Because the "voices" of "6 or 7" accounts on the forum of a third rate wrestling site are clearly, to you, the indication of reality, right? Well, that clears up any question about your grasp on reality. The fundamental problem is that those "6 or 7" accounts have yet to prove anything. Sure, they have taken the liberty to change my name and my posts, but they have yet to actually prove me wrong on anything. As for why no one has "come to defend" me? Simply put, unlike those accounts, I do a fine job of proving things that are said by those "6 or 7" accounts wrong on my own and don't require help.


1. If it's 3rd rate, why are you still here?
2. 6/7 people correcting you isn't an indicator you're right.
3. People have sent you links to academic websites to prove their right.
4. You repeat yourself, and somehow that's valid :shrug:
5. Nobody gives enough of a shit to change what you say anymore. KB did it once. It was because you were bitching about Paglino. Again.
6. You require help, believe me.

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein
LBK. I have a couple of legitimate questions for you. I have no problems with you buddy.

1) Are you seriously like this?

2) Do you like being in the prison?

3) How old are you?

4) What is your favorite food?

5) If/when you were in school, did/do you have a kid in your class who wears a helmet?

6) Do you hate these people you are replying to on this thread?

7) What if I told you I could get you out of the prison?

8) Did you once go by the name Ryan86?
Dictionaries seem to disagree with you too. :(

But maybe they're mistaken too. Seven billion people agree with you- surely, there MUST be a Web address, a physical location, SOMEWHERE in the world where people meet and we can independently verify your claims.

We can wait while you make up a definition for 'specific', if you'd like.
First, it would be "It's" in that context, not "Its", but you don't even know what the word "context" means, so why do I bother trying to educate you?

Next, I provided an adequate and intelligent response to your question. If you don't understand why it's adequate or how it's intelligent, that is your problem, not mine, lil bitch.



1. If it's 3rd rate, why are you still here?
2. 6/7 people correcting you isn't an indicator you're right.
3. People have sent you links to academic websites to prove their right.
4. You repeat yourself, and somehow that's valid :shrug:
5. Nobody gives enough of a shit to change what you say anymore. KB did it once. It was because you were bitching about Paglino. Again.
6. You require help, believe me.

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

Just the fact that you believe that people putting links to, wikipedia and wiki answers constitues "academic websites" shows your complete lack of knowledge about what is and is not intelligent, and thus, makes everything you say at minimum questionable, but usually, wrong.
Dictionaries seem to disagree with you too. :(

But maybe they're mistaken too. Seven billion people agree with you- surely, there MUST be a Web address, a physical location, SOMEWHERE in the world where people meet and we can independently verify your claims.

We can wait while you make up a definition for 'specific', if you'd like.

No, clearly, they don't disagree with me, because if you were able to, you would have posted some kind of proof. Oh, wait, no you wouldn't have, because that's not the WZ way for the "BooHoo lil bitch crew". You would be best served to get one of your respite workers to re-read what they type for you, since you seem to be looking for a website that is representative of 7 billion people. Oh, ok, go ask Google, lil bitch. As for a place where people meet and can verify this, let's go with virtually any English speaking public school in the World. For that matter, if you want to translate for them, you could go to schools that speak any language. Virtually anyone in a Grade higher than third should give you the confirmation you want, unless of course they are in "special classes" like yours. But, I guess you've never seen a school that doesn't have padded walls, so I excuse your ignorance, again. You see, lil bitch, when you're right, like I am, and you prove people wrong, like I do, really it shouldn't be hard to confirm what I say. But, then again, remembering to breathe seems to be a task for you, so maybe it is hard for you.
Just the fact that you believe that people putting links to, wikipedia and wiki answers constitues "academic websites" shows your complete lack of knowledge about what is and is not intelligent, and thus, makes everything you say at minimum questionable, but usually, wrong.

And your modus operandi to prove your reasoning was....?

And by the way, I did that once, and even then you couldn't find fault with it but "hurr hurr wiki is wrong derp". Provide a professional response that isn't you telling everyone you're right ad nauseum without evidence to support it.

Love how you didn't reply to why you're still on a third rate wrestling site, by the way. The members who believe you're right must be jumping at the bits to defend you any minute now. Or maybe they're too busy drinking soup through a straw because they can't be trusted with a spoon.

This is why coffee cups at fast food outlets must have Caution: Contents Are Hot printed on it. Your mother must be rolling in her grave right now. IF Nightmare wasn't assisting her.
No, clearly, they don't disagree with me, because if you were able to, you would have posted some kind of proof. Oh, wait, no you wouldn't have, because that's not the WZ way for the "BooHoo lil bitch crew".

:lmao: Wait, hold on- there's a black pot lying around here somewhere...
Hmm, it sounds like you're getting frustrated in this thread. Wouldn't you feel much better when you start posting in a specially created thread where no name-calling need happen? :)
See, the problem with any of us providing proof is that you always respond by attacking the source. :( You've done this four times now, and compounding the problem is that you are also refusing to source your own arguments.

It's almost like you're just a really bad liar with an inferiority complex, and not this Messiah of professional wrestling truth. :(
No, clearly, they don't disagree with me, because if you were able to, you would have posted some kind of proof. Oh, wait, no you wouldn't have, because that's not the WZ way for the "BooHoo lil bitch crew". You would be best served to get one of your respite workers to re-read what they type for you, since you seem to be looking for a website that is representative of 7 billion people. Oh, ok, go ask Google, lil bitch. As for a place where people meet and can verify this, let's go with virtually any English speaking public school in the World. For that matter, if you want to translate for them, you could go to schools that speak any language. Virtually anyone in a Grade higher than third should give you the confirmation you want, unless of course they are in "special classes" like yours. But, I guess you've never seen a school that doesn't have padded walls, so I excuse your ignorance, again. You see, lil bitch, when you're right, like I am, and you prove people wrong, like I do, really it shouldn't be hard to confirm what I say. But, then again, remembering to breathe seems to be a task for you, so maybe it is hard for you.


How do I spread the gospel for you? Can I use your mom like a message in a bottle & pass a note inside her corpse when she makes her rounds? That is the quickest way to spread the message of truth across the greater county area.
See, the problem with any of us providing proof is that you always respond by attacking the source. :( You've done this four times now, and compounding the problem is that you are also refusing to source your own arguments.

It's almost like you're just a really bad liar with an inferiority complex, and not this Messiah of professional wrestling truth. :(

Moron, if you'd use reputable sources, I wouldn't be able to do that, would I? But, when you use shitty sources, or, even funnier, when you quote the other accounts in the "BooHoo lil bitch crew", it's really easy to show the flaws in what you're saying. I don't need to provide sources. You wouldn't understand them anyway. Besides, most of what I say falls in the category of general knowledge that anyone whose brain gets enough oxygen should know. I guess that explains why you don't get it though.
And your modus operandi to prove your reasoning was....?

And by the way, I did that once, and even then you couldn't find fault with it but "hurr hurr wiki is wrong derp". Provide a professional response that isn't you telling everyone you're right ad nauseum without evidence to support it.

Love how you didn't reply to why you're still on a third rate wrestling site, by the way. The members who believe you're right must be jumping at the bits to defend you any minute now. Or maybe they're too busy drinking soup through a straw because they can't be trusted with a spoon.

This is why coffee cups at fast food outlets must have Caution: Contents Are Hot printed on it. Your mother must be rolling in her grave right now. IF Nightmare wasn't assisting her.

Ok, so the flaws in what you wrote:

- The expression is "Chomping at the bit" not "jumping at the bit"
- You clearly don't know what "modus operandi" means since you misused it, even though I explained it once for the "BooHoo lil bitch crew"
- I didn't reply to why I'm on a third rate website? No, no I didn't. What's your point?
- A straw would melt in soup, moron.
- What constitutes a "professional response" for you? The word professional means that one would be paid for it. Are you planning on paying me? Of course not, you can't handle money for fear you'll try and paper cut yourself.
- It is implied, by your answer, that you believe that wikipedia or wiki answers are reputable sites. Again, given that, it's impossible to believe that you actually know anything factual.
So, not one specific person who will verify your point of view? Fuck, not even your blog readers? Of which there are assuredly many? Man, that's rough.

So we're in the situation where we either believe the lone guy who refuses to source any arguments, or the group of people who gave up sourcing their arguments because the lone crazy guy won't list a single place that's a valid reference.

Please don't cut yourself on Occam's Razor. I feel bad enough about the Asperger thing already. :(
Ok, so the flaws in what you wrote:

- The expression is "Chomping at the bit" not "jumping at the bit"

You're in no place to correct common metaphors, but since you think it matters, I'll fill you in on something: The correct way to say it is "Champing at the bit". It's a common mistake and appears that both of us are incorrect.

This, however, isn't a point for you by any means. You nitpicked and had a chance to truly correct me and you blew it.

- You clearly don't know what "modus operandi" means since you misused it, even though I explained it once for the "BooHoo lil bitch crew"

I didn't misuse it. Anyone that's not you knows what modus operandi means. Since you don't, I'll give you the definition:

From Merriam Webster's Dictionary said:
mo·dus ope·ran·di noun \ˌmō-dəs-ˌä-pə-ˈran-dē, -ˌdī\
: a usual way of doing something; especially : the usual way that a particular criminal performs a crime

Since you're a Prisoner, that works even more. Your modus operandi is to repeatedly say you're right without showing any sources stating you are.

I'd love to hear your dictionary's definition, though.

- I didn't reply to why I'm on a third rate website? No, no I didn't. What's your point?

That you bitch excessively about this place but won't leave. Pretty valid point.

- A straw would melt in soup, moron.

I think everyone is in agreement here that you don't know how the fuck a straw works, if you'd click on that Spoiler right there.

- What constitutes a "professional response" for you? The word professional means that one would be paid for it. Are you planning on paying me? Of course not, you can't handle money for fear you'll try and paper cut yourself.

1. That green money you say I can get a paper cut from is made out of cloth, not paper. So you can't even get that right.

2.That's not what being professional means when discussing things online. Anyone with common sense knows what a professional response is. But since you don't, I'll explain: any response that has both A. merit (that means worth, lil bitch) and B. informative backing. Your arguments have neither.

- It is implied, by your answer, that you believe that wikipedia or wiki answers are reputable sites. Again, given that, it's impossible to believe that you actually know anything factual.

How again is it implied? Is this argument based on assumption? Terrible terrible argument.

If you were to take the time to look at the quotes I've given, you'll notice that a good share of those sites were

But hey, let's pretend for one minute everything came from Wikipedia. How does that make your argument any more right? Can you even prove those wiki answers wrong?
See, the problem with any of us providing proof is that you always respond by attacking the source. :( You've done this four times now, and compounding the problem is that you are also refusing to source your own arguments.

It's almost like you're just a really bad liar with an inferiority complex, and not this Messiah of professional wrestling truth. :(

In his world, no evidence is better than questionable evidence I guess.:shrug:

Straws melt in soup, you know.
Nothing else needs to be said. Straw melts in soup is hands down the perfect way of describing his intelligence. This explains everything. Please stick around later for his next reveal: Paper don't burn.
Well.... he seems to keep mistaking "proving a point" with "repeating an accusation".

The concept of independent verification might be too high of a bar for LBK.
Nothing else needs to be said. Straw melts in soup is hands down the perfect way of describing his intelligence. This explains everything. Please stick around later for his next reveal: Paper don't burn.

Ummm, you provided a few pictures. Obviously, in those pictures, you can tell what temperature the soup is? If soup is hot, you know the way normal people are allowed to eat it, the straw won't be likely to hold up it's structural integrity. But, again, you are ignorant to that because, well, your wranglers won't let you near things that are hot.
So, not one specific person who will verify your point of view? Fuck, not even your blog readers? Of which there are assuredly many? Man, that's rough.

So we're in the situation where we either believe the lone guy who refuses to source any arguments, or the group of people who gave up sourcing their arguments because the lone crazy guy won't list a single place that's a valid reference.

Please don't cut yourself on Occam's Razor. I feel bad enough about the Asperger thing already. :(

Look, lil bitch, I understand that you have know general knowledge, which is obvious by your comments, but, you should at least have a clue what general knowledge is. Or not. None of the "BooHoo lil bitch crew" of accounts offers a source that is reputable or that refutes what I have said, moron.

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