Cena vs. Orton

Who will be the bigger face of the company?

  • John Cena

  • Randy Orton

  • Other

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Arguable the two biggest piece's of the WWE's future. Both have are tremendous and will become the face of the company in the next 10 years. But who will be the bigger face of the future? Will Randy, surpass Cena, or will Cena maintain his lead on Orton and remain on top? Also will they have on big one-on-one match at WrestleMania? Also, do you see some else becoming the biggest face in the company?
If I had to be honest, it won't be just one of them that's the face of the company, it will be BOTH!

I think they have enough of a fanbase to keep level-pegging as the face of the company. Remember back in the Attitude Era, they didn't have just Austin as the face of the company, there was Rock, Taker, Triple H, Mankind. They have multiple stars that provide the face of the company and some having more higher profile than others (Rock and Austin for one). That's why I feel it won't be just one of them, it will be both.

I do expect a one-on-one Wrestlemania match at some point, just feel they again rushed the first time encounter at Summerslam 2007. But then Rock and Austin had 3 WM bouts, plus other matches outside of WM. I expect one for Cena & Orton, possibly around WM 27/28 if I have to be honest.
Randy Orton is just starting his prime so it awaits to be seen, however it will be nigh on impossible to replace John Cena. He is the business at the moment.

They HAVE to have a WrestleMania feud, they just have to. It will, as Phoenix says, be the Rock and Austin of this generation. I could see it next year, if they are kept on RAW and HHH is kept away from the spotlight towards Mania. Have Orton win the title at some point, have him keep it up to next years WrestleMania, give Cena another Rumble win (Austin, HBK and Hogan all had more than one, Cena is in their league) and have them feud from Rumble until Mania. Cena can then win. It is the classic story that wrestling lives for.

So they may both be faces in the future, but I feel with Cena's appeal to every audience, he will keep the top place in the business from Orton. It will be a story of these two though.
I agree that Orton is a top star in the buisness, and is only getting better, but I really don't think he has the star power that Rocky and Austin had. I can't see an Orton/Cena WM main event being a huge spectacle. On that note, I think WWE will be in a lot of trouble when HBK, Taker and HHH all retire within the next 5-7 years. I can't see anyone else besides Edge, Cena, and Orton stepping up the replace these legends.
The Problem Is That Cena Is Not That Huge Amazing Face At All, As Several People Don't Like Him, Is Not Like Austin Or Hogan Who "everyone" Loved Them And Was A Revolution When They Were On Top, But Cena Is A Good Crowd Worker And Ahhhhhh Orton Is The Best Wrestler Of The Two, I Think They Can Have Great Battles In The Future And Develop A Great Rivalry, Maybe Not As Good As Austin-rock, Or Hhh-austin But Good Enough To Keep Wwe In The Game,
i honestly believe Randy orton will!
John Cena has already gotten so much hype in his carrer for being "Face"
and Face characters always get a bigger lead,
but the way Randy Orton is going is following in the steps of great heel characters where the wrestler themselves are heel but loved by the fans, they love watching them but love booing them too!

Wrestlers like:
The Rock = heel but loved
Stone Cold Steve Austin = heel but loved
Triple H = Heel but loved
Ric Flair = Heel but loved
Eddie Guerrero = Heel but loved
Chris Jericho = Heel but loved
Hulk Hogan = Heel but loved
Kurt Angle = Heel but loved
next on the list is
Randy Orton = huge heel right now, but people still cheer him on!
i agree with suleman09
randy is just in the best moment of his career ...a monster heel , but the wrestling fans cheer him all the way
I think Randy Orton is the future of the company because he is young, brash and in great shape. He, unlike John Cena, is a superstar that you either like him or love to hate him. Cena is, on the other hand, liked or just plain dis-liked.

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