Cena/Orton Become Good Friends

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Plax punked Brady =)
Source: PWTorch.com

-- WWE Champion John Cena and on-air rival Randy Orton have reportedly become good friends outside of the ring.

Now, as if it was a secret, it's out that Cena and Orton are good friends off-screen. If/when Cena drops the title to Orton, is it gonna be because some people may just be blaming Cena and Orton of pulling strings backstage, especially with Orton's previous problems in and out of the ring? Or how about people that may just be finding this out? Are they gonna think it loses credibility to their feud now that it's gone "personal" with Cena's father? For it isn't really news at all...in fact John Cena, Randy Orton, and John Hennigan (John Morrison) are best friends in real life. This has been a known fact for some time now.

I just hope that people don't look down upon Orton's potential title reign now because Cena and he are good friends. Hell, people may do that now to John Morrison because, they may just be reading this and finding out that they're in fact good friends. Maybe he resurrected Morrison's career? Same with Orton. Will people think that Cena reached in the depths of suspension, pulled Orton's ass out, and told management to take his belt and give it to the Legend Killer? I sure as hell hope not, because well...I don't wanna believe that.

My big question is: Will their feud lose credibility now among some fans, particularly the ones that didn't know?
This to me is meaningless. I mean there friends, there have been alot of wrestlers through the years that have been friends backstage. This does not change anything in my eyes looking at it I could care less. They put on a good show and you forget about it.
Comeon... are you serious? Orton and Cena have been great friends since they were in OVW, there are even pictures floating around the net of them hanging out. Now will they lose credibility, hell no. Think of some wrestlers that were best friends outside the ring that had great matches. Throw these wrestlers together and thinks about it Benoit/Chavo & Eddy/ Jericho/ Malenko/Mysterio and I've never heard anything about Morrison being best friends with Cena and Orton. When Orton was with RAW a couple years ago he went to Bob Evans with Maven and Val Venis, when he was Champion, haha.
I'm not sure I should care about this because I was under the assumption that when the cameras go off most wrestlers probably are good friends backstage.

So how is this really news?
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