who"s the true future of the wwe?

Lance Storm has stated himself that the three guys he really like are Bobby Lashley, Ken Kennedy, and Joey Mercury. I'm sold on Bobby Lashley (amazing physique, technical talent, ability to move around the ring) and Kennedy is just great. I'm not sold on Mercury yet. Charisma-wise, Johnny Nitro has got it but a lot of his moves are silly (and pointless) modifications of other moves. Carlito looks to be the face of the future but his move set needs some expanding. We all know that Cena's gonna be around for at least another ten years. Randy Orton will probably be the posterboy for the next generation. Chris Masters is still young so we'll see what happens with him
Bobby Lashley is the future of the WWE. I'm not sure how old the Great Khali is but I believe he has been a breathe of fresh air in the WWE. It's too bad he has to go back to his home country in December. Kevin Thorne has been magnificent so far. His Mordecai gimmick would have been great also if WWE would have stuck to it. If WWE would have signed Gangrel and brought him back to pair with Kevin Thorne those two would have been one great tag team.
Cena is horrible and anyone that loves Cena is not a true wrestling fan. Cena has tried to combine Austin and The Rocks gimmick, which has already been done to perfection by both of them. It's time for something new and Cena is a total fake.
I also think Randy Orton is 5x better than Cena. He showed that in the Battle Royal they had about 6 months ago. He showed signed of greatness Cena has never shown.
Randy Orton
John Cena
CM Punk
Kendrick & London

NOT Batista...he is not the future of WWE or any other organization for that matter, the guy is almost 40, doesn't have a lot of years left in him. Triple H made him a year ago, and WWE is starting to sour on his abilities
I think that cena gets too much heat for what he can do nothing about! But who is the true future of the WWE.... Carlito, Kennedy, Ken Doane and Bobby Lashley I would say.. Before all the stuff with Orton I woulda said him too. Same applies for Chris Masters, he was lookin like bein pushed that way till his problems.
ShatterOfDreams said:
Bobby Lashley is the future of the WWE. I'm not sure how old the Great Khali is but I believe he has been a breathe of fresh air in the WWE. It's too bad he has to go back to his home country in December. Kevin Thorne has been magnificent so far. His Mordecai gimmick would have been great also if WWE would have stuck to it. If WWE would have signed Gangrel and brought him back to pair with Kevin Thorne those two would have been one great tag team.

Don't want to upset anyone but the Great Khali? Every match with him(including The Undertaker) have been ridiculous squash matches or a bloodbath.. he can't wrestle, he can't speak on the mic, and add that runt Daivari to the mix and he should never have been brought in in the first place!
I would agree about Kevin Thorne but Gangrel???? I hated him!
CM Punk is the future! I have watched him on Ring Of Honor a few times, a match in TNA and in ECW. He is great. He has decent moves and awsome mic skills. He will defently go far in the WWE in my opinion.

Carlito has became awsome. I wasnt sure about him at first but ever since mania I think, he has really up'd his moves and he is full or charisma. I have heard people say that he is the next Rock, aprart from the fro, I can see that lol.

Jonny Nitro has a good future i think. He has lots of talent and is still young. However I think that he needs to improve his mic skills a wee bit.

Randy Orton. This dude is the future if his attitude doesnt fuck him up.

Batista is a gimp and should never of been champ. He is not the future and is a waste of space.

Mr Kennedy also has a good future I think, along with Chris Masters if he up's his mic skills. But he still looks good...and I even think that he looks faster.
Yeah CM Punk can go a long way.. but now he's stuck in ECW so don't expect to see him for a LONG time as a egular on RAW (the only show that doesn't suck anymore)
xwave7000 said:
Don't want to upset anyone but the Great Khali? Every match with him(including The Undertaker) have been ridiculous squash matches or a bloodbath.. he can't wrestle, he can't speak on the mic, and add that runt Daivari to the mix and he should never have been brought in in the first place!
I would agree about Kevin Thorne but Gangrel???? I hated him!

Thank God someone got to that post before I did!! Khali for the record is 34 years old and not the future of anything.

The answer to "who's the future in the ring" is simple. Its who ever the WWE puts into the main event, who ever they choose too. The future doesn't happen without writers and owners. Look how many good wrestlers they have now and they are forever stuck inside the mid-cards.
I would say:

Carlito-He really showed talent since he came to RAW and got Y2Js skills
Orton-WWE put a lot of effort in building his status since evolution
Masters-In a year he will get his chance in the spotlight as champion
Nitro-He will always be a top mid carder nothing more
Mercury-He will be a top mid carder on SmackDown opposite of Nitro
Lashley-He needs to join or form a stable to get that final push like Batista
Kennedy-The next MR MONEY IN THE BANK KENNEDY...........KENNEDY!
CM Punk-Future ECW Champion
Lance Cade-Reminds me of the old Bradsaw he will be a top heel
Kenny-Future IC champion not so positive on World/WWE championships

I think these are the superstars that WWE fans will be seeing a lot of in the next 3-5 years

I never added Cena b/c after his movie The Marine comes out he will be getting multiple movie deals and eventually leaving the company in two years the same way The Rock did or he will get a very good deal in the music industry
LASHLEY, is NOT the future of the business he doesnt have good ring skills or mic. skills i dont see him around that long i like - orton , kennedy , carlito , n like it or not but THE MIZ!!! not that great of mic. skills he needs to calm down a lil bit but over all good in ring skills
1 thing uve all 4gt is that WWE has 2 development businesses: Ohio Valley Wrestling & Deep South Wrestling. This is where they r grooming the 'future' of the business. Yes stars such as Cena, Orton, Carlito, Kennedy, CM Punk & Kenny r future top stars bt so r people such as 'Cryme Tyme', Gunnar Scott, The Freakin Deacon, Ryan O'Reilly, Harry Smith, Hign Impact & Derik Neikirk. Also, stars from other promotions could b brought in such as Samoa Joe, Abyss & Lesnar(again)
NoUrRoll23 said:
LASHLEY, is NOT the future of the business he doesnt have good ring skills or mic. skills i dont see him around that long i like - orton , kennedy , carlito , n like it or not but THE MIZ!!! not that great of mic. skills he needs to calm down a lil bit but over all good in ring skills

I think i just vomitted in my mouth. The Miz?? The freakin Miz?? His name is Miz!! MIZ!!! He is only with the company because he can be promoted as one of those rejects from MTV's the Real World. It works for WWE and MTV.

I don't know what was worse, someone saying Khali you saying Miz...ugh i have chills now.
.Fallout. said:
John Cena does have a future althought some people don't want to beleve it.

Carlito I think he needs to change his finisher it's not that great but yeah his got a shot in the future

Nitiro if he sticks with Melina he will have a future for sure

This is funny considering Cena's finisher doesn't even LOOK like it could pin anyone. It's just a modified fireman's carry or even a stationary backdrop. LOL it shows his lack of skills that he even uses something that lame.

At least the back cracker looks like it would hurt.

Nitro has no LONG term future as a main eventer. Vince will get hyped about Melina and turn her face and then Nitro will be assed out. Just think Essa Rios every time you look at Nitro.

The future of the WWE is probably Carlitos, Orton and Kenny. I suspect after the Marine flops Vince will start to get a clue about Cena. Edge will end up in TNA before it is all over
The power house Bobby Lashley....... second would be Randy Orton but he's too much of a smart ass for Vince to give him a good push
Lashley will get one maybe two title runs tops. He doesn't have the skill of Lesnar, the charisma of Hogan or the mic skills of Nash all big men who have made it.

If Lashley doesn't get off the roids, he will start tearing biceps and quads. He also looks wreckless a la Ahmed Johnson.

Someone said earlier Cena would be around for 10 years - that is laughable. You can't market Cena doing THIS gimmick for 10 years. Hell I dont think Cena will remain in the WWE for the next four years.

Actually, the WWE really needs to SERIOUSLY look at Chavo again
Bobby Lashley = Next Brock Lesner
Carlito = A Big name who will carry the company
Batista = Sukker
Ken Kennedy i guess is the most ertain guy who will carry the company
I'd say one of my faves...Randy Orton

However I'm concerned that he has been forced into a midcard status and that, though easy to shake, appears as if that will be the norm for some time
The Future's Bright... The Future's Orton!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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