Can we at least give him some respect?

Really? What did Batista do to "earn" his spot right now? He was instantly pushed to the moon, he didn't earn shit. He got the Goldberg and Lesnar treatment--- show up, and almost immediately be thrown into the main event.

That's a lie, he went through the whole Deacon Batista stage along with D-Von. He debuted in 2002 and didn't win his first world title till 2005. My math skills aren't that great, but I'd say that's about three years, and Lesnar won all his shit within the first year of his career, and I believe Goldberg did the same.

Batista worked his way to the top, he was able to overcome his shitty Deacon gimmick and become one of the best in the world today. The man should have your respect, he has worked for it. Anyone that bust there ass to entertain on a daily basis has my respect. I've always been a fan, but that's because I am a fan of solid matches, feuds, and even short and simple promo's.
That's a lie, he went through the whole Deacon Batista stage along with D-Von.

He was Deacon Batista for what, 6 months? Than he was immediately thrown into Evolution. Are we going to sit here and argue that Evolution wasn't the main focus of the WWE at that time?

He debuted in 2002 and didn't win his first world title till 2005. My math skills aren't that great, but I'd say that's about three years, and Lesnar won all his shit within the first year of his career, and I believe Goldberg did the same.

Wow. 3 whole years in the wrestling business? What a veteran!

Batista worked his way to the top, he was able to overcome his shitty Deacon gimmick and become one of the best in the world today.

Best in the world today at what? Injuring himself? Consistently putting on awful matches? Yes, what a legend.

The man should have your respect, he has worked for it.

No, he hasn't. 3 years isn't working for jack shit. Guys like Austin, HBK, Bret Hart, they all worked their asses off for over a decade before even being considered as a champion. The only reason Batista was pushed so high was because of his size. If Batista was the size of Jeff Hardy, you think they would have pushed him so hard? Fuck no. The crowd loves a big dumb guy to shake the ropes and yell a lot. They always have, they always will.

Anyone that bust there ass to entertain on a daily basis has my respect.

Daily basis? The fuck are you smoking? Batista has to work, what, maybe 3 matches in a week at the absolute most? When he's not on the shelf for six months at a time that is. Shit, I work more often then Batista does.

I've always been a fan, but that's because I am a fan of solid matches, feuds, and even short and simple promo's.

Then I truly don't understand how you could enjoy Batista. His matches are shit, his feuds are shit, and his promos are---you guessed it, shit.

I don't really care if YOU guys respect him. That's fine and dandy. Don't try and convince me to respect him, because he's fucking atrocious, and I'll never respect him. He didn't have to work for jack shit.

Again, anyone who isn't good enough to be allowed to train at the fucking WCW Power Plant is shit. Pure shit.
He was Deacon Batista for what, 6 months? Than he was immediately thrown into Evolution. Are we going to sit here and argue that Evolution wasn't the main focus of the WWE at that time?

Wow. 3 whole years in the wrestling business? What a veteran!

Best in the world today at what? Injuring himself? Consistently putting on awful matches? Yes, what a legend.

No, he hasn't. 3 years isn't working for jack shit. Guys like Austin, HBK, Bret Hart, they all worked their asses off for over a decade before even being considered as a champion. The only reason Batista was pushed so high was because of his size. If Batista was the size of Jeff Hardy, you think they would have pushed him so hard? Fuck no. The crowd loves a big dumb guy to shake the ropes and yell a lot. They always have, they always will.

Daily basis? The fuck are you smoking? Batista has to work, what, maybe 3 matches in a week at the absolute most? When he's not on the shelf for six months at a time that is. Shit, I work more often then Batista does.

Then I truly don't understand how you could enjoy Batista. His matches are shit, his feuds are shit, and his promos are---you guessed it, shit.

I don't really care if YOU guys respect him. That's fine and dandy. Don't try and convince me to respect him, because he's fucking atrocious, and I'll never respect him. He didn't have to work for jack shit.

Again, anyone who isn't good enough to be allowed to train at the fucking WCW Power Plant is shit. Pure shit.

Does that go the same for John Cena because it took him the same amount of time to go to the main event? Dfiference was that Batista wasn't the real focal point of Evolution. The most memorable thing he did in Evolution was break Goldberg's angle and retire Stone Cold. John Cena was in matches with Booker T, Big Show, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, etc. Cena was better suited for the main event than Batista was.

Batista doesn't need to go out there and talk for ten minutes like HHH or HBK does. He comes in there, says a few words, then leaves. I can't say that his promos are shit off the little that he says.
Does that go the same for John Cena because it took him the same amount of time to go to the main event?

I know it's shocking for me to be saying this, but the difference here, is that Cena can actually wrestle worth a shit. I've never seen anything good from Batista outside of his encounters with The Undertaker. Show me differently if you'd like. Quite frankly though, I don't really care if you guys enjoy Batista. This thread asks our opinion of him, and I've given mine. Don't see how you think you're going to go about changing it, I assure you I'm a stubborn bastard haha.

Dfiference was that Batista wasn't the real focal point of Evolution. The most memorable thing he did in Evolution was break Goldberg's angle and retire Stone Cold. John Cena was in matches with Booker T, Big Show, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, etc. Cena was better suited for the main event than Batista was.

Did you hear yourself? He had angles with Goldberg and Stone Cold Steve Austin, two of the most popular stars in the history of wrestling. Not exactly being buried is he? Nevermind winning the tag titles with Ric Flair, another one of the biggest stars in the history of wrestling. So he's already working with Goldberg, Stone Cold, and Ric Flair within a year of being the company. That's not being instantly pushed?

Batista doesn't need to go out there and talk for ten minutes like HHH or HBK does. He comes in there, says a few words, then leaves. I can't say that his promos are shit off the little that he says.

Again, it's not about length, or "simplicity". It's about being entertaining on the microphone, which Batista is not. He fumbles over words, and says the exact same thing every time. More than that though, he's just so...bland.
I know it's shocking for me to be saying this, but the difference here, is that Cena can actually wrestle worth a shit. I've never seen anything good from Batista outside of his encounters with The Undertaker. Show me differently if you'd like. Quite frankly though, I don't really care if you guys enjoy Batista. This thread asks our opinion of him, and I've given mine. Don't see how you think you're going to go about changing it, I assure you I'm a stubborn bastard haha.

Did you hear yourself? He had angles with Goldberg and Stone Cold Steve Austin, two of the most popular stars in the history of wrestling. Not exactly being buried is he? Nevermind winning the tag titles with Ric Flair, another one of the biggest stars in the history of wrestling. So he's already working with Goldberg, Stone Cold, and Ric Flair within a year of being the company. That's not being instantly pushed?

Again, it's not about length, or "simplicity". It's about being entertaining on the microphone, which Batista is not. He fumbles over words, and says the exact same thing every time. More than that though, he's just so...bland.

All I remember is Batista breaking Goldberg's ankle and that was it. I don't remember any Batista/Goldberg match that came as a result of it. Same goes for the Austin angle. Batista and HBK had a match at Armageddon 2003 and that was it. Batista was mainly there as the enforcer while Orton had all the good angles and feuds.

I know I'm not going to change your mind. That's the point of a

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