Bret Hart Now Open to Being Involved in the WWE

Holy shit... when I read this on Wrestlezone just now, I literally just jizzed in my pants...
Seeing Bret Hart back in the WWE would be the most insane thing to happen in the WWE, IMO. I never saw Bret on WWE Programming before, only on youtube and shit.. but that would be incredible. I wouldn't even mind if he didn't wrestle, if he just made appearances to spice up everything, that's all he has to be worthy of, obviiously.

But, you kind of ruined it for me when you said take it as a "grain of salt", lol, but yea you're right, if it does happen, it'll be RARE... I would love for him to manage the Hart Dynasty or something like that, or just be a GM of sorts for Raw, i'd prefer him than the guest hosts any day.
, Bret can obviously work with The Hart Dynasty on Smackdown

I do not think bret should work with hart dynasty or be their manager that would turn him into a heel and nobody wants to se that happening. A match with bret in the hart dynastys corner in a match against dx would be awsome i also dont think that will happen. I honestly dont think bret will ever be back:suspic:
Best Thread ever, and possibly the best news I have heard in some time. Just reading some of our Ideas on how he could return is amazing.

I have been waiting patiently since 1997 for Bret to come home. Even if just for a bit, I will mark out everytime I see him come out. Where are all the haters who told fools like me to get over it, that the Hitman was gone for good.

I know he cant wrestle, but I assume some sort of physicality here and there could be done. Like someone said, even if its to smash HBK's face into the back of his head for some closure,,,,,,,,,, lmao,,,,,,,,, god I cant wait for something to come of this.
It took what 3 seconds for the Bret/Shawn or Bret/ Dynasty thoughts to creep into everyone's head?

This would be nice and all to see, and more than a few 30 year old men would cream themselves but really what would it do for the current WWE product? Aside from the occasional mentions, and the HOF induction most of the audience either doesn't know who Bret is or doesn't really remember him. And let's remember that though WE all do, a good portion doesn't. Alot of wrestling fans from when Bret mattered stopped watching and today's audience would not really get the level of reaction Bret deserves no matter what they'd do.

Bret/Shawn... it's wishful thinking at best. I don't want to see it becuase it's been played out with the mentions of the screwjob and the teases in the past. The time for it to matter has long past for me.

Bret/GM... why? I get it would bring some level of credibility but WHY would they have Bret do it? and WHY would you want to see one of the better guys in the anals of wrestling history be reduced to a 2-3 time a show talk only guy... if memory serves me right he was never the best talker and he couldn't take any beatings from the heels that would get mad so the traditional ex-wrestler-turned-GM storylines wouldn't work and we all know how great WWE is with coming up with new things.

Bret/Dynasty... see above comment on GM.

And for the record I loved Bret. I always wanted to be the kid who got the glasses. I thought he was the definition of cool growing up. I actually once said "diesel may be big but he isn't bret hart cool"...
As an old school wrestling fan seeing Bret return to WWE in any capacity would be great! As far as the tensions between Bret and Shawn I think they can put this behind them. Shawn's stated how he would like Bret to induct him into the HOF, thus extending an olive branch to Bret. Bret has said that he'd like Shawn to aplogize and he can forgive him and put it behind him but he wouldn't forget. I'm sure both men can make peace. As far as how Bret's used this is what I would like to see I would have him come in as a babyface, he obviously can't be a heel. I would have him manage the Hart Dynasty for a while and they would also turn babyface with Bret leading them to the tag team titles. After that I'd like too see a Bret/HBK confrontation which would lead to either a Hart Dynasty/DX feud or Bret can have a wrestler(Maybe Teddy Hart if he can get his shit together or one of the Dynasty memebers) represent him in a feud against HBK in a singles match. After a long and lengthy feud I would have either both men shake hands and put an end to this long storied rivalry or see Bret somehow screw over HBK. Just the way I'd like to see it either way it'll be great seeing Bret back.
Um, first off, upon NOT needing to change my pants upon seeing this, I wonder if I should look into Viagra or putting more fiber in my diet.

I agree this is exciting "news," but until it actually happens, I will not buy into it. I would love to see Bret on t.v. again, probably just to harken back to the days of my misspent youth.

I think IF he did return to WWE, he would likely be put with the Hart Dynasty as a mentor/manager. While it would build Tyson, David, and Natalya, I for one think that would be a bit too predictable.

Now, if the "No, we swear, we're," creative team really put their heads together, they might be able to come up with something for Bret that everyone would enjoy, and would be surprising.

Of course, being as most of them are not wrestling fans and may have only heard of Bret Hart, that may be asking a lot.

While I would be super excited, but still short of soiling my drawers in any manner, to see Bret back in WWE, I reserve the right to withhold judgment until I see if it happens, and what happens.

The total mark in me would love to see Bret and Shawn just pass by each other in the hall... I'm betting somebody would make a sig out of that.
I remember reading a while back the WWE throw out these fake leads just to mess with people and I really think that this one of those occassions. Because where's the direct quote from WWE or Bret Hart saying this. However...I actually was watching Smackdown and I called CM Punk "Lil Bret" because of his new persona. I think it would be awesome...but I need to see the proof
I was stoked when I read that Bret was willing to talk to the WWE again and be involved to a degree. He'd be a great tutor and I'm sure he could come up with some good ideas instead of the crap we've been fed as of late. Looking forward to seeing this develop.
What would I like to see Bret do in the WWE? Nothing at all. Let me explain.

Let me start by saying that, as a kid, I was a HUGE Bret Hart fan. When he went out on his own, I was psyched. And even as a 10 year old kid, I realized what I was watching was magic when he took the title from Mr. Perfect. That match was a crystal clear instructional video for anyone looking to have any sort of grasp on technical wrestling. Fast forward a bit to a year later when he had a classic against Bulldog and also surprised the world by winning the WWF title from Flair. For years he was brilliant. He was the face of the company for quite a few years after that, even through the rise of Diesel, he and Undertaker were all I cared about. Then as a heel, he is responsible for Stone Cold's rise to main event status and in that respect is responsible for many years of entertainment that Austin brought to us. Without Bret's help, who knows if the Rattlesnake would have reached the level he did. The WM 13 match is still one of the greatest matches I've ever seen.

Now... onto the subject at hand. I understood the way Bret felt after the screwjob. I know wrestling's all "fake", but if I was lied to by someone I trusted in a situation like that, I would have been pissed too. My problem with Bret lies in the fact that I was 16 years old when the screwjob happened, and I was 24 when he finally let it go enough to accept an invitation from WWE to speak with "us" the fans once again. Like I said, I've been lied to and I can guarantee it has never taken 8 years, especially if millions of people were pulling for me to deal with it and move one. He was a selfish baby and held onto the past instead of realizing that all we wanted was to see him one more time.

Finally he gives into this and attends the HOF, and tells us he's ok, but he's gone now. "Don't worry about me." He tells countless interviewers that he will NEVER work with McMahon again. There's my problem. As far as I'm concerned, I wish he could have gotten over it in a year, or two, or 5!! It's obvious he never did. Why now is he willing to come back? Why now is it ok to work for McMahon? Why did he leave his fans for years only to return 12 years later? I don't think it's for the fans at all. I think he's once again being selfish. He's doing it for the paycheck. Maybe I, myself, am being selfish, but it's how I feel. As a child I cared about Bret and when he left I never felt that he ever cared back. I feel the same way about the Rock, luckily for me my fanhood existed when I was a teenager and it doesn't have the same feel to it. I hope I'm wrong about Bret, but I just don't think I am at all.

In conclusion I'd like to say if this news feed is all bull, then I retract most of my statement. I still wish he had let it go for his fans, but I understand when things are bigger in your head then they are in real life (If only he had and gotten out of WCW before Tardberg messed up his head). If it is true, and he is thinking of coming back, I hope Vince is just bringing him in to screw him over again, because this time I'm going to laugh my ass off. Sorry Bret fans, Bret Hart the wrestler will always be one of my favorites, but I lost faith in Bret Hart the man a long long time ago.
Yo guys, its Bret Frickin' Hart! Does it really matter what he can do anymore? Just think the reaction he would get standing in the ring... And also if he returns then many older wrestling fans that kinds stopped watching would tune in to see what happens.. And if he does manage the Hart Dynasty then just think, Teddy Hart can come in.. I say that cause he's known for his attitude but if Bret is there to watch over him like Atlas did for Henry, Teddy will be utilized better and the HD will be pushed to the sky... Yo I really hope Bret returns... I don't care where and when, when its announced I'm buyin a ticket cause this will be history in the making.. Let's all hope for the best.. COME BACK BRET!!!
Personally, I don't believe we'll ever see Bret Hart back in the WWE in any capacity whatsoever. Certainly not as an active wrestler, his health won't allow it, not even for a one-time match. And I don't think he'd have any interest in a GM position, or an announcer, or anything like that. Unless, as an earlier poster suggested, he's in dire straits financially and would therefore compromise his integrity out of necessity. Otherwise I fully expect to see a "rumour killer" headline on this site shooting down the possibility of a Bret Hart return to the WWE.

Having said this, I'd love to see it. I'd love to see both Bret "the Hitman" Hart and Jim "the Anvil" Neidhart return to mentor the new Hart Dynasty. But it would have to be with both Hart and Neidhart. They would have to be faces. And it would have to be done very carefully and secretly. If this were to be spoiled by the IWC so that we're all waiting for it to happen (such as with the return of Jericho), it would be ineffective and disappointing and I hope it wouldn't happen. But if it could be done such that all 3 members of the Hart Dynasty were in the ring together, then the music hits and the Anvil comes out to a huge pop, then a few moments later, the music hits again and the Hitman comes out, as a total shock, that would be awesome. Extremely difficult to pull off, and very unlikely, but would be incredible.

As an aside, could anyone else here see McMahon bring Hart back in some capacity, only to screw him again? Vince promises him something to get him back and once he's been back a while, pulls off a Montreal screwjob version 2. I would hope not, but Vince is capable of anything if it's in the interest of business, and what a way to usher in the return of the evil boss.
Oh I know I'm being too eager, but I'm a fan, and thus it is my plight in this life. Even a grain of salt is enough to give me hope though, I'm sure many of us never thought we'd see Bret in the WWE HOF, or countless other people returning who we never expected to.

If there's one thing I've learned from being a wrestling fan though, it's "never say never".

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the Hitman. It's a good point about the Hall of Fame though I must admit. After I've thought about this for several hours, I'd have to say I like the idea of him coming back to maybe feud with Teddy Long. Hart could come back in saying he's tired of people getting screwed by Vince and people like Teddy. And he's here to stand by the Undertaker's side. But it would be hard to bring him in and not have him, in some way, work with the Hart Dynasty.
Here's the thing: If he were to come back in a TV role it means he's really moved on and let things go on the inside. I also think he would hear HBK out and tolerate him because at PPVs they would be in the same building and they are both professional adults. He might not be too forgiving or cordial, but tolerable. I could see him doing minor interference on the outside such as a punch or chair shot. I could also see him screwing Michaels at some point in one of his matches.

Bret once said he didn't want to be remembered just playing a character, but now I guess he realized its not as bad or equal to being remembered as a guy who just goes around doing book signings and publicity events.

Another thing is, the new, younger generation fans that watch because of Cena and others have no clue who Bret was or what he meant to wrestling and the fans. They would really have to market it wisely and effectively. I could see Vince pulling out national ad campaigns to reach the people who used to watch that don't anymore.
Man, you people are disgusting, I, luckily was in a diap... never mind, it would be awesome(for me at least) just to know he's a road agent, but it would be a hell of a lot better to see him just pop his face through the curtain. I like all the ideas I've read so far, but lets not forget that the Raw guest host concept wont last forever, they will need a GM there soon and if he is assigned, it can set the stage for quite a lot. A feud(without them wrestling) with McMahon, bringing the Hart Dynasty over to feud with DX, Shawn asking for forgiveness, him replacing a commentator(most probably Lawler if he's elected... wait, better, Michael Cole, yeah...) there would be a lot of opportunities there.

Side Note: I see 10 members and 101 guest in the thread, eager(its 11:04pm here)for Bret's return, lets cross our fingers. (Sid and Hall must be so jealous...)
Meh its whatever to me. More shocking that he'd consider coming back than anything. I didn't grow up with Bret Hart so he doesn't have huge nostalgia value for me. I'm sure he does for some people but not me. Plus how old is he now. Gotta be late forties maybe older. He had to retire from multiple concussions and a glass jaw if I remember correctly. So he can't do anything in ring. His mic work isn't good enough to be a General Manager anyone would care about. I just don't see any reason for Hart to come back other than a one night stand. Maybe he should consider the Guest Host deal...although that ship already sailed out of Canada a few weeks ago.
Someone above stated the possibility for Hart to manage the Hart Dynasty against DX and I think that is a stellar idea. The rival of SHawn managing a young team to victory against them. I love that idea and I think it would be a fantastic way to get the hart dynasty over.

Although I think that Bret is over rated I cannot deny the rub that would give this rookie team.
Bret Hart would make a perfect general manager. Or at least better than anyone since Austin or Flair were GMs. I don't know if you guys have ever seen any of his work. He may not be the best at improv, but if you give him something scripted he could run with it for sure. Teddy Long is by no means a genius on the schtick, but he does a well enough job. I think a lot of his promos go overlooked, because the promo changed a lot from the time he was the WWF champion and until the time he retired. When he was in his prime in the WWE, a promo consisted of a wrestler and an interviewer that last maybe 2 minutes, and was usually taped. It wasn't until 1997 when a guy was out in the center of the ring just doing his thing in front of the crowd. He had some good promos with Stone Cold, DX, and even his run in WCW, even though his stint there was such shit. I still say he should be brought in to feud with Long. Maybe even as a GM vs GM thing.
Is this report true? Who know's untill it actually happens. Untill than its just a rumor people. Also you guys keep asking "What would he do?",over and over. I'll tell you what he would do. Nothing! He doesn't NEED to do anything. You literally could cue his music, have him walk out to the ring, wave to the fans, and walk back behind the curtains and that's it! He would get beyond a HUGE ovation from the crowd on a World Wide Tour. I also think ratings would go up without question...Of course it would be great if he is written into a storyline to help further the Hart Dynasty! I wouldnt hold your breath to see HBK and Hart in the same ring together though! That would be pushing it!
Undertakers # 1 fan. What r u talking about bret hart didnt have longevity?Hart wrestled for 20yrs. He debut was between 1980-83. look it up.
As much as i'd love to see him back, just for nostalgic purposes, just to see the reaction and shit he'd get, I'm not getting my hopes up at all. It'd be great, I understand the immediate want to set him up with the Hart Dynasty, but is it necessary right away? I'd love to see him avenge Undertaker in some way and battle T-Lo. That'd be badass, he'd work well on Smackdown. Seeing as how right about now that's the A show anyways.
Someone posted that hart should be asking vince can he come back, not the other way around. Thats obviously b.s. Wrestling was harts life, just like some people's life is their husband or wife, he was married to it. And in the blink of an eye vince screws him over. When you love something so much, sometimes it takes people time to get over things, sometimes it takes longer for some people than others, so how can anyone say hart is selfish. Everybody is different. What vince did was f'd up. Vince should be going to him, not the other way arnd like someone else on the thread posted.
I love the Hitman and its ashame he cannot give us one more match all because of stupid ass Goldberg the no talent hack. I guess placing him with the Hart Dynasty would be awesome. Also why not have a HBK vs Cena title match with Bret Hart as the referee and maybe he could screw HBK out of the title. After match put HBK in sharpshooter and have him tap out
Has anything actually been corroborated? Or is this all heresay and conjecture? I mean seriously this can't be for real. He's said numerous times he doesn't want to be remembered as anything but a wrestler. Although they say "never say never", he is physically unable to wrestle ever again, and I think it would soil his career if he came back and couldn't be physically involved at all and not be anywhere near the ring, and not be attacked either. Goldberg with his botched kick cost him. They should make another Bret Hart dvd but 3-4 discs of his top 20 matches WWE/wCw, with him introducing each match and talking about them. That'd be a better idea then him coming back as a character who can't have anything happen.
Wow, did any of you actually read the article I provided? THERE ARE NO CURRENT PLANS TO BRING BACK BRET, NOR SHOULD WE EXPECT THEM TO, all that's being reported here is that he is now simply open to the possibility of returning. For years Bret said he would never have anything to do with the WWE, but now, he says he wouldn't rule out a return in some form or capacity to the WWE, be it for a one-off appearance or an onscreen personality of some form. But, again, this does NOT mean there are any plans for him to actually return.
If it does happen, since it dates back to 2006 for Vince for wanting him to return, I would love to see him be paired with Hart Dynasty as a mouthpiece for them, much like how Paul Bearer was for 'Taker in the '90's. Its great to know that Bret has let bygones be bygones, I don't see him wrestling however, but he could be like Ric Flair when he managed HHH and later Evolution as a whole, but we'll have to wait and see how everything unfolds.

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