Can anyone see the Miz or MVP as WWE Champion?

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gully side adidja

Pre-Show Stalwart
After delivering one of the best promo's in a long time, do you think the miz or mvp can be wwe champion? from a talking standpoint yes, but overall i don't know.

The Miz:although i think the miz is awesome he doe's not have that look to be wwe champion, he can talk, and is entertaining but as a look of the wwe champion the top title holder in the company then no, i also think in ring wise he may fail too, don't get me wrong his is decent in the ring, but his style does not suit that of a wwe champion let alone main eventer, it would be interesting to see it happen but i can't imagine it will, stranger things have happened though, see sheamus.

mvp: he has a slightly more main event look than miz, and is just as good on the mic as miz, as well as being more solid in the ring(bar the playmaker finisher), but he is a lot older than miz(he is 36), and maybe he missed his chanced to be in the main event competing for the title back in may last year, when he drafted to raw. so once again i can't see it (ALTHOUGH I WOULD LIKE TO) it is not very likely, but it is not impossible.

Well you heard my opinion what is your's can you see it or not? OPINIONS PLEASE!
I honestly do believe that The Miz can become WWE Champion, he has the charisma, in contrary to your post, I do think he has the look, people thought Rey Mystero could never be a WWE Champion due to his look (his size), but look what happened there.

His moveset could be slightly improved in my opinion but I do like the Skull Crushing Finale, its a powerful move that is easy to execute.

His in ring style is ok, not the best by far, but I believe his abilty to get over with the crowd could cover that, as even though he is a bad guy, when he uses his catchphrase (I'm The Miz and I'm........Awesome) the crowd nearly always join in, it kinda reminds me of The Rock, obvioulsy The Miz isn't as big as The Rock.... not yet anyway :)
Yes the Miz's style does look a bit like the Rock in his early days and the WWE could capitalise on that and maybe alter Miz's gimmick a bit to take him away from the generic trash-talking heel and then he would have the potential for the title contendership.

MVP is basically the same. He needs a bit of a gimmick alteration first. At the moment he is going down the same path as John Cena so they do need to alter him a bit. His wrestling is good qaulity though and is capable of title status
In general the World Champions are supposed to be larger than life personas. Niether the Miz or MVP fit that mold. So in short NO.

Sheamus is more larger than life (persona wise) than those two are. The Rock, Stone Cold, Hogan, Flair, Warrior, Goldberg, Undertaker, etc are all larger than life, can you seriously put these two in that catagory of elite? No
We'll, I have to say that I do believe and would love to see THE MIZ as WWE champion...his catch phrase is hilarious! and the crowd get's involved! He has the Look and his in ring moves are strong...

MVP - heck ya...settle him up as WWE champion and get under way...

MVP vs The Miz for the WWE Championship ='s Top Quality and readiness for the Gold!:lol:
In general the World Champions are supposed to be larger than life personas. Niether the Miz or MVP fit that mold. So in short NO.

Sheamus is more larger than life (persona wise) than those two are. The Rock, Stone Cold, Hogan, Flair, Warrior, Goldberg, Undertaker, etc are all larger than life, can you seriously put these two in that catagory of elite? No

To be fair I do not usually go round the place shouting I'm Lee and I'm (long pause) Awesome!! So I would say that the Miz has a larger than life persona!

I can not comprehend how you have put Goldberg in that list of legends, Elite?! I do not think so, he had a streak that was it!
Anyway back to point..The Miz can not be put in that catagory...yet. If he gets the right push and is given the right people to work with then yes I do believe that in the future he could possibly be considered to be great...awesome even! :)
To be fair I do not usually go round the place shouting I'm Lee and I'm (long pause) Awesome!! So I would say that the Miz has a larger than life persona!

I can not comprehend how you have put Goldberg in that list of legends, Elite?! I do not think so, he had a streak that was it!
Anyway back to point..The Miz can not be put in that catagory...yet. If he gets the right push and is given the right people to work with then yes I do believe that in the future he could possibly be conisdered to be great...awesome even! :)

Goldberg was IT in WCW he was larger than life, the Man... WHO'S NEXT!! who else breaths smoke from the fumes of there pyro entrance and allows sparks to hit there face has explosians hit and lay out folks? Also anyone that can beat the hulk hogan character without any political issues has my vote. Goldberg fits the bill, headlined multiple PPVs' got huge buyrates, ratings, and merchindise sales.. like I said before in the 90's he was IT for WCW.. The MIZ is not even on the same level as a Shawn Micheals, or Hulk Hogan, or Macho Man, or Rock or HHH or Stone Cold .. to even compare him with them is simply obserd. These guys got over without needing a push or storyline.. they simply were bigger than life.. hell even the Giant/Bigshow is over and bigger than life and he is treated like trash storyline wise by the WWE and they can put the belt on him at any time and it would be more believable.

I mean just cause you have decent wrestling ability and ring skills doesn't mean you have a bigger than life persona.. Miz comes off as all ego... in comparision pound for pound you can compare The Miz to The Pope in TNA. The difference is... the Popes persona is MUCH more over the top and has just as good ring and mic skills (maybe better).. but his charisma factor is much better. (just an example)

But even if you have these things doesn't gaurentee you a world title? I mean is The Miz better than Mr. Perfect? Razor Ramon (Scott Hall in the 90's)?, Jake the Snake Roberts of the 80's early 90's? No.. he doesn't and those guys never had the world title.. only the IC belt and Tag titles.. unfortunatly thats all I see in the Miz a IC/US champ .. and there is nothing wrong with that at all.. just saying.

I am kinda confused why the WWE has not given the US title to the all american american..Jack Swagger yet? If anyone can make use of that gimmick with that belt its him. But some guys need belts to be important soo..
The audience is different nowadays, cena still gets the biggest pop with the live audience, cheers or boos. The miz I think can garner some serious heat but like previous posters have said, his catchphrase is over and the catchphrase is very relevant to his character. It's very conceivable that after a while the boos will turn to laughs and cheers much like it did with the rock, he has already had a minor clash with a fellow heel, swagger, and I think that his fued with cena was almost a test for him to see how he'd fair in a tweener role. The path that the miz is on, in my opinion is the freshest thing seen on raw in a long while, he will certainly be a face in the future and when that happens I believe he will be so over it will be hard not to put the wwe title on him. You can say he's not even nearly on the rocks level but I think his climb has been a lot steadier than the rocks and I feel he'll be around a lot longer than the rock was. People always say no-one can be as big as the rock or stone cold but didn't they say that about hogan and look want Austin did. For all we know there could be someone out there that could catapult the wwe back to greatness. Cena is certainly had a real good shot at it wth let's face it, real success.

So don't write off miz, there is clearly potential.

MVP I'm not sold on. Though he does make quite an entertaining heel, that's his calling I think.
I feel that neither of these guys is ready to be the number 1 man on RAW, and there's a lot of reasons for that.

The Miz's character to me represents a mid-carder, not a main eventer. He's had the United States Championship for a few months now, and I hope he carries it longer, but I cannot any time soon see him as WWE Champion.

As for MVP, I've hated this guy ever since he took a face turn, and no way is he ready to be the top guy of the company. From the way he acts when he enters an arena to his signature 'ballin' thing in the ring, I've grown so tired of him and how much he sucks up to fans now. What happened to the arrogant and cocky MVP that hosted the VIP lounge that was only for people 'better than you'? Creative has made some really bad decisions in the past year, and like some people have commented, I really hope they read these threads sometimes, since I feel we forum members have a lot of good ideas.
1st off the idea that the miz doesnt have the look is just ridiculous. If rey freakin mysterio can be camp then any1 can! I like the miz I am a big fan of his I think hes excellent on the mic I love his brash cocky attitude and I love the chip on his shoulder that he carries because he was on a reality show. As for the idea that his moveset isnt good enough or needs to be larger. Please half the main eventers do the same moves constantly and then brawl their way the rest of the match so I dont buy that either. To me the biggest factor in whether or not you can be a main eventer is simple, does the crowd care about you? When the miz is on the mic or in the ring people pay attention. On the other end of the spectrum you have mvp. I could care less about him and from the shows Ive been to it seemed like most of the crowd agrees with me. miz=awesome mvp=BORING
I do understand that Goldberg was big in WCW, but I believe his tenure in WWE stripped away any credibility he had whether that be bad work ethic on his part or Vince just wanting to bury him.

The thing is some of the wrestlers you mentioned did receive pushes, Rock was in the Nation, Stone Cold won the KOTR, this enabled them to get over a lot quicker.

But I think your missing my point, I agree with you that Miz isnt on par with any of those superstars yet, but I believe that in the future Miz will make a very good WWE Champion, but your comparison to The Pope, is just wrong, Elijah Burke, was released from his contract with no notable achievments in his short WWE career, Miz is ten times the performer Burke is.

I can not compare Miz to such superstars as Ramon, Jake or Perfect, it was a different era, Henning, Roberts and Hall couldn't get that shot as there were much better IMO wrestler back then, Hogan, Hart, Savage, Warrior, Undertaker Yokozuna, Luger, Dibiase etc, but in this era, with the brand split, there are only four contenders, realistically, HHH who is 40 and I believe wont be wrestling much longer, HBK who is 44 again, not wrestling much longer, Cena and Orton, now in a few years time I can see Miz challenging these for the title I do not see him still in the US title scene.
At this time I cannot see MVP going for the title in the future, he see,s like a guy who will stay around the midcard for years to come before being released when he gets too blah.

The Miz as champion would require a lot of work. He is not a big man, so to win the title would require some great matches, much like Jericho and Michaels have had to do to prove themselves. For that to happen, he needs to get into a feud that has some of the hardest worked matches by either men, like Booker and Benoit went through.
I really like the Miz being an upper mid carder at this point in time. Hopefully in the near future he will get pushed to the main event scene because he reminds me a lot of Jericho on the mic. He completely changed his look from his old one and now has the look of a top wrestler in the company. For those of you who said his ring skills are mediocre, look at all the past WWE champs and their ring skills. Cena has about 3 moves, Batista sucks, HHH has even gotten worse over the years. All of the midcarders are the wrestlers with the best movesets and skills
WWE putting the belt on Sheamus makes me believe they'll put it on ANYBODY!

Miz can definitely become WWE champion. His in-ring work has really become solid since his feud with John Cena. His mic skills are some of the best mic skills today in the industry IMO. And what exactly is the look of a WWE/World champion? People have had many looks, there was Rey Mysterio with the loose track pant type attire and the mask, John Cena and his Ecko Unlimited jean shorts, Undertaker and his overall type tights, etc. I don't see the problem with his look, his look will just be another one in the list of WWE champions, if your referring to his faux hawk, well I think it looks cool, it's a lot better than Sheamus' hair I'll tell you that. :rolleyes:


And also why is MVP here, if the thread is supposed to focus on the Miz being WWE champ? :confused:
1st off the idea that the miz doesnt have the look is just ridiculous. If rey freakin mysterio can be camp then any1 can!

And THAT is the problem,, why should ANYONE care about the championship if this is the case? WCW tainted this with David Arqette (spell check) but WWE this past decade has made the title mean nothing because IMO there TOOO MANY titles!!!

I do understand that Goldberg was big in WCW, but I believe his tenure in WWE stripped away any credibility he had whether that be bad work ethic on his part or Vince just wanting to bury him.

The thing is some of the wrestlers you mentioned did receive pushes, Rock was in the Nation, Stone Cold won the KOTR, this enabled them to get over a lot quicker.

But I think your missing my point, I agree with you that Miz isnt on par with any of those superstars yet, but I believe that in the future Miz will make a very good WWE Champion, but your comparison to The Pope, is just wrong, Elijah Burke, was released from his contract with no notable achievments in his short WWE career, Miz is ten times the performer Burke is.

I can not compare Miz to such superstars as Ramon, Jake or Perfect, it was a different era, Henning, Roberts and Hall couldn't get that shot as there were much better IMO wrestler back then, Hogan, Hart, Savage, Warrior, Undertaker Yokozuna, Luger, Dibiase etc, but in this era, with the brand split, there are only four contenders, realistically, HHH who is 40 and I believe wont be wrestling much longer, HBK who is 44 again, not wrestling much longer, Cena and Orton, now in a few years time I can see Miz challenging these for the title I do not see him still in the US title scene.

I understand your point, and I think you understand mine. I just think that having the Miz as WORLD CHAMP = Major drop in ratings.. to be a champion you have to be believable. At this stage Miz is not. And we all know the truth behind Vince buring Goldberg. (its been said in many shoot interviews) But Rock and Stone Cold had to prove there selfs for the push but in reality some of there matches/storylines were dumb and yet THEY were able to make lemonaide out of lemons and did not require much input from writers etc...

Remember when people used to say the same about Bad Ass Billy Gunn being the next superstar? LOL nope never happend always a tag team or IC champ.. the same can be said for the Miz I can see him contributing to a stable but not leading one :( again like I mentioned before there is nothing wrong with being an IC champ so no disrespect to him I just don't see it.

WWE has been evaluating talent POORLY this past decade.. in the case of The Pope or heck even Matt Morgan there bothover HUGE on TNA.. Do you think Nigel Mcguiness (Desmond Wolfe) would have gotten a legit shot out of the gate with WWE? no.. they would have given him some lame gimmick and then blamed him if it didn't work :( Sometimes the best wrestlers and bigger than life personas come from wrestlers just being themselfs and having fun cranked up a notch. WWE is known for doing the opposite this past decade with many wrestlers setting them up to fail, this is why a lot of promo's do not sound natural and not believable :( (baring John Cena, HBK, HHH, etc) Its a reason why people will STILL pop for the ROCK if he came back.. his stuff was over the top but it sounded real because of how he presented it and being able to ad-live his lines.. again the Miz to me sounds scripted.. take away the awesome gimmick is he still memorable? No.. :( take Razor Ramon away from Scott Hall and was he memorable? HEY YO!.. yep.. its that " IT " factor I am talking about.. WWE simply is using the guys wrong in my opinion :( but that is neither here nor there... again I see your point and hope that you can see mine.
I can definatly see MVP sometime in the future as the wwe champion. Obviously not now though because when all the amazing people retire we will have people like MVP and the Miz in the main events. But I am talking about a couple of years down the line.

I could see The Miz holding the WWE title in a few years like MVP, I think they are both good wrestlers with good in-ring ability, who I think have amazing potential. But we are going to have to wait a couple of years for them to ever main event.
MVP: Absolutely not. He is getting up there in age, and I don't see what all the fuss is about anyhow. HE has the look of a mid carder, not Miz. MVP is a walking gimmick, right out of 1995. If he wants to be taken seriously as a contender for one of the two big titles, he needs to shed that gimmick, and get rid of that ridiculous looking outfit he wears (no one wearing that attire should have a heavyweight belt, it looks cheap and gimmick-ish). But in all honesty, I don't think that would even be enough. In the ring, he is not talented enough to be a worlds champion. I think my biggest problem with him (in terms of being a main eventer) is that he doesn't really seem to have an in ring identity. He is not that big, so being a slow, strong, powerhouse type is out. He is slow and not nearly as athletic as people give him credit for, so no Jeff Hardy or even Shawn Michaels big spots there. His moveset is weak, nothig that looks dangerous or painful. His finisher is GARBAGE; it takes 45 minutes to set up, and doesn't look like it would do that much damage. On the mic, he sounds like he is reading directly from a script; no natural talking skills whatsoever, everything sounds completely scripted with him. And none of this would bother me that much, if he wasn't already 36 years old, with no signs of vast improvement coming anytime soon. I think this guy is a decent mid carder, with a gimmick to fit that role, but not a main eventer.

The Miz: Now while I find his tag line, "I am the Miz...and I am AWESOME" to be rather irritating, outside of that he is money on the mic. He is funny, has charisma, and the fans seem to be into him. I think he has made big time improvements over the last year. I hated that garbage outfit he used to wear while running with Morrison, and I always said if he got rid of those stupid shorts and hat, he could move forward, past the low-mid card ranks. Now, in the ring, he is no gem. I don't think he is quite as stale as MVP in the ring, but his game needs a lot of work. But the best thing about this guy is his age. He is only 29 years old, and with wrestling a slow pace, he can do this for another 20 years. I have more faith in his improvement capabilities than MVP, based on how far he has come since Tough Enough. If he can continue to improve on the mic (which is already the best part of his character), and keep getting better in the ring (hasn't shown nearly as much improvement there), I don't see a reason why in two or three years, he can't have a title run as a top heel.
MVP has got about three months to prove the ship hasn't sailed. If he wins a big match before WrestleMania, I'd think he had a chance, but I don't see that happeneing, and I think he's too old for another chance afterwards. The Miz is young and has gone from strength to strength in the past 9 months or so. I think he'll continue to do his thing in the midcard for a couple of years, before taking the MITB route to the top. Miz has the potential to do it, but he has a lot of work to do to make himself believable because of his size. It can be done, but he's going to have to go the route of Edge and Jericho, which isn't the quickest way to the top.
I could see both of these guys as world champions one day, but it's going to take a lot of work for both guys.

The Miz: Miz has improved by leaps and bounds the last two years. His ring work is more than solid and he's one of the best mic workers on the roster. Still, he's going to need to up his in-ring game even more to make himself believable due to his size. I agree with Tastycles, he'll have take the Edge/Jericho route: years of great matches, winning titles and memorable feuds with big names before winning the big one.

MVP: even after the abysmal year Mr. Porter has had, it's not too late for him. The guy can wrestle a damn good match when he wants too (his feud with Benoit proved that) and he's also in the upper echelon in terms of mic skills. One thing they need to stop doing is watering down his character. Let him go back to the cool, cocky, Terrell Owens-esque character he had before, but as a face. He's also in desperate need of a new finisher and maybe new attire (though his sleeve-less suit looks good). If they give him a really good push this year, he could be ready for a world title by late next year.
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