Book This! - General Discussion

Is it just me, or is this the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?!
Wow. I'm on your ignore list but your still talking about me? Wow. Thanks man. It's people like you who make it so I want to come to this section again.

Not in terms of actual booking, no. They just come into the discussion thread to hate on you.

And you didn't answer my question.
The answer is no. I'm older then 12.

It never gets old.
Same wid you.
Yet another epic episode of KWF has been posted.

Episode 8, "For Whom The Bell Tolls".

Tune in to see The Society, including an epic promo by CM Punk. The WAR promo at the last part. Including more matches for Summerslam getting finalized.

And will Sting get what he wants? Will he finally manage to get the opportunity to redeem The Crows Nest? Will Sting get The Undertaker?!

I reckon we should move away to some actual discussion now. What was the thread that inspired you to start booking your own stuff?

Mine was Megatron's 2007 thread - I don't think I'd have even come back to this site, let alone booking, if I hadn't gotten hooked on his stuff.
Grandsword inspired me to give booking TNA a shot. Theo & Peep made me wanna one day find a partner to do a WWE thread and GCB gave me hope that a WWE project could succeed without a partner.
I reckon we should move away to some actual discussion now. What was the thread that inspired you to start booking your own stuff?

Mine was Megatron's 2007 thread - I don't think I'd have even come back to this site, let alone booking, if I hadn't gotten hooked on his stuff.

It was no one here. I've just always had a thing for booking. I used to make fantasy draft cards on youtube, and that turned into full series of videos booking to a certain point.. usually WrestleMania or Bound for Glory and those did alright. I helped book the fed that trained me to wrestle, and actually getting to develop stories there rather than just make graphics and skip month to month made me want to find a more detailed form of booking which I why I started checking out this section. Now if I could only get a thread/partner to stick! I think I may have finally with Nightmare and the 2010 thread.
Grandsword inspired me to give booking TNA a shot. Theo & Peep made me wanna one day find a partner to do a WWE thread and GCB gave me hope that a WWE project could succeed without a partner.

Grandsword, loved that guy.

And damn right I'm an inspiration haha.

As for me, GCB I guess you can say. I don't really remember. I've done plenty of projects here and I guess it was more so wanting to get a successful one going so my post WM27 BT was originally just me, but Peep sent me a PM and inquired about a joint project and I was completely sold. I just hope our new project puts up the numbers as our first go round. Gonna be tough, that's for sure.
JAM was the one who recruited me to this section. I had checked it out a few times before but never really considered joining as I was content doing my booking with my buddy on facebook and youtube but when he bailed on me I got a project going here.
Wow, this is a great question. I've always wanted to book eversince I played GM mode in Smackdown vs. Raw. When I saw that BT was basically like GM mode, I said to myself that I had to join in on this.

As for my inspiration, I think it was probably GCB's project. It was really good early on and it interested me a lot. It still is good as it went, I'm just saying that his earlier stuff was really good. But yeah, GCB was probably one then Peep and Theo's partnership thread was amazing. To an extent, I'll say that Proph's TNA thread inspired me as well. Wow, looking back, I think I've been booking for a little over a year or two now? How time has gone huh?
I reckon we should move away to some actual discussion now. What was the thread that inspired you to start booking your own stuff?

Mine was Megatron's 2007 thread - I don't think I'd have even come back to this site, let alone booking, if I hadn't gotten hooked on his stuff.

Since the WZCW thread is dead right now, and I'm waiting on creative to answer my inquiries I'll answer. This was actually the first section that I participated in years and years ago and I started writing shows because, as I was going through my "OMGZ Indy wrassling is aweszome!!!" phase I looked at companies like SHIMMER and thought 'I could book a show with an all female roster like the WWE.' And thus I did. Early pioneers of the section like Wotdoiput, Showtyme27, and Lalakerz were inspirational to me.
I used to book on the earliest SMACKDOWN games on the PS for my little sister - she was 8 and loved the Hamster Wrestling Federation! That's where I got into booking stories. I was creating stories and challenges around Football Manager before I came here but slowly realised I could do same online for WWE and then foubd this place. Biggest inspiration early was Proph as he had a great show going then. He inspired me with that until he gave it up. Still haven't enjoyed anything of his since!
I love seeing that GCB is a legend here. That's awesome shit as your writing is extremely impressive.

I used to book on a marble notebook. Then I found a site and started seeing others were doing it. I decided to start with my "alternate universe", the KWF. I feel that locking yourself down to just WWE, TNA, ECW, WCW is weak and ruins opportunities to truly book what you want to book. When you can have any star show up at anytime, it's a different story. I think it helps you become a better writer.

So yeah....

If I chose any stars I wanted, they'd all be guys from WWE anyway. Never watched anything else. I keep trying TNA for 20 minutes but then I can't get into it at all.
If I chose any stars I wanted, they'd all be guys from WWE anyway. Never watched anything else. I keep trying TNA for 20 minutes but then I can't get into it at all.

Lol, that's what happened with me! I started the TNA thread and I got so excited to start it, then when I started writing I got so bored quickly.

I kinda started out the same way as Kid, I have always liked writing, and I kept a diary for a long time of my life and I had fantasy bookings in it as early from when I started watching in 2004. When I got older and I got the internet (my family was behind the times) I did some things on Yahoo Answers with fantasy booking. I stopped for a long time as I got busy with college, but I really wanted to do it recently and so here I am to post it.
I just find it hard to get into when it isn't realistic. Anything can happen, in a very short time - that's the nature of wrestling - but when everyone is just thrown together without much of an explanation, I can't enjoy it.
I just find it hard to get into when it isn't realistic. Anything can happen, in a very short time - that's the nature of wrestling - but when everyone is just thrown together without much of an explanation, I can't enjoy it.

Same. I wanna feel like if I was thrown into the position of head booker/creative, this is what I would do with the resources I had.
Yeah, but I would rather entertain myself by writing with the best from every company. When you're fantasy booking, you should really fantasize.

In my KWF, I have Sting teaming with Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy and they're The Crows Nest. Everytime they're about to sacrifice someone or shit is about to go down, crows literally fly over the ring. That's using extra resources and making something original and special with it. Yes, crows flying over the ring may seem unrealistic, but the KWF is my alternate wrestling world where I've bad a lot of crazy shit happen.

I've been writing the KWF for 7-8 years now on another forum. My storylines go way back. When I'm done with this season (2 more RAWs and SUMMERSLAM), I am going to post the history of the KWF. Maybe that'll get more viewers and readers for the next season.

I ain't joking when I say my shit is awesome right now. I think every storyline I got is epic in it's own way.
Yeah, but I would rather entertain myself by writing with the best from every company. When you're fantasy booking, you should really fantasize.

In my KWF, I have Sting teaming with Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy and they're The Crows Nest. Everytime they're about to sacrifice someone or shit is about to go down, crows literally fly over the ring. That's using extra resources and making something original and special with it. Yes, crows flying over the ring may seem unrealistic, but the KWF is my alternate wrestling world where I've bad a lot of crazy shit happen.

I've been writing the KWF for 7-8 years now on another forum. My storylines go way back. When I'm done with this season (2 more RAWs and SUMMERSLAM), I am going to post the history of the KWF. Maybe that'll get more viewers and readers for the next season.

I ain't joking when I say my shit is awesome right now. I think every storyline I got is epic in it's own way.

That would be awesome. I've seen a couple of the KWF's by searching your started posts on FF but not had time to read all of it. I think having a background of what has gone down in the past will help people who are new to your show to understand where it has come from and how it has evolved over time. You have the fantasy alternate world working well - you know I love your show anyway - but from the bit I read, I could start to see how it connected up later with the season you're writing now. :)

p.s EVERYBODY - prediction contest in the WWF 2001 thread has started. Please get there and make some predictions. Only got three so far. Got to be done before I start posting SMACKDOWN and I'm thinking of Tuesday/Wednesday to start with it. Go predict!
I just find it hard to get into when it isn't realistic. Anything can happen, in a very short time - that's the nature of wrestling - but when everyone is just thrown together without much of an explanation, I can't enjoy it.

This. I found it easier to pick somewhere you think they (WWE/TNA/WCW whatever) could have booked better and then do it my way.

Nothing wrong with coming up with your own ideas because you do have a free reign, but I just prefer a bit of realism - to think that your ideas could've really happened.
I personally could care less whether you take the realistic or fantasy approach but what it comes down to for me is that you do something I haven't seen before whether that has to do with the time period, the feuds or the company. And in that respect people like Kid will always have an easier time dragging me in. But it also makes me look up to people like GCB (who can take the used and tired Invasion angle and flip it on its head) even more. As for how I started booking? Like others have said it wasn't necessarily one person who inspired me but my large imagination and my love of wrestling meeting eachother in the middle. For a long time I would just write matches or rewrite old matches but as time went on it began to evolve into writing full shows like the rest of you are doing. Of course I've had my role models along the way, but no one person I could pick out of the crowd.
What did we think of Summerslam folks? Is that how you would have booked the ending?


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