Book This! - General Discussion

RAW this week looks to be even longer than usual... blockbuster show this week peeps... I'll try and get it up by the end of the week but I'm making no promises... this is gonna take longer than I'd planned for!!!
Thanks Peep for the tip, but I'm fine reading yours...
Is someone currently pushing Drew McIntyre in your BT?
Never saw the appeal in him (really don't care if someone pushed him, I never thought Kofi could be a credible main eventer but GCB changed that), people can do what they want anyway. Just a bit of important info, I changed the main event of Mania today. Shocking, I need to start moving toward the Rumble anyway so I have the card ready to go!
At the end of that feud with Orton, Kofi looked awesome but he just faded away. Another feud with a different main eventer would have done him wonders. I have the card for OtL all planned out now, might have a match too many but that can be worked around. Excited for that show.
I never really got McIntyre... he showed some promise before Wrestlemania this year but seems to have faded out again since...

I never got Swagger either I'll be honest... Sure he's good in the ring but I never thought he was that great on the microphone, and he just bored me... Sure i'm in the minority there...
Is that the next PPV Peep? One thing I want to do is write the Royal Rumble by early next year. I need to get past Armageddon and then No Mercy which should be fun to write. Hopefully be the end of January around the time of the 2012 Rumble, we will get mine.
Yeah, Over the Limit comes after ER. Get some great matches/nice build up planned, would be awesome to see you get to 'Mania, that will take a while!

Avitus: I'm on the fence about McIntyre: maybe the right storyline/feud will get the best out of him, he is good albeit a little boring in the ring. However, Swagger is a star, he is very underrated on the stick, great talker in my opinion, shame they wasted his WHC run, needed to spend that time building him up a bit before he cashed it in.
I'm aiming for mid 2012 to reach WrestleMania 22, but who knows what could happen before then. I'm sure I'll use the super summary style a few times when I feel burnt out and that should help. I get the feeling at times that once I finish RAW, Smackdown seems to follow ten times better. It's getting the red brand finished that takes ages.
I think the championship run with Swagger didn't help things at all yeah, I reckon if they'd given him a decent run with it it may have changed my opinion, but he was never really given the chance to shine, and putting his first in ring feud against The Big Show was never a good way to show how good he was in the ring...
oh wrestlingfan. When will you learn...:rolleyes:

What do you mean when will I learn?

I'm writing by BT day by day and hoping to have a 5000 word show. If people are going to complain even when I take their advice and do what they say, then I can always go back to 1000 word shows.
Well, just got done doing avitus25's poster. Anyone need graphics?

Hey Jam, I would love a Destination X banner for my upcoming ppv. That would be awesome. The main event is WHC Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe... and there's an ultimate x match as the secondary ME... go for it! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

BTW BT'ers my last show before the ppv is up, would love some comments on how I'm travelling. I just put a review down for Jam, and when I get to work I plan on hitting some of you other guys with one... WCW is back hell yeah, ECW back love it... someone booking HHH's new era, awesome, can't wait to read your stuff.

Just started working on Thursday Night Annihilation, Got through the Opening Segment, and the first match and first segment. 1,500 words so far.
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Jam, can I get one for my Saturday Nights Main Event mini show; just as long as John Morrison with the world heavyweight title is in it, than it's fine; everything else is under your control.

So a poster with John Morrison with the WHC? Okay, will get to it. I hope there's a photomontage of that. Lol.
I was gonna say I can imagine it'll be difficult to find that!!! Maybe there'll be one from when Morrison pinned Punk when he was World Champion a few years ago?
I would like to say that Jam volunteering to give his time and help out us guys here in BT is amazing. He derserves all the priase he gets. Jam you are a true asset to the BT squad. I've only been here a little while and the comradire (sp?) down here is great. Big ups to the mods and if there are end of year awards Jam you get my vote so far for MVP or team player. Great work mate!
Alright, just 2 more matches and a small promo plus a portion of a promo to go, and then Raw and the Backlash predictions contest will be up.
What do you mean when will I learn?

I'm writing by BT day by day and hoping to have a 5000 word show. If people are going to complain even when I take their advice and do what they say, then I can always go back to 1000 word shows.

Yeah make the shows worse... ... that will show us. Peep was just messing around if you didn't get it, we do that here. You know, have fun and joke. You need to lighten up a little.

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