kick to the back of Storm's head. While Storm did get kicked in the back of the head, as he falls down he still manages to plant Sabin with a piledriver. Sabin looks dazed but Shelley is clapping and encouraging Sabin to crawl and tag him in. Sabin manages to get the tag. Alex Shelley comes in and connects with a running chuck kick. He goes for the pin on Storm but Roode rolls in once again and breaks up the count. Chris Sabin is trying to get in but the ref proceeds to stop him. While Sabin is fighting off Scott Armstrong, he doesn't see that Roode and Storm just hit Shelley with DWI. Roode runs back to his corner and the ref never saw it. Storm covers him, and Armstrong counts the 1... 2.... 3.... Armstrong rings the bell, not knowing what happened behind his back and Sabin is looking on in disbelief.

Jeremy Borash: Your winners and new WWA World Tag Team CHampions, Beer Money!

We go backstage with Mike Tenay and Kurt Angle

Tenay: Kurt, I have been informed that tonight in the main event, you will be competing against Jeff Hardy in a qualifying match to advance to the Fatal Four Way at WWA's debut pay per view.

Kurt Angle: Jeff and myself have fought some battles before. Jeff is one creepy dude but he does have one thing in common with myself. Whether he is a fan favorite or booed out the building, Jeff Hardy leaves everything he has in that squared circle. But tonight I will give everything I have and much more. The Kurt Angle you are looking at now isn't the same Kurt Angle as before. No more mister nice guy. I will advance to that fatal four way and I will win that fatal four way and I will become the first ever WWA WOrld Heavyweight Champion. Oh it's real! It's damn real!

The cameras go back to the announce desk where we see Joey Styles and Taz.

Styles: The night is not over ladies and gentlement. There is still much more to come.

Taz: You bet your ass we have more to come. I can't wait to see Jeff Hardy square off against Kurt Angle later on tonight. As for right now we have the first of the four qualifying match.

Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles: The winner advances to the Fatal four Way for the World Title at WWA's PPV debut.

RVD enters first and gets a decent pop. AJ comes out second to a even bigger reaction from the crowd. Referee Brian Hebner will be calling this match. The bell rings and RVD and Styles are squaring off. They lock up with a collar and elbow tie up. RVD grabs AJ and applies a waist lock. RVD grounds AJ and they begin to wrestle on the mat. RVD slams him on his back and jumps up quickly. RVD is going for Rolling Thunder early on but AJ slides out of the way and RVD lands on his back. They are both back up to there feet and they lock up once again. AJ connects with a few upper cuts and sends him across the ring. RVD runs back at him and Styles leaps over RVD. RVD bounces off the ropes and AJ hits a back body drop. Styles covers him but RVD raises his shoulder at one and a half. They hop up and Styles scoops him up for a body slam. AJ then is going for a figure four but RVD pushes him off. AJ comes back but RVD rolls him up, going for a pin. Styles kicks out reluctanly at one. RVD picks up for a side suplex but AJ flips out of it and clinches RVD's waiste. AJ pulls him up and hits a northern lights suplex into a pin. RVD kicks out at a two count.

Styles: The fans don't know who to cheer for because they are both huge fan favorites.

AJ locks in a sleeper hold and squeezing his arms around RVD's neck. RVD is working his way to his feet but his face is begining to turn purple. He finally breaks the hold and reverses into an irish whip across the ring. Styles runs back at him and RVD hits him with a hiptoss. RVD is clinching AJ's arm and is twisting it around as AJ screams in agony. RVD is still clinching on his arm but AJ fights his way out and connects with a DDT on RVD. AJ then makes his way to the top rope and is looking for a 450 splash. Styles goes for it but RVD lifts his knees up and AJ crashes down on the knees of RVD. Van Dam now goes for a Rolling Thunder. He hits it and goes for the pin. Styles kicks out at a near three. RVD looks frustrated and is going to the top rope as AJ is struggling to get to his feet. Once Styles is up, RVD leaps at him and plants him with a kick to the face. They are both on there backs on the mat as "Let's Go AJ" and "RVD" chants are forming throughout the arena. RVD rolls over and goes for the pin but AJ kicks out at a near three once again. RVD gets up and goes for another Rolling Thunder and AJ reverses when he lifts his knees up this time. Both men are in a lot of pain and are trying to get to there feet. As soon as AJ and RVD get up AJ connects with a peleg out of nowhere.

Taz: Where did that come from?

Styles: It shows how bad AJ wants in the Fatal Four Way.

AJ Styles is crawling and covers RVD. Armstrong is down to count the pin. 1..... 2.... and he kicks out right before 3. AJ lifts him up and is setting him on the top turnbuckle. AJ gets on the top turnbuckle too and goes for a frankensteiner but RVD doesn't go down and AJ falls back off the top rope on his face. RVD sees the oppurtunity and goes for his finisher, the Five Star Frog Splash. AJ Styles slides out of the way and RVD hits the mat hard. Styles makes his way up to his feet. AJ picks up RVD for a Styles Clash but RVD rolls under his legs rolls AJ up for the pin. 1....2....3.... Scott Armstrong counted the three and RVD is your winner.

Jeremy Borash: RVD is your winner and the first to qualify for the WOrld Title Fatal Four Way at the debut pay per view.

RVD is celebrating and AJ walks up. They shake hands and hug before both men leave the ring.​

As soon as RVD and AJ walk off, JBL's music hits. He comes out in his white limo and has a microhohone in his hand.

JBL: Donald Trump contacted me a few months ago and told me about his plans to create this company. He asked me if I would jump on board and I said, "Hell Yeah, I'll jump on board." You see I didn't come here to make friends. I didn't come here to perform for all of you. I came here to make money. I am all about money and so is Mr. Trump. I will make money and I will win championship gold. Since Mr. Trump and myself are such good friends, I don't even have to have a qualifying match here tonight. Mr. Trump was just going to give me a spot in that Fatal Four Way. But I told him I didn't want it given to me. I told him I have worked for what I got. So I was willing to qualify just like the rest of those low-class idiots in the lockeroom. He said he had me an opponent. So who is it?

The Pope's music hits and he makes his way to the ring with a huge pop. Pope takes off his glasses and jacket as he is ready to compete.

JBL vs. The Pope D' Angelo Dinero: The winner advances to the Fatal Four Way For the World Title at WWA's Debut PPV.

Referee Rudy Charles, signals for the bell and this match is underway. Pope doesn't hesitate as he fires JBL with some elbow strikes to the head.

Taz: JBL is a bar room brawler and Pope is making a mistake by trying to out brawl him. Pope needs to try and take JBL down and mat wrestle him.

Pope beats him into the corner and is running for a big strike but JBL reverses by lifting his leg up and kicking Pope square in the face. JBL then goes for Pope's knee with a chop block. JBL has Pope on the ground and applys a rear naked choke. JBL is over powering Pope on the ground. JBL goes for a swift pin but Pope kicks out quickly. JBL goes for another pin but Pope lifts his shoulder and fights JBL off. Pope gets to his feet as does JBL. Pope runs across the ring and goes for a strike at JBL but Bradshaw ducks and sends Pope out of the ring. Pope is getting to his feet when out of nowhere, Desmond Wolfe jumps the barricade and runs in the ring. Wolfe slaps JBL square in the face. Rudy Charles calls for a DQ as JBL picks up the win and advances to the Fatal Four Way.

Jeremy Borash: Your winner by Disqualification, John Bradshaw Layfield. He will advance along with Rob Van Dam in the World Championship Fatal Four Way at the debut Pay Per View.

JBL celebrates as he rides off in his limo. Fans are throwing trash and "Mean" Gene runs to the ring with a mic in hand.

Okerlund: Wolfe, what was that all about?

Desmond Wolfe: You see, JBL payed me off earlier backstage and I helped him defeat Pope and advance in the tournament.

Gene goes to talk again but is quickly interupted by the Pope attacking Desmond Wolfe from behind. They begin to trade left and rights as they brawl all over the ring. Gene runs to the back and security comes out and tears these two off of each other.

Styles: Well Taz, it looks as if JBL and RVD are two of the competitors in the four way. Matt Morgan and Mr. Anderson will compete up next in a qualifying match and Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle will go one on one in the main event.

Taz: It looks as if Pope and Wolfe have some unfinished business they need to resolve.

The rest of the show will be posted throughout the day.

Mr. Anderson vs. Matt Morgan: Winner qualifies for the Fatal Four Way at the Debut PPV

Mr. Anderson's music hits and he makes his way down the entrance ramp. He steps in the ring and his mic drops.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, weighing in tonight at 240 pounds.... He is hailing from Greenbay, Wisconsin. Mister Anderson.... Wait for it.... Wait for it.... Anderson!!!!!

Morgan comes out to his entrance and they are set to square off with Scott Armstrong officiating this intense matchup. They lock up and Morgan over powers Anderson, sending him back across the ring, crashing down to the mat. Anderson shakes it off and they lock up once again. Once again, Morgan throws him across the ring and he lands roughly on his back. Anderson shakes it off and hops up. This time he runs and goes for Morgan's legs. He backs Morgan into the corner and is beating him down. Anderson is on the top rope striking down on Morgan's skull. "1...2...3...4....5....6....7...8....9....10" The crowd chants as Anderson beats down on Morgan. Morgan reverses it into a running powerbomb.

Taz: Ouch!!!

Morgan goes for the pin by standing and putting his foot on Anderson' chest in a cocky way. Anderson kicks out at two. Morgan lifts him up and throws him into the corner. He then turns around and pulls his elbow pads off as he hits Anderson with some repeated back elbow strikes. Anderson looks dazed and Morgan picks him up for a choke slam. As he picks him up, Anderson retaliates with a kick to the gut and a ddt. Anderson then goes to the ropes and comes back with a knee drop to Morgan's head. Anderson then locks in a choke hold. Morgan gets to his feet and reverses the choke hold into a sidewalk slam. Morgan goes for the pin and Anderson raises a shoulder at two. Anderson is getting to his feet and Morgan goes for a Carbon Footprint but Anderson ducks and goes for a mic check. Morgan reverses the mic check into his finisher, the Hellavator. Anderson bounces off the matt.

Styles: There is no way. There is no way he can kick out of that.

Armstrong begins to count the pin, 1....2.... and Anderson barely kicks out just before a three count. Morgan gets in Scott Armstrong's face and begins to argue with him. Morgan is irate and he picks Anderson up. Morgan sets Anderson on the top rope and is now making way up to the top rope, looking for a superplex. Anderson throws him off and Morgan falls back, down to the ring. Anderson then hits a senton from the top rope. Anderson picks up Morgan and hits a mic check. He lays on Morgan for the pin and he gets the three count. Anderson wins and he gets up, looking for the mic. It drops and he is announcing the outcome.

Anderson: Your winner, and the future World Heavyweight Champion. Mister Anderson....... Anderson!!!!​

Styles: It is time for your main event of the evening. Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy: The winner advances to the Fatal Four Way to crown the first ever WWA World Heavyweight Championship at the PPV.

Kurt Angle is out first and gets a solid pop from the crowd. Once he had entered, Hardy's music hits and he proceeds down the entrance ramp, getting a somewhat mixed reaction. Senior offical, Earl Hebner will be calling this match. The bell rings and the match has begun. Jeff Hardy plants some kicks to Kurt's shin and tries to take him down to one knee. Hardy strikes at Angle's head but Angle ducks and throws some blows to Jeff's head. Angle sends him across the ring but Jeff comes back with a flying shot to the head. Hardy goes for a quick pin and Angle throws him off quickly. They are up to there feet and Angle takes Hardy down with a hip toss and goes right for a sleeper hold. Hardy is trying not to lose conscious. Jeff fights to his feet but Kurt still has the sleeper applied. Jeff backs him into the corner. Angle turns it around on Jeff and sends him into the corner. Angle is getting some shots to the waist and up against Jeff's stomach back into the corner. Kurt monkey flips Jeff Hardy across the ring but Hardy jumps up quickly and runs at Angle. Kurt catches Hardy and connects with a belly to belly suplex sending Hardy crashing into the turnbuckle upside down. Kurt is not relentless as he runs over and puts Jeff into an armbar. Hardy is fighting and you can see the pain in his face as he tries to get to the bottom rope. Jeff finally gets the ropes and hangs on as he slides to the outside of the ring. Kurt climbs up on the top turnbuckle and does a moonsault, flying off the top turnbuckle, landing on Jeff Hardy on the outside.

Taz: I'll say it for ya, Joey. Oh my God!!!!

Styles: I think that one deserves an, Oh my F'n God!!!

The crowd is chanting, "This is Awesome." as the ref begins to count. 1......2......3.......4......5.......6.....7......8..... Jeff rolls into the ring at eight and Kurt rolls in at nine. They are both up to there feet, and both men go for a clothesline at the same time and they both connect as they crash into each other. Angle is up to his feet first and he pulls the straps on his singlet, down below his waist. Hardy gets to his feet and Kurt Angle goes for the Angle slam but Hardy counters into an Angle slam of his own, thus using Kurt's finisher against Kurt. Jeff covers him but Kurt manages to kick out at two and a half. Once they crawl to there fee, Jeff runs to the top rope for a whisper in the wind but Angle catches him in mid-air and powerbombs him down to the canvus!

Taz: I have never seen anyone reverse a whisper in the wind into a powerbomb before. What a move!

Styles: What a match!

Kurt locks in the ankle lock but Jeff quickly gets to the ropes and up to his feet, leaning on the ropes. Angle charges at him and Jeff ducks, as Angle falls to the arena floor. Jeff leaps over the top rope and connects with a cross body on Angle. As the ref begins to count, Jeff picks Kurt up and tries to irish whip him into the steel steps on the outside. Angle reverses into an irish whip of his own and you can hear the thud when Jeff hits the steel steps. Angle rolls in the ring but rolls right back out to break up the count. Earl Hebner begins to start over as Angle rolls Hardy into the ring and locks in the ankle lock once again. Angle has it locked in, but Hardy is standing up on one foot, and he jumps and kicks Angle in the temple with his loose foot. Angle is down and Hardy is climbing to the top rope, looking to hit a swanton bomb. Once he gets up there he mocks the crowd. Jeff is about to go for it but Angle jumps up and runs. He leaps on the turnbuckle and manages to hit an Angle slam off the top rope. Angle crawls to Hardy and Earl Hebner counts to three. Earl signals for the bell to be rung.

Jeremy Borash: Your winner and the final participate in the fatal four way for the World title at the ppv, Kurt Angle!

The match is over and as Kurt tries to get to his feet, JBL runs in and hits a clothesline from Hell on Kurt Angle. JBL begins to pose but when he turns around, RVD is behind him with a chair. RVD throws the chair at him and connects with a brutal VanDaminator. RVD begins to pose but Mr. Anderson interupts his celebration when he catches him from behind and hits a mic check to RVD on the steel chair. Anderson's mic drops as he looks up and the lights go out with one spotlight on him.

Mr. Anderson: In two weeks at WWA's debut pay per view, you may be witnessing a flashback of what just occured because I will take all three former world champions down and one man will walk out with the WWA World Heavyweight Championship. That man is Mister Anderson! Anderson!!!​

Styles: I have just received word that there will be a tag team match next week on Friday Night Fire. Mr. Anderson and JBL against Kurt Angle and RVD. You don't want to miss it.

The show goes off air.
Tuesday Night Impact
March 15, 2011
We are live from the Louisville Gardens in Louisville, Kentucky.

The show opens with a video package recapping last week’s, Friday Night Fire. We then go to Taz and Joey Styles at the broadcast table.

Joey Styles: Hello everyone and welcome to the hottest wrestling company in the world.

Taz: Tonight Impact is going through a revolution. This is no longer TNA Impact. This is WWA Tuesday Night Impact and we are changing the face of professional wrestling.

Styles: Tonight, The Pope will address Desmond Wolfe for his actions, last Friday. The Hart Foundation 2.0 will be taking on Paul London and Brian Kendrick. Samoa Joe and Amazing Red are making there WWA debuts when they compete against each other later on. Jeff Hardy vs. RVD will be our main event, here tonight.

Taz: Let’s send it to the ring for Hart Foundation 2.0 vs. London and Kendrick.

The Hart Foundation 2.0 Vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick

The Hart Foundation 2.0 are out first. Jeremy Borash introduces both Teddy Hart and David Hart Smith as the crowd doesn’t give them much heat but not a pop either. London and Kendrick’s music hits and they jet down to the ring, just like they used to in WWE. Referee Brian Hebner will be officiating the action.

Brian Kendrick will be starting this match off with Teddy Hart. DH Smith and Paul London make there way to there respective corners as the bell rings. Collar and elbow tie up to start the match and Teddy begins to attack the arm of Brian Kendrick. Teddy is applying pressure on his left arm and is twisting it and yanking him to the mat. Teddy gets to his knees and applies a head scissors on Kendrick. As Teddy squeezes his legs around Kendrick’s neck, the crowd begins to boo. Kendrick rolls out and rolls up Teddy Hart into a pin. Teddy kicks out quickly at a one count. Brian irish whip’s him into the corner in which Paul London is beside. Kendrick tags in his partner and they do a double drop kick as London is now the legal man and tries for a pin. Hart kicks out at a near two count. Paul London locks in a sleeper hold on Teddy Hart as Teddy is fighting to his feet. He breaks the hold and sends London across the ring. London comes back but is knocked on his butt when Hart hits him with a shoulder block. Teddy runs over and tags in David Hart Smith. DH Smith runs in and Brian Kendrick runs in illegally. David Hart Smith clotheslines Brian Kendrick. London is up but DH Smith clotheslines him too.

Taz: That DH Smith is one strong guy.

Styles: You bet he is.

Kendrick rolls to the outside as DH Smith poses to the crowd. DH Smith picks London up and body slams him hard. DH tags in Teddy Hart and Teddy heads to the top rope. He is looking for a moonsault and he goes for it but Brian Kendrick raises his knees and Hart crashes down on Brian Kendricks’ knees. Kendrick is slowly working his way to tag in Paul London.

Styles: Oh my God Taz! Teddy Hart may have just broken his ribs.

Kendrick gets the tag and London runs in. London runs at Teddy but DH Smith runs in and nails him with a huge spine buster. Armstrong fights DH Smith out of the ring and Teddy Hart rolls over on London. Scott goes to count the pin and Paul London lifts his shoulder at a near three. Teddy picks him up and strikes with a snap suplex. He rolls him over once again and goes for the pin but London kicks out at only two. Teddy sends him into his team’s corner and tags in DH Smith. DH lifts him up for a power bomb as Teddy climbs to the top rope. Teddy leaps going for a drop kick to London in the process of a power bomb. However, it did not go as planned. Teddy Hart drop kicked him but he took it like a man and reversed Smith into a hurricanrada. London hops up and leaps at Kendrick. He barely grazes Kendrick’s hand but it’s good enough for a tag. Kendrick climbs up on the top turnbuckle and as Hart and DH Smith get to there feet, Kendrick leaps and lands on the both of them as he stretches out for a cross body. Hart rolls to the outside as Kendrick goes for a pin on DH Smith. “1.…2.… what?” A man with a ski mask just ran in from the crowd and hit Kendrick in the back of the head with a led pipe.

Styles: Who is that?

Taz: Your guess is as good as mine, Joey.

The man takes the led pipe and nails London with it as well. Teddy slides back into the ring and picks up David Hart Smith. They beat down London and Kendrick, three on one. The man with the ski mask pulls it off and it is none other than Tyson Kidd from the WWE.

Taz: What is he doing here?

Styles: Well he always has been close with the Harts.

The three men hug and walk off as they leave London and Kendrick in a daze.
Once they leave the ring, Tyson Kidd is quickly stopped by Gene Okerlund.

Okerlund: May I ask why you are here in WWA?

Tyson Kidd: May I ask why you care? Actually, let me answer that one for you. The reason you care is because it is something new. I am something new and I am something exciting. After a few weeks I get old and nobody cares. At least that’s how it was up north. Things won’t be the same here as it was up there. Teddy and David are two of my closest friends and I have joined them because I was trained by a Hart and I am currently dating Natalya Neidhart. She will be joining us in time.

Tyson Kidd shuts up and walks to the back.

Taz: That was interesting.

Joey Styles: Mr. Trump does get whoever he wants, ya know. Up next we will see Amazing Red and Samoa Joe go one on one.

Samoa Joe vs. Amazing Red
Amazing Red is out first and the crowd is completely dead. Joe comes out second and referee, Scott Armstrong will be officiating this contest. The bell rings and a massive, “Joe’s gonna kill you” chant erupts throughout the arena. Joe runs at Red and shows no remorse. He backs him into the corner with strike after strike. Joe begins to send knee shots to Red’s stomach and there is nothing Red can do. Joe is beating the lights out of him and now is going with some chest chops. Red screams in pain and agony. Joe sets Red up on the top rope and goes for a muscle buster. He hits it and covers him for the three count.

Styles: Did you happen to time that?

Taz: No I didn’t but that was one hell of a debut.

Joe’s music hits but it is quickly interrupted by the Pope’s music and he walks out to the ring with a microphone. Pope gets a pop and poses for all the fans in Louisville.

Dinero: Ladies and gentlemen, this past Friday on Fire I was screwed out of my match.
Joe signals for a microphone and quickly cuts Pope off.

Samoa Joe: Who in the hell do you think you are? I was in the middle of celebrating my victory and you just think you can cut it short because you want to address what happened last week?

Dinero: My bad Joe. I am very pissed off about what happened, and I didn’t even realize you were celebrating. Do you want me to come back later?

Joe: I understand that you are frustrated but, never cut Samoa Joe off again. I don’t care who you are. I will let it go for right now but this is a warning to the entire WWA locker room. If anybody ever gets in my way then you are in for a lot of trouble. Messing with Samoa Joe is messing with the wrong person.

Joe lays the mic down and walks to the back.

Dinero: Now, back to what I was saying. Last week it was Pope against JBL. The winner advances to a Fatal Four Way in two weeks to crown the first ever WWA World Heavyweight Champion. We had only competed for a couple minutes before Desmond Wolfe decided to get involved. He smacked JBL and got me disqualified, so now I can not compete in the championship match at the Pay Per View. After the match, I asked Wolfe why he did what he did. Wolfe claimed, he got payed off by JBL before the match. We began to slug it out and security had to rain on our parade. So Wolfe, I don’t see any security now. I am ready to address the situation, that is if you’re man enough.

Wolfe makes his way out to the ring as Pope takes off his shirt and is ready to fight.

Wolfe: Hold up, hold up Pope. No need in looking for a fight. You see, last week if JBL offered you money, you would have done the same thing if you were me. It was nothing personal. I just thought I would make a little extra cash on the side and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Can I help that?

Pope: Are you serious? You just said, you couldn’t help it. You could have rejected the offer.

Wolfe: You would have to be stupid to do that. However, if you truly want to fight me that bad, then I will give you a match. Just give me three days to be prepared and we will have a match this Friday on WWA Friday Night Fire.

Pope: Fine, I will try to find it somewhere in me to be patient and wait that long.

Pope stares at Wolfe as he exit’s the ring and leaves through the curtain. Pope walks to the locker room as well.

Styles: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for your WWA main event of the evening. Jeff Hardy will be taking on Rob Van Dam.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy in the Main Event
RVD is out first to a really good pop. The Charismatic Enigma is coming out next. After Jeff enters, JBL’s music hits and he is out in his white limo. JBL walks over and sets down at the announce table, and puts on the headset.

Taz: Glad to have you here, Bradshaw.

JBL: Of course you are. Who isn’t?

Styles: Haha

JBL: What the hell are you laughing at, Joey?

RVD is looking at JBL as the bell rings. They square off and lock up. Jeff brings Van Dam to the mat with a collar and elbow tie up. Jeff is working on his neck as he locks in a choke hold. RVD is fighting out of it and getting the crowd involved. RVD elbows Hardy in the stomach as he is fighting to his feet. RVD irish whips Jeff Hardy across the ring and he comes back at him with a flying forearm. Jeff rolls RVD over and goes for the pin. RVD kicks out at only one. Jeff picks him up and sends him across the ring. Jeff bends over, looking for a back body drop but RVD notices and kicks him in the face. RVD then plants Jeff with some of his signature kicks. RVD goes for a kick to the head but Jeff catches his leg and takes him down to the canvus.

JBL: Just goes to show, he has more guts than brains.

Jeff rolls over him for a pin and RVD kicks out quickly once again. RVD and Hardy jump up and lock up again. Hardy knees him in between the legs and the ref doesn’t even notice.

JBL: It’s not cheating if you don’t get caught.

Jeff throws him outside the ring and hops out on top of him with a cross body. Once they get to there feet, Hardy picks him up and tries to set him on the guard rail but RVD reveres and lays Jeff across the rail. RVD gets up on the ring but leaps off on Jeff, hitting a 360 leg drop. “RVD” chants are circulating throughout the Louisville Gardens. RVD rolls him in the ring and goes for his signature manuaever, Rolling Thunder. He connects and goes for a pin but Jeff is able to lift his shoulder at a two and a half. RVD picks Jeff up and body slams him. Rob goes to the top rope and is looking for a five star Frog Splash. As soon as he looks to go for it, the lights go out in the arena.

JBL: I don’t do this much but it seems as if, we are having technical difficulties, doesn’t it?

A spotlight is shown on the stage and Mr. Anderson is shown as a mic drops from the rafters during the middle of the match. RVD is still on the top turnbuckle but is looking at Anderson.

Anderson: I just thought I would come out and enjoy this main event match up. Last Friday Night, when Fire went off air, who was the last man standing in the ring? It was your future WWA World’s Heavyweight Champion. Mister Anderson!

He goes to repeat Anderson but is quickly cut off when Kurt Angle jumps him from behind and hits him with an Angle Slam.

RVD is still on the top turnbuckle, staring over at the action while Jeff is laying out on the ring. Kurt Angle is making his way over to the announce table as the lights come back on. JBL stands up as he knows Angle is coming after him. Angle looks like he is ready for a fight. They begin to brawl as Joey styles and Taz move out of there way. Angle bangs JBL’s head on the announce table and hits an Angle Slam on JBL through the announce table.

Styles: Oh My God!!!

Jeff Hardy hops up and catches RVD off guard, since he is sidetracked. Jeff runs and leaps on the top turnbuckle and hit’s a Twist of Hate, off the top rope. Jeff then gets to his feet and climbs to the top rope. He jumps off and hit’s a Swanton before covering him and getting the three count.

The bell rings and Hardy quickly leaves as Angle hit’s the ring. Kurt locks in the Ankle Lock on RVD. Van Dam was already left unconscious and now Kurt is trying to snap his ankle as Impact goes off air.

March 18, 2011

We open going straight to the backstage area where Donald Trump is shown in his office as he looks up at the camera.

Donald Trump: Hello everyone and welcome to the second edition of Friday Night Fire. I am not going to hog the spotlight, I just have a couple announcements. Tonight's main event is Kurt Angle and RVD vs. JBL and Mr. Anderson. Whomever scores the pinfall or makes someone submitt will be in a match next week with the person they pinned or made submitt. The other two men who weren't involved in the outcome will face off too. Now, our first pay per view is one week from Sunday. At the Pay Per View the vacant Television title will be on the line. I have selected AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy to go one on one for the belt because they put forth the most effort in there matches last week. That match at the ppv will be a ladder match! Also, I have a huge announcement to make at the debut ppv. You don't want to miss it.

The cameras fade away from Mr. Trump as we head to the ring for our opening contest.

Chris Sabin vs. Robert Roode
They are already in the ring and both of there partners are in there corners.

Styles: Last week Beer Money were able to defeat the Guns and become the first ever WWA World Tag Team Champions.

They lock up, collar and elbow styles. Roode over powers Sabin with a hip toss. There partners are both watching from the outside. Storm is holding there tag titles and chugging a beer. Sabin gets back to his feet and so does Roode. Sabin hits him with a few chops to the chest but Roode doesn't back down. He fires in retaliation with chops of his own. They trade chops back in forth and there chests are blood red. They begin to trade blows and Roode goes for a clothesline but Sabin ducks and strikes with a spinning heel kick. Roode falls on his back but jumps up quickly. He gets caught with another spinning heel kick and is knocked back down again. Sabin runs across the ring and attacks Roode with a kick to the face. Sabin covers him and he kicks out at only two. Sabin then runs back to the ropes but Storm grabs his legs and pulls him out of the ring as the ref wasn't paying attention. The ref notices what happened and ejects James Storm. He isn't happy but he walks off and yells, Roode doesn't need his help.

Taz: Hit the bricks, Storm.

Roode looks on in disbelief as both Guns are on the outside laughing. Chris Sabin rolls back in the ring once again and Roode stares him down. Sabin fires at him with a running strike but Roode kicks him in the jaw and then follows up with a snap suplex. Roode covers him and he lifts his shoulder at two. Roode picks him up and goes for a piledriver but Sabin counters with a take down and a roll up pin. Roode kicks out and the match starts to speed up. As Roode is getting to his feet, Sabin runs at him but he reverses into a powerful spine buster on Chris Sabin. One..... two..... no he kicks out.

Joey Styles: I don't see how he got up from that spinebuster Taz.

Taz: He hit the ring hard but had the testical fortitude to kick out.

Roode looks at the ref in disbelief. Roode picks him up once again and whips him into the corner. He sets him on the top turnbuckle and Roode makes his way up there as well but Sabin fires some lefts and some rights at him. Roode loses his balance and falls backwards while striking the referee by accident in the process.

Styles: The ref is out!

James Storm is running back out to the ring since the ref is out and can't see him.

Taz: What is he doing back? He got ejected earlier.

Storm takes his beer bottle and runs at Sabin but Sabin ducks and grabs the beer bottle. Shelley runs in from the outside and throws Storm out and Sabin busts the beer bottle over Roodes head. Robert Roode is busted wide open with a huge gash in his forehead.

Styles: He's busted wide open.

Taz: Thanks captain obvious.

Sabin covers him as the ref comes back to his sense and the ref is able to get the three count. Chris Sabin picks up a victory for the Motor City Machine Guns. After the match Roode rolls out of the ring, and him and Storm begin to walk off as Alex Shelley and Sabin are in the ring with a mic.

Shelley: Hold up. Don't you two go anywhere. We got a little challenge for you the both of you. At the debut ppv next week, we want a re-match. What do you say?

Storm grabs a mic.

Storm: On one condition, we get to pick the match type.

Shelley: That is fine with us.

Storm: We will let you know this Tuesday Night on Impact.

Beer Money walks off as the Gun's music plays.

We go backstage to The Pope and Gene Okerlund.

Okerlund: Pope you get your wish. Tonight you are squaring off against Desmond Wolfe.

Pope: You bet I am Gene O. I can't wait to get my hands on that pathetic excuse of a person. You see Wolfe is tough but Pope is from the streets. He will do anything and everything to beat WOlfe here tonight.

Pope makes his way to the ring.

The Pope vs. Desmond Wolfe
Pope is in the ring and is waiting on his opponent. Wolfe's entrance theme and video begins to play but there is no Desmond Wolfe. Out of nowhere he comes from behind with a steel chair to the back of Pope. He beats Pope down with the chair. Officials have to come out and tear Wolfe off of him. Officials help Pope to the back and Wolfe leaves with a smile on his face.

Taz and Joey Styles discuss what just happened while we see replays.

We go to the back with Samoa Joe being shown in the lockeroom, taping his fists and getting ready for his match. AJ Styles walks in.

Joe: What do you want?

AJ: Calm down bro. I just wanted to discuss your opponent tonight. He is my opponent for the pay per view.

Joe: Look AJ, I am Samoa Joe and I don't want to hear it. I am going out there to do what I do best.

Joe walks out and AJ looks on confused.

Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe
Joe is out first then Hardy. AJ comes out with a ladder. He sets the ladder up at the top of the entrance ramp and just looks on. AJ and Hardy are facing at the ppv in a ladder match for the TV title. Jeff stares on at AJ while Joe gets a massive pop from the crowd. The match begins and Joe runs at Hardy with all his force. He backs Hardy into the corner with chop after chop and strike after strike. He backs up and runs at Jeff but Jeff lifts his foot up and kicks Joe. He then rolls Joe up in a schoolboy pin but Joe kicks out at one.

Joey Styles: What do you think AJ is trying to accomplish by watching the match from the top of a ladder.

Taz: He's just scouting his opponent and playing mind games with his future opponent.

Joe and Jeff are up to there feet and Jeff Hardy clotheslines Joe out of the ring. He then leaps over the top rope and lands on Joe for a crossbody. Referee, Brian Hebner begins to count. They are up and back in the ring by six. Jeff irish whips Joe into the ropes but Joe fires back with a belly to belly suplex sending Jeff across the ring. He goes for the cover and Hardy kicks out. AJ's facial expression looks impressed. Joe picks Jeff up and sends him across the ring. He hits a Samoan drop on Hardy. Joe picks him up and is looking for a rear naked choke but Hardy reverses into a ddt and is looking for a pin. Joe kicks out at only one and a half. Jeff locks in a sleeper but Joe gets up and throws him off the ropes and hits a back body drop. Joe picks Jeff up and is looking for a side suplex but Jeff flips out of it and manages to hit a twist of hate. Jeff is looking to go for the top rope. He mocks the crowd as they boo and goes for a Swanton bomb but misses when Joe moves out of the way. Joe picks Hardy up and sets him on the top rope. He hits his finisher, the Mucle Buster and pins Jeff for the win.

Taz: Solid match but what is AJ going to do now?

As Joe walks to the back, he stares AJ down but AJ just gets off the ladder and leaves.

Joey Styles: Ladies and gentlement it is time for your main event. Let's send it to the ring for this blockbuster tag team match.

Mr. Anderson and JBL vs. Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam
Anderson makes his way to the ring first. His partner JBL comes out next and there opponents soon follow. Earl Hebner will be calling this match. Anderson is starting the match off against RVD. Angle and JBL make there way to there respective corners.

Taz: How are both teams going to co-exist here tonight?

Anderson wants to start with a test of strength. RVD soon accepts. Anderson quickly follows up with kick to the gut. Anderson throws some strikes at RVD's back but he fires back with a kick of his own and soon follows up with strikes to Anderson. They are trading blows but RVD knocks him down with a spinning heel kick, followed by Rolling Thunder. RVD goes for the pin and Anderson kicks out very quicky. RVD picks him up goes at him with another kick. Anderson grabs his leg before he manages to plant the kick, and throws him on his back. Anderson locks in a one-legged Boston Crab. You can see the pain and agony in RVD's face as he tries to make it to the ropes. The crowd is chanting both Anderson's and RVD's name. RVD finally makes his way to the ropes and Earl Hebner break the hold. Anderson walks over and acts like he is going to tag JBL in but holds back as he laughs and JBL looks on in disgust. Anderson goes back at RVD's leg and stars clinching the newly injured right leg of RVD. Anderson picks him up and taunts at JBL as he trys to hit his own version of the Clothesline from Hell to poke fun at JBL. However, RVD ducks and manages to tag kurt Angle in. Kurt runs in and clotheslines Anderson. He then strikes JBL and JBL gets knocked off the apron. Angle picks Anderson up and Body Slams him as JBL is walking towards the entrance ramp. JBL is walking out on his partner, Mr. Anderson.

Styles: You have got to be kidding me... Does JBL not have any dignity at all?

Kurt Angle whips Anderson into the ropes and takes him down with a drop toe hold. Angle goes for the Ankle lock but Anderson reverses with kick after kick so Angle can't lock it in. Angle trys once again but Anderson catches him with a small package. Angle kicks out very quickly. Anderson jumps up and goes to tag in JBL but JBL isn't there. Anderson is now really pissed as he realizes JBL left. As Angle gets to his feet, RVD taps Kurt's back and tags himself in. Angle is now pissed and he slaps RVD across the face. RVD is furious but Anderson jumps Angle from behind and throws him out. Anderson and RVD are the legal man and begin to lock up but Anderson throws him to the mat. Angle runs back in and hit's an Angle Slam on Anderson and walks out. RVD rolls over on him and gets the three count by Earl Hebnerr.

Styles: There you have it folks. Next week there will be a double main event, Mr. Anderson vs. RVD and JBL vs. Kurt Angle. Thanks for joining us. Goodnight!​
Tuesday Night Impact will not be airing tonight because Spike has a contract with someone else to air there show once a year on today's date. Here are some quick results of the outcome though.

. Hart Foundation 2.0 offered a match to London and Kendrick at Sunday's debut ppv. London and Kendrick accepted and they have a partner to make it a six man tag.
. Amazing Red and Jay Lethal competed to a double countout and will have a rematch at Sunday's ppv.
. Matt Morgan issued an open challenge, in which he beat the both of Generation Me.
. Beer Money announced that they have chosen a tag team tables match against the Guns at the PPV.
. JBL defeated AJ Styles when Jeff Hardy interfered and costed Styles the match.

Updated PPV card for Sunday
. Jay Lethal vs. Amazing Red
. Hart Foundation 2.0 vs. London, Kendrick, and a mystery partner.
. Matt Morgan will issue another open challenge.
. Ladder Match for the Television Title: Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles
. Tag Team Table's match for the WWA Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns
. Fatal Four Way for the WWA World Heavyweight Championship: JBL vs. Mr. Anderson vs. RVD vs. Kurt Angle
Card subject to change

Be sure to stay tuned for our last show heading into the ppv, this Friday on Fire.

Friday Night Fire Preview
. Mr. Anderson vs. RVD
. Tyson Kidd vs. Paul London
. Desmond Wolfe comments on what he did to The Pope, last week.
. Kurt Angle vs. JBL
More TBA
That is a really great start to the series Disturbed. I am impressed. You have obviously put a lot of thought and effort into this, I really enjoyed reading it.

I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. Have you thought about maybe listing the full WWA roster? I am interesting in seeing who you have signed up to this new company so far. Is it mainly the TNA roster?
Thank you for your feedback and I said at the begining to check out WWA.WZ for all the details. Go to the Book This Lounge and it is on the WWA.WZ website. I will have Friday Night Fire up early this week. More than likely tonight because I got the pay per view Sunday and I want to work on it tomorrow.
Thank you for your feedback and I said at the begining to check out WWA.WZ for all the details. Go to the Book This Lounge and it is on the WWA.WZ website. I will have Friday Night Fire up early this week. More than likely tonight because I got the pay per view Sunday and I want to work on it tomorrow.

Oh I didnt realise WWA.WZ was a thread on here, I thought it was a fake website.

Nice roster, mostly TNA but I like that you have brought in the Briscoes, Londrick, JBL and The Harts, good choices.

BTW, you do realise you spelt Association wrong on your logo don't you? lol. It is a cool logo though.
WWA Friday Night Fire

Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam

We open the show with Rob Van Dam and Mr. Anderson already in the ring and ready to begin there match. Brian Hebner will be officiating the opening contest.

They lock up and RVD quickly throws some swift kicks at Anderson's calves and the back of his thighs. RVD goes for another kick but Anderson catches his leg and drops him on his back. Anderson rolls him up with a quick pin but RVD kicks out at one. They are back to there feet and Anderson irish whips him across the ring. He is looking for a back body drop but RVD notices that and plants him with a kick to the face and a spinning heel kick. RVD goes for the cover but Anderson kicks out at one. RVD hops up and goes to the top ropes. Anderson jumps up as well and hits the ropes, thus cause RVD to land directly on the top turnbuckle, with it hitting in between his legs.

Taz: That might have just caused RVD to never have kids.

Anderson throws him off the top rope and onto the mat. He then comes off the ropes and plants Van Dam with a knee. Anderson then gets on top of RVD and is throwing lefts and rights as the crowd counts the punches. He picks up RVD and goes for a snap suplex but Rob reverses into a suplex of his own. RVD bounces off the ropes and goes for Rolling Thunder but Anderson rolls out of the ring as RVD crashes on his back. Anderson rolls back in the ring and covers him. Hebner counts but RVD lifts his shoulder at two. Anderson picks him up and throws him out of the ring. He goes to irish whip him into the guardrail but RVD reverses and throws Anderson into the guardrail. Anderson bouces off the guardrail and runs back at RVD but RVD connects with a back body drop on the arena floor. RVD lays him across the guardrail and goes to the top rope. Rob leaps and hits a flying, spinning, heel kick to the back of Anderson's head. RVD rolls him in the ring and goes to the top rope once again. As Anderson is struggling to get to his feet, RVD jumps off the turnbuckle and connects with a drop kick. RVD then goes for another rolling thunder and this time he connects.

Joey Styles: Second times a charm!

RVD covers him but he kicks out at a near three. RVD helps Anderson to his feet and plants him with some european uppercuts and manages to get him in the corner. He runs across the ring, and rolls into Anderson while hitting a monkey flip. Anderson flips but some how lands on his feet. RVD turns around and his shoved back into the corner with a clothesline. ANderson sets him on the top turnbuckle and they are slugging it out, while on the top rope. They hit each other with two or three blows to the head before they both connect with a fourth and knock each other off the top rope and on to the arena floor. Brian Hebner begins to count them out and they both manage to roll in the ring at nine. They are up to there feet and they both plant each other with a clothesline at the same time.

Styles: Oh My God!!! What an opening contest, it has been.

Once they get back up, RVD goes for a spinning heel kick but Anderson ducks, then hits the Mic Check on Rob Van Dam.

Taz: He is done!!! There is no way he can kick out from that.

Anderson rolls over on top of him, 1....2.... no he lifts his shoulder, just before 3. Anderson is in shock.

Joey Styles: How did he kick out from that?

Anderson lifts him up off the ground and is looking for another mic check. RVD is fighting out of it with some elbow jabs. RVD connects with a ddt, and Anderson's skull bounces off the mat with a sick thud. RVD climbs to the top rope and goes for a Five Star Frog Splash but Mr. Anderson rolls out of the way. RVD lands on the ring hard. Anderson crawls to cover RVD but RVD kicks out at a near three once again. Anderson and RVD are both out of energy and look dead, out there. Anderson lifts RVD up for a body slam but RVD counters into a side suplex. Rob Van Dam then runs across the ring and hits a Rolling Thunder on Anderson. RVD is tired but is slowly making his way to the top rope. Once he gets there, he poses and then leaps off for a Five Star Frog Splash. RVD connected and covered Anderson for the three count.

Jeremy Borash: Here is your winner, Rob Van Dam!!!​

The show will continue on the next post.
We go backstage with Donald Trump in his office.

Trump: This Sunday I will be making an explosive announcement, right after the main event on the pay per view. It is going to be unexpected and will change WWA for a very long time. I don't want to spoil the suprise so I will keep my mouth shut about that. I have just made a match for later on tonight. This Sunday, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy will be opponents, but tonight they are partners. It will be Styles and Hardy vs. The Number 1 Contenders for the WWA Tag Titles, The Motor City Machine Guns.

We now head back to the announce table where we zoom in on Taz and Joey Styles.

Taz: AJ and Jeff partners? How in the hell are they going to get along?

Joey Styles: I guess we will find that out later Taz, but right now Tyson Kidd is going one on one with Paul London.

Tyson Kidd vs Paul London

London enters first without Brian Kendrick and he gets a decent pop from the crowd. Tyson Kidd is out second and he is also alone. Referee Scott Armstrong is officiating the action.

They lock up to start the match and it starts out fast. Kidd whips London into the ropes but London comes back at him with an elbow. London then whips Kidd across the ring and Kidd comes back but ducks under London and drives him down with a neckbreaker. Tyson knees him in the back a few times before locking in a sleeper. London struggles to his feet and the sleeper hold is still applied. London fights out and throws him across the ring. Kidd bounces off the ropes and comes back with clothesline but London ducks and hits him with a drop kick. London then runs and jumps. He hits a standing Shooting Star Press and goes for the pin. Kidd kicks out at two.

Taz: Damn what a move. London is very athletic.

They get back up and London clotheslines him out of the ring. London, then leaps over the ropes and connects with a cross body on Tyson Kidd. London rolls him back into the ring and goes to the top rope. He leaps for another cross body and out of nowhere, Kidd superkicks London in mid air and pins him for the win.

Jeremy Borash: Here is your winner, Tyson Kidd.

As soon as the match was over, Tyson was quickly interupted by Desmond Wolfe's music. Wolfe comes out to the ring with a mic, as Tyson Kidd exits the ring and makes his way to the lockeroom.

Wolfe: Ever since I entered the WWA, I have been called many names. One of those names I keep hearing by fan and even guys in the back, is a coward. Everyone claims that Desmond Wolfe is a coward. You all claim that I am avoiding the Pope and that I am scared of the Pope. Just to let you all know, Desmond Wolfe fears no one. I costed The Pope his match against JBL a few weeks ago because Bradshaw paid me off. I have done told you all that. Then last week on Fire, I jumped Pope from behind and beat the living hell out of him with a steel chair. Why did I do that? Because it was a warning. It was a warning to the Pope and it was a warning to every man in the lockeroom. You never want to mess with Wolfe. Pope couldn't make it here tonight because he is at home recooperating from his concussion that was suffered at the hands of myself last week. I am here to issue a challenge. Pope, if you are really as bad as you claim you are. If you are really the man you say you are, then why don't you say, "Screw The Doctors" and compete with the concussion against me this Sunday Night at the ppv?

Wolfe is interupted by the titantron playing the Pope, D' Angelo Dinero live via sattelite.

Pope: I may be at home healing up but I am still here, on Friday Night Fire. I am not even going to hesitate. I have an issue I have to take care of. I don't care if I have to walk out to that ring Sunday, with half my skull hanging off, I will still show up and I will still beat the living hell out of you Desmond WOlfe and I will get my revenge.

Wolfe and Pope stare each other down as Wolfe leaves and Pope's video goes off.

Joey Styles: I guess it's official Taz! Let's look at the huge lineup we have for this Sunday.

. The Hart Foundation 2.0 vs. London, Kendrick, and a mystery partner. Who will be the mystery partner?
. Matt Morgan will issue another open challenge.
. Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money in a Tag Team Tables match. Who will walk out with the tag belts?
. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy in a Ladder match. Who will be crowned the first ever WWA TV Champion?
. Jay Lethal will be facing Amazing Red in a battle of the lightweights.
. Desmond Wolfe vs. The Pope D' Angelo Dinero. Will Pope get his revenge in this grudge match.
. JBL vs. RVD. Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson for the WWA World Heavyweight Championship.
. Donald Trump will make a blockbuster announcement.

Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

The Guns make there way to the ring first, followed up by AJ, then Jeff. Senior Official, Earl Hebner will be the referee for this contest set for one fall. AJ and Jeff argue over who is going to start off the match. Jeff steps aside and let AJ Styles start things off. Alex Shelley is kicking things off for the Guns. AJ stares Jeff down before him and Shelley lock up. Shelley pulls him down to the matt and is stretching AJ's arm. AJ hops up and hip tosses Alex Shelley. AJ locks his arms around the neck of Shelley. Alex isn't in it for long as he throws some elbows. Shelley hops up and plants AJ with a kick to the face. Alex Shelley whips AJ into the Gun's corner and tags in Sabin. Shelley gets down to his knees and Sabin leaps off his back into a leaping, forearm on AJ.

Joey Styles: Best tag team in professional wrestling today.

Taz: Then why is Beer Money the Tag Champs?

Joey: Maybe not after Sunday.

Sabin then plants AJ with some kicks but AJ fires back with some kicks of his own. AJ body slams Sabin to the mat. AJ goes up to the top rope and jumps down on Sabin with an axe handel strike. He then walks over and tags in Jeff as they stare each other down. Jeff hits Sabin with some shots to the head. Jeff connects with a snap suplex on Sabin and then goes for the pin. Sabin kicks out at one and a half. Jeff throws some european upercuts and then hits a falling neckbreaker. Sabin rolls out of the ring. Jeff walks over and tags in AJ Styles. AJ runs and leaps over the top rope with a diving senton, landing on Sabin. They roll in the ring and Sabin tags in Shelley. Alex Shelley comes in with a running clothesline to AJ. Shelley covers him and Styles kicks out at two. Shelley whips AJ across the ring and Hardy grabs AJ from behind while on the outter part of the ropes, so Shelley don't strike him when he comes back. AJ doesn't realize Jeff is trying to help him so he turns around and connects with a punch to Jeff. AJ then realizes what he did and looks at Jeff laying on the outside. Sabin sees the distraction and rolls AJ up with a schoolboy and the 1...2....3.....

Jeremy Borash: Here are your winners, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin! The Motor City Machine Guns!!!

As the Guns celebrate, they are jumped from behind by Beer Money. They beat the Guns down. Roode gets a table and set Shelley on the table. Storm goes to the top rope, and they place Sabin on the top rope as well. James Storm powerbombs Chris Sabin on top of Alex Shelley and through the table.

Joey Styles: Oh My God!!!

AJ Styles is walking to the back as Beer Money are taunting the dazed, Machine Guns. Jeff Hardy comes running and beats down AJ from behind. jeff Hardy connects with a Twist of Hate on the steel, entrance ramp. The crowd boos before Beer Money and Jeff Hardy walk to the back.

Taz: I can't wait until this Sunday because the card is stacked.

Joey Styles: We still haven't got through tonight, Taz. There is still the main event. JBL is facing Kurt Angle up next.

Bradshaw comes out in his limo and Angle is out second. Scott Armstrong will be officiating this main event contest.

They square off and JBL quickly runs up to Angle and plants him with a kick right to the groin. Armstrong signals for the bell.

Jeremy Borash: Here is your winner via disqualification, Kurt Angle.

Taz: JBL just dq'd himself on purpose. What was that for?

JBL is beating down Angle. Angle is struggling to his feet and JBL runs and hits a clothesline from Hell as we go off air.​

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