Brock Lesnar is ready for The Rock after ending The Streak

Wrestling The Rock would be a total waste of Lesnar. I'd rather see Lesnar wrestle Bryan or Cesaro or Punk if he ever comes back. The Rock was awesome at WrestleMania XXX, he should stick to doing that. Come back once an year, cut promo. I don't want to see Rock wrestle again, ever. Especially not part timer
Wrestling The Rock would be a total waste of Lesnar. I'd rather see Lesnar wrestle Bryan or Cesaro or Punk if he ever comes back. The Rock was awesome at WrestleMania XXX, he should stick to doing that. Come back once an year, cut promo. I don't want to see Rock wrestle again, ever. Especially not part timer

Too bad sunshine. We don't always get what we want in life.

Rock is wrestling again.

Deal. With. It.
Kinda assuming a lot there even thinking Rock will be able to work 2 straight WM's.

And yes, it completely matters who goes over. They have the chance for something special to capitalize on now that they have a guy who broke the streak... and with that guy already being a dominant monster like Brock Lesner. The next guy to beat him at WM has the chance to become a made guy. It's a potential passing of the torch moment, like Hogan over Andre... Rock over Hogan... Cena over Rock...

Why in the hell would you waste that on a part timer like the Rock? A guy who's already had his time, and is at the stage in life where he should be passing torches, not taking them. The Rock can still put over someone like Bryan later and help them out (which is ALL the Rock should be doing in a wrestling ring now), but he doesn't need to beat Lesner to do it.

If anything, using his greatness to feed the dominance of the streak breaker Lesner just creates a bigger torch for Lesner to pass when he finally is toppled.

Then again, I'm not sure I expect a guy who googles the People's Strudel to understand that.

The Rock vs Brock Lesnar will break records therefore it must happen.

I suggest Rock beating Brock next year then putting Bryan over at WM32 in a title vs career match.
Lol are you kidding me? Rock is arguably the GOAT.

Beating Rock would take him from great to greatness.

After his loss to Cena?

No, Rock is no longer the same bench mark he used to be. He's a legend and icon, but defeating him in a match at Bryan's current level doesn't mean a ton. It would mean far more for Bryan to defeat Brock.
The young talent? Really? The 3 biggest matches on the card were: Batista vs Orton vs ? , Triple H vs Daniel Bryan and The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar.
Wyatt vs. Cena must be considered amongst the biggest matches on the card, and in there, you have the face of the company against a rising heel. The triple threat for the title didn't have any "part-timers' in it. Batista may have just returned in January, but he's been here every week since returning. That doesn't equate to part-time.

As for Lesnar vs. the Rock, I don't care about using part-time talent to put over younger talent. I care about matches that make sense. I care about matches that are enjoyable. We don't know if the Rock will ever wrestle another match again, as we may very truly the last we've seen of him wrestling.

The more sensible alternative, especially if you're looking for a younger wrestler for him to enhance, is Roman Reigns. But the idea that Brock Lesnar at age 36 needs to be putting over younger talent is pretty silly. He's the same age as Cena and Orton. While they can use their positioning on the card and within the company as top stars to help get younger talent over, it certainly isn't because of his age, as I've read here.

Rock vs. Brock? Doesn't interest me much, to be honest. Their Summerslam match in 2002 was solid, but that was a 29 year old Rock against a 24 year old Brock. Now that they've aged 12 years, I'm not sure Rock can go at the level he one did.

As I said, I'd rather see Brock vs. Reigns. Roman looks to be a huge breakout face, and who better to test him against then Brock?

After his loss to Cena?

No, Rock is no longer the same bench mark he used to be. He's a legend and icon, but defeating him in a match at Bryan's current level doesn't mean a ton. It would mean far more for Bryan to defeat Brock.

Whose loss are we talking about, Rock's or Brock's? How can you tout that Rock would be a bad opponent because he lost to Cena, only to forget that Brock did the exact same thing?
Whose loss are we talking about, Rock's or Brock's? How can you tout that Rock would be a bad opponent because he lost to Cena, only to forget that Brock did the exact same thing?


Yes, Brock has lost to Cena, however Brock ended the Streak. That elevates him to a higher level of player.

Rock lost to Cena in their second match, which I think elevates Cena (although there's not much more growing room for him now) and the only real rung left in the ladder was Taker, which Brock climbed to.

Being as the Rock is not around, in any capacity other than hosting now and then, he's not the same measuring stick that Cena, Brock and even perhaps HHH were/are.

Bryan going over Cena again (clean and without injury) or Brock means far more to Bryan than him going over the Rock I believe.

The Rock is still a legend, but I'm not sure beating him in the ring means a lot anymore, or at least not as much as beating Cena, Brock and arguably HHH.

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