who"s the true future of the wwe?

spirit squad members
these guys are the future for the WWE
Nitro and the Miz wont be around very long
dboy, youre a dumbfuck.

Shannon Moore, Matt Hardy nor Jeff Hardy will ever see WWE World title. Cena is obviously the present and the future. WWE will build on him for atleast several more years if not more. Randy Orton could be Cena's nemesis in the future if he stops acting like a ******** and gets his act together. Besides the two of them there is Lashley of course who will be World champion within the next year or so and there is Carlito who MIGHT win the WWE title someday if he's able to get the fans behind him a bit more and improve as an inring performer all the way around. And I dont mean that in a bad way because he is pretty good now but he needs just a bit more experience in working longer matches.

Besides the 4 of them I really can't see anyone else stepping all the way up to be WWE champion and actually be the man in WWE. Rene Dupree is a long shot as he is only 22 now. That is unless Shelton magically learns how to cut good promos, but I see him going to TNA before that happens.
With some work (a LOT of work) on his in-ring and on-mic abilities, Orton could help carry the company eventually. Thanks to his heritage, I can only imagine he'll be given the help he needs.

Carlito, Edge, Nitro, and Cena (yes, Cena) have the charisma and pure talent to headline; I think edge is getting a bit long in the tooth to be considered the future though...

I just don't see Chris Masters ever being anything but midcard. strong, yes. Talented? not so much.

Ken Kennedy has all the tools necessary to carry the company; I don't think he'll ever be used properly though. Were he used properly, he'd already be in a back-and-forth for the US Championship right now, rather than facing a feud with the Undertaker...

I really like Shelton; he's got talent in spades. Unfortunately, he's not got the charisma. I think IC Title is as high as he'll go...
dboy1373 said:
the core and if you don't know who they are they are matt hardy jeff hardy greg helms shanoon moore
they become what the cliq was

they will never become what the Clique was because the biggest part of the clique was their backstage power which neither hardy has and neither on of helms or moore has.
Chris Masters won't be the future of anything unless they decide to give him a halfway interesting gimmick.."The Masterlock..." It's a freakin full nelson, it's not that great.
Id say Randy Orton, Carlito, CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Lashley, Ken Doane and Ken Kennedy.
woodywood7 said:
chirs masters
cm punk!!:) he jus rocks

I like yours, especially CM Punk. Not a sole in WWE can out wrestle him. I wish they'd let him do his Pedigree from the Top Rope. Thats a real cool move.

As much as I dislike Edge and God knows I don't think he is too good in the ring, but WWE likes him and he will be one of the future main eventers, unless he does someting stupid again or gets hurt.
razor7 said:
This is funny considering Cena's finisher doesn't even LOOK like it could pin anyone. It's just a modified fireman's carry or even a stationary backdrop. LOL it shows his lack of skills that he even uses something that lame.

At least the back cracker looks like it would hurt.

Nitro has no LONG term future as a main eventer. Vince will get hyped about Melina and turn her face and then Nitro will be assed out. Just think Essa Rios every time you look at Nitro.

The future of the WWE is probably Carlitos, Orton and Kenny. I suspect after the Marine flops Vince will start to get a clue about Cena. Edge will end up in TNA before it is all over

Not necessarily defending Cena...but...

The People's Elbow wasn't really all that great a move either, but look at how far it got The Rock.
you guys got it all wrong. If WWE is smart they will invest big time in Shelton Benjamin, because he is the best wrestler on raw, and is the true future of the WWE, along with Randy Orton, and Ken Kennedy could be good but he is a question mark for now.
dashthestanpeat said:
Not necessarily defending Cena...but...

The People's Elbow wasn't really all that great a move either, but look at how far it got The Rock.

The People's Elbow did not take the Rock places. It was VICE VERSA, Rock took that move to high places. When he first started doing it, no one popped for it until D-Lo named it while sitting at the broadcast booth.

Also the people's elbow was somewhat original. The FU is not neither is the Five Knuckle Shuffle, the FKS is just a copy of the people's elbow somewhat.

Also people cared about the man dropping the people's elbow. Viscera doing the same move would mean nothing. Same with mideon.
Rocky was great in setting things up, very few people could set up anything the way Rock does.
I'm thinking Ken Kennedy's natural charisma will be WWE's future along with Carlito, Orton, and Cena.
I think, now that JBL is now longer wrestling that Undertaker, Booker T, Triple H, HBK, and The Hardys should be looked at as the vetrens to lead the WWE into a new tougher and more contraversal WWE.
Oh yeh, Matt, Jeff, Shannon, and Helms would be a great stable for WWE's future.
But I would like to see Matt and Jeff both be in Heavywieght Title contention soon.
I think they would both kick John Cena right out of dodge!

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