Marilyn Manson-The Most Controversial Musician in History

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School

To understand why I say Marilyn Manson is the most controversial musician in history you don't even have to look very hard. His name is inspired by Charles Manson the convicted murder and leader of the Manson Family cult and Marilyn Monroe was a sex icon, known for, amongst other things for her sexual relationship with JFK and her untimely death/murder/suicide. Controversy at it's finest, reel them in with your name and keep them there with you lyrics and image.


Manson is a shock rocker, his look is grotesque and only adds to the controvery surrounded by him. Manson plays his part better than any other artist.




Just a few videos that show what this man sings about, these aren't even his worst songs. Also shows more of his image that he conveys to his audience. Manson routinely talks about Jesus and Satan along with just plain controversial topics to go along with his wild videos.​

Columbine Shootings


I'm not blaming Manson for the shootings, but enough people did. The controversy created by Manson during this time was unmatched by any other artist. 2 years later he went to Denver for a concert and was met by anti-Manson rallies.​

It's an Act

He's not a crazy Anti-Christ! It's all an act. He's an intelligent man who knows how to make people react to everything he does. His controversy is all self made and he plays everyone like a puppet. Similarity to Charles on that subject. Here's an interview from 2003 that shows just how normal this guy really is.​


Some might think this brings the controversy rating down, knowing he's not some quack or criminal, but that's what makes him more controversial. He does all this on purpose, just because he wants to. He's not a controversial guy that happens to make music, he's a musician that has made their claim to fame on controversy.​
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Ok, I'll bite Cardinal.

I'm torn, to be honest. On the one hand, I see Manson as a sort of Alice Cooper on steroids. He did what Ozzy and Alice made legendary careers doing and just took it to the next level.

On the other, the guy is not only controversial in look and lyric, he actually honest to God has his lyrics speak to kids who are awfully impressionable. The man became an orator and a sort of muse for many young teens in the post-Cobain 90's. Worse even still, the fucker is DAMN intelligent and defends his position extremely well.

The album title "Anti-christ Superstar" should be enough to place Manson in the controversy category alone. He follows up with "Portrait of an American Family" and attacks such issues as parenting and even the American obsession with physical appearance and "mob mentality."

His commentary in "Bowling for Columbine" was among the most facinating parts of that film. Like Alice Cooper was before him, Manson showed intelligence and amazing calm in the face of being scapegoated for poor parenting. Like Eminem asked, "where were the parents at?"

My wife read his autobio and said it's downright creepy and depressing. Some rough shit happened to this guy as a child and its manifested in this odd anger. I respect him as a lightning rod, but much of the time I just see a guy whose life never got together so he uses the music as an outlet, much the way many have done before him.

I think he was really around for a cup of coffee, though. The N.W.A. thread featured a criticism about not being around long - they made one album. Manson was around longer and has more work to his credit, but I don't think he stirred the pot or revolutionized music controversy the way N.W.A. did. I can still be convinced otherwise, but aside from being a slightly modernized version of Alice Cooper, to me he's really just the Howard Stern of rock. All sizzle...not much steak...
Ok, I'll bite Cardinal.

I'm torn, to be honest. On the one hand, I see Manson as a sort of Alice Cooper on steroids. He did what Ozzy and Alice made legendary careers doing and just took it to the next level.

On the other, the guy is not only controversial in look and lyric, he actually honest to God has his lyrics speak to kids who are awfully impressionable. The man became an orator and a sort of muse for many young teens in the post-Cobain 90's. Worse even still, the fucker is DAMN intelligent and defends his position extremely well.

The album title "Anti-christ Superstar" should be enough to place Manson in the controversy category alone. He follows up with "Portrait of an American Family" and attacks such issues as parenting and even the American obsession with physical appearance and "mob mentality."

His commentary in "Bowling for Columbine" was among the most facinating parts of that film. Like Alice Cooper was before him, Manson showed intelligence and amazing calm in the face of being scapegoated for poor parenting. Like Eminem asked, "where were the parents at?"

My wife read his autobio and said it's downright creepy and depressing. Some rough shit happened to this guy as a child and its manifested in this odd anger. I respect him as a lightning rod, but much of the time I just see a guy whose life never got together so he uses the music as an outlet, much the way many have done before him.

I think he was really around for a cup of coffee, though. The N.W.A. thread featured a criticism about not being around long - they made one album. Manson was around longer and has more work to his credit, but I don't think he stirred the pot or revolutionized music controversy the way N.W.A. did. I can still be convinced otherwise, but aside from being a slightly modernized version of Alice Cooper, to me he's really just the Howard Stern of rock. All sizzle...not much steak...

Blue Cardinal, I'm sorry but when I read the title of your thread I thought "Haven't you heard about Alice Cooper?" I agree completely with IrishCanadian, Manson hasn't done something refreshing, revolutionary for the music business. He took an old formula, "I'm the bad guy, and I'm going to make you crap your pants"

Name: First of all, you've got to have in mind that Alice Cooper started in the 60's, so not everything was so extreme. His name, a girl's name, today it means..:shrug:. However, back in the 60's it was really controversial, he took that name and started a legend around it. That it was the name of a witch of the 16th century if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, something "creepy" and pretty disturbing for the time.

Look: Just like Manson, Cooper adopted this kind of transexual image with both name and looks. Plus he has that weird make-up that has that touch of "evil".

Lyrics: Hmm...probably not as controversial as Manson, yet he had some dark lyrics "Welcome to my nightmare" comes to mind.

Columbine Shootings: As IrishCanadian said, it's the same way that Alice handle it back in the 80's. I mean, is such a common topic accuse artist (specially metalheads) for this horrific things. I mean, even the fucking Twisted Sisters were sued! The fucking Twisted Siters! :wtf: Many artists have been accused: Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, WASP etc...

It's an act: Exactly! Alice did it way before Manson, look at the tapes of "Welcome to my nightmare", he got his fucking head decapitated! Back in the 70's and even today that is some serious shit! lol.

The difference between Alice Cooper and Marilyn Manson, the period in which they lived. A society that has alot more ways to socialize this kind of art.

So my answer is no, Marilyn Manson isn't the most controversial musican in history, he is just another metalhead under that label.
So Alice Cooper, the guy that runs a hot dog stand now is more controversial than Marilyn Manson? I think not. Manson was accused of writing music that made kids shoot other kids in High School. This wasn't just some quack saying this either, it was the whole country and it's media blaming this man for influencing kids to murder. I mean if we are talking about looks Manson has Cooper beat regardless of the era and we all remember the story about Manson removing his ribs so he could suck his own dick right? This man is the epitome of controversy, so what if a few other guys dressed in black a few decades before, Manson took it to a whole new level and was still successful to boot.
So Alice Cooper, the guy that runs a hot dog stand now is more controversial than Marilyn Manson? I think not. Manson was accused of writing music that made kids shoot other kids in High School.

I'll honest, I didn't know he took the brunt of the blame for Columbine.

This wasn't just some quack saying this either, it was the whole country and it's media blaming this man for influencing kids to murder. I mean if we are talking about looks Manson has Cooper beat regardless of the era and we all remember the story about Manson removing his ribs so he could suck his own dick right?

I see what the guy was saying about the era. Shock rock changed its face so much. Manson has this era (say in the last twenty years) and Cooper and Ozzy had the 70's. They each did it in their own way. But that rib removal is crazy for sure. He's got a burlesque dancer for a wife, why would he need to do that?!?! :rolleyes:

This man is the epitome of controversy, so what if a few other guys dressed in black a few decades before, Manson took it to a whole new level and was still successful to boot.

I'll agree to an extent. It's more than a little face paint and black clothes. To him it's the whole deal, a mindset. Controversy will always be a factor with him but a lot of it is the cliches of Cooper and Ozzy taken to the nth extreme. Even now, Slipknot and Korn put on a better show with a similar gimmick.

His music is not my thing. I thought his version of Sweet Dreams was great though. I think the controversial nature of his life and works causes a lot of people to overlook him because how many people can buy into music that is so dark and intimidating.

He is totally screwed up, in a way that only someone like Eminem can relate to (maybe that why they get on?) But in the way that Eminem put his thoughts onto tracks, he could also balance it out with humour and entertainment. To his credit, Manson never conformed but by doing that he would never get the audiences that others (both in this debate and in his genre) have achieved.
Maybe it's in an effort to goad me into posting more, but Blue Cardinal is clearly discounting the controversy of Alice Cooper. He's far more than just "face paint and black clothes." And Ozzy is one of the "Three Kings of Metal."

Alice Cooper facts:

1. Alice Cooper's early stage shows in the 1970's depicted mock executions, torture, and death. This was at a time when the hippie-bands were still around, so music fans were less prepared for this type of shocking stage show. Manson happened a few years after grunge - we saw it coming.

2. Alice Cooper was among the original artists to have a sense of gender androgyny on stage - sure, Manson took it to a new level, but that was 20-something years after Cooper did it.

3. For the UK fans out there, the video for the song "Schools Out" was banned by the BBC, and parliament was petitioned to ban Cooper all-together.

4. From wikipedia: "the multi-level stage show by then featured numerous special effects, including Billion Dollar Bills, decapitated baby dolls and mannequins, a dental psychosis scene complete with dancing teeth, and the ultimate execution prop and highlight of the show: the guillotine."

5. Bands / artists who have listed Cooper as their major influence: GWAR, Kiss, Blue Oyster Cult, W.A.S.P., Rob Zombie, and...wait for it...Marilyn Manson. Don't downplay Cooper's controversy in favor of Manson's when so much of what Manson does is just a slightly kicked up version of what Cooper did in the 70's and 80's when people were far less prepared for it.

6. In 1979, a music video Cooper was working on with Twisted Sister for the song "Be Chrool to your Skeul" was banned. Why? Cooper's stage act coupled with makeup by Tom Savini was deemed too violent.

7. Alice Cooper's work was even censored in GERMANY. Those fuckers don't ban ANYTHING!

So to your argument, BC, I'll see your Marilyn Manson and raise you Alice Cooper. Cooper did it earlier, did it better, did it sooner, and above all else, did it LONGER. Cooper's staying power compared to Manson's is just unfair. Cooper has been doing this stuff for more than 40 years, and is even touring with Rob Zombie this year. Manson has 7 albums in 15 years, only two of which were noteworthy, and his star of controversy fizzled out long ago.
I disagree wholeheartedly IC, Cooper's not still controversial. His antics may have been crazy for the 70's but it's child's play compared to what Manson did in his prime. Cooper's music wasn't America's scapegoat for a couple of High Schoolers murdering their classmates. Yes Cooper was an influence on Manson, but Manson took what Alice did and did it better, no one was more shocking than Manson. Parents hated him and rallied against him, yet he kept on trucking with the same show, he didn't appoligize for his music he defended it and put blame where it was supposed to be, with the parents.

The thing is Cooper's act just doesn't cut the mustard as far as being controversial anymore, School's Out for Summer isn't even close to being banned anymore, it's celebrated as an ending for school each year. I give props to Alice for rattling people back in the day, but for today's standards in controversy he just doesn't deleiver like he did in his heyday.
Hey Blue Cardinal, you are forgetting the fact that Manson is a mainstream artist that appears in shit-tv, I mean MTV. He has tons of media attention. Now you say that Manson tooked Alice's game onto another level, well my friend he isn't the only one. Have you heard of Death metal? Most of those undeground bands have fucked up shows: killing animals that are alive, satanic rituals etc.. As I said, Manson is mainstream therefore he is the "biggest fuck we've ever seen"!

Oh and btw, another difference between Manson and Cooper, Alice knows that is a fucking act, a gimmick, a character, a persona etc... Manson doesn't! lol. In that way, Manson generates more controversy.
Manson is definitely more controversial. Cooper is considered a classic artist now, and is well respected, and has come out and been open about his conversion to Christianity. He's a better musician, but everyone knew Cooper was an act, Manson, although BC doesn't think so, lives more of that perceived lifestyle.

On that point a little bit more, yes, he isn't Satan in human form, but he's one f'ed up individual, and I don't see anything in his Letterman interview that makes him look like Santa Claus. Pretty sure he knows his limits on taped, national tv, so I don't get why he's normal based upon that. Jeffrey Dahlmer wasn't a stupid guy, looked nice in interviews, but guess what?

You can't go as far as he goes in certain extremes without actually believing it, and he knows that either you'll be in the category that says "He's fine, it's an act, he doesn't mean it" and he'll leave an impression, and he knows that he has a very impressionable crowd on the other side that will take what he says to heart, and he'll still leave his impression. Knowing all this, his overall power on a specific, even if not as large as other's, target crowd, he's the most controversial musician. Also, a piece of garbage person.
Hey Blue Cardinal, you are forgetting the fact that Manson is a mainstream artist that appears in shit-tv, I mean MTV. He has tons of media attention. Now you say that Manson tooked Alice's game onto another level, well my friend he isn't the only one. Have you heard of Death metal? Most of those undeground bands have fucked up shows: killing animals that are alive, satanic rituals etc.. As I said, Manson is mainstream therefore he is the "biggest fuck we've ever seen"!

Oh and btw, another difference between Manson and Cooper, Alice knows that is a fucking act, a gimmick, a character, a persona etc... Manson doesn't! lol. In that way, Manson generates more controversy.

So in your book he's not as controversial because more people like it? Just because he's mainstream doesn't take away from the controversy, it's actually what brought the controversy full circle. If he was some shmuck playing in a local bar in Colorado that these kids worshiped then who would have cared? Not the national media that tried to crucify him.

I know there are crazier fucks out there but that doesn't mean anything if know one knows who they are. Ever heard of Varg Vickernes?

Manson is definitely more controversial. Cooper is considered a classic artist now, and is well respected, and has come out and been open about his conversion to Christianity. He's a better musician, but everyone knew Cooper was an act, Manson, although BC doesn't think so, lives more of that perceived lifestyle.

On that point a little bit more, yes, he isn't Satan in human form, but he's one f'ed up individual, and I don't see anything in his Letterman interview that makes him look like Santa Claus. Pretty sure he knows his limits on taped, national tv, so I don't get why he's normal based upon that. Jeffrey Dahlmer wasn't a stupid guy, looked nice in interviews, but guess what?

You can't go as far as he goes in certain extremes without actually believing it, and he knows that either you'll be in the category that says "He's fine, it's an act, he doesn't mean it" and he'll leave an impression, and he knows that he has a very impressionable crowd on the other side that will take what he says to heart, and he'll still leave his impression. Knowing all this, his overall power on a specific, even if not as large as other's, target crowd, he's the most controversial musician. Also, a piece of garbage person.

I believe it's more of an act than a persona, but I agree he is one fucked up guy. By far the most controversial musician of all time, he has a good mix of everything to be crowned the most fucked up.
Yeah, so I'll admit I know very little about the controversial parts of Marilyn Manson with the exception of stuff already stated by Blue's firm OP.

However there's one thing I feel that he left out, which is significant to this thread in terms of controversial. While some might figure it to be an addition to the "looks" department, it's just as much a stand-alone thing.

The music video's he performs. Some of the controversial S&M like material that he displays in some of them, as well as the controversial looks of lipsticks and make-up that he displays in his every day.

A wonderful song, with a perfect example of the music video's I'm talking about is this one: This is The New Shit.


Also pretty much backs up the lyrics that he displays. It's very revolving around something that the teens would pretty much be all over, and especially the Emo / Punk guys would most likely be very intrigued by the lyrics, as well as the looks that Marilyn displays.

And we can't deny that Emo and Punk music in general has it's own part of controversy, with the self-hatred and self pity that a lot of it is associated with.

Marilyn might not be the most controversial musician of all time. However he is certainly a better choice than all of the guys mentioned in the other contestants threads.
Manson has admitted to it being an act, a fact that I believe slightly damages his controversial image.

As it's been stated, Manson in a very intelligent individual who knows exactly what he is doing, he created controversy for the sake of it, which in turn helped his success in the 90's, but he has all but faded since then.

Alice Cooper was very controversial for his time, and the influence on Manson is an obvious one. Manson's main claim to controversial fame was the Columbine shooting, which he played absolutely no part in. He was used as a scape goat, which was great for him, and played right into his hand, but he and his music had nothing to do with that. The blame game was played and Manson seemed like a good target, but it was in that situation that Mason was revealed to be quite the intellect, knowing damn well what he was doing.

The difference being that Alice Cooper was not being controversial for the sake of it, and it was a much bigger deal in the 70's than Manson in the 90's. While Manson may have pushed the envelope further in certain ways, it was all influenced by Cooper in the 70's. Manson used it to his full advantage, but when looking back on it Cooper's controversial ways had a much greater affect than Manson's did.

While Manson was definitely looked upon as being controversial in the 90's, it was the bogus accusation that people remember, an accusation that holds no ground at all, and while he was used as a scape goat he didn't actually play a part in the Columbine shooting.
That does nothing but further prove my case SSC, he had nothing to do with it but his music was seen as the case for it by the national media. The media tried to burn Manson and failed when he showed them he wasn't some dumb shmuck. This musician was blamed by America for one of the worst tragedies in U.S. history. Controversy at it's finest. Cooper was great and all but the things he did that where seen as controversial just aren't that bad anymore. Maybe in 30 years Manson will be the same way, I don't know but if Manson is seen as tame in 30 years I'd hate to see what's taboo.
That does nothing but further prove my case SSC, he had nothing to do with it but his music was seen as the case for it by the national media. The media tried to burn Manson and failed when he showed them he wasn't some dumb shmuck. This musician was blamed by America for one of the worst tragedies in U.S. history. Controversy at it's finest. Cooper was great and all but the things he did that where seen as controversial just aren't that bad anymore. Maybe in 30 years Manson will be the same way, I don't know but if Manson is seen as tame in 30 years I'd hate to see what's taboo.

This might be the only thing Manson is remembered for, and that weakens his case, as his controversy may hold up after 30 years, but his music will be dead and gone.

I mean, his music was never that popular to begin with, it was way more of a cult/underground following and because of that it's going to weaken how he is remembered. He's way more more famous for being blamed for something he didn't do than he was for controversial music. His controversy was falsely given to him by the media, and it may only be for this "false" connection to a school shooting that he is remembered.
This might be the only thing Manson is remembered for, and that weakens his case, as his controversy may hold up after 30 years, but his music will be dead and gone.

I mean, his music was never that popular to begin with, it was way more of a cult/underground following and because of that it's going to weaken how he is remembered. He's way more more famous for being blamed for something he didn't do than he was for controversial music. His controversy was falsely given to him by the media, and it may only be for this "false" connection to a school shooting that he is remembered.

I disagree, I always listened to Manson when I was younger(when my parents wheren't around to be disappointed lol)

Manson might not have sold as many albums as Jackson, but 65 million albums sold and going platinum multiple times doesn't really qualify as underground. You have to remember he wouldn't have been blamed for the shootings had he not been popular enough to do so. Like I said earlier, had he been some guy singing in a bar that these kids liked, nothing would have come of this.
His fame didn't last though, and he's been pretty irrelevant for quite some time. The only way he's able to make headlines now days is to remove his makeup and play dress-up.


Manson as Kenny Powers, the most relevant he's been in years.

Which goes to show that his music and his controversy are already fading away. In this day and age we realize that Manson can't be held accountable for a school shooting, and that hurt's his controversy. I haven't heard anything musically from him in years, nor does his older music get any play in this day and age.

While I can't argue that he had a good run, and at one point he was the most controversial thing going, but that time has faded away, and the both the controversy and the music haven't been able to hold up.
His fame didn't last though, and he's been pretty irrelevant for quite some time. The only way he's able to make headlines now days is to remove his makeup and play dress-up.


Manson as Kenny Powers, the most relevant he's been in years.

Which goes to show that his music and his controversy are already fading away. In this day and age we realize that Manson can't be held accountable for a school shooting, and that hurt's his controversy. I haven't heard anything musically from him in years, nor does his older music get any play in this day and age.

While I can't argue that he had a good run, and at one point he was the most controversial thing going, but that time has faded away, and the both the controversy and the music haven't been able to hold up.
While his music hasn't been as relevant recently( he released an album in 2009) his name still goes hand in hand with controversy. His music was controversial, his look was controversial, his videos were controversial, everything about this guy was all about making people sick. His music was thought by many well respected members of society to have caused kids to murder other kids. Just because he debunked that bullshit by showing everyone how wrong they were doesn't change the fact that their first reaction was to blame this man and his music.
Hmmm... I think that I also agree with SSC. Manson has been a subject of controversy, HAS BEEN. I don't think he has a legacy. I mean, if he is the most controversial artist in history he's probably going to be subject of controversy ALL THE TIME. Nop, not because he use lipstick and christians go crazy (that's an easy one;)) is going to be ALWAYS polemic. I mean, where is he now? lol. Who knows?

I'm sure your going to throw the Columbine example, a tragedy indeed. But in metal world, it's pretty common blame artists for these kind of tragedys.

Look at MJ, he is still a subject of controversy, since the fucking 80's! Manson was in the 90's because it was a while since the last big artist/king of controversy was mainstream. Maybe 'til the start of the 2000's, but since then, who talks about Marilyn Manson beside his fans?
I know there are crazier fucks out there but that doesn't mean anything if know one knows who they are. Ever heard of Varg Vickernes?

I'm actually surprised nobody has brought Vikernes up. While he's not known in the mainstream, that doesn't really make him any less controversial.

Vikernes is a Norwegian black metal musician from the band Burzum (in fact its only member, he composes all of the parts). He was strongly involved in the skinhead/nazi/socialist scene in Norway since he was young

Between 1992 and 1993 he was suspected of burning down several Christian churches in Norway, and found guilty of at least 2 of them. Later in 1993 he killed his then bandmate Euronymous, he claims he had to otherwise Euronymous would've killed him first.

In 1994 he was convicted of murdering his bandmate Euronymous at the time (when he was in Mayhem), and was released some time last year (don't fully remember the date). When he was arrested the police found fuckloads of explosives and later found out that he was planning to blow up a communist government building

Way more controversial than any fake acts Manson or Cooper put on, for sure. What Vikernes is and did is 100% real.

And like I said, just because he's relatively unknown outside of the black metal scene (and maybe Scandinavia), that doesn't make what he did any less controversial
Mansons music DEF stands the test of time, on every top 100 metal list, he's there somewhere, that is standing the test of time, as far as controversy, he is not the most controversial by a MILE, and the title didn't say most popular and controversial so the answer to that would have to be no, Marilyn Manson is jus a very intelligent musician that knows how to draw what he wants out of his fans and detractors, he's a puppet master, and a pretty damn good one at that, the fact that so many people might think he is the most controversial musician in the world is jus further proof of it
what about gg allen. A punk singer that would rape men, women, children, and animals on stage [for real]. Beat the shit out of people in the crowd. Had a cult following, and said he was going to take over the US. Had underage runaways as sexslaves. Shit. He even died by ODing on heroin.

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