Bring back the _____ title...


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Your choices? Lightheavyweight and Hardcore.

The Lightheavyweight title would enable the WWE to bring in new, faster talent and put meaningful belts and title reigns on guys like Mysterio and Bourne. It would also mean a natural fit for indy guys and eventual TNA defectors.

The Hardcore title would be a nice get away from the PG era, and allow us a certain level of hardcore action, potentially attracting back guys like Raven or RVD. No 24/7 rule need apply.

Which championship would YOU prefer to see make a return?
I'm going to say the light-heavyweight, but I really want the cruiserweight. I think it was KB in his Survivor Series thread, but someone said that light heavyweight sounds stupid, and I agree. Cruiserweight sounds so much better and more legit.

Anyway, the are so many smaller midcard guys that get buried because they don't fit into Vince's model for a heavyweight champion, Rey Mysterio being the most obvious exception. Guys like Rey, Evan Bourne, Kofi, Yoshi Tatsu, Jimmy Wang Yang, etc. could easily prove that they belong on the roster in a cruiserweight division. The matches would be exciting and nice change of pace from the bigger guys like Batista and Cena matches.
A tough choice. The light-heavyweight weight title would bring competitive and entertaining cruiserweight matches as well as give those guys something of their own to fight for. The hardcore title gives us more hardcore matches as well as unpredictability with it's 24/7 rule; I actually liked the 24/7 rule btw.

I'd go with the Light-heavy. That belt would do a lot of good for guys like Bourne, Yoshi, and Wang; small guys who are either floating in mid-card purgatory or are jobbers. It gives them something to fight for, can be a great way to get them over, and the matches would be entertaining; get rid of the Divas title and bring this belt back.
Bring back the hardcore title, please!!!!! It may not have meant a whole lot in the history of pro wrestling but it was the most exciting. Every week we would get to see a bunch a guys beat the hell out of each other with a wide variety of weapons. Thats my idea of fun. It also gave so many guys who werent doing anything something to do. If it was brought back now, specificly ECW, it would give those guys who arent exactly mid care or dont have anything going on something to strive for and air time. PLEASE!!!!! Bring back the Hardcore title.
Neither. Cruiserweight title is the way to go. It gives jobbers like Bourne and superstars who has nothing going on for them like Primo something to fight for and show their athletic skills to the crowd, possibly helping them to get over.
Bring back the hardcore title, please!!!!! It may not have meant a whole lot in the history of pro wrestling but it was the most exciting. Every week we would get to see a bunch a guys beat the hell out of each other with a wide variety of weapons. Thats my idea of fun. It also gave so many guys who werent doing anything something to do. If it was brought back now, specificly ECW, it would give those guys who arent exactly mid care or dont have anything going on something to strive for and air time. PLEASE!!!!! Bring back the Hardcore title.

i agree, i've been saying for a while now that they should bring back the hardcore title and put it on ECW.. how can your "show" be called Extreme if there's nothing extreme going on, and hearing them call it the Land of Extreme makes no sense, because there's nothing extreme on there
I apologize but i must make a 3rd suggestion.
I would choose the T.V. title. The reason for such is that i believe it could be a title that could be defended on any show at least once a week. Its a title that can be held by anyone and can provide exposure to those wrestlers that can't get anytime on one show (due to loaded rosters) to perhaps get some on another and maybe get a little more depth to a character.
Imagine Swagger, M.V.P., Bourne, Hardy, Ziggler etc, etc, all these guys don't get nearly enough time to build their character. With a title solely defended on T.V. will allow young talents to hone their craft with other young talents on each roster, which could eventually lead to great feuds in which people could get behind.
I don't think i am describing this as well as i am envisioning it... but if you really think about it, it would be a nice focal point of T.V.'s, that could help to get small sparks that ignite flames. Everyone knows a wrestler "gets over" big time when they find their perfect counterpart. This could help to allow them to find "their foil" so to speak and not just be "stuck" with the main events "burying them" ( Hart/Micheals Hart/Austin Austin Micheals Austin/Rock Triple H/The Rock ) There are many others but these are off the top of my head. All these guys took it to an entire different level when working with each other, they found chemistry that was just amazing. These guys wrestled each other before they were even in world title hunts, sometimes for the I.C. Title giving a history between the two. It made for compelling storyline and great sometimes epic matches. Allowing the youth to work with the youth and build a small history to look back on in a few years could be beneficial.
Currently the midcard is too overshadowed and thats not good. Focus on a T.V. title could change that if done correctly. But thats just one mans poorly written opinion. -Tdub
i agree that the hardcore title would fit perfectly on ECW as it is the "Land of Extreme" and while bringing in new talents from FCW and building them up to ship them off to Smackdown & Raw, they can throw all the guys who are not being used on both Raw an Smackdown onto ecw which would allow them to compete for the hardcore title an also throw them in prgrams with new guys to give them some epxerience.

In my opinion though I would choose the cruiserweight title, and have it be on ECW or Smackdown, or do a storyline much like the smackdown & ecw talent exchange they did where wrestlers from both brands would appear, well the champ could appear on both shows. you could jsut do what the tag champs do an go on all brands but i just feel it would be better for smackdown an ecw, b.c it prob would get lost in the mix on raw. to me the other 2 brands is where we see more wrestling an faster pace/ariel... move guys like bourne an primo over to smackdown an ecw to compete for the title an just let raw be the cluster of star power. the cruiserweight title is a good way to build new storylines/feuds an help wrestlers who get no air time be able to show what they got which would also boost their confidence back up being that they are being used an have a title they know they can compete for. this will help get those wrestlers intrested in what they are doing instead of sitting in the back miserable cause they jsut never get tv time or used
Am I the only one who wants the European title to come back????
Look at all of the people who won it

Triple H
British Bulldog
Owen Hart
Kurt Angle
Eddie Guerrio
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy

Just to name a few. This title was a nice title for undercard wrestlers ( I like it bc anyone can win it, unlike the LH title that only 225 n under can win) it also helps younger wrestlers who aren't ready for the uppercard

Bringing any title to the WWE will obviously end in the title being ruined or possibly losing its legacy, the last crusierweight champion was hornswoggle...enough said. They need to focus on the titles they have now and build them up to actually make the title relevent.....which brings me too...

The hardcore title, it would be a great fit, ofcourse with the 24/7 rule, remember they can win it at the airport haha, but yeah the title it to be taken as a joke so it would fit in really good right now in the wwe. Knowng the wwe they might even do that and have david arquette host raw and somehow win the title......:|.....I think they could make it fun and interesting
Why not contest the ECW title under exterme rules, in the form of a glorified hardcore title? You could be killing two birds here (hardcore title back, and ECW title facelift). Although this may create a few problems; having a hardcore (ECW) title as the top belt on WWE's thrird brand may not be compatible in today's PG era, and wrestlers need to be able to carry and keep a hardcore belt fresh, which was part of the problem in the first place I think. No 24/7, 20-man jobber-royals either.
If WWE were to bring any title back from anywhere it should definitely be the TV title. It could be a belt for midcards since theres a plethora out there (most who are misused). They could put the belt on Superstars and make it the show that anyone from any brand is invited to "showcase their talents" it would make Superstars a show people want too see and push the wrestlers at the same time. So I'd definitely say the TV title.
I've been saying that ever since ECW was "resurrected," that WWE should bring back the Lightweight Champion and make it the secondary belt on the show.

The problem with the Lightweight Championship in the past was that since Vince isn't a fan of the little guys, they weren't able to get much TV time on Raw or Smackdown, unless their name was Rey Mysterio Jr. Well, on ECW... there actually is plenty of time to kill since there's only one title, and since there aren't a lot of big names on the show.

In my opinion, not only could you make the Lightweight Championship highly prestigious once again on ECW, but it could simply make the show a lot better. Lightweight guys do have an audience out there. Sure, it's a niche audience, but that's still more people who would tune into ECW every week to watch these guys wrestle, especially if they're given a lot of time to work with, which they should.
The roster is way to small to bring in another title and trying to make it prestiguse, they have their ECW championship and underneath that the same card week in and week out and they keep losing their wrestlers to Raw & Smackdown. Jackson and Kozlov dominate the undercard and to have a lighweight championship I just think it wouldn't work well. Roster is not that large and not a whole lot of lightweight talent to make a division work.

The ECW Roster including announcers and interviewers is 24. 13 of those being male wrestlers. I think that alone is a bland ECW Championship picture. This is the list of lightweights:

**sidenote, if hurricane wins next week than we will see another two departures from ECW as Burchill & Lea will be gone.
I'm going to say the light-heavyweight, but I really want the cruiserweight. I think it was KB in his Survivor Series thread, but someone said that light heavyweight sounds stupid, and I agree. Cruiserweight sounds so much better and more legit.

Considering New Japan, NWA, and All-Japan use Light-Heavyweight... and so do boxing and MMA. Light Heavyweight is the way to go as it just means you have to be that weight and not have to do all the high flying moves that are required for the cruisers.

Anyway, this one is a no brainer. Light Heavyweight Championship. It would give people like Tatsu and Ryder a chance to see what they can do with championship gold. Also, having Helms hold it while also using Hurricane to your advantage would be interesting in the storylines. Not to mention, the Hardcore Championship was a joke to all champions until Bischoff took away the 24/7 ruling.

But then again, isn't the ECW title supposed to be "extreme"? Meaning, weapons in every match?
There's not really a great deal of point in having another title on ECW if the show is going to remain a one hour program. There simply wouldn't be enough time for a second title fued to be going on, while keeping focus on the ECW title as the main attraction of that brand, AND develop the new guys from the developmental. Keep it as it is on that show, or if it HAS to have a second title, give the show a 2nd hour to go with it.

Apart from the Jobber-royales they used to do with the Hardcore title, the Hardcore belt was actually one of the most fun to watch. I have fond memories of the Hardcore Holly and Al Snow fighting in the Mississippi river, and the Big Bossman and Al Snow trashing arenas and local bars outside. The triple threat match between Kane, Big Show and Raven at WM17 was great fun to watch, as was Rhyno v Raven at Backlash the next month where he gored the shopping cart, and it was fun watching Crash Holly trying to get 5 minutes peace, while he defended the title 24/7. Anyone remember him getting attacked by the Headbangers in the kiddie's play pen? Or when Ivory pinned him while he was asleep? Funny, funny moments that i'll personally never forget.

The cruiserweight title would probably be the better option of the two for this modern day PG WWE. There's so many guys on the roster who aren't even getting regular TV matches because Vince McMahon doesn't think they'd make a good World Champion. Then don't make them the World Champion then Vince, we're not expecting you to. No one really cares that neither of the Road Warriors were never the World champ, because they were an awesome tag team. I never worried that Tajiri would never get the WWF title, because more often than not, he had awesome cruiserweight matches.

A lot of McMahon detractors state that he caters to an audience of one, being himself. Well, Vince unless you're going to buy every seat in every arena you go to, and order your own PPVs a million times over, as well as paying the staff/talent, there'll be very little point in continuing to cater to yourself and not your target audience, because you'll make no money. You need to make better use of your diverse range of talent and not just the muscle bound he-men and loyal legends that you focus all of your attention on these days.
I think this should be done in either one of two ways:

Each show gets 2 hours and 5 Titles each, World, Mid – Card, Specialty, Tag Team, Women’s. This evens it out, putting the Black Show on the same level as the Red and Blue shows. This kind of creates more competition between Raw and Smackdown (more Champions to compare to each other) and also gives ECW more of an “alternative” feel to it compared to the other shows (difference being the Specialty Titles).

Raw: WWE Original Championships
1. World – WWE
2. Mid – Card – Intercontinental
3. Tag Team – World (I think the Red set of Tag Titles should be called the “WWE" Tag Team Titles)
4. Women’s – Women’s
5. Specialty – Light Heavyweight

Smackdown: WCW Original / newer WWE Championships
1. World – World Heavyweight
2. Mid – Card – United States
3. Tag Team – WWE (I think the Blue set of Tag Titles should be called the “World" Tag Team Titles)
4. Women’s – Divas
5. Specialty – Cruiserweight

1. World – ECW
2. Mid – Card – Television
3. Tag Team – ECW
4. Women’s – Vixens
5. Specialty – Hardcore

Please note, TNA is already like this, and it works. The KO Tag Team Titles is a nice plus.

1. World – TNA
2. Mid – Card – Legends / Global
3. Tag Team – TNA
4. Women’s – KnockOuts
5. Specialty – X - Division
6. Women's Tag Team – KnockOuts Tag Team


Consolidate the Championships and allow all Champions to go on any show. This would visually show the level of importance of each Champion. More Belts = More “Importance / Prestige”. This even lowers the number of Titles currently at 8 (or 9, depending on how one looks at it) to 6.

1. World – Holding 3 Belts, the WWE, World, and ECW Titles
2. Mid – Card – Holding 2 Belts, the Intercontinental and United States Titles
3. Tag Team – Holding 2 Belts, the WWE and World Tag Team Titles, as it is currently and the inspiration of this idea.
4. Women’s – Holding 2 Belts, the Women’s and Divas Titles
5. Specialty – Holding 1 or 2 Belts, Light Heavyweight and / or Cruiserweight Title, depending on what you’re trying to portray.
6. Specialty – Holding 1 Belt, the Hardcore Title.

Keeping it how it is currently is fine, but change is always good.
I'd like to see a return of the European Championship because it would potentially have a wider scope and set up new feuds and scenarios for otherwise under-utilized talent.

Forget the Hardcore as this is not in synch with the whole PG rating. Plus the whole 24/7 thing ruined this belt as that was just stupid. Cruiserweight is too restrictive (only small flippy guys). Hornswoggle ruined this belt and any status it might otherwise hold. The TV title or LH title would be OK, but the European title could easily substitute for either of them.

The European belt could feature guys of the cruiserweight size, allowing Bourne, Mysterio, etc to shine. It could also bring in the slightly bigger guys who aren't quite ready for the main event yet (Swagger,MVP,Kofi). Plus calling it the European title gives the added potential of giving it to a non-American, especially a European, which carries an automatic heel status with it (as with the World Elite), but it wouldn't have to exclusively be held by a non-American. A guy like Regal or Kozlov could hold this belt, obviously as a heel, and later drop it to someone like Kofi, and let them test the waters prior to a potential main event push.

No need to eliminate the Divas title, I don't see how a second women's belt has any bearing on any other male mid-card belt one way or the other. If anything eliminate the Divas belt because it's unnecessary, but they wouldn't have to eliminate it simply to allow the return of another belt, they're not related in any way.
I apologize but i must make a 3rd suggestion.
I would choose the T.V. title. The reason for such is that i believe it could be a title that could be defended on any show at least once a week. Its a title that can be held by anyone and can provide exposure to those wrestlers that can't get anytime on one show (due to loaded rosters) to perhaps get some on another and maybe get a little more depth to a character.
Imagine Swagger, M.V.P., Bourne, Hardy, Ziggler etc, etc, all these guys don't get nearly enough time to build their character. With a title solely defended on T.V. will allow young talents to hone their craft with other young talents on each roster, which could eventually lead to great feuds in which people could get behind.
I don't think i am describing this as well as i am envisioning it... but if you really think about it, it would be a nice focal point of T.V.'s, that could help to get small sparks that ignite flames. Everyone knows a wrestler "gets over" big time when they find their perfect counterpart. This could help to allow them to find "their foil" so to speak and not just be "stuck" with the main events "burying them" ( Hart/Micheals Hart/Austin Austin Micheals Austin/Rock Triple H/The Rock ) There are many others but these are off the top of my head. All these guys took it to an entire different level when working with each other, they found chemistry that was just amazing. These guys wrestled each other before they were even in world title hunts, sometimes for the I.C. Title giving a history between the two. It made for compelling storyline and great sometimes epic matches. Allowing the youth to work with the youth and build a small history to look back on in a few years could be beneficial.
Currently the midcard is too overshadowed and thats not good. Focus on a T.V. title could change that if done correctly. But thats just one mans poorly written opinion. -Tdub

I am in 100% agreement with this guy.the tv title would help out sooooo much.because its name speaks for itself.whoeverr holds the title would be champion of would bring prestige to being ON television for any wrestler.i feel some wrestlers these days take being on television seriously so they dont give their best performances and save them for house shows or just dont care.think about it,the miz being tv champ.and then think about how much this statement would mean,"I am the champ.I am the REAL reason you people watch the wwe.ME!!!!The Miz.I am the reason you tune in.You watch wwe tv because of me.Because I'm the miz and i'm AWESOME!!!!!!". just imagine how much validity a superstar like him or someone with that type of mentality could bring to the title and to wwe programming.with the tv champ being on ALL wwe programs,he could stir up new feuds and have multi challenger matches on free tv at least once a week.imagine that....A FIGHTING CHAMPION that actually gives a crap about being champ and would defend it at any time.but of course the first person to hold it would have to hold it for at least 4-5 months just to bring and give it prestige again.
id go with the T.V. title and make it like the tag titles are now.. able to be defended on any show helps some of the better mid card wrestlers get some time and helps push others into the light.. OR throw it on ECW to give the mid guys on there something worth fighting over.. quite a few dif things you can do there

the hardcore title will never be brought back as long as they have the PG era crap going on the 24/7 was nice at first and then it just got stupid.. only way it works is if there is no real hardcore to it but "lol hes being pinned at a dominos pizza!" the cute funny pg factor there as long as there is of course no blood..

there aren't enough light guys in the wwe atm.. so the cruserweight/light heavyweight titles just wont fit.. everyone already complains enough about seeing the same ppl fight each other week in and week out... with those two tittles guess what? its the same thing..
I would definitely go with the cruiserweight/lightweight title over the hardcore title. With all of the gimmick pay per views the WWE has now there is already enough hardcore style matches. The cruiserweight title would be a great change of pace.

This would make Evan Bourne more relevant, give Chavo something to do besides job to Hornswoggle, resurrect the careers of Hurricane and Jimmy Wang Yang, and allow guys like Yoshi Tatsu and Slam Master J to get a push without winning a major title.
I would rather see a cruiserweight title make a return in WWE. With the PG rating, this would limit the very essence of hardcore match, bringing your opponent to the limit and I believe blood and weapons help secure this mindset. A lightweight title would provide the fast moving excitement the younger audience WWE is trying to attract. A cruiserweight match between heavyweight matches would keep the ADHD child of today from losing interest.
I think they should bring back the hardcore title and use it in ecw as a mid card title to give meaning to inferior feuds like helms/burchill. It could also elevate guys that have held the title before eg. R Truth, Dreamer etc... It could also bring some 'extreme' into ecw
I'd go with the 24/7 Rule Hardcore Title. Sure, it was kinda stupid, but definetly would be entertaining. The WWE, especially Raw, needs some more craziness and unpredictablity. Why not bring back a title that can change hands at any moment in any way possible? I think it'd be a great move and something that'd just be fun to watch, there's really not much room for a serious kind of title.
There's no way a Hardcore title would be brought back in today's WWE. The Light Heavyweight Title would be a great addition to the WWE's title collection and make it seem legit with weight classes and stuff. Have guys like Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, and other talented free agent wrestlers come in and have some entertaining matches. Hell, it'd even give Santino a chance to win a belt.

But the Hardcore belt would not make it in PG WWE. If there's no blood shed, then it's not hardcore. Plain and simple.

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