Bring Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas to TNA!


Pre-Show Stalwart
According to a new report, Kurt Angle has been pushing pretty hard for TNA to sign his former WWE team members Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. It is unknown at this time whether or not TNA has interest in the tag team.

It is being said that TNA's current stance on bringing former WWE talents into the company

I understand that TNA has plenty of talents but lets face it Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas as a team is better then getting Matt Hardy. I'm huge fan of the Hardyz. Mainly of a Jeff fan then a Matt but I think Team Angle would be huge if they make it last.

Yes, its two former WWE talent who cares. I've mention this in the last few threads I did about bringing these two guys in. Lets face it who will be the best to fight Immortal and Fortune?! A group of guys that got kicked out of the stable or some people that are just allies and kind of watching their backs.

I think thats fine but wait until after December and maybe early Janruary or beginning of February to bring them in as Kurt Angle back up. Keep Kurt Angle off camera NO more run-ins or anything.

Also, get Joe to lose some weight because he isn't the same guy as opposed when he first arrived in TNA and few years ago. Here's why I say Joe needs to lose weight.

Immortal and Fortune is going to last for at least a few more months or longer depending on athletes getting hurt or need break.

Pope and Anderson gets their matches and everyone besides Sting and Nash is back fighting them off but of course losing in a effort.

Picture this its January probably mid month Kurt Angle starts attacking not just Jeff Jarrett but random people in Immortal and Fortune.

But of course he gets back up in the corner at times but manages away out before getting a big whoopin. Few weeks been by out of no where Team Angle (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) makes the save. You can't tell me that this wouldn't be huge deal.

The way I see this feud goes.

First Feud (Jan - March give or take)

Team Angle.........................Immortals

Kurt Angle...........................Jeff Jarrett
Shelton Benjamin..................Abyss
Charlie Haas.........................Rhyno*

This will hopefully end this feud with Kurt and Jarrett finally. This will give Rhyno and Abyss time while facing a good tag team. Plus Shelton to me is better then Haas but these four guys can do single matches as well. So much you can do with this first feud. Singles, Tag Team Match, Six Man Tag Team Match, and even Handicap just for fun.

Next feud and this is why I said that Joe needs to lose some weight because he's not the same and this will make him look a little bit better.

Second Feud (March - June give or take)

Team Angle.........................Fortune

Kurt Angle...........................AJ Styles
Samoa Joe..........................Kaz*
Shelton Benjamin..................Bobby Roode
Charlie Haas........................James Storm

After the feud with Jarrett is over Fortune would probably want revenge and by this time it would be close to being around Lockdown PPV. Which would make prefect time for this. I'm keeping Kurt away for the World Title for now.

Fortune will have the upper hand for now until Kurt reaches out and asked for help or mutual respect some how with Kurt and Joe to ally together. This will get Joe more air time if this feud happens. Plus by this time Beer Money would be getting title shots again. If they are the ones that beats MCMG or not. They are going to be in the title hunt for at least few months for now. Thats why the first feud should happen first.

Team Angle vs Beer Money vs MCMG would be huge I think. Lets face it we need a good solid team to take Team 3D spot. Why not Team Angle?!

Last feud idea.!

Third Feud (May - August give or take)

Team Angle.........................Immortals/Fortune

Kurt Angle...........................Jeff Hardy
Samoa Joe..........................Jeff Jarrett or AJ Styles or Rhyno* or Abyss
Shelton Benjamin..................Abyss or Bobby Roode
Charlie Haas.........................Rhyno* or James Storm

Final feud would have finally getting Kurt his title shot since losing the match at Bound for Glory 2010 (October 10, 2010). That would put Jeff at least close to four to six months as champ which would be pretty long for TNA. Plus depending if he's still around by this time anyways. I think this should be long enough to keep Kurt of the title picture for this. In the mean time TNA can use Pope, Anderson, RVD, Joe, and Morgan. Which will give these guys time to Main Event or even win the title if thats the case. You got at least a good four months before Kurt should get a title shot. Most of these guys already had their chances but continue to let them until this third feud happens. TNA doesn't keep a feud long enough anymore like they should do.

Back on topic you can finally settle the score which Team Angle vs Immortals/Fortune at least this feud can last until next year Bound for Glory but just rotate the guys if you need to simple as that. Plus once Joe loses the weight and looks like he first did and move a little quicker this would help him out as well.

Kurt Angle feud with Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, and Jeff Hardy should be all wrapped up for now by somewhere around July - October with occasionally these guys find away to face on another. Maybe winning the TV Title or possible recapturing the World Title one last time because thats all he needs to win it once more if need to be.

Samoa Joe feud with Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Rhyno, Abyss, and Jeff Hardy give him some what new matches and more credit to his career. Who knows maybe he might end up winning the TV or World title as well in this process.

Team Angle (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) feud with Generation Me, London Brawlers, Beer Money, and MCMG will be great and whole new teams that Angles hasn't faced yet. Instead of Moore and Neal, how about Moore and Helms would be more fun and better team. Plus so would London and Kendrick too.!!

The reason I picked Joe was because he feels like what Brock was doing at the time when Lesnar at a stable fave Kurt Stable. If these two guys could had ever teamed up it would be huge. I think like this Kurt and Joe watching each other backs would help Joe career out a little bit more.

NOw I know this is a lot to read but be carefully and see what I am trying to say. That it will be a good idea to bring in Team Angle instead of Matt Hardy.!

Thoughts?!! Please comment.!
I too agree with you and I feel this would make for a good storyline but I have to add to your idea a little. Ok I would have Haas and Benjamin come into TNA and team up with Kurt Angle once again just like you said to take out Immortal. They could feud with Beer Money for a while since Beer Money is the only tag team apart of Immortal. So if they come in towards the end of January, I would have them win the tag belts around Lockdown or Sacrifice and then have them lose the titles at Hard Justice because Shelton Benjamin laid down for the team they were facing which would be Beer Money.
Shelton would join Immortal and then the following Thursday on Impact, I would have Charlie Haas found knocked out unconscience and everyone points there finger at Benjamin. So then I would have Benjamin begin feuding with Kurt Angle and have a match with him at Bound For Glory. So Benjamin and Angle could have a great match at Bound For Glory, and then a swerve could come during the end of the match, with Charlie Haas interefering and costing Angle the match. Thus teaming with Shelton once again in Immortal and it would make Immortal so much stronger.

Remember Charlie was never seen being attacked. It was a set up and he was taken off tv untill Bound for GLory.
Wow, I think someone should give you a job if you can book what appears to be about half a years worth of storys in what I assume was a little over a hour. But honestly I don't think you had to go to all of that length to prove your point, everyone knows how good a tag team they are. Th last part of your quote looks to be a bit cut off, but if it is something about TNA's stance on signing former WWE employees being in any way against it you would have to consider that the biggest lie as if Hitler told the rest of the world he had fairly strong views.

TNA IS old WWE talents, they come in and TNA re-stock them, or often not in the case of RVD who is the same as when he left, they even try to get guys to have a similar theme! like flair for example. Mind you they do this because they know they characters are pretty good and oftne they do a good job of re-packaging them so they are better in TNA such as anderson and hardy now, and undoubtedly matt morgan, quite possibly TNA's biggest ex-WWE success story.

But thats going off on a complete tangent, I know for a fact like so many of teh guys that have left for TNA even on the smaller pay-package, they are so much happier than how they were in WWE and I think this team would be no exception to that.

If we look at the tag divison as it stands, we have Ink inc. - interesting gimmick team, some interesting offence but mostly a filler for teams to beat to earn No1 contender spots against the belts, Gen Me - Spots galore, a severe lack of real personality but an abundance for wrestling and athletic ability makes for another decent team, MCMG - Generation me except even more talented and with charisma, no wonder they are known by many as the world best tag team, Orlando jordan and EY - Pass, london brawling (waiting to be seen) - Great grappling team with their british style and matt technique, with both members being very high on the charismatic scale they more than earn their place, beer money - acolades galore, a perfect old school style team, what first looked like a random pairing turned out to be one of the best descisions imaginable, wouldn't trade them.

Shelton and haas - They can do anything, they are the best of both world's in a wrestling sense. They could spend the entire match laying on their backs or on the top rope. Their versatility makes them a great option. Their only downfall is the charisma of shelton which has an unfairly bad rep and haas who's rep is pretty fair. Despte that they would be a great addition to the category i would define as the strongest divison at least in all of mainstream wrestling, if not anywhere. Adding them I think would cement that idea.
The problem here is that I think TNA is banking on a Hardy Boyz reunion, which despite their health, sobriety or shape will undoubtedly make more money than any match, debut or story line who's money makers are Haas & Benjamin.

I do think that The World's Greatest Tag Team would undoubtedly be quite entertaining in TNA, I just don't think they'd draw enough interest on their own — not in the same vein as a Hardy/Hardy reunion. Not even close, in fact.
I would really like to see Haas an Benjamin in TNA. The Tag Division is pretty good right now but bringing those two guys in would make the Tag Division even better. I would LOVE to see Haas & Benjamin vs MCMG Haas & Benjamin vs Gen Me Haas & Benjamin vs Beer Money and even Haas & Benjamin vs London Brawling. I think all of those would be Great matches that I would really love to see. I would really like to see these two guys in TNA in the Future and hopefully they do come to TNA.
I'm really hoping for this. Just Imagine the matches they could have with MCMG, Beer Money, and Gen Me. It would build on their great tag division and bring in a really good challenge for MCMG for the Tag Belts. MCMG has basically beaten everyone and they look untouchable right now. Bring in World's Greatest Tag Team and now you have one hell of a rivalry. I say TNA should target these guys and make them priority number 1.

Sure Matt Hardy could come in and have a good program with Jeff. but, how many times have we seen that already? Trust me, it's not going to draw like a World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Motor City Machine Guns match. Hell, I'd pay to see a PPV with that as the main event.
I don't see why Matt Hardy would have anything to do with Benjamin and Haas. If Matt comes into TNA then it's not like he and Jeff will immediately go to the tag division as Jeff will either still be World Champ or at least be involved in the title scene. In the meantime, you could have TWGTT adding a much-needed boost to the tag division as the current group has become pretty stale.

They're in a tough spot booking right now as the epic MCMG/Beer Money series wasn't that long ago and now they've also gone through Gen-Me and Team 3D. They obviously were planning a push for London Brawling but Wolfe's health got in the way. Sounds like they may be good to go now so that should be a good feud. Then maybe it will be time for Beer Money to get another crack at the belts. But that said, the rotation is getting a little thin so adding Haas and Benjamin to the mix would be fantastic. I'd love to see a MCMG vs. Beer Money vs. WGTT match sometime.
I think this would be a great idea. TNA may be watching who they sign now because they're taking more care in their finances (not a good sign), but Haas and Benjamin would be one good asset to get, really. They have name recognition, and compared to others they can actually offer something good in exchange for the money TNA will have to pay for their talent. They could add another very credible, over, and known tag team to the tag team division and make that division even better then it already is. I'd take Haas and Benjamin over teams like Ink. inc and even Generation ME any day. Their matches with Motorcity Machine Guns or Beer Money are far more likely to draw and be greater feuds then those teams feuding with other, lesser teams, that's for sure. And a feud with London Brawling would also be great!

I would love to see Haas and Benjamin in TNA.
Because of the Immortal angle, I see Beer Money being the most dominant tag team in TNA for awhile. Their main rivals will obviously be the MCMG's who are extremely popular among the fans these days. So I think that in the current scenario the World's Greatest Tag Team will get a bit lost in the shuffle. Sure they could be the face team that also opposes Beer Money especially if Kurt Angle backs them but in the longer run I'm seeing them having inconsequental matches with Gen Me as time progresses.

Still they would be a welcome addition to TNA if they don't have anything else to do. I'd rather have them stay in ROH and tear down the house with the likes of Kings of Wrestling. Also both suck more or less on the mic. So they might not be able to maintain their positions even if they are pushed.
why would you want Shelton Benjamin? You know exactly what he is...incredibly talented but also incredibly lazy. This is a guy that could have become a top level main eventer in the WWE, but decided it was simply easier to not care. He is perfectly happy to do just enough to get by, rather than put in the work. This is the same guy who saved all of his effort for one match a year, MITB, got his PPV payout, and then coasted for the entire year. Benjamin had years to prove he had what it takes, and failed. Why bother? Is he a name? Nope. Is he a proven draw? Nope. Can he bring anything new to TNA? Nope. Will he bust his ass to prove his critics wrong, something he didn't do in his decade plus in the WWE? Shelton Benjamin would be a waste of a roster spot in TNA.

I used to be a huge Shelton Benjamin fan. I used to believe that he had what it took. but I can only take seeing an obviously talented guy half-ass his way through every week for so long. If Shelton Benjamin had given a damn, he could have been one of the most athletically gifted WWE champions ever, instead of being one of the most athletically gifted jokes ever. He reminds me of Sergei Fedorov. Could have been one of the greatest hockey players of all time, but he thought he was so talented, he didn't have to work at it. So while he was good, he was never as good as he should have been. Laziness is a cancer for a professional wrestler, and there is no chemo for it. TNA should stay away from Shelton Benjamin.
TNA right now is trying to make a Hardy Boyz reunion...which would be great...5 years ago

Haas and Benjamin are 2 of the best technical wrestlers I have ever seen...and as a tag team just amazing. TNA just needs to put them with Kurt and let them do what they do best. They are what TNA is looking for too, Underrated wrestlers from WWE with in ring ability and fans who actually know them...oh and being in Kurt's favor will help too, just look at what Jeff did for Shannon Moore.

I'm on the "TNA needs to trim it's fat" band wagon. Sure, I'd love to see Haas & Benjamin reunited on TV every week, and I'd love to see them with Kurt Angle as well. I think it would be awesome. But I know TNA has bigger things they SHOULD be worrying about, like not hiring every single WWE regect they can. And while Haas and Benjamin might not be "regects" they will fall into that class just like almost everyone else.
why would you want Shelton Benjamin? You know exactly what he is...incredibly talented but also incredibly lazy. This is a guy that could have become a top level main eventer in the WWE, but decided it was simply easier to not care. He is perfectly happy to do just enough to get by, rather than put in the work.

OK, Shelton has said on Twitter and during his interviews that this is completely untrue. He never said he was satisfied with being just a midcarder and never wanted to be a Main Event Guy.

He didn't just phone it in until Money in the Bank. It's WWE Creative who didn't give him anything interesting to do until Money in the Bank that was the problem.

Watch the match Shelton and Charlie had against The Kings of Wrestling and tell me again that guy is lazy!

Now, as for Haas and Benjamin going to TNA. IMO, it's a no-brainer. They would bring so much depth and versatility to the Tag-Team Division.

They would definitely instantly be the most versatile Tag-Team in TNA. If you need them to be a great babyface team, they can do that. If you need them to be a great heel team, they can do that.

Not only would bringing them in raise the level of their Tag Team Division. Having Shelton as a single's wrestler would definitely make for some great matches.

Shelton vs AJ Styles, Shelton vs Samoa Joe, Shelton vs Douglas Williams, Shelton vs Desmond Wolfe, etc.

They'd come in motivated and pissed off to kick ass.

I'd obviously bring them in as Kurt Angle's backup.

Say, Kurt gets banned from the Impact Zone, and everytime he shows up, he gets arrested and catches a beating from Gunnar and Murphy.

One week, he shows up, he gets tazered, beaten up, and sent to jail. This time, cameras follow him to Jail.

The show him using his phone call to get Charlie to bail him out of jail. He could say he knows it's been a long time, but he needs them. He knows they've been screwed, and so has he. "I need help".

Next week, Kurt shows up in his Hummer. Gunnar and Murphy meet him with nightsticks saying the only way he's getting in there is through them. Kurt says that's fine with him. All of a sudden, the passenger door opens and Charlie Haas steps out. The back seat opens and Shelton steps out with 3 metal bats.

Shelton tosses a bat to Charlie, then to Kurt, and the brawl is on.

They get in the Impact Zone where Fortune with Bischoff and Hogan meet them and ask them what the hell they're doing there. They're unemployed.

During that time Haas and Benjamin take their contracts out of their pockets that Dixie signed them to and shows them to Immortal.

The 1st match I'd have them wrestle is against Samoa Joe and The Pope.
Although I'm totally for TNA picking up Haas and Benjamin I'm not too keen on the idea of them reforming Team Angle, it just reeks WWE and the last thing TNA needs to do is to do something that worked 7-8 years ago.

Getting Haas and Benjamin over would be pretty simple. The first thing to do would be to put them in a tag team together since thats what most people would want to see and let them feud with the likes of Beer Money and Generation Me. Haas and Benjamin are good but not nearly at the level where they should be put in a top line feud with the Immortals or Fortune. Neither guy is very interesting on the mic so give them 10 minutes against Generation Me and Beer Money, let them tear the house down inside the ring and give them a feud with someone in the tag division, as of right now that would be the best way to use Haas and Benjamin especially since the TNA tag division is pretty good right now.
I wouldn't mind them. I want to see what Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas can do without WWE booking because i'm sure they can put up some awesome matches with MCMG.

Another team i would like to see is The Kings of Wrestling from ROH. I can't believe they aren't part of WWE or TNA. Then again, i'll have more faith with them in TNA.
I know that the IWC loves Shelton Benjamin for some reason but I'm just not into the guy. Unless he's flipping or falling off the top of a 20 foot ladder, there's just nothing amazing about him. I know that he's very athletic and that's all well and good if you're on the indy scene. Benjamin's biggest problem is that he has no personality or charisma. The man's just plain dry and that doesn't come off well on television. However, maybe TNA would be able to succeed with him where WWE failed. Stranger things have happened. As far as Charlie Haas goes, I can't think of anything off the top of my head that was memorable about him aside from being part of Team Angle.

As far as Team Angle goes, Benjamin and Haas were never over more than when they were associated with Kurt Angle. After they split with him, they faded into mediocrity.

With Dixie Carter's mother being in charge of the purse strings in TNA, it sounds as though TNA is going to have be more selective about which former WWE wrestlers it brings into the fold. As far as star power goes, Benjamin & Haas are nobodys. If guys like Jeff Hardy & RVD can't jack up TNA's numbers then these two don't have a snowball's chance in Hell. Matt Hardy is a more likely choice at this particular time. While Benjamin & Haas are loads better than Hardy in the ring, Benjamin isn't any worse than Hardy is on the mic so that should tell you something there, Hardy is still the much bigger name. As a result, I'm sure that TNA has much more faith in something involving both Hardy Boyz.
I'd be behind this move if it was to happen. They are talented for sure and would work wonders for the tag division, which has been booked to hell.

It won't happen though, As has been said the Hardyz reunion is happening whether we like it or not. And while Team Angle would be welcome alongside those signings, I am sure it will be one of those fantasy deals.
OK, Shelton has said on Twitter and during his interviews that this is completely untrue. He never said he was satisfied with being just a midcarder and never wanted to be a Main Event Guy.

He didn't just phone it in until Money in the Bank. It's WWE Creative who didn't give him anything interesting to do until Money in the Bank that was the problem.

Watch the match Shelton and Charlie had against The Kings of Wrestling and tell me again that guy is lazy!

of course Shelton Benjamin is going to claim he wasn't phoning it in...what is he supposed to do, admit it and make himself look bad? How naive can you really be? If he claimed he was the King of England, would you believe that too?

His body of work is evidence enough. I have watched him his entire WWE career, watched him put on too many average matches to believe his "twitter" account that he wasn't half-assing it.

I also call bullshit on it being all creative's fault. You know why the Miz is getting the opportunities Benjamin never did? Because he works his ass off. Only an idiot would sit around waiting for creative to find something for them to do...You don't get anywhere waiting for something to happen, you MAKE it happen. You come up with ideas, you kick your matches up a notch or two, you force them to notice you. John Cena reflects that idea perfectly. His catchphrase is "you want some? Come get some!" not "You want some? sit on your ass until someone gives you some". Shelton Benjamin blaming his lack of success on creative is a bullshit excuse from a bullshitter who wants people to believe that his lack of success is everyone's fault but his own.
why? why? why? TNA's roster is already overloaded with talent. Most of their talent were misfits of the WWE and this would be no different. They would offer nothing to TNA. Yes, they would make yet another good tag team in their already good tag team division but lets face it, Benjamin and Haas in NO WAY shape or form will help ratings. Just won't.
why? why? why? TNA's roster is already overloaded with talent. Most of their talent were misfits of the WWE and this would be no different. They would offer nothing to TNA. Yes, they would make yet another good tag team in their already good tag team division but lets face it, Benjamin and Haas in NO WAY shape or form will help ratings. Just won't.

Hulk Hogan didn't help TNA from a ratings standpoint, either.

Talent is talent. Who cares where they came from?

Do you think when Vince McMahon was building up the WWF in the 80's he was thinking "You know what, we've got too many guys from Mid-South"!

In the 90's when he brought in Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and Triple H, he wasn't worried that he'd have a roster full of WCW rejects and misfits.
of course Shelton Benjamin is going to claim he wasn't phoning it in...what is he supposed to do, admit it and make himself look bad? How naive can you really be? If he claimed he was the King of England, would you believe that too?

His body of work is evidence enough. I have watched him his entire WWE career, watched him put on too many average matches to believe his "twitter" account that he wasn't half-assing it.

I also call bullshit on it being all creative's fault. You know why the Miz is getting the opportunities Benjamin never did? Because he works his ass off. Only an idiot would sit around waiting for creative to find something for them to do...You don't get anywhere waiting for something to happen, you MAKE it happen. You come up with ideas, you kick your matches up a notch or two, you force them to notice you. John Cena reflects that idea perfectly. His catchphrase is "you want some? Come get some!" not "You want some? sit on your ass until someone gives you some". Shelton Benjamin blaming his lack of success on creative is a bullshit excuse from a bullshitter who wants people to believe that his lack of success is everyone's fault but his own.

You think he was just sitting around on his ass? The guy was busting his ass night after night for 8 years for that company!

He wasn't blaming creative for his lack of success. I said that, not him.

Who gives a fuck about the Miz? He's gonna be one of the worst WWE Champions of all-time!

The only reason why he's champion at the moment is because Raw doesn't have any talent left. It's the same as JBL.

Triple H is injured and getting old.

C.M. Punk is injured.

Batista left.

The Undertaker's injured and getting old.

Chris Jericho's off with his music.

HBK left.

The only reason the WWE is pushing mediocre guys on Raw like Miz, Sheamus, and Nexus is because they have no other alternative.

If you think Shelton was just having average matches, you definitely weren't watching. He had great matches with guys like Hunter, HBK, Jericho, Cena, Christian, Angle, Benoit.

The Miz didn't start having good matches at all until he went against Daniel Bryan 3 months ago.

You can't compare Shelton to John Cena, because Cena's the biggest draw in the entire company.
I'd like to see them but it is hardly a must have. I think they could bring something fresh to the tag division but what happens after that I am not sure. I do not see Benjamin ever getting into the main event picture in TNA but I guess he could be solid in the upper mid card. I am not so sure TNA is deadset on a Hardyz reunion. I think they may breakup ink inc and let Moore do something with at least one Hardy. Then there would certainly be a spot for another tag team to come in and keep the division going even if london brawling is going to be around. I think it would be better if they did their own thing separate from Angle.
Haas and Benjamin? Um, thanks. These guys are awesome athletes but have the personality of cardboard.

Thats one point of putting them with Angle, it can get them over. Look at the matches these two could put on with teams like Motor City Machine Guns, GME, London Brawling, Beer Money, Ink inc etc. If they were used right they could go far in TNA. Way farther than they would go in WWE.
Here's the link that I read on wrestlezone.

That's why I made this thread as soon as I read it just to see what people thought about this. It is kind of true because every since Shelton got released Kurt has been trying to bring these guys in. I think it can help in the long haul then someone who is in it for them selves. I have to pick Shelton Benjamin or Charlie Haas or Matt Hardy or Team Angle (as whole for a few months at least). I would pick Shelton or Team Angle thing. Matt is Matt you never know it would've been a total different story if he had came in when he got fired/released back in 05. He was younger and doing for the fans now a day who knows whats up. I was a huge HARDY fan for both people now its just Jeff in a way.!

The Disturbed
Thanks and I like your idea of swerve. One thing I would add would after a few matches during the swerve I can easily see Samoa Joe or AJ Styles or even Christopher Daniels teaming up with Kurt to get revenge on his boys. I think that would be huge and helps keep Kurt healthy longer when he is work as a team or stable because of less toll on his body.

Thanks for the comment. Some things like this comes to mind but again you got to explain your arguments to get people into what you are talking about. Even at times it doesn't make sense or no one cares about. Watching wrestling since late 80's to now a lot of change. Some things are the same and the way TNA is doing isn't going to last long. As fans we need longer feud with people we like to see and able to watch every match and segments until the feud is over.

It's Damn Real!
As a fan I would too but we've seen it a thousand times. Yeah TNA hasn't done it. I believe this should've happen like 5 yrs ago. Ok you get Matt into TNA then what?! Tag Team gold ok done. Then you have one of the two end up leaving or hurt or something bad happens. Jeff single career is far more then Matt right now. I'm cutting Matt short here but its the truth. I think sooner or later he is going to be the guy like Tommy D and work behind the scenes if possible. Their wrestling ability isn't their or exciting anymore. Jeff has torn done some which is good thing but Matt? I rather bring in two guys that can work any division in this company. We know that they can wrestler but WWE really never gave them a shot once the Team Angle team was over.

Haas got shitty gimmicks. Shelton sometimes quit on him self and not do anything. I vote for these two over Matt Hardy right now.

I like your comment understand where you are coming from but like someone else has already listed all the teams in TNA. I will do it again but for my stand top to bottom shall we.

MCMG (legit face)
Beer Money, Inc. (legit heel)
Ink Inc. (young face)
London Brawlers* (young heel)
Orlando Jordan and Eric Young (comedy tweener)
Generation Me (young heel)

I might have miss a team or two but lets face TNA doesn't have a strong teams once 3D retired in a way. London Brawlers haven't really done anything yet so who knows about them. We've seen MCMG vs Beer Money tons of time sure it'll still draw but I don't think Team Angle will get moved around even without Kurt backing them up.

Another scenario!!

They come in backing Kurt but then they split apart some how or way.

Let Team Angle work their way up to the title match. You got about six or so teams which can be 6 PPV matches. Then we they finally get to MCMG or Beer Money. They get screwed a few times. Eventually winning the match and the titles or some how win the match but not getting the titles.

Having these three teams face each other by NEXT year will help TNA. Give the other teams a reason to wrestle or some type of storyline.

Plus I haven't seen any of Kings of Wrestling in ROH. I'm a fan of their product no doubt but by January how much more would the fan want to see them. Just saying.!

Another side note is that we won't know which Shelton we will end up getting a lazy one at the end of WWE or the one that we first saw when he arrived in WWE. I think with Kurt and Haas in their corner I think would give shelton the fire that he need to compete.

The match type like Ladder Matches, Cage Matches, and Ultimate X Match with teams like MCMG and Beer Money, Inc. is gold.

THat's my opinion!!

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