Can we have a fresh face in the WWE Championship?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay, its been said over and over and over again WE ARE TIRED OF CENA ORTON AND HHH!!!! I totally agree, although I like Orton and HHH, I feel its time to breath no life into the WWE title. Someone who deserves it, and someone who has never had it before. Here is my list of contenders, as is on the RAW roster.

Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz

Any of these guys would give Cena a good match. Even if its just a job match. But out of all the guys in that list, I would pick Carlito to actually beat Cena.
As far as holding the WWE or WHC, none of those guys you listed are remotely ready.

The Miz, isn't good enough yet to hold the U.S. title for lengthy period of time, much less the WWE title. He needs another good year as an upper mid carder. Same goes for Kofi Kingston, who's only slightly better off than the Miz, and Jack Swagger who's just slightly worse off than the Miz. These three, albeit probably the future of the WWE, and some of the most talented guys we've seen in a long time, still need just that, time.

And I'm not really sure why you even bothered to throw Mark Henry into the mix. This guy will NEVER hold a major WWE championship. Unless, the Attitude era does come back around and someone like, say Triple H, doesn't want to lose it to say, John Morrison, and they need a transition champion. Which I doubt would happen either because Triple H would be much better off to lose a title like that to someone who I'm pretty sure he's never faced, rather than someone he's squashed many times.

As for Carlito, as talented as he is, and as over as he once was, he just doesn't work hard enough to get a decent shot at the champion, much less the title. But who knows, only time will tell.
i see swagger being champion before any of the others stated cause the way he looks, he looks and acts like owen hart (not to mention his attire) and he acts like Kurt Angle when he first came to WWE. They need to give more support cause he definitely is good.
Sure, we can get a fresh face in the WWE Championship scene. But I wouldn't like to see any of those people listed competing for the WWE Championship, let alone winning it.

Carlito did defeat John Cena in his first WWE match to win the United States Championship. That did not help his credibility much, same with many others who won titles on their debut. Carlito is barely a staple on Raw. Your lucky to see him once a month. He is such a talented wrestler, but as long as he's on Raw, he'll go nowhere.

Jack Swagger would have been the best choice, but unfortunately, he's been less than impressive in his 3-month stint on Raw. On ECW, Jack Swagger was the shit! He was constantly in the title scene for 6 of the 10 months he was on ECW. On Raw, he's barely getting recognized. I'm glad to see that he's being added to the United States Championship, but first we will have to see how it plays out. If he gains momentum, we will see if he can go to the top.

Kofi Kingston is my favorite of the list. He is, in my opinion the greatest United States Champion since it's resurrection in 2003. He is such an amazing performer, but for some reason... some people couldn't care less about him. I love the guy! But even as such a strong champion with such a strong reign as champ, he's still very underrated. When he does lose the U.S. Title, I'm afraid that WWE will let him get lost in the shuffle again. He has the talent, but he's not yet ready to go after the WWE Championship, no matter how good he is.

Mark Henry is a main-eventer on Raw that does not need to go after the WWE Championship. As long as you see him on Raw, he'll be just fine. He hasn't been the best of champions in the past, which is probably why he hasn't held many titles. But if he's being showcased regularly, then he doesn't need a title.

M.V.P. is the most likely of the list. I say that for the simple fact that M.V.P. is the stronger link of the team with Mark Henry. Henry may be the "World's Strongest Man", but I think M.V.P. is the stronger link between the two. If you think back, at Breaking Point, I believe Henry was the one who got pinned in their tag team title match, and last night on Raw, Orton pinned Henry to win the match for his team. I think this tag team is helping M.V.P. get elevated to the main event. He even changed his ring attire to show off the guns. Haha.

The Miz is just boring to me now. I used to really like the man. I thought he had a lot of charisma, and I used to think he had potential. Now, I think his ring and still good mic skills are declining. I hate his finisher. I no longer think he should be made into a serious threat to the U.S. Championship. His ring skills are the only thing going for him.

So, I'm not saying that they can't be added to the WWE Championship scene. It's just that I don't see it happening. If I had to choose, I'd say M.V.P. is the most likely.
dude are u serious ? MARK HENRY ? main eveting ? holding the TITLE ? i mean come on O_O"
MVP isnt ready yet . so is kofi
Carlito ? do u realy think he deserves it ? like byrnside said ..he just doesnt work hard .
The miz ? oh come on man he barely holds the usa championship and even if he is ..he is not the Official champion lol . >.>"
jack swagger ? anewgen ? that the only title he holded is a ECW title ? and u already want him in the main event ? come on man stop hating on Cena . he works his ass off for the business .

sorry for my bad english :D

(Cena rock BTW)
It is my opinion that Jack Swagger, as well as Evan Bourne, wasn't ready for the move to Raw. This was a Knee-jerk reaction because Raw was doing poorly, and they felt that these fresh faces could somehow help the program. Unfortunately, all they've done is book those two into black holes since they've been on Raw. Jack could have used a full year on ECW, much like they are doing with Christian, or what they did with Punk. I would even argue that Kofi was pulled too early, but he has been pushed to the moon (thank god). Hopefully with this new class on ECW (Sheamus, Yoshi, Zack Ryder) they will be less trigger happy and let these guys flourish a little longer on the C Show.

On topic: I think MVP is ready. The crowd is hot for this guy, and all he's doing is jobbing in Tag team matches. I really think the crowd would respond to him vs. Orton. Raw is in trouble, because it has ONE, count him, ONE main event heel in Orton. And as far as Faces, they have Cena, HHH, HbK, Henry (yes, i think they could use him in Main events), and (by my opinion) MVP. Once JeriShow drop the tag team titles, that increases the Number to TWO, but still, shit is going to get stale. They need to be Pushing Swagger and Miz harder, to make them credible main eventers, especially Swagger.

I know i kind of already said it, but man, he had a huge freakin push on ECW, a huge bit of momentum, and WWE dropped the ball with him. :banghead:
The thing that bothers me is that they dont even seem to be building up ANYONE to slide into the main event scene. None of the guys who have the potential to be are far from being main event ready. Theres simply nobody close to the glass ceiling on RAW...except for maybe MVP. He's the only one that is near the top of the Upper Mid Card that could be legitametly (sp?) viewed as a main eventer. And his feud with Jericho/Show is helping w/ that.

I love what the WWE is doing w/ the U.S. Championship and building its credibility, but they definately need to move SOMEONE up the ranks a there is nobody at all outside of MVP who could push into that scene.
Theyre far off from deserving a major belt. If carlito had been built right and had he put in the effort, hed have been WWE champ atleast once. If u put Swagger vs Cena at the next ppv, how many buys do you think itll get compared to Cena vs Orton? Not as many. Why? Swagger isn't ready and won't be for awhile. Neither are any of the other guys you mentioned. Look at it this way, if Swagger/Miz, or anyone else you mentioned, gets a belt match soon, they might go the way of Lesnar or The Rock.
The guys need time to be built atleast for another year before they get their first opportunity. That way their pushes will feel and be more exciting and more well deserved. You cant just have different guys thrown in just to mix it up, it's just too early for anyone else. The way i see it, Smackdown! is doing the right thing by having Morrison bred to be world champ but hes deffinately closer than anyone else. Bottom Line, things are running the right way as far as the world belts are concerned.
Find somebody who isn't boring and maybe they would work. How are any of those guys either fresh or worthy of holding gold? We see all of these guys on tv struggling at the mid card level (kayfabe), why should we believe that all of a sudden the Miz can compete with Randy Orton? We shouldn't. Do people really want to see MVP with the WWE belt? Really? Really? Everything sounds good until you actually think about it, right?

Jack Swagger is a legitimate possibility if he's built up, maybe progress his look, more signature moves, etc, then you might be right in one case.

Ted DiBiase is probably the most likely to win the belt on the crowded Raw scene, and that won't be for a while.
Based on what I saw last night in the 6 man tag match, it looked like MVP saw a lot of time in the ring during the match. I won't read too far between the lines cause Mark Henry can't move and keep up that long and plus him and MVP are in still in the hunt for the tag titles. He'd be my only guess as far as a fresh face for the title, unless they plan on breaking up legacy and seeing Ted or maybe Cody in the picture.
Haha carlito please i think if you had to give it to one guy on that list right now it would have to be Mark Henry but only for a transition. For some reason wwe has been sittin on there tails and letting mvp and swagger go to waste when they could be building them up to the main event scene as much as i would like to see swagger up there (mvp ahh not sure about it yet) he needs a us title run a real one with story lines and everything and mabey a feud with a non champ cena which i think could work or a shawn michaels man they could put on a show..

think about this i would totally mark for jericho to win it while he is tag champ and competing on both shows
At this point I don't even care who it is, but please please put someone into the WWE Championship mix. Miz, Jack Swagger, Carlito, someone please. Swagger would be great once he gets built up properly and DiBiase would be a nice choice, but not yet.
Okay, its been said over and over and over again WE ARE TIRED OF CENA ORTON AND HHH!!!! I totally agree, although I like Orton and HHH, I feel its time to breath no life into the WWE title. Someone who deserves it, and someone who has never had it before. Here is my list of contenders, as is on the RAW roster.

Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz

Any of these guys would give Cena a good match. Even if its just a job match. But out of all the guys in that list, I would pick Carlito to actually beat Cena.

Are you telling me that you aren't satisfied with the 3-Way title rotation between:

John Cena
Randy Orton
Triple H

That's 3 Main Eventers who get to exclusively hold the title and we, the fans, should be more than happy if the belt stays around the waists of these 3 exclusively for another 5 years or so. Why? Because that is what Vince McMahon tells us that we should be happy with.

In all seriousness, I am so aggravated by the stale main event scene in WWE, this is one of the contributing factors why I am turning Raw off for a while. Watching the same show every week with Orton and Legacy in the Main Event on the Heel side, with Cena or Triple H in the Main Event for the Face side, is simply unbearable. I don't know if there has honestly been a Main Event on Raw this entire year that has not featured at least 1 out of the following:

John Cena
Triple H
Randy Orton

To WWE's credit, someone finally woke up Vince and told him that he has to get back to basics with grooming talent and focusing on the Midcard like he used to do. But the price for Vince's laziness is that we have to be patient, because if someone gets rushed too quickly to the Main Event, then they won't be perceived as credible, and run the risk of fans turning on that star (see John Cena) ... risking long-term damage to their careers.
I actually see MVP getting the nod in the coming months, just to give a new guy the chance to shine, he is the only one that is close to ready right now. I dont know who else there is, Triple H and Shawn Michaels will be free...*shudder* Lets just pray to god they opt for MVP over either of these people whom we have seen a million and one times before.
being realistic i can't see any of those guys getting a title run any time soon, and can't honestly see miz, carlito or mark henry ever getting a title run. it's kinda tough to see where the next person to step into the wwe title picture is going to come from.

being honest they need a new heel on raw, since orton is essentially the only big heel on the show. it may have been an idea to bring batista back but turn him heel which means the company would be able to give orton a break from the title picture for a change as they need a good heel in the title picture

the only thing i can think of is for a smackdown or ecw star to win the royal rumble and move to raw to fight for the title, but somehow doubt that would happen (my prediction for the rumble this year is cm punk, as i expect him to lose the title before then) or else they could just move a smackdown or ecw star to raw (like they did when they moved batista to smackdown)

if that does not happen, then we're either stuck with the same 3 guys fighting for the title, or they'll shove someone that's not ready into the title picture and it'll be a waste of time as nobody will care.... fairly simple really
CenaSux4life78 said:
Okay, its been said over and over and over again WE ARE TIRED OF CENA ORTON AND HHH!!!! I totally agree, although I like Orton and HHH, I feel its time to breath no life into the WWE title. Someone who deserves it, and someone who has never had it before. Here is my list of contenders, as is on the RAW roster.

Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz

Any of these guys would give Cena a good match. Even if its just a job match. But out of all the guys in that list, I would pick Carlito to actually beat Cena.

You're right; the main event on RAW is somewhat stale. The main event, for a hefty amount of months, has revolved exclusively around Cena, Triple H, and Randy Orton. They've transfered the belt around, and have had numerous rematches.

The only part I oppose is your list of superstars who should be in the main event. None of them is entirely ready to be in the ME. A majority of your list are just now truthfully acquiring the know-how, and gaining experience. If they're thrusted quickly into the main event, without building proper experience, that increases the chances of potential mistakes on the buisness, and the said superstar. They're met with mediocre reaction, not quite mainevent-esque yet.

The biggest problem with your post is this: Carlito shouldn't beat Cena. The mere thought is asinine. Carlito is a low-card jobber, while Cena is the top face, and arguably the top draw. I'm sure their matches with Cena would be decent to pretty good, however their not quite ready for the main event yet, although some action does need to be done with the awfully stale main event scene.
Trust me I am tired of Orton,HHH,and Cena. That being said I cannot agree with any of those selections. I mean WWE lacks the talent to crown a good champion with the brand splits. I dont know why the brands have not been sqaushed. A heavyweight champion is someone who has mic skills and ring entertainment value. Swagger,Kingston,and The MVP has ring skills but no one wants to hear these guys talk for any extended period of time. Carlito it seems like he use to be over and now its passed him by somewhat. Mark Henry is laughable this guy does nothing right. Henry vs Show on Raw was terrible. Henry awful in the ring and no mic skills. The only guy I could see going to the next level right now is John Morrision and thats if HHH drop the title to HBK. This is why the titles in WWE are loosing prestige the brand split. WWE has on each brand 2 or 3 to guys. Then the rest average or below average talent. Before the brand split you had top talent fighting over the IC title, but now WWE 8 top guys are spread out over 3 shows. WWE is getting pathetic
Hmm, well after reading some of these posts and mostly agreeing with what is being said, I am beginning to realize that RAW is turbo fucked unless they can get their mojo back and start making characters people can get behind. All the names brought up are all they got... thats it. 3 main eventers, 2 huge ass veterans who shouldnt be near the title hunt, 1 legend and a bunch of up and comers that cant crack the ceiling. And who is left that is fresh? Santino, yeah right... we all love him but the guy has a better chance of being released than getting a shot at the belt, Chavo and Evan bourne? see Santino. Legacy, way too green. Primo, nobody cares. Shawn Michaels? There we go!! But then again it would only be a short term thing and then it would be back to square one as soon as Orton won it back off of him. Something has to happen soon, we all hope so. Otherwise your main event at Survivor Series, Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania is sure looking to be a combination of Cena/Orton/HHH vs. Orton/HHH/Cena vs. HHH/Orton/Cena. Fun!!!
I hate Swagger cause he destroyed Matt Hardy so easily, and then Matt jumped ship. I thought Mark Henry was ready years ago on SD! when he was boasting the 'Silverback' routine. Kane deserves a run like Orton because everyone accepts him as the monster. And if tiny Rey can hold a belt as big as he is, then why not Morrison? His moves are so fast they should be a match for the stronger boys, but then R-Truth looks like his fast kicks hit even harder. I like almost every single star - that's why I watch. If Orton is so great for being evil, then why not honor Regal for his ruthless career? Just some ideas.
Somehow throwing HBK back into the title scene would still give it that "fresh face" feel. Shawn hasn't been on the title hunt in a long ass time, it's kind've over-due seeing as he's supposed to be finishing up soon. Another guy they should push to main event level is Matt Hardy. The guy is a work-a-holic. He's done nothing but give his blood,sweat and tears for the WWE, it's about time it paid off.
The MVP has ring skills but no one wants to hear these guys talk for any extended period of time.

Honestly? It suprises me to hear someone put MVP's ringskills over his work on the stick.

I think MVP works the mic very well. I havent seen many of his promos on Raw recently, but I dont really watch raw all that much, (I watch wrestling at weekend mostly, and with Raw being a week old by then I usually cant be bothered Raw just doesnt excite me anymore).

His promos on Smackdown however were great, and I felt it was always his ring work that let him down. If his in ring work is on the up, and with Jericho doing a good job of elevating him in this tag fued, maybe he is on the cards for a big, big push soon. I think if WWE can give him a good dominant fued over xyz wrestler (he could cut a decent match with the Miz, if Swagger wins the US title) in the next few months, maybe when all the big boys vacate the titles, (so they can enter the rumble) MVP might get a shot at the title.
cena vs swagger would be great if you remember the draft they had a great match and i could see it happeining again swagger would have to win
In my opinion after the Cena/Orton feud is over I can see Michaels getting in the title picture for one last run before his inevitable retirement after Wrestlemania 26. Which means that there is time to build up new stars after Mania.
I can see the next superstar being either Ted or Cody (probably the former), one of them will probably win Money in the Bank and then split Legacy leading to matches over the spring.
As far as the other contenders go I agree with whoever said that Swagger wasn't ready for the jump to RAW, however he was impressive in his opening feud with MVP but has been shoved on Superstars since Summerslam, possibly in a year he will be a title contender but he's more likely to have some time with the U.S. Title first.
Although MVP is good on the mic I don't know if I can ever see him being champion and wouldn't be suprised if either he or Carlito is transferred to ECW in next year's draft.
Mark Henry was pushed hard with wins over Orton and Jericho on his return to RAW but now he's back in the mid-card where he belongs.
I love Kofi but again I don't think he'll ever be more than IC/US Champ material as he his too small to be considered world champion.
I don't think we'll see anyone bar DX, Cena and Legacy in the title picture till next year.
I could see M.V.P. or Swagger, but perhaps within a years time. Miz could be too, if they give him a decent U.S. title reign, which would help him. But probably only as transition champ if it happens.

Should let Shawn hold it again, for a few months, he could work with them, make them look good and still continue his reign.

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