Book This! - General Discussion

I agree completely!

The past 4 or 5 months i've slowly been less and less interested in wrestling, and when I went on holiday for the past two weeks I haven't even bothered to catch up on what I missed, but when I noticed MITB was free I decided to go for it and I'm so glad I did. This is the moment that has really got me interested in wrestling again. The moment Cena came out and the entire arena hated him, and the contrast with Punk's reaction. That's one of the best moments in wrestling I have ever seen.

Fantastic work on WWE's part... Bryan winning was a nice surprise and I'm interested to see what they do with it. Alberto Del Rio was a bit expected, but i'm still interested to see where it goes. Christian winning in that way was very different to anything over the past few years and it was a real refreshing thing to see. Mark Henry looks to become a major player on Smackdown, and again well played by the WWE.

Best PPV i've seen over the past few years... just hope that RAW tonight can continue this impressive form!
I'm waiting for someone to have a BT that has Punk turn up in RoH with the WWE title and then the Final Countdown music hits and Bryan Danielson cashes in his money in the bank on a RoH show and defeats Punk in a classic bringing the belt back to Vince..hahaha
Show will probably be slower again as football started up today. Life comes first, but I'll keep up as well as possible.

Also, in the MitB excitement, I forgot the ratings, so I'll do a three week period and post them this Sunday. Sorry, I'm slacking, but it was Money in the Bank, I was pumped.

And it lived up to the hype as well.
FINALLY... FINALLY... Avitus25 has updated his Book This!

Been a few months in the making due to exams and holidays etc. but my new edition of Smackdown is posted! I'll be making the rounds and reviewing some BT's over the next few days :)
And I have a question for the people who didn't like the ending to the Orton vs Jericho match. Who would you have go over, why would they have won and how? I'm curious to see the answer.

Still no answer? I was so sure somebody would have an idea for who should go over in the match. Oh well.
It's a good match Peep, not as good as the Smackdown one however. Also I'm probably going to do RAW in a recap form this week, the final part of the show just isn't going well. I got the main segment in full so nothing major is going to be missed.
Can't decide what to do with my Divas... Plus my RAW this Monday has a CRAZY amount of matches in it... I reckon I might do a trial run of a Divas only TV show...
Good Peep, looking to finish Raw tomorrow. It seems to be a short show compared to the past work. Gets the impact in though.
Finally got some free time to work on the PPV. Really looking forward to what is too follow as Peepers and I can branch away from the E.
Ok haven't really had time to write so tomorrow I'll try to get Monday Night Inferno and Wednesday Night Seduction up, along with a WCW. Com update, which includes Roster Cuts and new superstars or new superstar...

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