Batista....Make him a Paul Heyman Guy?

Batista may not be the voice of a generation on the microphone, but he can still get the crowd to care about him. There are several other gentlemen on the roster who would be in aid to Heyman's management other than a multiple World Champion.

It makes sense with Lesnar because of their past, and some sense with Punk because he's been very vocal about being a "Heyman Guy", but Curtis Axel and Ryback make me think not anyone can work with Heyman without having some sort of real history. Having Batista work with Heyman "off the cuff" is bound to be a worse idea than Batista being a lone wolf or siding with The Authority.

I will give you Ryback. Thats when 'Heyman guy' became commercialized and a gimmick. I didn't like it one bit and was simply thrown together and dropped before it had even started.

Curtis Axel though rang true for me. It is no secret that Brock Lesnar and Curt Henning were best of friends. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are best of friends so there was 'a link' there. Axel comes from good stock so there was something to work with.

Unless Heyman turns on Brock, which is highly unlikely he has no need to align with Batista and vice versa. Batista is just fine on his own and will probably be a face who battles with The Authority or even Lesnar. WWE doesnt need two Main Event 'animal/beats' in a heel role.

As for Heyman, I would love to see the original 'Heyman guy' return to his side.....RVD. He need a mouth piece and has the talent to propel himself to Mid/Main event.

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