Who Will Be The Future of The WWE?

Exactly! I was actually going to mention Punk but then I figured he should be considered the present since he is already a 3 time worlds champion.

The future of the WWE lies with 3 people: Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett and The Miz. Swagger is being groomed as the next Kurt Angle and rightfully so because the guy is great to watch in the ring. Wade has the best mic skills out of anyone that has gone through NXT and not to mention the look WWE likes. The Miz is already being called the future of WWE on a weekly basis so they are intent on making it happen.

Michael Cole and the Miz himself call the Miz the "future of the WWE". I don't think I've heard anyone else say it besides people on this board.
DH Smith - Definitely going to be a major star in 3-5 years time... the skill is there, the look is right... the pedigree is clear... he needs the mouthpiece, and that I think will be Regal's "retirement plan"... the two together = heel gold...

Barrett - With a face turn, could be awesome in a few years... he seems to be holding back on the mic at the moment, I could easily imagine him being a very funny guy if allowed to be... people are calling Miz the future, but if Barrett continues at the same rate of improvement he is making now, he will dominate for years to come...especially when WWE moves more into the UK...

Chris Jericho... The Past, Present and Future of WWE... the guy has easily 5 good years left... without HBK, Taker, Trips and Rey Y2J can expect 2-3 years of top facedom for the WWE... if he wants it... and I think he does...

Heath Slater - Of the Nexus, he is the most interesting guy and has the most long term potential... He could easily break out like Edge did, with a strong veteran partner initially... I see him as Edge's natural replacement, similar skills, style and look... working with the Rated R guy till they split, then feuding... Edge can make this guy....

Daniel Bryan - The fact he has the best WWE orchestrated push/(re)debut since Stone Cold... and a style that genuinely excites means Bryan is perhaps the poster child for the new era... Athletic, Passionate and legit.... Bryan looks and wrestles like he can batter MMA single handed...
But WHO? Who do you think will be the FUTURE of the WWE? Who will be the guys that headline Wrestlemania in the coming future (3+ years from now)?. Cena, Orton HHH, Undertaker, Jericho, Edge, and Rey Mysterio won't be here forever. So who do you "pin" to take their place as main eventers?
i think the miz will be the future, but u said orton will not be there forever and Orton is only 30 and the miz is 29 so Orton will be around for a while with the miz!!!
You know its funny cause Jericho often does this, and some other talent will do it too, but lets see if triple h comes back and puts over someone. you know that wont happen. The moment that asshole comes back prepare yourself to see all the young talent being buried, fuck even cena puts over talent every once in a while

I forgot that the last thing HHH bury Sheamus... Oh wait, no, he didn't bury Sheamus, he put him over.

And before Sheamus, DX put over Legacy, so pipe down with your HHH abuse moron.

To answer the OP... The Miz, Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, to name a few have potential, Miz more than all of them, he just needs to keep on the same tracks as he's on now as he's heading to superstardom.
I can't believe how much everyone loves the Miz. This guy does not shoot or write his own stuff. Hes okay, but in my opinion he got his push way too soon. As do most people today. The Miz would have been bigger if him and Morrison stayed a dominant tag team until maybe this summer. They would have reinvented the tag division, thier split would have actually made someone care, they would have had a meaningful fued, & the team that dethrowned them would be over. People have to remember that Orton, Cena, Shamus, Edge, Jericho, and HHH still have many good years in front of them. Due to his marriage I hope you all love HHH, because he is going to be there for a long long time. In my opinion they don't have anyone currently or upcoming that makes you say "I cant miss wrestling this week".
Michael Cole and the Miz himself call the Miz the "future of the WWE". I don't think I've heard anyone else say it besides people on this board.

What's your point? Is Michael Cole not a part of WWE? Is he not the voice of WWE's flagship show Monday Night Raw? Does he not have Vincent Kennedy McMahon yelling in his earhole telling him what to say?

I await your answers...

And if you need further proof, recently he got Jerry Lawler to agree with him on Miz being the future of WWE. If that isn't proof of management trying to push their beliefs on us then I don't know what is.
What's your point? Is Michael Cole not a part of WWE? Is he not the voice of WWE's flagship show Monday Night Raw? Does he not have Vincent Kennedy McMahon yelling in his earhole telling him what to say?

I await your answers...

And if you need further proof, recently he got Jerry Lawler to agree with him on Miz being the future of WWE. If that isn't proof of management trying to push their beliefs on us then I don't know what is.

The WWE has invested too much time and money to the 33 and 31 year old John Cena and Randy Orton. You think because this guy works hard, can use the mic (as a heel, yet to see as a face), and the ANNOUNCERS are all over him that he is going to replace what they are? Seriously?

You realize Michael Cole is in a heel-transition, right? You've never seen announcers be split with one rooting for the heel and other for the face? Do you even watch the show? Just because hes slobbering all over Miz and calling him the next face of the WWE doesn't mean its going to happen.

Is it a nice guess to think maybe he will be? Probably not even. I think people here are slurping that Miz kool-aid a little too much. Again, Cena and Orton (barring injuries) will be around for at LEAST the next 6-8 years. By that time, when they move on and pass the torch, Miz will be in his mid to late 30's. Not happening. Sorry.

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