Book This! - General Discussion

It's measured in characters, usually I get around 5,000 - 6,000 words into one post. No need for that WCW show to be in two posts however.

Ok next time it'll be one. And longer but I can't promise my shows are going to be 4000-5,000 words. The maximum I'll go is maybe 3000 or 3500 and thats a maybe.
Ok next time it'll be one. And longer but I can't promise my shows are going to be 4000-5,000 words. The maximum I'll go is maybe 3000 or 3500 and thats a maybe.

I never expect your shows to be long. You have said you wanted someone else to do the writing, wasn't thinking we would get much detail anyway.
I never expect your shows to be long. You have said you wanted someone else to do the writing, wasn't thinking we would get much detail anyway.

Okay that doesn't mean the shows will be long, I just did thtat because I t would be easier to for someone else to do matches since I didnt have the effort to do matches exactly why I do the summary format, Also speak for yourself don't say "wasn't think we would get much detail anyway" I just happen to have a life and really don't want to spend summer writing a 10,000 word show. If you're going to criticize and be a nitpicker by trying to put down a new generation of writers, just don't read the damn Book This.
Okay that doesn't mean the shows will be long, I just did thtat because I t would be easier to for someone else to do matches since I didnt have the effort to do matches exactly why I do the summary format,

I can hardly understand this after the first 8 words.

Also speak for yourself don't say "wasn't think we would get much detail anyway" I just happen to have a life and really don't want to spend summer writing a 10,000 word show.

No need to get snappy, I was just telling you the feeling I got from your past posts. You have said you didn't want to put much effort into it. No need to get mad at me when you put little effort into a show, yet don't take the response from people who actually work on their shows.

If you're going to criticize and be a nitpicker by trying to put down a new generation of writers, just don't read the damn Book This.

New generation... ... tell me when they show up and I'll be sure to welcome them like I do everyone who comes into the section.
I can hardly understand this after the first 8 words.

No need to get snappy, I was just telling you the feeling I got from your past posts. You have said you didn't want to put much effort into it. No need to get mad at me when you put little effort into a show, yet don't take the response from people who actually work on their shows.

New generation... ... tell me when they show up and I'll be sure to welcome them like I do everyone who comes to the section.

I meant "Okay that doesn't mean the shows will be long, I just did that because it would be easier for someone else to do matches since I don't have the effort to do matches, exactly why I don't do the summary format

And yes I'm getting snappy, I never said I wasn't going to put effort but I odn't really have the time or effort to write matches especially the ones you guys do, because at that time I was in an e-fed. Sorry but 10,000 word shows not for me.

New Generation? Hmm guys like Me, The Best, we're new generation.
May god have mercy on us...

RAW preview is up for anybody that cares. And a big point, Randy Orton will not be at RAW this week.

EDIT: You were in an e-fed, well congratulations I guess the stress from that was super hard to deal with.
:icon_cry::icon_cry: that hurt my feeling Proph(just kidding)

Anyways, had a personal life tonight, and only got to write 1/2 of a match; I'll try to get it up tomorrow.

Edit:the just kidding part was supposed to be in white:banghead::banghead:
Wasn't talking about myself, just WF. Just wondering Proph, why are Storm and Roode called Beer Money in Unleashed? Never had an explanation.
I was going to put that I thought you were improving with the feedback people give.

EDIT: Peep I was going to change their name, but decided not to. Keeps things easy for me and the people who read. Some have no idea who Justice is (appearance), so I didn't want to change everyone around. I also like the name Beer Money, I had the name "The Followers" or something like that set for them at one stage.
I've finished watching the four main matches from MITB, main event was so awesome. Loved how Del Rio is just clubbed in the face as soon as he entered the ring, such a funny visual.
I remember reading a review for TLC which asked why I didn't have a TLC match at the PPV. I did have one ready, however I went into single branded PPV (best decision) so the TLC match was from Smackdown (so it was cut) . Yeah, just wanted to answer that as I just saw it.
Thursday Night Annihilation is up next week. Just tryin to get my groove with this whole Book This business, It's not as easy as it looks.

WCW. Com Update Posted.
Thanks Jam, any chance you could make my No Mercy poster? Don't see why RAW wouldn't begin to advertise the event.

Yeah sure, I'll give it a go. Oh and go check the poster that I did for Summerslam 2011 at the DA&G Section that Seth started. Maybe you want something like that.

Jam, when are you starting your new fed?

New thread will probably be up next week. Been planning and stuff. Going to announce right now that it's ECW, but WWECW. It'll be filled with superstars that made up the ECW brand under WWE. Christian, Punk, RVD, Sheamus, SHELTON BENJAMIN! WHOO! And then you never know who will be signed. So yeah, hope you all will read.
I'll be reading Jam.

Edit: Edge vs. Sin Cara is finished! Just need to write the aftermath of the match, and it's 4 more matches plus a huge ADR promo, and then Raw will be up; too bad I live on the east coast, and it's about 12:30 here, and I'm really tired.

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