Backstage Segments: Something WWE Can Learn From TNA?

Why would WWE try to learn from TNA when this is one of TNA's weakest characteristics? The only thing that makes TNA "different" in their backstage segments is the camera work and back and forth banter attempts to take on a "realistic" feel. Too bad it fails miserably.

The only thing "real" about it is the fact that 98% of the segments wind up in backstage brawls. Granted, a real confrontation between two athletes would probably come to blows 98% of the time but just because it's realistic doesn't make it good television. I find myself constantly watching this vicious circle every week on IW and, quite frankly, it bores the shit out of me and makes me roll my eyes. How many times can you show two guys in a ring, cutting a promo, verbally sucking each other off, and afterwards they wind up brawling backstage? There is NOTHING unique about it anymore and it doesn't tell a story for me. More importantly, it makes me change the channel.

Now why would the WWE want to take pointers from this? When their backstage segments are complete, regardless of whether a brawl breaks out or not, you understand exactly what the goal was, what the segment was about, and where it may or may not end up. Isn't that the point of television? To tell a story to the audience?

I'm sorry TNA but 2 backstage brawls per episode EVERY SINGLE WEEK only tells me that the writers suck at dialogue and take the easy way out by allowing every feuding wrestler to brawl with their counterpart in order to get out of writing a script.
Well looking at a few of the reply post on this thread, I can infer that the real reason behind the dismay (for lack of a better word) with WWE's backstage segments isn't about the backstage segments themselves but about the over-scripting of the backstage segments. Many on here remember the WWE's backstage segments as being unscripted, unplanned, moderately controlled but exciting as hell. So yes, while WWE can learn a thing or two from TNA's backstage segments I think the biggest takeaway would be for them to scale back on the scripting because that's how wrestling superstars were made they given (or they made up) a character, they were given a bit of guidance and they ran with it. Unscripted, free to be an extended, more exaggerated version of themselves.
Well looking at a few of the reply post on this thread, I can infer that the real reason behind the dismay (for lack of a better word) with WWE's backstage segments isn't about the backstage segments themselves but about the over-scripting of the backstage segments. Many on here remember the WWE's backstage segments as being unscripted, unplanned, moderately controlled but exciting as hell. So yes, while WWE can learn a thing or two from TNA's backstage segments I think the biggest takeaway would be for them to scale back on the scripting because that's how wrestling superstars were made they given (or they made up) a character, they were given a bit of guidance and they ran with it. Unscripted, free to be an extended, more exaggerated version of themselves.

I think this sums it up pretty well, actually. While I do quite like the style of TNA's backstage segments, the hidden camera feel makes a little more sense than the old "Why are these two discussing this in front of a camera crew?" thing, I'm not sure it is really a problem for wrestling audiences, what is a problem is that everyone speaks with the same voice these days, very few Superstars stand out verbally, as they are all reciting material written for them by the same core group of people. If only they could work with the wrestlers to ascertain what needs to be said, and make sure it's said in a way that is appropriate to their character, rather than giving everyone something to learn and expecting it to sound natural.
It is so incredibly OBVIOUS that TNA Impact does a much better job backstage at making it seem so "real".

However, many WWE fans will NEVER admit that Impact does anything better than WWE.

These are the type of fans that will go along with anything WWE shoves down our throats. The stupidity of having the Muppets guest host on Raw shows that WWE can get away with anything that they want to do!

And you are one of the TNA fans who will never admit that nearly everything about that organization is just plain awful. If anything, TNA attempting to give their backstage segments a more "realistic" feel, just makes them come off more contrived.
I would also like to add that I remember WWE did something like this sometime ago but in a videopackage. At WM12 before The Iron Man Match they had a video segment that felt very realisitc showing Bret and Shawn training and them being intervewed backstage. I always thought this video was perfect and strange the WWE never really pushed for something like this again.

I know it's not the same thing entirely but didn't WWE do something like that when Brock vs. Rock at Summerslam was taking place? I vaguely remember that they showed both men training. Rock was running the stairs in Miami's stadium (?) and jumping stairs and Brock was also doing workouts.

Then they did something like that for Cena and HHH at WrestleMania too if I'm not mistaken where they showed both men training.

So it kind of has been done but not the full effect.

As far as backstage segments go I personally don't feel they give too much for the fan anymore. Could just be me but I'd rather them have a simple interview before the match if the talent can speak. But that is the other big problem with the WWE: a few of their guys are so boring on the mic it would actually tune fans away. If the WWE could get their head removed from their anal cavities and stop trying to worry about being "politically correct" and "kid friendly" and stop blatantly worrying about their bottom dollar things might be better. I mean how many people will be offended if they bring back "F*CK" and "B*tch" and allow freedom on the mics. I know it may sound silly and ridiculous to some of you but I personally MISS when wrestlers would USE foul language.

But overall backstage segments COULD be an effective weapon for WWE if they figured out the right way to do it. But knowing WWE they would shove segment after segment after segment after segment down our throats to the point that we get sick of them.

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