Cena's backstage politicking.

Do you know how criminal investigations work? They use small pieces of evidence to prove things. This may not be a HUGE piece of evidence, but it is significant enough to prove that something fishy went on backstage

Yeah, it doesn't show Cena was at fault.

Punk had control over his own script, Sheamus gets more pushes due to being HHH's work buddy, Kane voluntarily puts people over, you would think the face of the company has even more backstage pull, no?

I'm sure he does, just not to the extent you're making out.

Clearly, your hate for Cena is clouding your judgement on several situations.
Yeah, it doesn't show Cena was at fault.
The evidence says otherwise.. numerous reports and Riley's tweet pretty much confirms it. Also many ex-superstarsYour love for Cena is clouding your judgement

I'm sure he does, just not to the extent you're making out.

Clearly, your hate for Cena is clouding your judgement on several situations.

If Cena volunteers to put people over like Kane, then he can. Don't give me that bullshit that Cena doesn't have as much backstage pull as guys like Punk, Kane, and Sheamus. Punk had so much freedom with his character and hes nowhere near as valued as Cena is.
OP is right again. cener once again proves that he is pure shit. I can't believe there are so many apologists here for that loser. Wake up, people!!! cena absolutely sucks inside and outside the ring. He's a worthless human being if you can even call him that. He cheated on his wife, then dumped her. You guys should not even support this relationship.

I pray for the day he suffers serious injury. He's a cancer to wrestling. It's no coincidence that wrestling has sucked since he took over. No wrestler in history is more cringeworthy than him, and undeserving of all his push. Ass-kissing should never be rewarded. Talent should, but that's something that cena lacks. In spades.
I do take exception to the use of the term "apologists", on technical grounds. While you're trying to borrow weighted words in order to make your criticism seem more dramatic, no one here is trying to apologize for any of John Cena's actions. They just think you're a single minded idiot with a very unhealthy fixation on a man you've never met.

Huge and very important distinction, that.
The original etymology of the phrase "_____ apologists" comes from the aftermath of World War II, when people who tried to explain the "whys" of WWII Germany as anything but a living manifestation of pure evil were derided as "Nazi apologists". It's kept that meaning up until recently, when it started appearing in video game discussions as people needed progressively more dramatic ways of complaining that a company wasn't doing the thing they wanted at the moment right then.

You seem to use the phrase "Cena apologist" a lot, and I only bring up this history lesson because I'm trying to determine what kind of idiot you are; a blithely ignorant idiot who is unaware of the loaded words he's using but saw someone else do it and thought it'd be cool, or a dramatic arrogant idiot who implicitly compares Cena to Nazis because that's a useful thing to say.

Don't use big words when diminutive words will do. You'll confuse people around here.
Since when does the origin of a word have any relevance in when one can use it?

If you use that logic, 40% of words wouldn't be used because people are unaware of their origins.

You are REALLY stretchingw hen I'm saying that im comparing Cena to Nazis. It really doesn't matter how the word was created; all that matters is the definition of the word :

a person who constantly defends or supports something (such as a religion, cause, or organization) that is being criticized or attacked by other people
That's something Punk talked about in the Cabana interview. It's one thing if he's walking down the street or not doing anything, but if he's spending time with his wife or busy doing something at the moment, it's rude to talk to him. He's a person, not an attraction that you pay to see on demand.
Since when does the origin of a word have any relevance in when one can use it?

If you use that logic, 40% of words wouldn't be used because people are unaware of their origins.

You are REALLY stretchingw hen I'm saying that im comparing Cena to Nazis. It really doesn't matter how the word was created; all that matters is the definition of the word :

a person who constantly defends or supports something (such as a religion, cause, or organization) that is being criticized or attacked by other people
This is what's called a "loaded" word. Much like there is a literal definition of the word "******", some words have a social meaning which transcends their dictionary meaning. You use the word apologist to the exclusion of any other words you could use, meaning that either you're aware of the loaded meaning of the word, or you have an incredibly small vocabulary.

So if English isn't your first language, I apologize; if it is, it's just professional wrestling and tamp down on the melodrama.
If Cena volunteers to put people over like Kane, then he can. Don't give me that bullshit that Cena doesn't have as much backstage pull as guys like Punk, Kane, and Sheamus. Punk had so much freedom with his character and hes nowhere near as valued as Cena is.

He does. But you seem to be making him out to be Hogan, Nash, Trips, or Michaels, when he's not. Cena's no where even close. I mean EVERY big name wrestler play politics, except maybe Daniel Bryan, and of course that hasn't done him any favors.
He does. But you seem to be making him out to be Hogan, Nash, Trips, or Michaels, when he's not. Cena's no where even close. I mean EVERY big name wrestler play politics, except maybe Daniel Bryan, and of course that hasn't done him any favors.

When was the last time he did it? Every feud hes in, his opponent gets one victory over him, and he gets the win back multiple times. How does that do any man a favor? It doesn't, especially when that happens EVERY single feud with the exception of Punk, Bryan, Orton, HHH, and a few others.
Oh my GAWD! I can't believe this thing with Cena is STILL FUCKING GOING ON.

I really just want to know why he found it acceptable to interrupt someone in the middle of a meal.

Don't really care about the Cena stuff, interrupting a meal is just being a codpiece
When was the last time he did it? Every feud hes in, his opponent gets one victory over him, and he gets the win back multiple times. How does that do any man a favor? It doesn't, especially when that happens EVERY single feud with the exception of Punk, Bryan, Orton, HHH, and a few others.

That sounds pretty typical of a big name superstar. Of course he's going to get his win back against rookie wrestlers. But just the fact that Cena is willing to put over so many new stars and job to them shows how flexible he really is. If he were fickle like Nash, or Hogan, or Michaels, he wouldn't be jobbing to anyone. Period. Not even Brock Lesnar without a hissy fit. Not only did Cena lose to Lesnar, but he allowed himself to be blown the fuck out.
I really just want to know why he found it acceptable to interrupt someone in the middle of a meal.

Don't really care about the Cena stuff, interrupting a meal is just being a codpiece
I get where he's coming from. Every single time someone's interrupted me and my date at dinner to request a free autograph and picture, I've been happy to do it.

Fuckers were greedy too, they took two pictures of me from different angles, put me in a cell and wouldn't let me leave until I signed an autograph for them. And then they tried to make me come back later to sign another autograph for their friend!
I get where he's coming from. Every single time someone's interrupted me and my date at dinner to request a free autograph and picture, I've been happy to do it.

Fuckers were greedy too, they took two pictures of me from different angles, put me in a cell and wouldn't let me leave until I signed an autograph for them. And then they tried to make me come back later to sign another autograph for their friend!

You sound like Virgil's imagination.
I think that it is time for us as a forum to recreate this great segment.


This individual (the OP) who is currently being held captive cannot be trusted to just leave the forum and never log back in. He is diagnosed with Cenaitis, which causes Cena hatred to prevail over common sense, which has caused him to break several of this forum's rules. Which then is accompanied by fits of rage over the SMALLEST stuff about Cena. Granting Make A Wish kids' wishes, going out to dinner, Cena backstage politicking people (which probably doesn't actually happen), etc. When he tried leaving the forum like many have been seen asking him to do, he only logged back in about a day later and spammed a big portion of this entire board in an effort to show his intellectual and emotional superiority to all of us. I have no faith in his ability to ever get out of this prison, I am sick and tired of him and the only thing he's got left going for him is the permanent banhammer.

So what I'm saying here is that it is a must happen for The Trial Of John Cena Is My Wish Come True.
Yes. Cenaitis is a disease that affects the brain, causing it to swell up not only whenever the topic comes up, but also whenever the name "John Cena" is even said by anyone, it doesn't even have to be brought up in a topic.
Cena does have a stale character (to us older people) but to the kids he is a real life super hero.

The sick kids want to see him, so he goes and are they mad because WWE puts that out there for people to see, who doesn't need good PR, it helps WWE more than Cena. As far as him winning all the time I think it has a lot to do with the fact that He is their main attraction. A company doesn't get rich off of throwing their best products in the shitter. As far as other talents such as Bray Wyatt, Rusev, Kevin Owens being fed to a 15 time world champion, I remember those matches being very good if not great matches, thus he couldn't have buried them because a burial looks like what Brock Lesnar done to Bo Dallas on Raw. You are allowed your own opinions and though I am not going to say any one star is a complete angel, I will say that instead of bitching about people who like the product, (because they are the reason you have something to bitch about) bitch about the fans that insult your favorite superstar. Defend wrestling don't insult it. Either way thanks
Cena does have a stale character (to us older people) but to the kids he is a real life super hero.

The sick kids want to see him, so he goes and are they mad because WWE puts that out there for people to see, who doesn't need good PR, it helps WWE more than Cena. As far as him winning all the time I think it has a lot to do with the fact that He is their main attraction. A company doesn't get rich off of throwing their best products in the shitter. As far as other talents such as Bray Wyatt, Rusev, Kevin Owens being fed to a 15 time world champion, I remember those matches being very good if not great matches, thus he couldn't have buried them because a burial looks like what Brock Lesnar done to Bo Dallas on Raw. You are allowed your own opinions and though I am not going to say any one star is a complete angel, I will say that instead of bitching about people who like the product, (because they are the reason you have something to bitch about) bitch about the fans that insult your favorite superstar. Defend wrestling don't insult it. Either way thanks

Exactly. This is an intelligent response.
Cena does have a stale character (to us older people) but to the kids he is a real life super hero.

The sick kids want to see him, so he goes and are they mad because WWE puts that out there for people to see, who doesn't need good PR, it helps WWE more than Cena. As far as him winning all the time I think it has a lot to do with the fact that He is their main attraction. A company doesn't get rich off of throwing their best products in the shitter. As far as other talents such as Bray Wyatt, Rusev, Kevin Owens being fed to a 15 time world champion, I remember those matches being very good if not great matches, thus he couldn't have buried them because a burial looks like what Brock Lesnar done to Bo Dallas on Raw. You are allowed your own opinions and though I am not going to say any one star is a complete angel, I will say that instead of bitching about people who like the product, (because they are the reason you have something to bitch about) bitch about the fans that insult your favorite superstar. Defend wrestling don't insult it. Either way thanks
Eh, kinda. Cena's also marketed towards the people who hate him; the guy who chants "John Cena Sucks" in time to his entrance theme paid for their seats.

What most fans misunderstand about professional wrestling is that the object isn't to give the fans what they want, but to get the fan emotionally engaged with the product. If you ever want a foolproof way of seeing if something is getting over with the fans, just watch what they talk about. Not what they say about what they're talking about, just what the subject of discussion is.

So John Cena works both ways- as a hero to the fan who hasn't seen him rise above adversity for the past decade plus, or as a villain to the fan who's seen it and thinks he wants Cena in some diminished role. This is why you so frequently see the "Cena loses/wins/wins" formula; both sets of fans get their emotional highs and lows.

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