Bubba Gone from TNA?


iMPACT! Player From The Start
Reading the headline on WrestleZone apparantly Bubba may be done with TNA. He wrote on his twitter that it's been three weeks since he has done anything and he's not at the PPV tonight. Could this be the end for Bubba in TNA?

I hope so. First I want to say that the guy says he has done nothing in three weeks.....TNA has not had a show aside from house shows for three weeks genius. If you are gonna bitch at least get your damn facts straight. Of course you are not needed when they don't have a show. The guy shows he's an idiot right from the start.

Secondly the guy brings more bad than good to the company. Sure the company gets free press with Bubba doing both but Hulk is his buddy, he will have Hulk on his show and they will still promote TNA no matter how much that lard ass says he won't. It does nothing to help TNA's image to have a "shock-jock" (and not even a good one) as part of their company. It would be like Howard Stern signing to be an interviewer with WWE.

What are your thoughts and should TNA get rid of Bubba The Spongebob? (Yes I know what I called him and no I didn't do it accidently.)
I hope he's done with TNA. Bubba The Love Sponge has a show down here in Florida. I liked it at first, but in time, I've realized the guy has a massive tendency to put his foot in his mouth and say utterly stupid things (e.g. the Haiti comment), which isn't good for TNA, being as he was working for them at the time. For TNA, it is not good having someone representing them who makes stupid comments (regardless of the context in which they were meant).
Best thing that could have happened for TNA. That and what BCG60 said. Nothing says quality wrestling program like the interviewer being named Bubba.

My favorite part about this is the little quip on the home page that TNA dropped the ball on Bubba, as if he could have really elevated the program. I have to say I'm sorry to all those people who were flamed for saying Hogan's just going to bring his buddies in and give them a job. Bischoff doesn't seem to be doing too bad, quite the opposite really, but Hogan is another story. Maybe this is just the rough period people go through on a new job.
I hope to fuck this is true. The guy is a little slug with no respect for the wrestling business whatsoever, and in no way did he ever deserve to be brought in.

And regarding the "dropped the ball" comment, I don't understand that one myself. Utter shite. Bringing in him at all was the mistake, not under utilising him.
I agree with the people who believe TNA did not in any way drop the ball with Bubba. There are too many wrestlers on the roster for one two-hour show a week as it is, and somebody has the nerve to say that the worthless jack-hole Bubba isn't being given enough time? What a joke.

So if this is true then I think it's great. Let the backstage interviewer be somebody who is actually interested with wrestling. I really never understood why Bubba joined in the first place... he was supposedly on bad terms with the company after Matt Morgan no-showed his radio show (following The Kurt/JJ/Karen incident), added to the fact that Bubba is not very well liked... by generally anybody
Thank god. Although, it's a little early to tell if this butthole is gone from TNA. After this maybe Awesome Kong will come back on happier terms.

So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I'm a huge Buuba fan on the radio I don't agree with everything he says especially his Haiti comments but he really does not belong as wrestling interviewer he was horrible on Hulks celebrity wrestling show and tna.How does it really help tna when he still has wwe stars on his show all the time Chris Jericho was on last Monday bashing Bischoff and tna, not to mention Bubba has been bashing tna the whole time he's worked there.
I for one hope he sticks around. Its only been a month and a half. Unfortunatly you only get one chance to make a first impression and his wasnt good. Hopefully they can take a step back and make him a better part of the show. Right now it seems like so much is a mess that its impossible for Bubba to dig his way out. But given the time and training he can become a great backstage interviewer. Its all abotu making an inpact and his was done wrong. I for one hope the man sticks around in one way or another.
I'm glad. Bubba did nothing for TNA except cause a stir backstage, which resulted in heat on him and Awesome Kong getting suspended. That's not the kind of action you want from an employee in any respect, especially one who has a radio show and gets exposure in the media...in turn bringing his hiring into question and painting TNA management like fools.

Hopefully this will pave the way for Jeremy Borash to be reinstated as the backstage interviewer. He has loads more talent, and no baggage.
I for one hope he sticks around. Its only been a month and a half. Unfortunatly you only get one chance to make a first impression and his wasnt good. Hopefully they can take a step back and make him a better part of the show. Right now it seems like so much is a mess that its impossible for Bubba to dig his way out. But given the time and training he can become a great backstage interviewer. Its all abotu making an inpact and his was done wrong. I for one hope the man sticks around in one way or another.
What is it about him that appeals to you and makes you want to see him involved in wrestling? This isn't a loaded question, I'm just curious about why you feel he'd be a useful interviewer.
I'm glad. Bubba did nothing for TNA except cause a stir backstage, which resulted in heat on him and Awesome Kong getting suspended. That's not the kind of action you want from an employee in any respect, especially one who has a radio show and gets exposure in the media...in turn bringing his hiring into question and painting TNA management like fools.

Hopefully this will pave the way for Jeremy Borash to be reinstated as the backstage interviewer. He has loads more talent, and no baggage.

I agree whole-heartedly. The guy was not even fit for the position & like you said he made TNA look bad by proclaiming his prejudiced views on his show. Sure, it is HIS show, but what he didn't realize is that when you work for a mjaor entertainment company such as TNA, your representing them on & off air so I guess he thought because he was Hulk's boy he thought he wouldn't have any negative consequences for his actions.
Bubba and TNA are oil and water. There is no reason to bring him in because its not like TNA gets that much exposure from his radio show anyways. Its not like he is Larry King or Oprah. The guy doesn't have a clue about wrestling besides what his buddy Hogan tells him. All he does is try to create havoc backstage and on the radio making fun of wrestlers and knockouts.

He has the right to his own opinion, but why would you hire someone that is just going to insult the other workers? Bubba said Fuck Haiti, what if Bubba said fuck the troops? or fuck the President? You can't have someone like that represent your company. Whether Bubba acknowledges it or not, his radio show does represent TNA Wrestling. Bubba is a redneck with programming so offensive no company should be associated with him.

If wrestlers want to go on his show fine, but there is no reason to have him backstage wreaking havoc and causing morale to drop.
I hope he's gone. Bubba the Fat Ass Sponge is an idiot. He has this false sense of self-importance, and it is really annoying. I think the tipping point, for me, was the comments he made about Haiti. I knew he was stupid, fat, and worthless, but I didn't know he was actually a mean person. Get back to the buffet and off of tv, Bubba, you bum.
Thats good for Bubba or else he would of got his ass woop by Kong again.Well thank god that Bubba is not with TNA,really i dont know why he went to TNA a the first place.Yeah he might be Hogans fuck buddy,But dam JB does a way better job in TNA then Bubba.Because when Bubba used to interview some one there was always something missing from him,But hey JB welcome back.

Honestly was Bubba better then JB in any way?
Honestly was Bubba better then JB in any way?
He was easier to focus on when on tv and it was easier to see who was talking......and how could he not be? The guy was as big as a damn whale. Don't know why he was there but if last night was any indication I'm glad that JB is back.
Thank god. Bubba is a waste of (a lot of) space. His interviews are annoying, and the fact he got the job for being Hogan's buddy is a big "turn-off". JB is a far better interviewer, and will hopefully be getting his spot back soon.

I don't see the loss here. Will anyone really miss him?
Oh god, I hope this is true. I just couldn't stand the dude. The whole Haiti/Awesome Kong thing seemed messed up and he didn't do interviews worth a damn. I don't care if he's hogan's friend and that's how he got the job. He just plain sucked. JB was better I think.
I'm not sure if Bubba is gone or not because on his twitter page he said he was involved in the Impact tapings until the PPV. Maybe TNA will use him until Destination X or maybe he will continue afterward. I hope they are finished with him after these tapings. There is no use for Bubba at all. He is a nobody with a radio show that brings nothing but bad publicity. No company should align themselves with these guys.

Bubba isn't a big name like Howard Stern, and he is a nuisance backstage so they should really get rid of him. Hogan and the wrestlers can go on his show if they want, but he has no business being backstage or on Impact period.
He's a jackass and a joke, I've never liked and will never like Bubba. I hope he is done with TNA as he was a waste of space. He added nothing to show and it's not like it'll hurt TNA when he goes. In fact it'll likely help them, as he'll piss and moan about them and maybe some people will tune in to see what he is talking about.

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