Cena's backstage politicking.

I'm doing a combination of both. I'm just sick of people like Slyfox and Spidamite who will defend Cena no matter what, claiming that the people who boo him actually pay to see him, assuming that we only boo him because its "cool". Slyfox you can't read our minds, you clearly don't know why we boo him. We boo him because we are fucking sick of his stale character and he's been on top for 10 years with this stale character. thats why we boo him; please do not make assumptions for which you have no proof. You can't read peoples minds.

Also I will continue to speak my mind about Cena because there are people here who are either afraid to do it or just blinded by their love for him. 80% of this forum are Cena marks. Obviously if nobody is speaking up for me, then I will do it.
Everybody here thinks Cena is an Angel sent from God?...

Are you on crack?... Clearly you haven't been on the internet very long, but really, i love the backstage politicking, it shows he really knows what the business is about. Backstage politicking is part of the wrestling business, nothing wrong with that.
I'm doing a combination of both. I'm just sick of people like Slyfox and Spidamite who will defend Cena no matter what, claiming that the people who boo him actually pay to see him, assuming that we only boo him because its "cool". Slyfox you can't read our minds, you clearly don't know why we boo him. We boo him because we are fucking sick of his stale character and he's been on top for 10 years with this stale character. thats why we boo him; please do not make assumptions for which you have no proof. You can't read peoples minds.

Also I will continue to speak my mind about Cena because there are people here who are either afraid to do it or just blinded by their love for him. 80% of this forum are Cena marks. Obviously if nobody is speaking up for me, then I will do it.

And you can't read Cena's mind so you are a hypocrite for saying you know why he does Make-A-Wish.

Also, his "apologists" are not a flaw in his character. They have no relation whatsoever.
And you can't read Cena's mind so you are a hypocrite for saying you know why he does Make-A-Wish.

Also, his "apologists" are not a flaw in his character. They have no relation whatsoever.

His apologists are the reason I post so much about Cena because they piss me off. So they are the main reason why I diss on Cena so much.

Also yes, his motivations behind make-a-wish and the exposure of him doing backstage politics are related. It shows that hes not the same guy he is off screen. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with backstage politcing as 95% of top stars do it, but don't act like Cena is doing make-a-wish out of kindness.
How am I a hypocrite? The fact that he uses backstage politicking and his shameless advertising of make-a-wish nearly every single week should prove that something is fishy.. people aren't always what they appear to be on television. Please understand that.
It doesn't prove shit. Sorry. Can you read his mind? Nope. And another thing, are these John Cena cameras following him? No. They're WWE cameras. Blame them for wanting to appear generous towards their biggest fucking demographic.

You are a blatant hypocrite.
It doesn't prove shit. Sorry. Can you read his mind? Nope. And another thing, are these John Cena cameras following him? No. They're WWE cameras. Blame them for wanting to appear generous towards their biggest fucking demographic.

You are a blatant hypocrite.

I lost respect for Cena after this shit, he takes credit for the kid surviving Cancer and i remember when he also took credit for the marine fighting through the war.

i am ecstatic that the kid met her hero and that moment made her life, He make it part of his character, fuck him he is sitting at home probably wiping his ass with $100 bills and takes credits for this brave child battling cancer, no mention of her doctors or that her parents are probably in debt for life from all the bills.

He does exploit sick kids and troops to get pops because half the crowd boo
him, Hogan didn't do it, Austin didn't do, Rock didn't do it.

If he wasn't on TV i highly doubt he would be doing any of this.
You're still ignoring your clear hypocrisy.

And if he wasn't on TV, do you think all these children would request him?

And I'd also like you to show me where he clearly took credit for all this BS you're spouting.

Edit: nevermind you're too stupid to understand even basic common sense. Go spout your nonsense to others.
I forgot to mention that Cena got Alex Riley buried, decided the outcome of the Nexus vs Team Cena match, etc..

Also Ziggler and Cesaro both said they were sick and tired of seeing Cena vs Orton number 1000, and coincidentally they both got depushed at those respective times. Do you not see a pattern here? If Cena has the capability to do these things what makes you think that he truly enjoys doing make-a-wish?
The difference is that I have concrete proof and related events that could prove that I am right.

Slyfox saying that the only reason fans boo Cena is because its to feel "cool" has no proof to it. The only concrete way to prove his theory is to interview some Cena haters about why they hate Cena so much.

Just because you like your hero so much doesn't mean everyone else who doesn't share the same opinion as you is trying to be "cool". They probably have their legit reasons for disliking him. If Cena marks were more reasonable, such as "I think this guy is extremely talented and one of a kind performer, but even I get a little tired of watching him on top for 10 years", then I definitely wouldn't bitch as much as I do. But I've never seen anybody on this forum with that mindset. Everyone here is like, "I can't wait for Cena to win his 16th title so all the haters would be forced to watch him. I can't wait for Cena to be in the main event again."

There's a huge difference between Cena marks and Cena apologists. The majority of this forum falls under Cena apologists. I can handle Cena marks who can admit his flaws. I am a Punk mark but even I can admit his flaws (sometimes sloppy moves, not a very good physique, etc.). Every superstar has flaws, even Cena, but some people are not willing to admit it (Slyfox). If people were more objective here then I wouldn't complain as much about Cena because I would already be satisfied.
Its so funny how Cena apologists are reacting. I ask for reasonable expectations and objectivity and people say that I am a lost hope instead of responding like an educated person.. its ridiculous. What is the average IQ of a Cena apologist anyways?
I'm sure those reports are 100% truthful and has nothing blown out of proportion.

Also how do you know Rock and Bryan didn't politic?
Its so funny how Cena apologists are reacting. I ask for reasonable expectations and objectivity and people say that I am a lost hope instead of responding like an educated person.. its ridiculous. What is the average IQ of a Cena apologist anyways?

Isn't it possible that somebody could dislike both Cena and you? Or is everybody that thinks you're being an idiot automatically a Cena apologist?
Its so funny how Cena apologists are reacting. I ask for reasonable expectations and objectivity and people say that I am a lost hope instead of responding like an educated person.. its ridiculous. What is the average IQ of a Cena apologist anyways?

You are... You're a delusional 14 year old who *********es to Cena. It's soo obvious.
You are... You're a delusional 14 year old who *********es to Cena. It's soo obvious.

Let's make it easier.

Your first mistake was believing what Dave Meltzer has to say. If ever there was anyone who needed to pander to the internet, it's a man whose job becomes obsolete as soon as the internet decides they don't like him.

But you're young. I used to hate Cena too before I just accepted he's unbelievably good at his job and went along for the ride.
Slyfox come out here and defend your husband. I wanna see your ignorant response


Dirtsheets have been right a lot of times.

Yeah and this would be the first time that they've been wrong. :rolleyes:

I get the vibe that you're only assuming this is true because you don't really like Cena that much.

AND, you said that the only reason you attack Cena like everyday is because there are so many people that defend him. Well that's because a lot of people on the internet generally do and say what you do all the time about Cena, so people feel like they should correct those that are wrong.
Yeah and this would be the first time that they've been wrong. :rolleyes:
So what I got from your reply was that assuming dirtsheets are 99% correct, the only time they are wrong is when they expose Cena for the person he is. Got it; way to be a delusional apologist :lol:

I get the vibe that you're only assuming this is true because you don't really like Cena that much.

Nope it doesn't surprise me actually because there have been other backstage incidents which proves that Cena is an asshole backstage, such as getting Alex Riley buried, deciding to go over Team Nexus When Edge and Jericho tried so hard to convince him that it wasn't the best option, wanting to go over The Shield a month after they debuted, etc.. backstage politicing by itself isn't that bad; 95% of top stars have done it except for Rock and Daniel Bryan, but combine the backstage politicing with Cena burying talent like Riley and destroying The Nexus momentum and that is enough to prove that Cena isn't the angel that they portray him to be.

AND, you said that the only reason you attack Cena like everyday is because there are so many people that defend him. Well that's because a lot of people on the internet generally do and say what you do all the time about Cena, so people feel like they should correct those that are wrong
Barely anyone on this forum criticizes Cena. Thats how I feel about you guys actually; a lot of people on this forum will defend Cena no matter what; so I feel the need to correct them.
So what I got from your reply was that assuming dirtsheets are 99% correct, the only time they are wrong is when they expose Cena for the person he is. Got it; way to be a delusional apologist :lol:

The rolling eyes emoji can be used to express sarcasm. :disappointed:

Nope it doesn't surprise me actually because there have been other backstage incidents which proves that Cena is an asshole backstage, such as getting Alex Riley buried, deciding to go over Team Nexus When Edge and Jericho tried so hard to convince him that it wasn't the best option, wanting to go over The Shield a month after they debuted, etc.. backstage politicing by itself isn't that bad; 95% of top stars have done it except for Rock and Daniel Bryan, but combine the backstage politicing with Cena burying talent like Riley and destroying The Nexus momentum and that is enough to prove that Cena isn't the angel that they portray him to be.

Firstly, we don't know about the full situation with Riley. Secondly, Edge and Jericho even said Cena realised and admitted what he did was wrong. Does that not signify any good in him?

Barely anyone on this forum criticizes Cena. Thats how I feel about you guys actually; a lot of people on this forum will defend Cena no matter what; so I feel the need to correct them.

Well you're not doing a very good job of it.

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