Bret Hart Now Open to Being Involved in the WWE


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
AKA Everyone on this forum has just shit their pants.

Wrestling Observer said:
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

For the first time since the infamous "Montreal Screwjob" in 1997, Bret Hart is said to be open to returning to World Wrestling Entertainment as a weekly storyline character.

Hart has had business talks with WWE in recent months, which played a part in the company rehashing "Montreal" at last week's Breaking Point pay-per-view — in case he agrees to return.

While nothing yet has been agreed upon, nor should one expect anything to happen anytime soon, he is no longer against returning to WWE. In the past he has said he didn't see himself ever coming back as a character on television because he could no longer wrestle and didn't want to become some authority figure or manager.

WWE has had talks over the years regarding Hart returning to the company as a character. In fact, Vince McMahon told the creative team in 2006 that he was going to do a street fight with Hart on a pay-per-view. Of course, it never came to be and Hart at the time was saying that he was never going to wrestle again. Apparently, Hart was tentatively penciled in to team up with Shawn Michaels vs. Vince and Shane McMahon at Backlash instead of "God."

First off, everyone should obviously take this with a grain of salt. Bret Hart isn't saying he is or has any plans to return to the WWE in the future, all that's being said here is that he's no longer strictly ruling it out, as he did in the past. That alone is enough to have me giddy with excitement though, because just the fact that Vince is spending time having discussions with Bret and Bret is actually listening is enough to give me some hope.

What do you guys think, do you buy a possible Bret Hart return in the future? It would obviously be more of an on-screen personality, as his wrestling ability at this point would likely be very, very limited (thanks Goldberg!). Do you think I'm just being a bit too eager here? What would you like to see Bret do in the WWE right now?

Collective IWC orgasm in 3...2...1.
Do I think you're being too eager? Yes, and no. On the one hand, I too just shat my pants at reading the subject line of this thread. On the other hand, it is just that, a grain of salt. It's tough for me to believe that after all this time Bret Hart has finally said he'd "think about it." Of course I'd love to see Bret Hart come in and lead the Hart Dynasty to greatness, but I'd rather see what The Hitman is capable of with the likes of HBK, Triple H, or even Randy Orton. A street fight with Vince McMahon would be insane, but unlikely :sad: Like you said, thanks Goldberg! and I'm going to throw in a thanks Warrior! on that note.
Do I think you're being too eager? Yes, and no. On the one hand, I too just shat my pants at reading the subject line of this thread. On the other hand, it is just that, a grain of salt. It's tough for me to believe that after all this time Bret Hart has finally said he'd "think about it." Of course I'd love to see Bret Hart come in and lead the Hart Dynasty to greatness, but I'd rather see what The Hitman is capable of with the likes of HBK, Triple H, or even Randy Orton. A street fight with Vince McMahon would be insane, but unlikely :sad: Like you said, thanks Goldberg! and I'm going to throw in a thanks Warrior! on that note.

Oh I know I'm being too eager, but I'm a fan, and thus it is my plight in this life. Even a grain of salt is enough to give me hope though, I'm sure many of us never thought we'd see Bret in the WWE HOF, or countless other people returning who we never expected to.

If there's one thing I've learned from being a wrestling fan though, it's "never say never".
For the record, if it had been Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon vs. HBK and Bret Hart as God...holy fuck...if that even has a SHRED of truth to it...amazing.

As far as Hart back as a weekly character...I don't know. What could he do? He obviously can't be physically involved, his speaking is as good as it was due to the stroke, and I'm guessing his ability to think of things to say quickly is hindered as well.

What could he do? I'd almost rather him not be a weekly character and just continue what he's doing.
Yeah, I pretty much shit myself. I love Bret.

A weekly storyline character gets me thinking: Could they mean commissioner or GM? I would be extremely happy to see that. More Bret is good for me.

Even though nothing is confirmed, I still like the fact that he is "open". It means bridges are truly getting repaired and things can be properly smoothed over. If he factors into the screwjob story on Smackdown somehow I will be so happy. Hell, even if he was just a guest host I would be happy.

Bret in any capacity would be great.
For the record, if it had been Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon vs. HBK and Bret Hart as God...holy fuck...if that even has a SHRED of truth to it...amazing.

Haha, yeah, that would have been the definition of an epic encounter. That would have made some serious cash.

As far as Hart back as a weekly character...I don't know. What could he do? He obviously can't be physically involved, his speaking is as good as it was due to the stroke, and I'm guessing his ability to think of things to say quickly is hindered as well.

I think the most obvious thing they could do with him is stick him as the mouthpiece/manager of the new Hart Foundation. That would be nice, though I'm not sure if Bret would be willing to do it. I'm sure he'd be open to it.

Otherwise, perhaps a GM role of some kind? Highly doubtful, but a fan can still dream.
*orgasms* then goes a bit meh. there's no real need for it to be honest, unless they stick him as the Harts manager and have a feud v DX then yeah that would be good, but I think Sly hit it on the head what else can he do?
Haha, yeah, that would have been the definition of an epic encounter. That would have made some serious cash.

I think the most obvious thing they could do with him is stick him as the mouthpiece/manager of the new Hart Foundation. That would be nice, though I'm not sure if Bret would be willing to do it. I'm sure he'd be open to it.

Otherwise, perhaps a GM role of some kind? Highly doubtful, but a fan can still dream.

Maybe he could be a guest host on RAW, if he happens to agree and run with it, and after that stint, he could accompany the Hart Foundation around.

OR...hear me out on this one, and bash my head in later....he could be an announcer. Bret Hart as announcer would be one of my dreams come true. Seriously, him and JR calling out matches toether would be as closest as a fan can get to being schooled on wrestling 101.

There, I got it out of my system :D

P.S. Him being "God" in Shawn Michaels vs the Mcmahons would have been the strangest thing ever. :lmao: I just pictured Vince calling out God and Hart coming out with a single light shining on him before, during and after the match.
DAMN IT I was at the HBK/God match. If that had happened I would have FREAKED, and I don't even like Hart that much. The rest of the show completely sucked and nothing of note happened so that would have easily saved it. Damn it.

Anyway, as far as this goes, I'll believe it when I see it. If my memory is right this has been talekd about numerous times before and nothing has happened with it. It certainly would be cool to see, but I think we're a ways away from it happening yet. I very well may be wrong, but I'm very skeptical about it. I'd love it, but I doubt it'll happen.
As far as Hart back as a weekly character...I don't know. What could he do? He obviously can't be physically involved, his speaking is as good as it was due to the stroke, and I'm guessing his ability to think of things to say quickly is hindered as well.

He should have some time to get it back underwraps. I mean, the stroke was in 2002, and he really did seem to have all thinking and talking abilities under control in the interviews I've seen. Watch some of his Off The Record tapings.

As for what he should could do, is manage the New Hart Foundation. I said it from day 1, that this faction would fail, unless they could get Bret Hart to come manage them. While it may not have fallen, just think of the face/heel heat these men would get, with Bret Hart on their side. If Bret does such a thing, expect this Tag Team to go VERY far, whether that be in singles competition, or the tag division.
This would be the most interesting thing to happen in the WWE in like... ever. Obviously though there's not a chance in hell of him going near RAW and even being in the same building as Shawn (who has at least grown up) and Hunter (who definitely has not) would cause tension. I just can't see it happening but in the unlikely event of that music hitting the arena, I will mark out, and I never mark out for anyone.
Who cares ? Well you all do, but I dont see why. He left after the screwjob and he didn't want to speak to Vince for a long time. So now when he decides he doesn't hate WWE any more, Vince should just take him back ? Bret should be the one asking Vince if he can come back(that is if he wants to), it shouldn't be the other way around.
It's probably a pipe dream but it would be nice to see Bret in some capacity. It would be better for him to go to Smackdown but I wouldn't see it :banghead: I don't think too many people with satellite television would see it either. It would definitely increase the ratings and bring in viewers for the short haul. If the two parties could come to an agreement, I don't think Bret would stay that long.

It maybe false but that's a better headline then Kayne West at least. WWE might even get the smarks on their side with Bret. I've always wanted to see a face off, not a match, but a face off with Shawn and Bret. Even if they don't say anything that would be cool and nostalgic to see these two eye to eye.
the main reason he wants to come back if this is true is to help the hart dynasty bc u know vince will do anything for bret if he comes back bc its money ratings and thats wa vince is about so if bret says put the tag belts on them Bam they on em and so on so on id love to see him back tho!
l really feel all warm and toasty inside. This would be amazing and I really like the idea of him managing the Hart Dynasty and whoever mentioned announcing has a great idea, too. He could manage the Harts for a while and when that storyline runs it's course I'd move him next to JR.

I was really hoping that he would've got involved during HBK's match with Vince at that Wrestlemania. It was the same year that he got inducted into the HOF. I was hoping at the conclusion of the match when Vince was a stain in the ring HBK would've waved to the backstage area, and Bret's music would've hit. He gets in the ring stares HBK down, and after a minute shakes his hand, from there Shawn would've proceeded to hold Vince's legs apart for Bret; Bret proceeds to apply the sharp shooter while HBK prevents the time keeper from ringing the bell. Of course Bret as God in that tag match would've been ridiculously shocking.
I don't know. I want to believe, but after several years of fake music entrances and taunting by the likes of Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels, I don't believe it until I see it.

IF it happens, Bret can obviously work with The Hart Dynasty on Smackdown which will skyrocket that team's credibility even more than it already is. (I for one am a fan of their work.) Can you imagine the money that WWE would make if D-Generation X were to face The Hart Dynasty with Bret Hart in their corner at a major PPV.... in Canada? That would be completely insane as far as wrestling history is concerned. However, I don't think it will happen.

I can see another scenario where Bret aligns himself with CM Punk, discussing the fact that Punk is a great role model for children like he was.... blah blah blah.... you know the rest. He could then use his connection with the Hart Dynasty to give CM Punk some backup as The Harts will align themselves with Uncle (or in Tyson Kidd's case, Trainer) Bret.

But this is all B.S. until we actually see something that we haven't seen since 1997: Bret Hart walking out to his theme music, through that curtain, and onto the entrance ramp. The last two paragraphs are complete and utter fantasy until that happens. And after 12 years, I have my doubts.
I nearly came in my pants when reading that. But I dont want to get that excited yet. Its good that hes even thinking about it. What could he do? He could lay it finishes for wrestlers, as a backstage role, he had one of the best creative minds in wrestling when it came to finishing matches. On camera. Maybe guest host RAW. Maybe commentator of Smackdown. Him and JR commentating would be unreal.

Him and HBK in a staredown, and just a staredown, would probably be the most historic image in the history of the WWE
Well, isn't this an interesting turn of events. Pure speculation on my part, but my guess is that the finances are wearing thin and that he needs money. I certainly could never see him going back to WWE unless he had to. I realized he patched things up with Vince, but he was still adamant that he had no interest in going back to work for WWE. Something obviously changed, and I bet it has to do with money.

Nevertheless and besides that, I think it will be great to see Bret Hart back in the WWE. I just don't know what they are going to do with him other than being a GM. He would make a terrible "Analyst", since his voice is so low these days. He never was a great talker on the mic anyway, so I really can't see how he would make a good analyst. If he could put some emotion into his voice, I think the things he would say behind the mic could be really good. But he just comes across as too "cold" ... especially ever since he had the concussion.

It would seem like a waste just to bring him in to be in the corner of the Hart Dynasty.

I just don't know what they could do with him that would justify his probably hefty salary with the company, other than GM, to be frank. And he would probably be overpaid just to be a GM. GM's really shouldn't make all that much money, to be honest. It's such an easy job.
Shit myself, no! Interested, yes.

I would love to see Bret Hart back as something like a manager, GM, or even a color commentator. I think that it would add a shit ton of money to the WWE and it would make whichever show he ends up on must see T.V. I mean, c'mon, what wrestling fan doesn't want to see Bret Hart back?

With that said, I don't happen to think that Bret Hart is the be all end all in professional wrestling like this forum tends to paint him up as. He was great and a joy to watch, but let's face it, he didn't have the one thing and that a wrestler must have, IMO, to be considered one of the best ever, LONGEVITY. If he comes back, though, and stays for awhile, he could fix that. Bret Hart isn't on my list of best ever and I know that I am going to get flack for this, but, IMHO, BRET SCREWED BRET! Enough said!
When I read this story earlier today, I couldn’t believe it but there is that part of me as a wrestling fan that hopes the story is true. I mean, it is Bret freaking Hart; Bret returning would just be a combination of epic, awesome, and more awesome. I really do hope it’s true that there is a possibility of him returning in the future, even if it’s just for a one night appearance.

As far as what he would do, like Sly said, what could he do? I’m honestly not sure. I guess he could be a good manager for the Hart Foundation. Bret being their manager would instantly give them a lot of legitimacy and credibility as a stable. Or maybe he could be an authority figure on one of the brands, but I would much rather he be a manager. I don’t see him like the type of guy that would make a good authority figure, but maybe he could make a good one, who knows?

But the one thing that I would love to see above everything else (and I am sure others would probably agree), is a confrontation with Shawn Michaels whether it’s scripted by the creative team or Bret and Shawn write their own scripts. I really don’t care what they do or say, I would just love to see them be in the same ring for the first time in 12 years. Can you imagine how amazing it could be if that ever happened?
After changing my pants, which many other did I guess. I have to say that I am positively overcome with joy at the exact moment. The return of Bret Hart is something that any self respecting wrestling fan has, at one point, discussed. Whether it be in private or as a group. It matters not. Since Montreal, people have always speculated over whether or not Bret Hart would come back to the WWE. With the news that he is open to it, I am giddy with excitement. Imagine this, if you will. Shawn Michaels standing in the ring as the 29th Royal Rumble entrant, only for Bret Hart to come through the curtain as the 30th entrant.

Shit! I ahve to go change my pants again.

OK. As I am saying, the possibility of Bret returning to the ring is a great opportunity to ment the bbridge that was burned down in Montreal and a great opportunity for everyone. Vince McMahon gets a great wrestling personality under his wing once more and the chance to make up for what happened back at Survivor Seroes. Bret Hart gets some financial stability and gets back to what he loves most of all: wrestling. And the fans get to see the culmination of one of the biggest feuds in wrestling history, between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon.

Obviously, I realise that this is not a "yes" from Bret Hart but it is further away from a "no" and that is a great thing to behold. Bask in it, my friends, bask!
My knowledge on Bret Hart's current health is very limited. As far as I was aware, he was incapable of competing due to the injury he got thanks to Goldberg. Interviews he's had since retiring have been to do with not wanting to come back in a manager or similar role. But seeing posts, like a few above, mention potential fights between the the top stars of today. Randy Orton, John Cena, even Triple H (It's so odd to think that they never really have interacted with each other... Triple H was just starting out as Bret left for WCW. Triple H seems to have been around and huge forever.) that seems like a stretch. Surely that can never happen or is he actually clear to wrestle but just isn't training to do so?
There's no way in hell he'll ever wrestle a match again, the closest you'll get might be swinging a chair at HBK, during Michaels last match.

Christ could you imagine that? It would be a legendary end to Michaels career, while introducing the returning Hart. This forum would explode.
There's no way in hell he'll ever wrestle a match again, the closest you'll get might be swinging a chair at HBK, during Michaels last match.

Christ could you imagine that? It would be a legendary end to Michaels career, while introducing the returning Hart. This forum would explode.

Wow, if that would happen, that would be poetic justice. Think about it. Even if it doesn't directly cost HBK the match, the mere sight of Bret Hart trying to get revenge for the Montreal Screwjob by trying to end Shawn Michaels' career the way many believe Bret's career was destroyed by the screwjob would be enough for wrestling fans to go crazy. It would be similar to (but a hell of a lot more powerful than) Piper's interference during the Hogan-McMahon Street Fight at WM XIX.

I don't think it will happen. I'm still skeptical about the whole thing being legitimate, as I said earlier in the forum, but if it is real and WWE does any Shawn-Bret interactions, it will make for classic TV.

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