Book This! - General Discussion

Am currently deliberating over whether or not to use the MitB concept in WWF2001. It'd be 3/4 years earlier than the WWE used it but I think it'd work well. Any objections to this?
Am currently deliberating over whether or not to use the MitB concept in WWF2001. It'd be 3/4 years earlier than the WWE used it but I think it'd work well. Any objections to this?

Dude, do it. I can't imagine the guys you can use for the match, it'll be awesome.
Am currently deliberating over whether or not to use the MitB concept in WWF2001. It'd be 3/4 years earlier than the WWE used it but I think it'd work well. Any objections to this?

I think it would be really interesting to see some of the people back then compete in it. The only thing you would have issues with is if you do the brand extension and brand specific titles.
I think it would be really interesting to see some of the people back then compete in it. The only thing you would have issues with is if you do the brand extension and brand specific titles.

Not doing brand extension (yet) so not an issue right now. If I do it, it'll be WrestleMania X8 so still a little while off. Just trying to get the plan sorted out longer term.
Am currently deliberating over whether or not to use the MitB concept in WWF2001. It'd be 3/4 years earlier than the WWE used it but I think it'd work well. Any objections to this?

I'm kind of a stickler when it comes to being realistic and historically accurate when it comes to BT's, just ask Nightmare. And back then they built guys to main event levels and they more than not stayed at that level. They didnt need a shock title win when they werent ready for it. So my initial reaction is to reject the idea. But it's not my thread, and I trust you enough to make it all work if you were to introduce it early. So it's whatever to me.
MITB a few years early perks my interest.

Anyway a quick update on the draft episode of Raw for you guys, it's half done already and my goal is to have it up before the week break from WZCW ends after Kingdom Come. I should be able to get it up soon at the rate i'm going though.
The MitB idea is one I could get behind GCB. It would be a different twist to the past and there are some different guys and you would make it work. I trust that.
I'm kind of a stickler when it comes to being realistic and historically accurate when it comes to BT's, just ask Nightmare. And back then they built guys to main event levels and they more than not stayed at that level. They didnt need a shock title win when they werent ready for it. So my initial reaction is to reject the idea. But it's not my thread, and I trust you enough to make it all work if you were to introduce it early. So it's whatever to me.

That's the only argument I can think of against it - it was Jericho's idea so I guess all I'm doing is getting Jericho to suggest it a few years earlier! I don't think I'll use it to elevate newbies that much - guys I have in mind (if I do it) are guys like RVD, Edge, Booker T, guys who are over as hell, i.e. RVD and Edge at the end of 2001, or are already in the main event and just need boosting back into it, i.e. Booker.

MITB a few years early perks my interest.

Anyway a quick update on the draft episode of Raw for you guys, it's half done already and my goal is to have it up before the week break from WZCW ends after Kingdom Come. I should be able to get it up soon at the rate i'm going though.

I'm thinking that it could be interesting for a lot of those guys in 2001.

The MitB idea is one I could get behind GCB. It would be a different twist to the past and there are some different guys and you would make it work. I trust that.

I would like to book a MitB reign too - I did book Miz in GCB's WWE (did Terry Gyimah ever mention it?) but I never made the decision about who would be in MITB and then who would be the winner, i.e. as good a job as I could do with Miz, it was never my original idea! Plus, the roster in 2001 is packed with big names and I could do with having 6-8 of them in the same match to fit them all into WrestleMania!
Edge winning the first MITB match is probably what made him stick in the main event scene so him winning a few years earlier could be great. Jericho being in it still would be good though since he invented it.
Edge winning the first MITB match is probably what made him stick in the main event scene so him winning a few years earlier could be great. Jericho being in it still would be good though since he invented it.

You could argue that Edge was well on his way though before that. In 2001, Edge was the King of the Ring and was the Intercontinental and US Champion for much of the Invasion. His feud with Christian had to happen and then they made a mistake, IMO, in trying to use Edge's "overness" to get Christian up the ladder with him. They had Christian get the better of him (a lot) before Edge finally got revenge and I think that slowed the momentum. He got stuck in the mid-card titles when he could have, maybe would have if they'd booked him right, been the fifth man in the WWF team at Survivor Series instead of Big Show. If you see RVD in the Invasion, Edge could have been WWF's RVD at that point.

Then he feuded with Regal and Test, Booker T at WM18 as Booker was on the way down off his high spot and then he got the injury at the end of the summer of 2002. When he got back, they gave him MITB not too long after and it made him.

I'm looking forward to booking Edge in this thread. The old "Kofi Kingston" maybe???
I'm not sure who will be my "pet project" so to speak in my thread with Notorious. By that I mean a young guy I plan to have do great things in the thread. There is a few guys who could be there but time will tell how it works out.

All I know is at least on the Raw side of the things, there is a reason the thread is titled "A New Generation Is Coming"
That's the only argument I can think of against it - it was Jericho's idea so I guess all I'm doing is getting Jericho to suggest it a few years earlier!

Well Jericho didn't invent the entire concept. The Money in the Bank was originally supposed to be a Hollywood Dreams match or some shit for WM21 in LA where the winner got whatever they wanted. RVD was supposed to win and his wish would be to bring back ECW for one night (ECW One Night Stand). All Jericho did was point out how stupid that was and suggested a title shot whenever they wanted. At least that's the story told in Y2J's second book.
Is it alright that my first episode is going to be similar to the episode I am starting at? I am doing TNA starting at January 4th, and I liked a lot of what they did with the episode so I am keeping that and changing the parts that I didn't like which is most match outcomes, cutting certain segments, and getting a few different points across in promos.
I'm actually almost done my first show. Not sure where I found the time, but everything seemed to come to me. Though it is pretty much a rough sketch and likely won't reflect future plans.
I'm thinking about having a side project with my kid brother to go along with my 2013 BT with Peepster. This one would be a throwback focus heavily on the wrestling. I really have a BT fever and the only cure is more cowbell.
Matches more so than promos. Like I said it'll be a throwback BT probably during the early to mid 90's. The post Hogan era for the WWF.
Hmm interesting. Could be cool.

By the way Theo, do you remember making this sig for me awhile back? I found it buried in my saved pictures on my computer and decided it was so awesome it needed to be brought back.

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