Cena Region, Fourth Round, Hell in a Cell: (4) Sting vs. (9) Brock Lesnar

Who Wins This Match?

  • Sting

  • Brock Lesnar

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a fourth round match in the Cena Region. It is a Hell in a Cell match. It will be held at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts.


Rules: The match takes place inside Hell in a Cell and anything goes. Falls must take place inside the ring.

Assume one week has passed since the previous round so there may be some lingering damage.


#4. Sting



#9. Brock Lesnar

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster. Assume that the wrestlers are coming in fresh after their first round match.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Brock to look strong in this one. He can get brutal with the best of them. We have seen him best the Undertaker in this match (and that was before monster Brock), and I see little reason for Sting to be much different.

Brock wins.
Oh man.... Beock would destroy Stinger.... Before Brock was the Beast is now he took the Undertaker out in hell in a cell I don't see why he wouldn't knock sting senseless...

Brock victory...
Brock made it especially clear to The Undertaker that he isn't the type to bow to prophecy or status.

Sting is a legend in our minds, but unto Brock he's just another obstacle in his way.

This being a Hell in a Cell, where Brock has experience and Sting doesn't, things don't look good for Sting. Hell in a Cell is the type of cage match where you can't escape, and you won't have any friends coming in after a certain amount of time like at a War Games match.

Sting is locked in a cage with a guy like Lesnar, who's going to go full grizzly bear on Sting the second the bell rings.

Vote Lesnar.
Easy win for Brock Lesnar, Sting will get taken to Suplex City and Lesnar will end the match, however he wishes to do so.

Vote: Brock Lesnar.
Sting has fought monsters like lresnar before in Vader and won.

As for the cell, he and mick Foley had an interesting main event run.

Sting will show that he's more hardcore than people think...

And for that matter I think it will be surfer sting in his prime..

Not the crow?

Is that an option?
Even before becoming a big deal in UFC, Brock Lesnar was a character that broke our preconceived notions on other wrestlers. He was all about killing their mystique. Hogan, Rock, hell Biker Taker never got the edge over him. Even after reverting back to a zombie, fighting in a place where Taker doesn't lose, Lesnar was the first to do it. He took John Cena when Cena was still riding high as the face of the company and beat the holy hell out of him. Brock Lesnar was booked as a monster throughout his career, even upon debut.

Sting has lost matches to people that were below him. After finally making amends with WWE, he still didn't beat Triple H, a guy Lesnar has. If He couldn't go over Triple H, with all the mystique that makes up for Sting, then I see no reason he should beat Brock Lesnar in a match Sting has no familiarity in.

"But Sting has been in matches like Hell in a Cell..."

No. This is Hell in a Cell, not Thunderdome Three Cages of Misery War Games Whatever. By this logic every wrestler who's been in a Cage match has been in a match like Hell in a Cell, since a Cell is just a large Cage with a roof. Brock Lesnar has won with this stipulation. Sting has never been here.

Vote Lesnar. His whole shtick is to beat up beloved icons.
I'd like to come up with a good case for Sting, I'd want him to slay the beast... but I can't see any scenario where he has a chance inside the locked cage. Brock would win after some brutal violence unleashed on poor Stinger.
Vader was just as indestructible once.

And flair, simmions and sting all beat him.

Look, Vader may not get the love round here that he deserves, but please son. Get out of here with that shit. Vader was a tough behemoth who happened to be agile for his size. Moonsault gets points. It ends there. Lesnar is a whole different monster. He is not only tough, quick and jacked -the guy is a combat machine. Wrestling, MMA, ripping the heads off deer, etc. If Vader is the mastadon, Brock is the freakishly strong caveman who roasts mammoth for Sunday dinner.

Lesnar is quicker, stronger and flat out better at wrestling. Congratulations on the above names mentioned for beating Vader. They would get their ass kicked by Brock. Sting is awesome, but he will get destroyed no matter the color scheme. When Sting tries the same crap he beat Vader with, Lesnar gets pissed and tosses the WCW hero around like a wrasslin buddy.
I hate the Brock Smash argument. It's incredibly lazy and annoying, and instantly makes me want to vote against the Lesnar camp regardless of how I really feel. Lesnar is not the only wrestler in history that has been built up to look indestructible. He's not the only wrestler in history to have completely blown out a big star. He has weaknesses. He's been defeated and taken to the limit numerous times in recent history. There are still guys left in this thing that could take Lesnar out, regardless of circumstances. The question is do I think that Sting is one of them?

One of Lesnar's weaknesses is that, while he's a top notch grappler, he's no Kurt Angle. Any grappler that can control Lesnar and have his way with him can effectively stop the Brock Smash. Sting isn't capable of doing that, so that's out. Another one of Brock's weaknesses is if he's caught off guard, and if he's hit hard enough, he'll burn. He can also be worn down little by little over time. Sting isn't capable of pulling a Goldberg, but could he do what Cena did at NOC and simply beat Lesnar to the punch time after time? Maybe. The question begs do I think Sting is the same caliber of fighter as John Cena, and I don't.

All things considered I'm leaning Lesnar here.
Been nice knowing you, Stinger. There's no way that Sting could can come out on top here. Sure, he'll give a good effort, but Brock has taken down many a superstar in his career, some of which are icons like Sting. The Crow will end up being , as Taz used to say, just another victim.
I can't stand Lesnar but he wins this. This is gonna be similar to when Undertaker fought Lesnar in the cell and it'll be a battle back and forth, Sting will get his shots in, but at the end Lesnar takes him to Suplex City, gives him an F5 and moves on to the next round. Lesnar can be stopped but I don't think Sting can do it.
I'm going to vote Sting on personal bias.

And I'm going to ignore the match type as well because I'm biased. I would rather watch a Sting match instead of boring Brock Lesnar match anytime. Sting is a better professional wrestler than Brock Lesnar. Someone who was a legend without even coming to WWE for this long.

Vote Sting as he's a better professional wrestler.
I voted for Sting because I didn't want this to seem like a freaking squash. It's Sting we're talking about! He enters the match with a crowbar and gives Lesnar pain, before of course he's taken to Suplex City. Seriously this is the guy that has defeated Undertaker, TWICE, inside HIAC.

The only man that can stop Lesnar is Angle.
Ignoring the fact that Lesnar is boring, Sting slayed the biggest beast in the history of professional wrestling when he beat the nWo. Lesnar's schtick is the same old, and if we've seen anything it's that he's particularly vulnerable to ageing WCW has-beens. With that in mind, there can be no other outcome but a Sting victory.

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