Bring a Musician Back to Life

Resurrect a Musician

  • Dimebag Darryl - Pantera

  • Freddie Mercury - Queen

  • Lane Staley - Alice in Chains

  • Bradley Nowell - Sublime

  • Kurt Cobain - Nirvana

  • Cliff Burton - Metallica

  • Randy Rhodes - Black Sabbath / Ozzy

  • Jimi Hendrix

  • Other

  • Jim Morrison - Everyone Ok Now

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Your call- who do you resurrect if you have the option. You can bring back any one artist who died an untimely death. Please let us know why and what you'd hope to see them do.
I am torn between guys from my 2 favorite bands of all time. However, I am going to have to go with Cliff Burton over Dimebag. Simply because Cliff died at a younger age therefore he wasn't able to experience as much. Additionally, he was not alive to see Metallica become unbelievably huge.

I would love to see a Metallica reunion tour so Cliff can bang out those incredible solos. I would also like to see some of the post-Cliff Metallica songs reworked with his bass lines, since he had a very distinct sound that they did not try and replicate after his passing.
Dimebag Darrell without hesitation, it would have to be Dime, because they guy is simply a god to me, and unlike many other deaths in the music industry his was not a drug overdose or suicide, he was literally taken away from us, in a selfish act, where the fuckstain that killed him couldn't even do it to his face, as far as what I would hope for to happen if he wern't dead would basically have him kicking ass in that special way that only Dime can, I would look forward to see him put out more and more great music with Damageplan, and hopefully one day possibly give us all that Pantera reunion, that I wanted so badly, their are so many great musicians I would love to bring back but if I can only choose one than it's Dime, without a second thought
Where is Jim Morrison? Where is Halel or however you spell his name from the Chilli's. Both of these I would want to bring back It is a real toss-up between Randy Rhodes, Dimebag and Cliff Burton. All were awesome all were taken too soon. Too Soon. I would also add John Bonham and Keith Moon. Both of whom revolutionised Drumming. I just like the Keith Moon Stories about the walking along whatever beach his house was on in a Toga acting like a roman senator. I forget the beach in Californias name.
Jim Morrison all the fuckin' way. Imagine if the Doors were still playing? Jim Morrison was a genius of poetry and the band themselves (Manzarek, Densmore, Krieger) were all amazing. The world needs a wild spirit like Jim Morrison now more then ever undoubtedly.

Though Kurt Cobain is a close second. If you've ever heard the demos he cut right before he died, you would see he was going in a totally new direction. Alot of the stuff is on the With The Lights Out box set. Very Beatles-esque acoustic stuff.
I am glad to see Jim Morrison added. He's a worthy choice.

The choice for me was simple. I went with Freddie Mercury. I feel he was unequivocally the greatest frontman in music history, and losing him to AIDS so early in his life was a tragedy. I saw Queen play with Paul Rogers a year back, and it lacked so much that Mercury used to bring. Brian May is one of the greatest musical minds to ever live, and Mercury gave his mind such a voice.

I will never choose Kurt Cobain. He is last on my list. The three words I use for him are "Not Dead Enough." I know that upsets people, but he was so depressing and wasted his own life. I also thought Nirvana was one of the 10 most over rated bands of all time. As a hair metal fan for life, I am also bitter.

Justin, you make a great point about the fact that Dimebag was taken from us, he didn't act irresponsibly. That's why I don't think I can go with some of the others, especially Cobain.
Come on now thats just wrong Irish. You don't have to like Kurt Cobain but theres absolutely no reason to kick dirt on his grave like that.

I fucking hate Dimebag Darrell. I think Pantera was shit, absolute shit, and Darrell was one of the most overrated pieces of garbage to ever pick up an instrument. But I didn't need to mention that did I?

Just keep it respectful man, especially when all the evidence in the case of Kurt Cobains death points to homicide and not suicide.
I fucking hate Dimebag Darrell. I think Pantera was shit, absolute shit, and Darrell was one of the most overrated pieces of garbage to ever pick up an instrument. But I didn't need to mention that did I?

So why did you mention it?, fact is Dimebag is one of the greatest guitarist of all time, he is one of the biggest inspirations in metal, I dare say many of todays great metal bands would probably not be around if it weren't for Dime

Just keep it respectful man,

Like you did in your post about Dime?

especially when all the evidence in the case of Kurt Cobains death points to homicide and not suicide.

Typical hardcore Nirvana fan:disappointed:

Why is it all these hardcore Nirvana fans find it hard to believe that their beloved Kurt Cobain was murder, when it is a cold hard fact that he offed himself I will never know, dude the guy had a history of taking alot of depressants, and had even mentioned that he would be joining his idols in the infamous 27 club, the guy shot himself, and I think the only reason fans like you don't want to accept that is because you just can't deal with the fact that the guy ended his own life, so all the fans keep trying to come up with some way deny the truth by say it was homicide, HE KILLED HIMSELF DEAL WITH IT ALREADY!!!
The only reason I spoke like that about Dimebag was because Irish felt the need to shit all over Cobain for no reason.

And if you've ever actually looked at the case of Kurt Cobain's death, it's rather obvious that it was impossible for him to have pulled the shotgun trigger. If you'd like I can go all through the case for you, from no fingerprints on the shotgun to Cobain being so high on heroin that it would be physically impossible to even speak to the fact that a man came forward to a documentary about Cobain and said he was offered to kill him, and the guy was then murdered a week later mysteriously.

I'm really not even that huge of a Nirvana fan, I mean I love 'em, but I wouldn't say they're in my top 5 bands. So I wouldn't call myself a "hardcore" Nirvana fan. Just more of a "hardcore" guy who likes science and facts.

And did you really just call Dimebag Darrell one of the best guitarists of all time? Because thats laughable. He's not even in the top 20.
The only reason I spoke like that about Dimebag was because Irish felt the need to shit all over Cobain for no reason.

I didn't "shit all over him for no reason." I felt he was a depressing pseudo-intellectual with a marginal voice and a talented group behind him who is largely riding the success of his own martyrship. I went to High School in the 90's and I saw every blind, deadbeat teenager assemble under the Cobain flag like a cult. Always depressed, always with this sad hate, and the hypocritical "I don't care what others think" announcement practically tatooed on their faces.

Cobain did nothing to enrich music nor society. I like some of Nirvana's songs, especially early on. But everytime I hear "Anyurism" I wish Kurt had pointed the gun at me, not himself.

I do blame Courtney Love for a lot of what happened to him, but he picked up the heroin needle himself. Doing hardcore drugs didn't make him a philosopher. I have a lot more respect for Marilyn Manson who creates an image but then backs it up wit social repute.

Out of respect for your fanship of Cobain, xfear, I apologize for my "not dead enough" comment. But I stand by my disdain.
I understand why many people don't like Cobain completely. Let me also just say that I too apologize to you guys for disrespecting Dimebag Darrell.

See its just so hard to debate music though, because it gets personal and all of it is obviously down to opinion. There is no scientific or mathematical way we can equate who really is the best guitarist, or the best band, or so forth. Its all just opinion.

I hate those people you talk about though Irish. I love life for one. Sure there are days when things are absolutely terrible, and I've been through a ton of terrible shit at a young age that I really shouldn't have, but things like music and art and film always make me feel that though this moment right now is terrible, it won't always be. Thats what I think alot of idiotic teens need to think about before they kill themselves because their boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with them.

Those kids you talk about though from the early 90s, I get it. Alot of people worship Cobain for the very wrong reasons; because he was this cult figure that seemed to just be the coolest of cool when he came around. I love the man because of his music. Alot of it is depressing yes; but I promise you, download a song called "Do Re Mi". It's a solo acoustic song by Cobain that he made 2 monthes before he died, and it reminds me of the Beatles very much. Actually just listen to the unplugged album if you want something a bit more somber.

But you can't say that Cobain didn't contribute anything to music. He jump started the entire 90s grunge/alternative rock scene that is still alive today (maybe not grunge). If it wasn't for Nirvana you can be sure alot of these modern rock bands would be much different.

Plus I always loved Kurt's poetry. I'm a real poetry fanatic actually.
Well it is a toss up between two greats. John Lennon or George Harrison. I think this was disgraceful without having either one of these. Harrison was a well respected guitarist, singer, Song writer. He had success every where he went from the Beatles to a singles career to another rock band. harrison was the youngest of the Beatles. They basically changed the sound of music in the 60's and was probably one of the greatest thing to come to American soil in a form of a rock band.

John Lennon: A highly respected singer, songwriter, and was the founder of the Beatles. He has written many great songs of the 1960-70's. Lennon was highly respected everywhere he went, whether it was as the founder of the Beatles or in his solo career. The man wrote so many great songs such as "hard days night", "Yellow Submarine", and "All you need is love". He is also a well known singles artist writting songs such such as "Imagine" and "give peace a chance".

Both Lennon and Harrison had an untimely death, Harrison had cancer, and Lennon was shot several times. The two artist and musicians along with Mccartney and Starr changed the late 50's -the 70's with there music. Both Lennon and Harrison were a major role in shaping up what we know today as rock music.
What about Bon Scott, the AC/DC singer deserves to be on there i think, he was the one of the greates rock singers EVER... nuff said, but anyway, i would either have to puick Bon Scott or Randy Rhoades, just because i listen to AC/DC and Ozzy...
Okay guys, you have to keep in mind that there is only 10 spots on the poll, and that is why we have the "other" option, so I they person you would like to select is not on the list just select other and then go into detail in your post, it seems like every time IC25 makes a poll everyone picks it apart, there are simply way to many great musician that have died before their times over the years that it would be impossible to list them all
I voted other. Quorthon from Bathory who died from a heart problem.
i went other and the route that nobody in this thread has gone for, Notorious BIG one of the greatest artists of our time (in the rap genre) he is one of the innovaters of rap and died almost knowingly in the middle of his prime. Not tupac because hes alive yeah im one of those f**kers
I would say Dimebag. Pretty much without question. He with vinnie would either be ripping it with damageplan or Hell yeah.

His guitar work is obviosuly unmatched and probrably never will be, in at least the realm of Metal. Or music for that matter.

The guest appearances he could have made in his time, could have been amazing. I would die for a battle between him and Buckethead. But I guess those fantasies will stay on this forum and in my head.
I voted other.

If I could bring any musician back it would be Shannon Hoon. The guy was a genius and fun to watch. I really wish I could of seen Blind Melon live.

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