The Champ's Storyline Ideas

The Champ

Mexican Plate Lunch
Not sure if this will really end up being a recurring thing or not, but I figure I would title it like it would be so I don't have to ask a mod to change it later. Basically, I have neither the time nor the motivation to write full shows every week, but I do get some storyline ideas from time to time that I think are pretty good and that I would like to share, to see if you guys think so as well.

This one just came to me while I was thinking about a potential WrestleMania card. It primarily involves Daniel Bryan and his MITB cash in, along with a huge push for Sin Cara. While it's a little out there and would be taking risks on a few people, the aforementioned two being among them, I think it would be worth it in the end if done right. So, here goes.

In order for this to work, Rey Mysterio has to return from injury by the Royal Rumble. I know that's not going to happen, but this is fantasy booking, so I can make it happen if I want.

So, Alberto Del Rio retains the championship at Survivor Series and again at TLC, by cheating both times. Then he starts bragging about how nobody on Raw can beat him, because he beat CM Punk and John Cena and is still standing here as the champion. He asks, who else could possibly be good enough to compete on his level?

Cue "Booyaka 619" and the huge return pop. Rey comes out and talks about how Del Rio put him out of action for months and took away what he loves. Now he wants to take away what Del Rio loves - the WWE Championship. He challenges ADR to the Royal Rumble, and Laurinaitis or whoever is the GM at the time makes the match.

Meanwhile, Sin Cara is on a huge roll over on SmackDown, picking up victory after victory. Daniel Bryan is on somewhat of a roll as well, although he still loses from time to time. The two have renewed their friendship following the double Sin Cara nonsense. Cara has his sights set on the Royal Rumble, while D-Bry still plans on cashing his briefcase at WrestleMania.

Royal Rumble time. Rey defeats Del Rio in a very short match to win the WWE Championship. (I say very short because Rey would still be injured, and I'm trying to make this somewhat realistic.) He has his nice little moment where he gets his retribution and celebrates with the fans afterwards, and that's the end of that.

Then, we have the Royal Rumble match itself. The final three men in it are Sin Cara, R-Truth, and The Miz. Miz accidentally eliminates Truth, followed by Cara tossing Miz over the top and scoring the huge upset Rumble win.

The next night on Raw, Cara comes out and, through a translator, decides that he wants to challenge Rey Mysterio for his WWE Championship at WrestleMania. The two shake hands and are extremely excited to face off, as they have a tremendous amount of respect for one another as luchadores.

That same night, The Miz brutally attacks Mysterio before his scheduled match, targeting the same arm that Del Rio did months prior. The following week, Laurinaitis announces that Rey will be out once again and that the title has been vacated. He books a tournament to decide a new champion, that will conclude at No Way Out (which will NOT be Elimination Chamber-themed this year; that will come into play later). Also, he and Teddy Long come together and decide that, in the interest of fairness, Cara will be able to change his mind on the title match following NWO should he choose to do so.

At No Way Out, we have a match between the two tournament finalists, The Miz and CM Punk. Miz wins via dubious means, probably involving whoever Punk's opponent at Mania ends up being, and for the second straight year, the Awesome One will be walking into WrestleMania as the WWE Champion.

Now here's where things get fun. Cara wants revenge on The Miz for taking out Mysterio and disrespecting the luchador heritage, so he decides that he's going to still challenge for the WWE Title. Daniel Bryan, however, realizes that this is his one chance to prove The Miz wrong from those days on NXT where he said he would never amount to anything. So he also uses to use his briefcase on Raw's champion. As a result, we have a Triple Threat match scheduled for WrestleMania involving champion The Miz, Royal Rumble winner Sin Cara, and Money in the Bank winner Daniel Bryan. A lot of credentials for one match, huh?

There is tension between Cara and Bryan going into Mania, because they both want the same thing. However, they still maintain a mutual respect for each other, and they both hate The Miz with all their hearts. Miz is just his usual cocky self, proud of the fact that he can potentially destroy two men's dreams at once.

WrestleMania comes. Before the match begins, Daniel Bryan is found knocked out backstage. Paramedics tend to him and the two GMs scramble to figure out how his match will go on. A decision is made to change the match to a singles match between Miz and Sin Cara, and to not terminate Bryan's briefcase so that he can still cash it in at a later time.

Miz and Cara both come out with cool entrances, and the stage is set. The two have a pretty long match, with both getting some good offense in. Miz is dominating towards the end, but Cara makes a comeback, and several false finishes later, Cara hits his C4 from the top rope and pins The Miz. One, two... three. New WWE Champion: Sin Cara.

The fans in Miami go wild, and celebrate Cara's moment with him. After a long career in the wrestling industry, dating way back to his days as Mistico down in Mexico, Sin Cara's hard work has finally paid off. And for the first time since WrestleMania 22 (ironically, the night Rey Mysterio won his first title), Mania has a feel good moment with a truly NEW champion, rather than just someone who has been champion a bunch of times winning it again.



Daniel Bryan comes to the ring. He has his briefcase in hand, but he is selling his injures from the beatdown beforehand. He has a smile on his face, though, and when he gets in the ring, he hugs Cara and raises his hand in victory. The two friends celebrate together... until Bryan turns around, kicks Cara in the face, and hands his briefcase to the referee. He slaps on the LeBell Lock as the opening bell rings and the fans start booing like crazy. Cara, having just been through a long match and with a fresh Bryan applying all his pressure on the hold, has no choice but to tap out. Daniel Bryan becomes the WWE Champion to a loud chorus of boos, and leaves Miami with the title.

On SmackDown, he cuts a cocky promo saying that he did exactly what he said he was going to do: He cashed in at WrestleMania, and he won. He gets a ton of heat for this because he had obviously led the fans to believe that he was going to do it the right way, and certainly without stealing a moment from his supposed best friend. He stresses, though, that it was nothing personal and that he still has a tremendous amount of respect for Cara. Later that night, Cara and Miz have a number one contenders' match, since they both lost the title and are both entitled to a rematch (i.e. Cena and Punk after SummerSlam). Miz realizes that Cara will win again and gets himself disqualified out of frustration. He gets a chair and starts beating Cara with it repeatedly. Bryan's music hits again, and he rushes to the ring. It appears as though he might help Cara out, seeing as he still hates Miz. However, Bryan simply joins in on the beatdown, and helps Miz pound the life out of Cara.

The two then form an alliance, explaning that they have much more in common than they had realized beforehand. Miz still wants the title, but he's happier with his apprentice having it than anyone else on the roster. Cara gets his rematch at the next pay-per-view, but Bryan gets himself disqualified, proving himself to have learned lessons in cowardace from his former pro. Long gives him one more shot the month afterward (in a street fight), and says that if he doesn't win the title this time, he gets no more one on one title shots as long as Bryan is the champion.

Cara and Bryan do some crazy spots and put on a really good match, until Miz interferes and helps Bryan win. Then, the two decide they want to add injury to insult, and start pummelling Cara with nearby weapons. Miz positions a chair underneath Cara's head. Bryan gets another chair, and lifts it for the con-chair-to, but right before he pulls the trigger...


Alex Riley suddenly rushes to the ring, and Miz and Bryan run away! He helps Cara up, and raises his hand, leaving the faces standing tall. Unfortunately for Cara, he's still out of title shots because Bryan won.

Riley cuts a promo that week explaining that Bryan has become everything that he didn't want to be, and that watching him and Miz together every week reminds him of why he kicked Miz's ass and left his side. Now, not only are the sides even, but there's a new challenger waiting for a shot at Bryan's title. And his name is A-Ry.

A-Ry qualifies to be the next challenger, and at the pay-per-view (I guess we're in June or something now) looks as if he's about to defeat Bryan. Sin Cara takes care of Miz on the outside, and Riley hits his DDT finisher. The ref counts: One, two... and then R-Truth pulls the ref out of the ring. Yeah, remember that guy? He gets re-involved with this storyline after whatever he was doing before. What that would be, I don't know, but I feel no desire to come up with an R-Truth storyline, besides the fact that it's not really all that relevant. Anyway, Cara tries to take Truth out, but Truth trips him up, sends him into the steel steps, and goes into the ring and hits the Paydirt on Riley. The ref comes to and counts the three for Bryan, and he retains yet again.

The next SmackDown (which I guess is where this is taking place now, I realize I've pretty much ignored the brands for the most part but it's not like they couldn't draft the WHC to Raw and draft everyone in this to SD), Bryan has a doctor's note saying that he got injured during the match and cannot defend his title at the July pay-per-view (not Money in the Bank, I would move that back a couple of months). He will, however, be cleared to compete the night after. With the clearance coming less than 30 days after his last match, Long has no choice but to leave the title on him and not have a WWE Championship match at the PPV. Therefore, SmackDown's main event will be Cara and Riley teaming up to take out their frustrations against the re-united Miz and Truth.

At the show, Cara and Riley score a huge victory, but predictably enough, Miz and Truth are sore losers and attack afterwards. Bryan comes in to join them, and once again, the odds are in the heels' favor. Then, you get probably the biggest pop of this entire feud since WrestleMania.


Rey comes out and the crowd goes absolutely nuts. He comes in and helps the faces clean house, making a triumphant surprise return, this time fully healthy and ready to wrestle full matches.

The feud comes to head at SummerSlam. Teddy Long, realizing that are six people involved and that they all want the championship, has a stroke of genius and books an Elimination Chamber match for the second biggest pay-per-view of the year. Because this is not a one on one match, Sin Cara is free to challenge for the title, much to Bryan's dismay. Rey, Riley, Miz, and Truth make up the remainder of the match.

In it, Riley is eliminated early by Miz and Truth, and like they have for the last few months, they once again have a numbers advantage. But Rey and Cara are able to overcome it, and they eliminate the Awesome Truth before Bryan even comes in. Now, the tables are turned, and finally, Bryan is the one having to overcome odds. He walks into the Chamber with a scared look on his face, knowing that he is about to get his comeuppance, and the fans are loving it. Mysterio and Cara team up to take Bryan out, performing double finishers on him and becoming the last two standing in the match.

Now, things have come full circle, as Rey and Cara finally get to have their one on one battle that they had wanted to have at Mania. For a few very exciting minutes, they give their all in the Chamber, with the fans getting to choose their own side. At the end of another grueling match, Cara gets the upper hand on Mysterio, and pins him after a C4 off the top of one of the Chamber pods. Once again, Sin Cara is the WWE Champion, and like they did at WrestleMania, the crowd goes nuts. This time, though, there will be no surprise cash ins. Just a handshake between Mysterio and Cara, with the former acknowledging that the latter was the better man on this night. And then a huge celebration to end the biggest party of the summer.

So, yeah, my first attempt at booking an angle. I realize it has plenty of flaws. Rey won't come back in January even for a short match, Cara might not be ready to be the main protagonist in a months-long title feud, a lot of main eventers would be exclused from the title scene, and there is some redundancy in there with three straight pay-per-views of someone new becoming involved. But for something that I came up with in maybe twenty minutes, I don't think it's half bad. Bring on the feedback, though, even if it's negative. Constructive criticism is always good.

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