Book This! - General Discussion

That was what I meant!

I've told both you and Swagger before that I enjoy your stuff. Am meaning to get reading your thread but stuff keeps getting in the way - work or my own motivation to write my own BT. Last night, I wasted away 4 hours on the entrances and video package for Cena-Undertaker at WM. :banghead:

Found a killer song for the video though: "Break" by Three Days Grace. Not heard of them before, listened to a few of their songs and like what I hear.

I know I know. Was just busting your balls about it. :lmao:

4 hours? Damn!

Btw if you ever need someone to bounce song ideas off of, PM me. I'm usually pretty good with that kinda stuff.
Why you forget me?

Because you're forgettable? :confused:

Just jesting man. You were the new guy in town just as people began to disintegrate away. For a while, you were the pet project for the established guys IIRC. Lots of feeback came your way. I seem to remember something with Undertaker tagging with Big Show in a WM Streak Match ... ?!!!! I also think you were the first guy that Proph and I lambasted over the Edge vs. Christian thing.

>>>>>>>> Just checked back, you started in Feb 2011 during the boom period of BT. You were just "getting over" to coin a wrestling term and then dropped the bombshell that WM wouldn't be happening. You should go back to that Icon's WWE show.
In case you're wondering, I'm still around.

Had a few things to sort out, but my Smackdown's ready to go now. Should be up soon :)
I (couple of months). If everyone can post at once and we get the awesome reviewing system back, we'll be golden.
Random question for you guys, should me and Swagger run a PPV prediction contest for our thread?

I want to but i'm not sure how many people it'd draw considering the thread is so new.
You should probably find another nickname besides Swagger now that my name is all different. And I have no idea what the prediction contests consists of so that'll be up to you homie.
You should probably find another nickname besides Swagger now that my name is all different. And I have no idea what the prediction contests consists of so that'll be up to you homie.

I would call you MEAT but that sounds wrong on so many levels dude. :lmao:

It's easy to figure out haha.

And to TSG, Hmm weird. He's one of those guys who I wanna try writing for one day.
I'll keep that in mind for the future. :p

Random question for all of you, who are your favorite people to write matches for and who are your favorite people to write promos for?
Matches I can't really say, my projects usually flounder before i get much match writing done. Punk for promos though. He's so dynamic with the mic.
Punk and James Storm are my favorite people to write promos for, I think I can really capture they're gimmicks really well.

For matches Punk is up there along with Storm, I'd put Morrison, Edge, Christian, Austin Aries high up too. There is also something about Zema Ion that makes me enjoy writing for him in general too.

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