Yeah, but I would rather entertain myself by writing with the best from every company. When you're fantasy booking, you should really fantasize.
In my KWF, I have Sting teaming with Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Kennedy and they're The Crows Nest. Everytime they're about to sacrifice someone or shit is about to go down, crows literally fly over the ring. That's using extra resources and making something original and special with it. Yes, crows flying over the ring may seem unrealistic, but the KWF is my alternate wrestling world where I've bad a lot of crazy shit happen.
I've been writing the KWF for 7-8 years now on another forum. My storylines go way back. When I'm done with this season (2 more RAWs and SUMMERSLAM), I am going to post the history of the KWF. Maybe that'll get more viewers and readers for the next season.
I ain't joking when I say my shit is awesome right now. I think every storyline I got is epic in it's own way.