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Life after Cena.

Yeah. Just because WWE pushed John Cena to be the top guy you hate all others just to defend Cena. You are a perfect example of what people call a "WWE Sheep" fanboy.

Doesn't change the fact that John Cena was clearly better than wrestlers like Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison. WWE gave those two, and multiple other failures, multiple opportunities to shine and they never did. And yet Cena was already poised to be the next face of the company when he defeated JBL for his first title.

Trying to defend obvious failures makes you sound like the fanboy here.
I think people are forgetting about Jeff Hardy in 2008 and 2009 he was the man on smackdown and one of the top sellers of merch in that period and he was getting the biggest pops,

hell he even main evented a few PPVs if I can recall so if he didnt get his 3rd strike maybe things would be different now so WWE can build stars in no time,

Cena is just the man who is making the company as much money as possable for when he leaves so WWE can have time to rebuild a new star when he does leave.
Yeah. Just because WWE pushed John Cena to be the top guy you hate all others just to defend Cena. You are a perfect example of what people call a "WWE Sheep" fanboy.

Alright, genius, tell me what did Carlito bring to the table? A few midcard championships? Did the guy do anything that was remotely memorable? Did he put asses in seats? No, he didn't.

Everyone was proclaiming Shelton Benjamin to be the next big thing and the realization was that he had the personality of dirt. You can execute all the damn moves you want but if you can't get the crowd to care, then you're shit. Same goes with MVP.

Morrison had all the flips but he barely had charisma. Hell, Miz was more important than John and even Melina got the meter moving more than he did.

You may hate Cena because you think he isn't as good as wrestler as the names mentioned but he can do something that they couldn't do if their lives depended on it: get a reaction day in and day out. I'm not a WWE Sheep fanboy. I'm a realist and have common sense. Maybe it's time you joined the masses.
What would happen is that Vince will build another superstar, same as when Hogan left, or the Hitman, or Austin left, at this moment he hasn't work on building another superstar around Cena, because he doesn't need to, right now he's riding the Cena wagon, but if Cena start to show no more interest in working for the WWE anymore, McMahon will imediatly will start concentrating on making another superstar to be the face of the company an succeed at that, just like always does.......
And I honestly think it wouldn't make the slightest of a difference.
(except for me being happy & WWE having better programming.)

We are already in the transistion of slowly weeding Cena out of the Main Event.

His matches and promos are all pretty terrible IMO, unless Rocky or Punk or someone is making him look good.

I think Punk & Bryan are already on their way to being the top draws for WWE.
It's unbelievable to me that anyone could attempt to defend the stance that WWE dropped the ball with people like Carlito, MVP and Shelton Benjamin. They were given several pushes each and failed to capitalize, because they couldn't. They didn't have the natural skill set it took to be a main event level talent on the global stage that is WWE. As LJL said, they each have charisma equating to that of dirt. Same goes for that overrated walking spot fest John Morrison. It's asinine to believe these people should be mentioned in the same breath as John Cena. Cena has as much charisma as almost anyone in the history of the business. Cena can rightfully be mentioned alongside names like Hogan, Flair, Rhodes, Austin and The Rock, and with great reason. His promos are clear and concise and have incredible cadence. They "flow." And he delivers them with conviction, which in turn, evokes an emotional response in his audience - meaning he CONNECTS with them. People like Flair and Hogan and Rock CONNECT with the audience. People like Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison can't and don't.

As for life after Cena, WWE wouldn't miss a beat. They're a brand that has had sustainable success after employee attrition - even when the person is of paramount importance to anyone else on the roster (I.e. Hogan or Austin). There would be a transitionary period where people like Punk and Bryan would play an intricate role, until ultimately the next "total package" that people like Rhodes, Austin and Cena represent comes along to champion the mantel of "The Man" of that particular generation.
And I honestly think it wouldn't make the slightest of a difference.
(except for me being happy & WWE having better programming.)

We are already in the transistion of slowly weeding Cena out of the Main Event.

His matches and promos are all pretty terrible IMO, unless Rocky or Punk or someone is making him look good.

I think Punk & Bryan are already on their way to being the top draws for WWE.

Slowly weeding Cena out of the main event you say? Remind me how many main events Punk has been in since he became champion. If you have trouble remembering, the answer would be one and that was a PPV Cena wasn't even in. Punk can't even get top billing over John Laurinaitis. Wake me up when Punk is actually in a main event that doesn't involve Cena.
Short term: They'd be pretty fucked. Cena is, like it or not, money. Serious money, $110 MILLION a year serious. They'd need to rebuild in a big way, right now there is no-one in the company who can take the reins as the face of the company.

Long term: Expect to see CM Punk/Daniel Bryan/Dolph Ziggler/Randy Orton/Seamus and any of the other ten or so guys waiting in the wings to get a chance at being "the guy" one of them should manage it (most likely Punk or Seamus) and become the new face of the company. The thing is, to replace Cena is more than just revenue, there's the charity work and all the promotional work he does as well. Simply put, replacing Cena as he is right now would take months if not years.
i'm not sure what would happen in truth. i'm sure the next big thing would come along and thing's would get back to normal very quickly. the thing that might change is the pg era that we are in right know. my opinion is that the only reason we are still stuck in this era is that if wwe were to bring in a new attitude era or something very close then john cena would not work in that type of era. if you sent him back in time to the start of the original attitude era then john cena's character would only be used as somebody the rock or austin would have stepped on week in week out. it's the same if you were to put stone cold in this era. if you brought him in today and nobody would have heard of him. stone cold would never make it as big as he was because his character would have to be changed so much to fit in with the pg era that he just would not be as over with the fans as he was. you would not see him dressed as a doctor hitting vince over the head with a bed pan. you would not see him end the show stunning somebody then pooring beer over them. no you would just get a watered down version of the character. its the same with cena he would not be as over with the fans and he would not sell as much merchindise as he is at the moment. so at the end of the day when cena leaves somebody else will step up and take his place. but what might change is the era that we are in know.
Nailz1 covered it. When Cena leaves another superstar will take his place and it will be a completely different superstar that doesnt have anything to do with Cena or his style. And I for one will b so happy as cant stand Cena's lame ass and in my opinion is one of the most pathetic stars of today's product. I remember when Fans used to care about what thy saw on Tv and not so much about the business but what personally entertains them. like with me I dont watch to support the company nor do I care about any wrestler outside of the ring. I just like to be ebtertained. Guys like Rock, Punk, Miz, Orton and Ziggler Jericho and Kane entertains me while Cena bores me to death. It sucks that he and show have to be in fueds with my favorites like Punk because now I have to watch simply because I enjoy Punks wrestling and promos. I havent been the least bit entertained by Cena since his thuganomics days when he actually used to impress me. But oh well one day his ass will be gone and someone else will Finally get thier rightful time to shine
Not to be rude but I don't think anyone has ever been pushed harder than Cena has (Maybe Lex) You are undervaluing the fact the Vince is afraid to push anyone other than Cena based on the fact that their are so many other guys who are flat out more talented Cena and he would end up looking like a joke. If you let Punk or Orton free reign and let them say anything they wanted in a one on one promo against Cena they would turn the crowd against him easily. I mean the Rock made Cena look like a an ROH guy.

Oh and Punk for the most part of last year was more over than Cena.

And why are you guys forgetting Warrior? Dude was in line to carry the WWE for at least a decade after Hogan put him over at WrestleMania VI.

It's this sort of stupidity that makes me wonder are some fans really this dumb or are they just that desperate to convince others to think the way they do.

If Cena wasn't as good as the others you mentioned, why wouldn't Vince just push the others and make them bigger stars? I mean that's what you said right? It's easy to make new stars right? So the WWE didn't need Hogan because they had Bret "The Hitman" Hart. That's right, by your logic Bret Hart was as big a star as Hogan because Vince slapped a belt on him and said "here's your new top guy!". Are we forgetting the Warrior? Are you forgetting how insanely over the Warrior was before he won the belt? Youtube doesn't really show that, does it? And as for Rock making Cena look like an ROH guy. Well I just kinda rolled my eyes at that one.

Without Cena, the WWE has nobody right now. Would they survive? Of course. But they'd survive in the same way the WWF survived after Hogan. They'd limp along with a less popular champion until one day, god willing the next big star will arrive. You people should be glad you've got someone like John Cena carrying the dead weight that is the current WWE roster.
If Cena left right now Punk and Orton would be your top two guys. But I am not too sure how long Orton would stay at the top. Punk is getting close to being Cena over.

It would force the WWE to do something that it should be doing now which is starting to elevate some guys. Ziggler needs to be elevated and Barrett should be one of the top heels. The biggest problem the WWE has is they start to elevate somebody and they destroy the push by making them job to the top faces. See Bryan, Daniel.

Cena is huge for the WWE right now. No one can replace the $$$ he brings in or replace what he does backstage and with charities. Hate him all you want but he is a workhorse.

You showed me a promo where Cena was getting booed most of the time nice you really showed that Cena can Bring It. You showed me a promo where Cena said "The Rock left to make movies look at me I'm still here because my movies sucked and everybody rented them" Nice going.
Wow. You do realize that getting booed is getting a reaction right? But no matter how much you hate him at the end of the night who is bringing in the most money? Who did the people want to see Rocky fight at Wrestlemania? Who was the only guy who could hold his own on the mic against Rocky?

I don't like Cena much but I am not stupid enough to try and degrade him because of my own personal tastes. He is the most over guy in wrestling today and he doesn't need to be cheered to be over.
You make it sound as the WWE would cease to exist and guys like Orton, Punk, Sheamus, Ziggler, Rhodes, The miz would all loose their talents and would be useless.

I get that Cena is massive but they would cope without him. It would be difficult for a month or two but their roster has such talent that they would easily compensate.

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