He doesn't need it, but Randy Orton as a "Heyman Guy" would be gold. Triple H doesn't seem to have any faith in him anymore as the new face of the WWE, and after Orton loses the belt and is down in the dumps, Heyman could take Orton under his wing and pick him right back up. And with Heyman by his side, I could see Heyman help bring The Viper back out of him.
Here's a crazy idea I have in mind - Daniel Bryan. I doubt it will ever happen but it makes sense when you think about it. Bryan is a guy who doesn't fit The Authority's vision of a champion or an A+ player much like CM Punk when he first arrived in the WWE, and Heyman is a guy who Helmsley and the McMahon's dislike. Like with Punk, Heyman could take on Bryan, and together they could fight the machine. This would mean Heyman turning face, but I think Heyman as a face manager could work. It would be something new and interesting. Also, it's been mentioned around here a couple of times, Triple H could bring back Brock Lesnar in the summer to go after Bryan, the WWE Championship, and Heyman, who Lesnar feels he's been betrayed by, by siding with Bryan and helping him stay the WWE Champion instead of helping him become the WWE Champion.
Don't see either of those two happening though. Love the Cesaro idea by Papa Pillman and I'd be all for that one.
I really love that idea. Bryan and heyman as both the outcasts nobody wanted but still forced their way into the business and are still grafting away no matter how many times they are discarded or disrespected, it seems like a great team in prospect. Plus, maybe heyman can try to bring some more promo flare out of bryan because I still feel hes lacking in that department, possible one of the reasons he wasnt involved in any of the head to heads with hhh batista and Orton?