Book This! - General Discussion

If you write 2000 words, mate, the comments you're going to get are going to be about detail. Nailed on. And you must hardly ever be energetic because I haven't seen a review yet. Nobody is saying you must post 5000+ word shows, post what you want but Proph is dead right that people will either (a) tell you that there isn't enough detail or (b) won't read it.

If you don't have much time, I have to wonder why you are trying to post the shows as quick as you are. Why not take longer to write each show? You don't have to spend a whole day typing - I don't. I type a bit a day usually when I'm writing a show. I find that writing a match and a promo a day means I have a show every 4-5 days. Sometimes I don't write at all in a day. You shouldn't be trying to write to a schedule, just when you feel it.

The reason that Da Prophet is one of the top writers here on BT is because he listens to other people nitpicking at his shows. I have to nitpick on his shows now because they are so good. At first, they weren't anywhere near as good as they are now. But he listened, he didn't take the criticism as anybody being nasty, he took it on board and improved his writing. If you are on BT, I'm assuming you want to get better and you want people to read your shows? You need people like Prophet, Peep, Theo, TSG and me giving you constructive criticism. Then you can get better.

Comments like the one I've bolded are what will annoy people. It annoys me. You're making out that those of us that write more haven't got a life. I think you will find that you are very wrong. I write my BT because it gives me chance to 'take a break' from other things when I'm on the computer. I do it when I feel like it. If I stop enjoying it, I'll take a break. If I never enjoy it, I'll disappear and not write it. My show being as detailed as it is doesn't mean I haven't got a life and you have. It just means that I use the time I give it better.

Most newbies in BT are happy to take the criticism because it makes them better writers. You're the first I've seen to take issue with it and I just don't understand it.


Well most of The Book This I've seen are about 4 pages long. It's hard giving a review when I must read all the shows. Maybe later today I'll try giving some but I have given reviews to TNA: Rebelling Against Authority and The Best's WWE. I just spent a lot of time on my book this last night so when people say things like "oh it doesn't have detail" that gets annoying, It's like washing a car and then people come and say " oh you missed a spot there" Well but thanks for the advice...and one more thing

I'm writing my other brand Thursday Night Annihilation thise week which should be posted Friday or Saturday. Should I start writing day by day?
And because I'm trying to get more detail and make my BT longer give me the rubric/criteria for maybe how long segments and matches to be?

Would it be?

Segments: 500-700 words
Opener Matches-300-500 words
Mid-Card Matches-500-700 words
Main-Event: 700-1000 words?
I would definitely say that writing a bit each day ends up with a much better product that doing it all in one go... If you only write a little bit each day then you're fresh with ideas and motivation every time you go to write and you don't feel like you're just writing to get it done... I mean a lot of times I've given myself deadlines saying "right i'll post my show within a week" and ended up going over the deadlines just because I would rather wait a little extra to post a show than force myself to sit for long periods and write when I'm not going to be producing the best quality shows that I can.

I suppose it's different for each person but I would definitely suggest trying to write day by day... You might find that your shows get naturally a little bit longer trying to do it like that anyway... It's worth a shot :)

Erm... I'd say your figures aren't too bad...

Segments: 500-1000
I'd say this is quite a large range... so my opening segments for programs are usually around a thousand words, but for others i'd say 500-700 is about right...

Openers/Diva Matches: Usually 500-700 words for these...

Midcard: Usually 700-1000 for me...

Main Event:1000+
My Main Event's including introduction, commentary etc. is usually around 3000 words but that's a bit excessive really... I'd say anything over 1000 is abuot right for the Main Event...

These are just my general ideas but my shows are quite long so your lengths would probably work out reasonably as long as you've got enough segments/matches... I hope this all helps :)
Well most of The Book This I've seen are about 4 pages long. It's hard giving a review when I must read all the shows. Maybe later today I'll try giving some but I have given reviews to TNA: Rebelling Against Authority and The Best's WWE. I just spent a lot of time on my book this last night so when people say things like "oh it doesn't have detail" that gets annoying, It's like washing a car and then people come and say " oh you missed a spot there" Well but thanks for the advice...and one more thing

I'm writing my other brand Thursday Night Annihilation thise week which should be posted Friday or Saturday. Should I start writing day by day?
And because I'm trying to get more detail and make my BT longer give me the rubric/criteria for maybe how long segments and matches to be?

Would it be?

Segments: 500-700 words
Opener Matches-300-500 words
Mid-Card Matches-500-700 words
Main-Event: 700-1000 words?

You don't have to review the whole thread, just go read the latest show. If you like it and you're interested in how it got to that stage, then go read the rest. Nobody expects you to review a whole thread.

Nobody is saying you didn't spend a lot of time on your BT and people aren't having a go at you for not having detail. I must stress that there is a world of difference between criticism and constructive criticism.

Criticism = "That was sh*t, mate!"

Constructive criticism = "I'm not sure about that part, you maybe could have included a little more detail in that promo. You need to think about how Triple H speaks because he wouldn't say those things. Try watching some YouTube videos of him speaking."

Can you see the difference?

Da Prophet wasn't saying you were sh*t, he was telling you how he thinks you can improve. He didn't rally me to agree with him, I agreed with him because I think he is right. For your BT to be better, which I'm guessing that you'd like, you need to listen to his advice. More detail would improve it. If you're happy with it, go ahead and keep doing what you're doing but I'm guessing that you want to get better, you want to get more viewers and you want to get more comments on it. If you want that, you need to follow the pointers that people like Proph give you. Like I said before, he will have made all these mistakes in his first BT, I know I did!

You're going to post Annhilation on Friday/Saturday. OK. That, I think, is your first mistake. Why say when it's going to be posted? Post it when it is ready, don't set a schedule. If you don't feel like writing on Monday-Thursday, you'll end up rushing it later. Write it when you want to, finish it when it is ready and then post it whenever it is.

How many matches you having in the show?
How many promos are you having?
How long did you spend writing your last show?

Answer those and I'll help you get yourself sorted out with it.
You don't have to review the whole thread, just go read the latest show. If you like it and you're interested in how it got to that stage, then go read the rest. Nobody expects you to review a whole thread.

Nobody is saying you didn't spend a lot of time on your BT and people aren't having a go at you for not having detail. I must stress that there is a world of difference between criticism and constructive criticism.

Criticism = "That was sh*t, mate!"

Constructive criticism = "I'm not sure about that part, you maybe could have included a little more detail in that promo. You need to think about how Triple H speaks because he wouldn't say those things. Try watching some YouTube videos of him speaking."

Can you see the difference?

Da Prophet wasn't saying you were sh*t, he was telling you how he thinks you can improve. He didn't rally me to agree with him, I agreed with him because I think he is right. For your BT to be better, which I'm guessing that you'd like, you need to listen to his advice. More detail would improve it. If you're happy with it, go ahead and keep doing what you're doing but I'm guessing that you want to get better, you want to get more viewers and you want to get more comments on it. If you want that, you need to follow the pointers that people like Proph give you. Like I said before, he will have made all these mistakes in his first BT, I know I did!

You're going to post Annhilation on Friday/Saturday. OK. That, I think, is your first mistake. Why say when it's going to be posted? Post it when it is ready, don't set a schedule. If you don't feel like writing on Monday-Thursday, you'll end up rushing it later. Write it when you want to, finish it when it is ready and then post it whenever it is.

How many matches you having in the show?
How many promos are you having?
How long did you spend writing your last show?

Answer those and I'll help you get yourself sorted out with it.

Yes I see the difference. I'll take as much criticism as I can get, because I do want to get better. And I'll see if I can review more shows. Maybe on the weekends or usually the time they're posted. And for Annihilation I have 5matches, not sure about how many segments, I usually freestyles those when writing the show but there's going to be an Orton-Richards-Edwards-segment I can say.

Try to write the opening segment tonight.
Write Match 1 and the next segment on the next day.
Match 2 and segment
Match 3 and segment
Match 4 and segment
Main event match

There are six days worth of writing. If you do half hour each night, that is three hours spent on a show. Should be enough. More time spent on the main event = longer match = more quality.

That's how I'd run it.

As for how long segments should be, it depends. A short segment can be powerful. I'd be wary of putting actual numbers on it.

Try to write the opening segment tonight.
Write Match 1 and the next segment on the next day.
Match 2 and segment
Match 3 and segment
Match 4 and segment
Main event match

There are six days worth of writing. If you do half hour each night, that is three hours spent on a show. Should be enough. More time spent on the main event = longer match = more quality.

That's how I'd run it.

As for how long segments should be, it depends. A short segment can be powerful. I'd be wary of putting actual numbers on it.

Ok that makes sense. It's 1 in my time so I can get started on the opening segment at maybe 3. First segment would be Stone Cold and Heyman discussing what the main event should be so yeah.
By the way guys, if there's anyone with a bit of free time on their hands and whose good at graphic design I would really appreciate help from someone who could create me a Royal Rumble graphic?

It'd be really appreciated if anyone manages to get the time! :)
I found it very funny to Peep, such enjoyment I got from reading it.

EDIT: And yes Jam, I'll check out the new thread. I always check out new threads, most of them don't keep my interest. I only read two other BT projects out of interest (other then my own). Let the guessing begin on which two they are.
I will get you an in depth review for your first episode once I have finished this PPV, Jam. Just starting on the ladder match now, everything else is done, a few videos, promos, entrances, all that.

Proph, same for you. I will do a 'live' review of TLC, going over each match and promo - but taking my time (maybe over a couple of days/sittings) so I can give you good, long feedback without it being rushed and you can just tell that I just read the finishes.
Well this match may take me until the weekend to do, but Theo still has a bit of his part to write. Then a couple of hours to edit, so maybe this weekend, maybe not.
I got my Cena/Miz stuff and that is it. I'll probably have that finished in the next few days or so. I'd love for this weekend, but next weekend is probably the best bet. Taking longer than I expected, I've been swamped with stuff and it is holding me back.

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