Can we have a fresh face in the WWE Championship?

Simply stated, the main event people (Cena, Orton, HHH, HBK, and Big show) are the only ones on the Raw roster who are ready to be the main guy on the flagship show.

As to those who have said that they are not building superstars... THEY ARE. It takes time. Simply put, the other stars just aren't over enough to carry the strap. HHH and HBK were with the WWE for almost 10 years before either carried the gold. Orton's first reign did not work and he lost it a month later. Cena was simply over with the crowd at an unbelievable rate.

They are slowly building Miz, Swagger, Rhodes, MVP, and Kofi as possible future title contenders but each of them needs work. The reason I did not include Dibiase is because it appears WWE is starting to believe Cody will be the breakout star of Legacy since he is the one with the most Mic time and most singles matches of the 2.
I understand the "slow build" in to the main event but what would it hurt for a midcarder to actually get a title shot. They would still have DX/ Legacy Jerishow's tag team and Smackdowns title match for the PPV buys. Personally after Hell in a Cell I would love for Cena to start a feud with Swagger over the title. Orton can move onto a feud with MVP and Henry could elevate Masters out of dark matches. If they didn't want to waste time on Raw put them on Superstars (god knows we can't take time away from the Guest host, Santino, Hornswoggle piss breaks)
Personally. Id love to see Big Show back in the title hunt. Why isnt the largest athlete in WWE NOT competing for a world championship. If little Hornswoggle can beat Chavo Guerrero, why cant Big Show beat John Cena and Randy Orton and HBK and Triple H. He is huge! I understand he is a bit slow, but c'mon, for someone who is seven feet and and 480 lbs he can move.
Yes seeing the same tired faces on the path to the WHC and the WWE Championship has gotten way old now and Seeing fresh faces on the path would be tons better. For one, I would put the wrestlers mentioned in the opening post in a tournament match for the WWE Championship #1 contenders match. They do each have the potential to be WWE Champion with Swagger and MVP the most probable to be at the top of the list. I would also bring in Shelton Benjamin, I know that he needs mic work like there is no tomorrow but his skill in the ring makes up for it a whole lot. The WWE is missing a whole lot with keeping the same wrestlers in the same programs time and time again, and wrestlers who want to be at the top are suffering the collateral damage from the numbskulls of the creative team, who can't come up with half a decent storyline to bring in newer wrestlers to the top, rather than the midcard like Ziggler and Morrison are on right now when Morrison really deserves to be at the top now because he has proven his talent in the ring and was a great replacement for Rey Mysterio for the InterContinental championship.
Legacy should also be split up and the stronger of the two which is DiBiase should be the one on the main event scene and Cody Rhodes should be a mid carder.
(I also think that ECW should be completely shut down as it being the lowest rated WWE brand and it is holding back wrestlers with more talent that should be on raw or smackdown. Anyways, it is a joke when compared to the Real ECW that was pure hardcore and was the best damn wrestling i have ever seen. FCW seems to be a higher platform than ECW is now.)
u missed out HBK when was the last time HBK had a shot? the ladder match with jericho ..and before that? cena wm24?
My ideal main event scene is:

John Cena (face) works hard puts on a good match with most anyone and gets big pop.
Triple H (face) with the right person (not orton) he could have an epic feud.
HBK (face) the showstoper HBK perfect fit to feud with Swagger i think.
Matt Hardy (face) Works his butt off in the ring and has talent.

Randy Orton (heel) i think he is a great heel
Jack Swagger (heel) tons of talent and a big push waiting to happen.
Kane (heel) the monster should be main eventing end of story.
Mark Henry (heel) strongest man in the world not alot of talent but good heel gimmick.

then have US title pic be guys like
MVP, the Miz, Kofi Kingston, Chavo, Carlito, Primo, ect

And yes i know kane is on smackdown but i like him on raw.
Who wants to see Cena vs Swagger 2?!? C'mon it was a damn good match and everyone got to see what Swagger can bring to the table.
Who wants to see Cena vs Swagger 2?!? C'mon it was a damn good match and everyone got to see what Swagger can bring to the table.

I agree. I liked the buildup between them backstage and it was also a good match. Swagger has some real talent but Cena always gets the win because the WWE loves him so much.
If Swagger is built up properly, he'd be great to challenge Cena one day. Who doesn't want to see Cena vs Swagger 2?
A fresh face is going to come, just be patient. I know we've all had to wait a long time but it's finally gonna happen.

The Randy Orton vs John Cena angle will probably end at Hell in a Cell. At the latest it'll end at the October PPV (Bragging Rights, I think...)
When the angle ends, Randy Orton will probably feud with Ted Dibiase Jr, Triple H will still be with DX or feuding with HBK and Batista will still be on Smackdown. So unless we're going to see John Cena vs John Cena (wouldn't put it past them, actually...) then there will be fresh blood in the main event.

I dunno who it's gonna be yet, MVP, Mark Henry, Kofi, whoever. WWE are in 'create new stars' mode. So we should be seeing a new face in the next month or two. Just tolerate Cena vs Orton for now!
I cant tell you your next new never before World Champion, but I can tell your your next WWE Champion after the HITC PPV......Randy Orton. Remember how the WWE loves to do things in sets of Three...Orton won at Summerslam, lost to Cena at Breaking Point, and will win it back at HITC and then hopefully move on to someone new, and by new I mean not named Triple H or Cena.
If Swagger is built up properly, he'd be great to challenge Cena one day. Who doesn't want to see Cena vs Swagger 2?

Right On! This along with a Orton/MVP program could rejuvenate The Raw Brand. But the Son In Law wont let that happen...:disappointed:
I would actually like to see Jericho as WWE Champion over Cena. At least Jericho can wrestle, and his mic work is terrific. Speaking of Cena I'm tired of the Cena styled belt they have on Raw and would like to go back to the Golden Eagle, (too bad it served as the hardcore belt) or the Attitude Era belt. A fresh face would be nice but by the time Vince gives us one we'll be ready for a fresh face over the guy who gets pushed.
The main event scene on Raw is in soo much need of new blood it's not even funny anymore. Put Miz in for a month or MVP someone just to mix it up and get them into the main event scene and see if they step up or not. That's how it should be done. Also, put Jack Swagger in. Yeah, he's newer, but the guy has the skills and might just hang in there if he gets tossed into the mix.
I cant tell you your next new never before World Champion, but I can tell your your next WWE Champion after the HITC PPV......Randy Orton. Remember how the WWE loves to do things in sets of Three...Orton won at Summerslam, lost to Cena at Breaking Point, and will win it back at HITC and then hopefully move on to someone new, and by new I mean not named Triple H or Cena.

I wouldn't count on that scenario happening. Cena will be retaining at Hell in the Cell, beyond a shadow of doubt.

However I see Triple H becoming the next WWE Champion, as the Rule of 3 does apply to the only 3 people who are apparently capable of holding that title: Randy Orton, John Cena, and Triple H. And it's Triple H's turn next. We can probably expect a Triple Threat Match between those 3 people at some point, so Cena doesn't have to be pinned in losing the title to Triple H.
Dibiase and Rhodes will eventually be world champions maybe in a year or so, one of them will have at least accomplished that much.

Along with Legacy - Morrison, Jack Swagger and Christian are the most likely to get World Championships in the near future. They're all ready to carry the torch. MVP is getting there too.

On a side note......I have never been so impressed than I am with Mark Henry. I used to think this guy was one of the worst all around guys and now I find a hard time saying anything bad about him.

Most Improved Wrestler of the Century, period.

I never thought I'd ever say that about him, but he really has become an asset to the company. His matches are watchable and exciting now. His mic skills have actually been top-notch and his timing has been perfect in both regards. His segment with Chris Jericho when Jericho needed a tag partner? Both guys were spot-on......classic.

Not to mention, I love his Hogan-esque arm raising to get the crowd going. That really has been taking off.

I have been one of his biggest critics over the years, and now I actually am gonna say he could make me a believer as probably will never happen. But I could take him seriously now at the very least as a contender.
Okay, its been said over and over and over again WE ARE TIRED OF CENA ORTON AND HHH!!!! I totally agree, although I like Orton and HHH, I feel its time to breath no life into the WWE title. Someone who deserves it, and someone who has never had it before. Here is my list of contenders, as is on the RAW roster.

You guys act as if the WWE isn't making new main-eventers as we speak. Geez.

Oh, and if I see one more "CENA AND ORTON OMGZ" post I'm going to punch someone in the balls. Direct violation of Man Law, but still.

Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz

CARLITO? What are you smoking? Carlito has NO credibility to be in the main-event scene. Hell, Swagger and Miz barely have any to begin with. Kingston would have no reason to be there, he's a face and has the US title. MVP is busy with Henry feuding over the Tag Titles.

Any of these guys would give Cena a good match. Even if its just a job match. But out of all the guys in that list, I would pick Carlito to actually beat Cena.

For the love of God and all that is holy why? Wow, that Carlito and his resounding pop of silence. There is no way he is over enough or draws in any, shape, or form, let alone draws enough for a title run.


As far as who would be a fresh face for the Championship...look at the people currently feuding over the US title. Swagger/Miz/Kofi. Kofi will most likely keep it, while feuding with Swagger over the outcome of the match during Hell in a Cell. Miz will go on to feud with Cena, using the "7 and 2" spiel. He'll job out in the end, but still. Miz title feud.

Then, Miz will go back to feuding for the US title while Swagger moves up to fuck Cena's day up. He'll win at Wrestlemania, because I'd love for him to. Probably won't, but it would be awesome.

There are two new faces, and they are completely legit. Now, good luck explaining why Carlito deserves to be anywhere near that title, let alone winning it from Cena of all people.
Okay, its been said over and over and over again WE ARE TIRED OF CENA ORTON AND HHH!!!! I totally agree, although I like Orton and HHH, I feel its time to breath no life into the WWE title. Someone who deserves it, and someone who has never had it before. Here is my list of contenders, as is on the RAW roster.


Why? He can only get over as a face and that was in that flippy spotty high flying tag team with Primo. I used to be a Carlito fan but since he stopped caring I stopped caring.

Jack Swagger

I loved this guy on ECW but since coming to Raw and being given the opportunity to sink or swim he has done nothing but sink. The WWE moves you to Raw when they wanna know if you can draw money on the A show. A chance to sink or swim if you will. Swagger came he saw he sank. He can't draw money and has interested noone on the brand since the move. Don't blame the WWE for moving him off of ECW too early he had nothing left to accomplish on ECW he dominated the whole roster and moved on from that. ECW is a farming system nothing more. He got to the point where he had to prove himself and couldn't do so. I'm not saying he can't turn it around but he is gonna have to prove himself again first and not on Raw. As far as being the next WWE champion ha. Only if you want people to stop watching Raw entirely.

Kofi Kingston

Boom Boom I'm happy go lucky and lie about my home country. Kofi is an energetic little spot monkey. His matches are entertaining but he is like a more exciting R-Truth. The fans will cheer him forever with or without a championship. He doesn't have the personality to be WWE champion but he can hold the IC or US titles I don't give a hoot. His matches will always be something to watch but a title reign with him and the top belt would not.

Mark Henry

Nah, he is a midcarder at best. He's immobile and he can't talk. Well he can but im not interested in what he has to say he's not a mute although sometimes I wish he was. Mark Henry would be as good of a WWE champion as Kozlov. Which isn't a good champion.

Is one of the most charismatic superstars in WWE. I could see it down the road but not quite yet. He is finally starting to connect with the audience on Raw so he has bought himself a little time. Could 2010 be the year of MVP?

My favorite person on this list. I love the transformation Mike Mizanin has made. From patched purple shorts to traditional tights. From his goofy web show tag team to his skull crushing new character. he's finally gotten a Reality Check it seems with a change of finisher. Miz ain't ready yet but as your next United States Champion, hopefully after HIAC. He should hopefully establish himself as a big time player in WWE for years to come.

Any of these guys would give Cena a good match. Even if its just a job match. But out of all the guys in that list, I would pick Carlito to actually beat Cena.

Of course any of them would have a good match with Cena seeing as how Cena is a good wrestler and good wrestlers have good matches. If it were a job match then how would it be a good match genius? A Job match would just be one of them getting jobbed out and not hitting any offensive maneuvers. None of the people you mentioned are Mikey Whipwreck so it would not be entertaining. If Carlito is the person in that list that you would pick to beat Cena for the title then your a lost cause my friend. Carlito is the least qualified person on your list to be WWE champion. Even the world's most boring man would be a better choice at least he is slightly over. If you wanna talk about future main eventers lets talk about Cody Rhodes. This kid is my favorite wrestler in WWE right now and he is only second to AJ Styles in my eyes of who keeps me watching Raw weekly. DX has made him a stud and they did so by keeping out of the main event. There goes your logic. Orton vs Cena was a break from HHH/Orton which everyone so richly begged for and now they all bitch about this. WWE fans suck because nothing makes them happy. I'm not gonna red rep you im sure you've got enough of that already for this thread.
As far as holding the WWE or WHC, none of those guys you listed are remotely ready.

i gotta disagree with you because mark henry is a former world heavyweight champion & carlito has more in ring skills then all those guys listed. If WWE was based on in-ring work still carlito could been new eddie, in his own right. i think he could work the lie, cheat, & steal gimmick very well... jus to see that, now that would be cool.
If I was going to book anyone to be the next WWE Champion I would book MVP. First off I would turn him heel. I would have him turn on Mark Henry and feud with him and then when the feud is done he can call out John Cena. He can say Cena is a fraud and call him on his supposed " hustle loyalty respect " attitude saying he grew up in the streets and Cena didn't. OF course then he can attack Cena til he gets a shot. Then eventually they can feud over the belt. Just a small idea here.

IF I had to name all the superstars that I think will be a World Heavyweight/WWE champion in the coming years though I would have to say the following :

- Cody Rhodes
- Ted DiBiase Jr
- John Morrison
- Dolph Ziggler possibly
- David Hart Smith possibly
- Tyson Kidd possibly
- Jack Swagger possibly
- The Miz possibly

The last five say possibly due to the fact they have done nothing spectacular in their careers. Swagger won the ECW Championship though so I suppose that's worthy of merit.
Ok guys first post so go easy...

My thought is that Raw needs to be faced with the sort of situation that propelled JBL into the title holder on Smackdown with Undertaker, Kurt, Big Show etc out for a while. Injuries to the top guys would force something new and give someone a chance they might just grab. Of course losing HHH, Cena, Orton would be a massive blow, they are all top performers who are capable of putting on a great match but that's precisely the problem. Everyone knows how good these guys are so won't take seriously anyone pushed beyond them.

Out of the guys available I'd say take the chance on Swagger. Sure his mic skills are pretty rusty but he's got the physique and good core wrestling skills which would make it believable he could squash people.

Another good idea would be to throw a scramble or some sort of 6 man match with Cena, Orton, HHH and 3 guys say Swagger, MVP and DiBiase. It gives these guys a bit of exposure, a feeler with the big boys and might give a better idea who the best option is.
Okay, its been said over and over and over again WE ARE TIRED OF CENA ORTON AND HHH!!!!
And it is usually said by people like you who have absolutely no knowledge about the wrestling business. Because if you did, you would know how it takes time to build new stars.

I totally agree, although I like Orton and HHH, I feel its time to breath no life into the WWE title.

Judging from the list you have below, I do agree that your plan will breathe no life into the WWE Title, and in fact, it might just make the title lose all of it's prestige and become worthless.

But, I will take a look at who you think would "freshen up" the WWE Title scene:

Someone who deserves it, and someone who has never had it before. Here is my list of contenders, as is on the RAW roster.


A very overrated superstar. The crowd just doesn't care about this guy. He's been an on-television character in the WWE for five years. Five fucking years, and all this guy can call "accomplishments" are two midcard titles and two Tag Team Title reigns. This guy should be nowhere near the WWE Title at this point in his career.

Jack Swagger

Again, overrated. He is good, better than Carlito, in fact. But just because he's better than an overrated lower midcarder doesn't mean that he's ready for a shot at the WWE Title. People claim this kid is the second coming of Kurt Angle or Brock Lesnar, but he's not. He was ECW Champion in perhaps the worst period of the entire show's lifetime. The title was put on him just to fuel Matt Hardy's heel turn. By making Hardy lose to a relative rookie, it made him appear angrier, weaker, and jealous of his brother's ability to win World Titles against surefire future Hall Of Famers, while he couldn't retain a basic midcard title against a rookie. This gave him a logical reason to hate Jeff. So, in reality, Swagger was just a tool in a bigger working of things. Just because he was ECW Champ within his first couple of months in the WWE, doesn't mean he should get anymore love than the other rookies.

Kofi Kingston

He's incredibly over, but if we put a World Title on him now, we'd be rushing things. Let him continue having a strong run with the United States Title, and then we'll start talking World Titles. Why would I put the title on him, when I could put it on Cena, who sells at least 3x the merchandise Kofi would?

Mark Henry

I could see him as a transitional champion, but nobody would take it seriously. When he first came from ECW, I could see it happening. But now? After he's been put with Hornswoggle? After he's been JeriShow's bitch? No. Again, if Orton/Cena/Triple H got injured, then he would be next in line for a title reign. But now, when the show is stacked with more deserving and more talented guys? I don't think so.

Now this guy will be the next to win his first real World Title. He's got the look, the mic skills, the fan support and the merchandise appeal to him, and those are all things that Vince loves. Maybe around WrestleMania time, but now? No, no, no.

The Miz is in a perfect spot right now. He's got major heat, he has a new look, and has amazing charisma. The only thing is: he's not ready for a World Title reign. The Miz is right where he should be right now: the upper midcard. I see no need to try and rush this guy into the main event when there are more deserving superstars ready to get a real main event push.

Any of these guys would give Cena a good match.

Swagger, MVP and Kingston would give Cena a good match. Carlito and Henry would give Cena an OK match.

Even if its just a job match.

So you would want a jobber main eventing?

But out of all the guys in that list, I would pick Carlito to actually beat Cena.

Good thing you aren't Vince McMahon. Because if you were, everyone at Titan Towers would be sucking dick on the street corner to buy a cup to piss in.

You obviously have no idea how to run a wrestling show. It's all a cycle, and if you rush it, you will fail.
I think the wwe really needs a fresh face like you said. The problem here is that those who could contend to that place don`t seem ready yet and that`s a shame.
Cena and HHH as champ is way way way over played but there is not much alternative.
what if bret hart returns and has a short go at winning the wwe championship or even winning it and then dropping it straight away to sum1 like tyson kidd of dhs i kinda want this to happen so its not hhh rko or cena we need new people
I can't see Henry ever winning the WWE or WHC, he's been in the company for 13 years now and has only had one heavyweight title shot to my recolection, against Kurt Angle at a Rumble a few years back. His only title credentials to date are a one month European title run (that he didn't win in the ring, he was given it by Jeff Jarrett) and a mildly successful ECW title run that if rumours are true was given him to apologise for backstage racist remarks made by one of the writers (Michael Hayes I think). However, he could be used effectively in the Kane role, the big man that is always around the ME but isn't likely to win the title.
My picks for fresh faces in the title picture sooner than anyone on the Raw roster would be Christian and Regal. Think about it, put the ECW title on either Dreamer or Shelton and have them feud with each other and the talented yet still not quite ready for the big time ECW wrestlers (Ryder, Seamus, Zeke) and bring Captain Charisma and the KotR over to Raw. I know this won't happen as Christian dared to be successful in TNA, which Vince doesn't seem to like, and Regal is English and I can't see Vinnie Mac put a World Title on anyone that's not from the US or Canada. If The Bulldog couldn't get a World Title reign then why would Regal?

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