Cena Appreciation

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Dark Match Jobber
ok, my first post dont crucify me if you dont like it. its the internet and nothing you say will hurt my feelings lol. Now, since 2005 a little guy from Massachusetts named John Cena has been the face of the WWE. alot of people like him. and alot of people hate him. i for one like him. ive been a fan of his since the survivor series where he was a face and thats been my guy ever since. Now every thread i read on here one way or another if cena's name is mentioned it comes with mostly negative comments about him ( he cant wrestle [i bet 90% of the ppl that say he cant wrestle would get their asses kicked by him in a ring] , he only has 5 moves, he's the reason for the PG era, his only fans are little kids, blah blah blah). one comment that irks me all the time that only kids like him :banghead: . NEWSFLASH, if people crawled out their hole they would know that some people that gre up liking the rock, triple, SCSA, etc like cena today. in 2001 Stone cold was my favorite. in fact favorite all time. but my point is who is anyone to say who we can or cannot like without being "not cool" im a cena fan and proud of it. so for the very frist time (at least in my eyes lol) i bring to you the Cena Appreciation Thread. i dont care if u hate him or not. if you do, comment. if you dont, comment but please state an educated opionion of why you dont like him. with that being said..comment away.

LETS GO CENA!!! :lmao:
I agree with you I'm a fan of Cena, I just think that since it became cool to hate him so many people jumped on the band wagon like a lot of people did with Cm Punk. Cena has been a solid performer for years its ashamed that so many people turned on him for no reason.
i am in all my being a cena hater

now when i say that i hate the character, SO MUCH!!!!! But not the man, i respect his undying love for the biz, his passion, hardwork, and love for his fans. That being said that the only reason he is on the level on Stone Cold the Rock and others is because he is the only one that can break the mainstream media wrestling barrier. He is not the best in ring performer or the best talent at all for that matter. His wrestling skills are good at best and even you know he relies almost all on his power, what got him noticed. His character is so old and boring is ridiculous, c'mon he has beent he same superman cena for 5 YEARS!!!! with that held the title for almost a year and has put many up and coming superstars on that backburner becuase Vince always wants Cena to be number one! If Cena breaks Ric Flair record to me it will have an asterisk by his name. He needs a fresh start so bad and maybe just maybe Vince will let the Rock go over Cena so we can have a fresh heel Cena and not the same 5 move, superhuman stamina and all that other bullshit. Its great he loves his fans so much but to me he is the one who ruined my true love wrestling.
Here's my thing. I APPRECIATE John Cena. I love the fact that he supports so many charities. I love that his merchandise sells and helps WWE succeed as a business. I respect for everything he's done, and I definitely think he's one of the most hardworking guys in the 'E. No doubt. But we, as the majority, are TIRED of him constantly being shoved down our throats. For 6 years, the same music, almost the same ring gear, same literally 5 to maybe 8 moves, and boring cookie cutter promos. The best his promos has been since his rapper gimmick was when The Rock returned this year. Everytime we get a good new WWE champion, Cena somehow always becomes the number one contender! It never fails! I'm not gonna lie, the can put on a good match (see vs Punk, or vs Miz in I quit), but it's unbearable at times. I really wish they pushed Punk harder to get him at sojme level with Cena. He's beaten the guy in merchandise sales. If that isn't a big hint that the guy's a big star, idk what is. So, I voted yes and no. I respect him, but I'm tire of him.
Like the previous posts I've hated the john cena never give up persona since he started it even though I Absolutely 100% respect him for his hard work and all he has done for the biz. But he has been the same character for how many years Im not really bitching about this but I would like to see cena evolve and I'm not one of the fans who keep saying OMFG TURN HIM HEEL I just think he needs to change but something not too drastic
I used to actually hate John Cena. He made a comeback to my good graces around the time he started fueding with Randy Orton the first time. Honestly I understand where people come from though John Cena main events most Pay Per Views and he's the longest reigning WWE Champion in quite he had like a year long title reign back in 07. I understand it because I use to hate Batista for the same reason cause he was in the spot my faves weren't. I wanted Chris Benoit (Yeah that didn't work out so well), MVP (Niether did that), Matt Hardy (You get the point here). They don't draw Batista does so that's why he was World Champion.

CM Punk draws at the moment he's main evented the last four pay per views. See a pattern here when your over you're put over to the top. Cena though had to be at the top for years because other then Batista or Orton nobody could even think of saying they were more popular then Cena. Punk will eventually get the same thing the three above got and then next and the next.

So anyways Cena I'm a Cena fan he's definitely one of my top five favorite wrestlers today. Many people can say you can have a good match with a mop I would actually believe Cena could do it considering Cena relies mostly upon himself in matches. He sells the pain, he does moves he probably shouldn't do (Look at somebody like Cena and ask him to do a leg drop off a top rope probably wouldn't do it). I hate anybody who says the STF isn't realistic if he legitimately incapacited Edge with it I'm going to guess it works very,very well.

Anyways Let's Go Cena
Im not the biggest fan of Cena but without a doubt the guy is the biggest name in wrestling today. He is a good wrestler, hes good on the mike and he has the size of someone who can beat "monsters" and lose to smaller guys like Punk and it still seem possible.

Currently he has this superman gimmick where he loses its like hell froze over. I think Cena's character could use some work because he has become stale and i think its hard to build other stars when you have this guy come out on top of most feuds and most times making his opponent look weak. He rarely loses clean in recent memory Punk was the last to beat him clean...look at him now, hes on his way to being if hes not already WWE's top seller.

Anyways, I appreciate what Cena does and wouldnt want to see WWE without the guy. I like others would like to see it changed up a bit. Cena is pretty much the only guy on top. theres guys who are close like Punk, Orton, Henry, Sheamus, Miz but honestly i feel like hes above those guys. They gotta make him human not "immortal". And at this point in Cena's career he could lose every single ppv main event for a year and still be a top dog. Losing will not hurt this guy at all in this point. He needs to be used to put over some younger guys. he has a similar role that HHH had in 03-06(dont remember the exact dates, when HHH was WHC during the evolution and HHH runs train over everyone. we all know the time). HHH was in teh main event almost every ppv throughout the years. Cena is in that position now and thats what im comparing. the difference is, HHH mad guys look good. He gave a massive opportunity to Shelton Benjamin. Benoit looked great over the guy and actually came out on top of the feud. He made guys look strong in their matches with him. I felt like RVD, Kane, Goldberg, HBK, Booker and others actually had a chance at beating him. When it comes to Cena's opponents. I dont feel that way.

Some say Miz got over in his feud with Cena. I think he was at one point but once the feud ended Miz hasnt done much adn now hes feuding with HHH/Punk to get over. Hopefully that happens cus Miz needs a big win.

Del Rio hasnt pinned Cena and lost to him clean at NOC. he didnt beat Cena at HIAC he "cheated" him. And my guess is he doesnt beat Cena without some interference at Vengeance.

I am not a Cena hater, as i dont think it is completely his fault that he is doing what hes doing. He could stand up and say no i wanna put this guy over. Idk whats going on backstage. But as a fan, i would like to Cena put a few guys over.

I know ive gone on a rant here. And this is the usual stuff you hear about Cena. This is my first post about the guy so i had a lot and even more that id like to get out but wont. Regardless Cena is the top guy in WWE and im glad hes here just want him in a different position.
i am in all my being a cena hater

now when i say that i hate the character, SO MUCH!!!!! But not the man, i respect his undying love for the biz, his passion, hardwork, and love for his fans. That being said that the only reason he is on the level on Stone Cold the Rock and others is because he is the only one that can break the mainstream media wrestling barrier. He is not the best in ring performer or the best talent at all for that matter. His wrestling skills are good at best and even you know he relies almost all on his power, what got him noticed. His character is so old and boring is ridiculous, c'mon he has beent he same superman cena for 5 YEARS!!!! with that held the title for almost a year and has put many up and coming superstars on that backburner becuase Vince always wants Cena to be number one! If Cena breaks Ric Flair record to me it will have an asterisk by his name. He needs a fresh start so bad and maybe just maybe Vince will let the Rock go over Cena so we can have a fresh heel Cena and not the same 5 move, superhuman stamina and all that other bullshit. Its great he loves his fans so much but to me he is the one who ruined my true love wrestling.


Firstly, I am neither here nor there with Cena. He isn't a fave, but I don't hate him either. In fact, the unfair treatment he seems to get from fans, makes me want to see him win more, because it puts know-it-alls back in their place.

A point about how you say that Cena is only on top because he has broken the mainstream media. I think it is deeper than that.

Do you know what is the most important thing to a superstar being on top? Is it that Vince likes him? Maybe. Is it that they put on five-star matches week after week, can talk great on the mike, or be funny in the ring.

No, the most important thing is crowd reaction. Wanna know why Cena main-events. I suspect that, whether people cheer or boo him, they are reacting to him. Name me one match where the crowd weren't chanting in a John Cena match. Most of the time it is "LET'S GO, CENA!" "CENA SUCKS!". The fans aren't going to the concession stands, bathrooms or getting food, they are there to cheer or boo Cena. The only other people at the moment who can generate that regularly are Vickie Guerrero ("EXCUSE ME!) and Michael Cole, during his feud with Lawler. Punk has only recently got that reaction (since his "Voice of the Voiceless" speeches), and Undertaker gets it (but he only shows up once in a while).

When Orton, Sheamus, Miz and some of the others get the red-hot crowd reaction that Cena does, then they may main-event as well. But Cena being booed isn't as bad as if there was dead silence during his matches.

So, if you have ever booed John Cena at an arena, you have unwittingly played a part in his ascention.
Im not the biggest fan of Cena but without a doubt the guy is the biggest name in wrestling today. He is a good wrestler, hes good on the mike and he has the size of someone who can beat "monsters" and lose to smaller guys like Punk and it still seem possible.

Currently he has this superman gimmick where he loses its like hell froze over. I think Cena's character could use some work because he has become stale and i think its hard to build other stars when you have this guy come out on top of most feuds and most times making his opponent look weak. He rarely loses clean in recent memory Punk was the last to beat him clean...look at him now, hes on his way to being if hes not already WWE's top seller.

Anyways, I appreciate what Cena does and wouldnt want to see WWE without the guy. I like others would like to see it changed up a bit. Cena is pretty much the only guy on top. theres guys who are close like Punk, Orton, Henry, Sheamus, Miz but honestly i feel like hes above those guys. They gotta make him human not "immortal". And at this point in Cena's career he could lose every single ppv main event for a year and still be a top dog. Losing will not hurt this guy at all in this point. He needs to be used to put over some younger guys. he has a similar role that HHH had in 03-06(dont remember the exact dates, when HHH was WHC during the evolution and HHH runs train over everyone. we all know the time). HHH was in teh main event almost every ppv throughout the years. Cena is in that position now and thats what im comparing. the difference is, HHH mad guys look good. He gave a massive opportunity to Shelton Benjamin. Benoit looked great over the guy and actually came out on top of the feud. He made guys look strong in their matches with him. I felt like RVD, Kane, Goldberg, HBK, Booker and others actually had a chance at beating him. When it comes to Cena's opponents. I dont feel that way.

Some say Miz got over in his feud with Cena. I think he was at one point but once the feud ended Miz hasnt done much adn now hes feuding with HHH/Punk to get over. Hopefully that happens cus Miz needs a big win.

Del Rio hasnt pinned Cena and lost to him clean at NOC. he didnt beat Cena at HIAC he "cheated" him. And my guess is he doesnt beat Cena without some interference at Vengeance.

I am not a Cena hater, as i dont think it is completely his fault that he is doing what hes doing. He could stand up and say no i wanna put this guy over. Idk whats going on backstage. But as a fan, i would like to Cena put a few guys over.

I know ive gone on a rant here. And this is the usual stuff you hear about Cena. This is my first post about the guy so i had a lot and even more that id like to get out but wont. Regardless Cena is the top guy in WWE and im glad hes here just want him in a different position.


1) Agree with first paragraph!

2) About Cena dominating.

(i) It didn't seem to hurt Hulk Hogan's popularity when he held the title for three years straight, and beat Studd, Bundy, Kamala, Randy Savage, Andre The Giant etc.

(ii) You mention Triple H. But Triple H buried a lot of the talent as well, and it would take too long to recount how he made every person you said that he had good matches with look worse while he looked better. My memory was that everyone got sick of Triple H holding the World Title in 2002-2003 as well. And he didn't exactly carry Scott Steiner or Kevin Nash to memorable matches in 2003.

(iii) I would say that Orton is shown as dominant as Cena. He buried both Rhodes and DiBiase in their break-up feud around WM26, he didn't put over C.M. Punk ONCE during their feud, and he didn't get pinned by Christian during their feud. I know he got pinned by Mark Henry, but someone who has done nothing for 15 years isn't the guy you decide to put over.

Cena put over Punk TWICE on PPV (MITB, Summerslam), and was made to look like he was outsmarted by Del Rio at HIAC, when he was tricked and locked out of the cell. Del Rio's clever tactic cost Cena the match. If Cena was really a Superman, he would have ripped the Cell door off, and beaten Del Rio. But he was shown as looking on as Del Rio won back the title, and Cena was powerless to stop it. At least Cena has put over Punk this year (I think he even did the job to him a couple of times on "Raw"), but I can't remember the last time Punk was allowed to pin Randy Orton. So, who's being made a "Superman" then?
I happen to agree with a LOT of what is being conveyed in this post. I am a Cena fan, not a FANatic, but a fan none the less. Yes his gimmick is stale. I think some of that is due to unfortunate design. I do believe he has more then 8 moves, but those 8 moves have served him well, and some fans get turned off if they see an off the wall submission instead of the 5 knuckle shuffle. I hope you see what I am trying to pontificate with that. Most of his followers expect to see John Cena moves, and would be disappointed to see anything other then that.
Why I like Cena? His passion. Watch the guy work, He always has a smile on his face, and I will bet yah a pretty new nickle that none of us in here loves our jobs as much as that man does. The work he does for Make a Wish is almost Saint like and from what I have witnessed about him personally is he is a very genuine guy. He does not have to put on that "Face" to be polite and friendly to the fans.
His work is very solid and tight, if you watch closely, he calls the majority of his matches, so the other hands trust his judgment and that to me says a ton in itself. So in conclusion, Love him? Nope, Like him? Yup and that in turn makes me a fan.
Heh, this is pretty funny, I'm actually going to go against the crowd again. I AM a Cena supporter, and I appreciate all he's done, and I constantly find myself sticking up for the guy.

However, aside from a good mic segment here and there I find him dreadfully boring. He's a staple, I get and respect that and I don't think it should change just yet. But there's nothing about him that makes me think he's something that could ever appeal to me.

What's funny is that seeing him away from wrestling is actually what simultaneously made me realize that I will respect him forever, but also I could never like him. Same way that I see The Rock away from wrestling, and know in a different world and he was just some joe shmoe that I worked with in some crap job, he and I could be good friends.

I spend so much time sticking up for Cena, it's hard for me to remember that I'm actually neutral on him. I have just as much to complain about him as I do to respect him for. IMO Cena is solid mid-card and had WWE done a better job bringing in new talent Cena would and should have never moved out of the mid-card except for his tribute run, where, like Mark Henry is getting now, WWE pays tribute to a solid worker who has paid his dues but never really had what it takes to be a Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin or The Rock.

Yet at the same time, I have to admit that The Rock vs John Cena is really the headlining event for me. I can pretty much promise that there's nothing that's going to be more interesting to me than that feud because he's going to put in more than The Rock will with the net effect that they balance each other out like The Rock has never had before.
Cena is a hard worker, great on mic, and usually has pretty good matches.

He's not my favorite guy on the roster, but I'm definitely a fan.
i hate cena.. i don't need to go into any details i just don't like him and id rather him not in the wwe, but oh well

I'd rather you not go into it either.

I'm a fan of Cena's. I appreciate his work ethic both in and out of the ring, aswell as his strong character as a human being. He's a legit good guy and that's not always the case for people of his stature. His matches are high quality, he deals with hostile crowds like no one else before him, and the way he handles the venom from posters like the one above makes me like him even more. I end up defending him way more than I'd like to around here, but it's less stressful to argue wrestling than politics. Well, most of the time.

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