US title match main eventing over WHC match at Night of Champions

Which of the following is the reason(s) that Crocker made this thread?

A) Crocker is truly so stupid that he'd actually believe this "report"

B) Crocker just wanted an excuse to talk about John Cena because he was going through withdrawal

C) All of the above

D) WWE has spent most of their recent Raw main events building up Rollins/Sting only to give them an opening match for the WHC

I mean it's clearly D, right everybody?

Guys? Anybody?

Actually all of the above are wrong. We all know Crocker is lying and that he is the one who wrote fanmail to John Cena begging him to make Vince book his US Championship match to be the one to close the show so Crocker can see his hero holding up a newly won title belt to end the show.
I would have verified your source Mr. Crocker, but my web-filter is not allowing me to touch that website.

I hate John Cena, but he's been consistently participating in five-star matches over the last couple years. I love Sting, but he's more of a rock star than an athlete at this point. I want John Cena to lose, but I'll definitely want to see where they go with the program if he wins back the US Title. I want Sting to win, but I'll probably play stupid freemium games on my phone during the filler of his matches.

As long as Cena doesn't rap, I'm fine with him being in the main event.
Actually all of the above are wrong. We all know Crocker is lying and that he is the one who wrote fanmail to John Cena begging him to make Vince book his US Championship match to be the one to close the show so Crocker can see his hero holding up a newly won title belt to end the show.

Cena, wanting to please Crocker, will probably cash in his "I am John Cena MITB" at NOC and win the WHC too.
Yes, the match was great, but it's extremely hard to give Cena credit when he's constantly shoved down our throats by the WWE AND his apologists
The great thing about teenage rebellion is that it is INCREDIBLY easy to market to. You get fans while they're still young and buy into all the Hustle/Loyalty/Respect stuff, and then as they become hostile and rebellious, you sell them Cena as a backstage villain who keeps everyone besides himself down.

Which everyone knows is true because they know how all the backstage stuff works now that they're older fans then they were.

Thus people continue to watch the product. The WWE was having a problem holding their audience past their early 20's, and so now we have NXT, a promotion aimed at that audience. The really awesome thing about marketing to teenage rebellion is that I can tell you exactly how this system is set up to market to you throughout the stages of your life, and you'll refuse to truly consider it, because you know best and John Cena sucks, John Cena sucks.

They've been working the exact same schtick with John Cena since before you were a professional wrestling fan. That bit where he looks around an arena, confused that the audience is booing him? He's been doing that spot for a decade.

I'd say sorry for ruining the magic for you, by telling that John Cena isn't this horrible villain ruining the lives of people who deserve better, but just an actor (and a very good one) in a marketing machine designed to keep you spitting out money, but you know better. You're older than you used to be, and now you know how the backstage stuff really works.
I would only care about the WWE World Heavyweight Championship not main eventing NOC if CM Punk was champion but it's 2015 WWE so I don't give a fuck.
I don’t think John Cena is using backstage politics to Main Event Night Of Champions. In fact, if anything, I believe Vince McMahon may be the one using backstage monarchy to have John Cena Main Event Night Of Champions. With that being said, I am of the opinion that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title match should not only Main Event Night Of Champions, but I believe it should Main Event every single Pay Per View. I think the Intercontinental Championship Title match should go on before the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title match AND after the United States Championship Title match. My opinion of the Championship Title hierarchy will never change, no matter who at any given time is Champion.
Fun fact, by the way; Cena has main evented approximately zero pay per views this entire year.

Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble match
Fastlane - Bryan vs Reigns
Wrestlemania - Lesnar vs Reigns
Extreme Rules - Rollins vs Orton
Payback - Reigns vs Ambrose vs Orton vs Rollins
Elimination Chamber - Ambrose vs Rollins
Money in the Bank - Ambrose vs Rollins
Battleground - Rollins vs Lesnar
Summerslam - Lesnar vs Taker
Fun fact, by the way; Cena has main evented approximately zero pay per views this entire year.

Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble match
Fastlane - Bryan vs Reigns
Wrestlemania - Lesnar vs Reigns
Extreme Rules - Rollins vs Orton
Payback - Reigns vs Ambrose vs Orton vs Rollins
Elimination Chamber - Ambrose vs Rollins
Money in the Bank - Ambrose vs Rollins
Battleground - Rollins vs Lesnar
Summerslam - Lesnar vs Taker

Don't use facts. They confuse people who like to make shit up.
This is not the first time this would happen. If John Cena is not the World Champion there's a good chance he'll main-event over the title.. In some ways he should, he is the biggest star in the company and some people claim he's bigger than the title itself... But of course i believe the World Title should main-event over any individual star.

Look at Rollins opponent for the WWE Title, that should explain why Cena might go on last.
The problem with Crocker is that he assumes that Cena politicked himself in to the main event. You have no proof that Cena influenced this decision. You really are a sad human being. Maybe one day you'll grow up you fucking child.
This is not the first time this would happen. If John Cena is not the World Champion there's a good chance he'll main-event over the title.. In some ways he should, he is the biggest star in the company and some people claim he's bigger than the title itself... But of course i believe the World Title should main-event over any individual star.

Look at Rollins opponent for the WWE Title, that should explain why Cena might go on last.

Are you saying 'Look at Rollins opponent' in a dergoratory manner. He's not my cup of tea lad but come the fuck on it's Sting. For the title.
I keep checking my Prison Bingo Card, but I don't see "believes in bold prediction that fails miserably" on there. Guess I should trade mine in.

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